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Thread: Question about fat burners/thermogenics

  1. #1
    EmDeAch is offline New Member
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    Question about fat burners/thermogenics

    Hi all,
    First off if this is the wrong place to ask, please advise as I am new to the community and still learning the etiquette. Guidance welcomed! ( you don't have to be a dick either, I'll listen the first time lol!)

    My question is this: for a female, what would be a legitimately effective fat burner to try? I don't need to be bombarded with comments about the importance of a proper diet and fitness routine, and I know there is no "magic pill"...I tried the magic pill the nice guy at the gym sold me and it's bogus (jk)

    Anyone have some personal experience they could share about what worked for them? Particularly stubborn belly fat that abdominal slaughter sessions don't seem to bust...thanks!

  2. #2
    RangerDanger830's Avatar
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    I have always been partial to Clen despite the bad rap it gets. As long as you are gradual and patient with your dosing then sides will not be life altering.

  3. #3
    Bigshotvictoria's Avatar
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    I'd hit the nutrition section first to ensure that you're getting everything you can from your diet. It's amazing what a couple of relatively small adjustments can do.

    As far as supplements the work:

    ECA stack

    Also EGCG from green tea, although not a thermogenic.

  4. #4
    RangerDanger830's Avatar
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    I agree with the EGCG. I usually take EGCG and Chromium supplements when I am not on anything more potent.

  5. #5
    Bigshotvictoria's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by RangerDanger830 View Post
    I agree with the EGCG. I usually take EGCG and Chromium supplements when I am not on anything more potent.
    I didn't know until recently, but apparently EGCG's efficacy is dependent on caffeine intake, or to put it correctly a lack of caffeine.

    Green Tea Catechins - Scientific Review on Usage, Dosage, Side Effects |

  6. #6
    RangerDanger830's Avatar
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    Thanks a lot for that, that was very interesting. From what I gather from the below passage is that caffeine increases the EGCG's abliity to burn fat in our bodies unless we use it habitually at high doses. Correct me if I am wrong there. I feel like I can get more out of my EGCG now having seen this.

    "Green tea catechins, via inhibition of the COMT enzyme[151], can increase the half-life of adrenaline and noradrenaline which are induced by both Caffeine and Ephedrine.[152][153] This increased AUC (Area under curve) of adrenaline confers a greater ability to burn fat, and can provide a large amount of neural stimulation at a lower overall dose of either caffeine/ephedrine or green tea. At least one study assessing Caffeine's fat burning ability noted that the efficacy of 50mg rose from an additional 15kcal expended (assessed by metabolic chamber) to 79kcal,[154] which is close to the 110kcal estimate that is seen with 600mg caffeine.[155]

    However, caffeine may also be indirectly inhibitory of green tea catechins. Habitual caffeine users (defined as over 300mg daily) tend to show less overall fat loss over time relative to non-habitual (>300mg daily) users.[19][156][152] This difference, in some studies, has been the line between weight management and weight regain[84] or prevented weight loss otherwise.[157]"

    300mg seems fairly high. I never get anywhere near that except when supplementing it directly which I try not to do because of the headaches I get when coming off of it.

  7. #7
    Bigshotvictoria's Avatar
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    ^ that's exactly what I got from it. It mentions both caffeine and ephedrine increase "AUC... of adrenaline..." but only mentions habitual caffeine use as being detrimental. I wonder if low dose ephedrine habitually would be beneficial with EGCG as opposed to caffeine.

  8. #8
    RangerDanger830's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bigshotvictoria View Post
    ^ that's exactly what I got from it. It mentions both caffeine and ephedrine increase "AUC... of adrenaline..." but only mentions habitual caffeine use as being detrimental. I wonder if low dose ephedrine habitually would be beneficial with EGCG as opposed to caffeine.
    Well I have always been partial to synephrine because I don't see many bad sides from it like I do from caffeine. I have never taken the time to attempt to document how well the supplements are working for me, I just take them and assume they are working. I need to get on that one day because I really am just dosing based off of what everyone else is doing.

  9. #9
    Bigshotvictoria's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by RangerDanger830 View Post
    Well I have always been partial to synephrine because I don't see many bad sides from it like I do from caffeine. I have never taken the time to attempt to document how well the supplements are working for me, I just take them and assume they are working. I need to get on that one day because I really am just dosing based off of what everyone else is doing.
    Haven't tried synephrine personally. I usually go with EC at 24mg E/ 200mg C x3/day. Works well, but runs hell on my anxiety level.

    Tried yohimbine HCL once while fasted pre-workout. I was both horny and panicky. Not worth it IMHO.

  10. #10
    tdoe11's Avatar
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    2 primatine tabs and a cup of coffee 3x daily. Mix that with 30-45 mins intense cardio 6 days a week, lift weights and have a calorie deficient diet. The weight will shed right off.

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    Quote Originally Posted by EmDeAch View Post
    Hi all,
    First off if this is the wrong place to ask, please advise as I am new to the community and still learning the etiquette. Guidance welcomed! ( you don't have to be a dick either, I'll listen the first time lol!)

    My question is this: for a female, what would be a legitimately effective fat burner to try? I don't need to be bombarded with comments about the importance of a proper diet and fitness routine, and I know there is no "magic pill"...I tried the magic pill the nice guy at the gym sold me and it's bogus (jk)

    Anyone have some personal experience they could share about what worked for them? Particularly stubborn belly fat that abdominal slaughter sessions don't seem to bust...thanks!
    DIET is the mos critical factor of course. Women I have trained respond very well to CLENBUTEROL
    in relatively small amounts.

  12. #12
    Buster Brown's Avatar
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    I have used clen effectively but the sides just killed me! The eca stack seemed a more doable option with out the ridiculous sides. I have been using T4 and 5ius hgh 5 on 2 off for fat loss with success.

  13. #13
    helpme83 is offline New Member
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    Please help me. Obesity runs in my family I’m 30 around 300lbs., been fat all my life but I eat clean/lifestyle is clean but nothing works for me. I’m afraid to take them for lack of knowledge. I don't want to be Mr. Olympia just LEAN. I would like to know precisely what would you recommend I need take where to order and how to dose. Is Pituitary Growth Hormone ™ (pGH)* safe

  14. #14
    MuscleInk's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by helpme83 View Post
    Please help me. Obesity runs in my family I’m 30 around 300lbs., been fat all my life but I eat clean/lifestyle is clean but nothing works for me. I’m afraid to take them for lack of knowledge. I don't want to be Mr. Olympia just LEAN. I would like to know precisely what would you recommend I need take where to order and how to dose. Is Pituitary Growth Hormone™ (pGH)* safe
    Unfortunately, we do not discuss or offer sources here as many of the products in many countries are illegal and we would not be permitted to encourage the sale or use. We advise only on the safe procedures for handling and using hormones and/or peptides.

    With respect to your question about weight loss, the safest thing is going to be developing a nutrition and training program that promotes weight loss. There are NO magic solution. Everything (losing fat or building muscle) takes time and patience - nothing happens over night. Moreover, if you are obese, taking hormones or other products such as thermogenic compounds, will put unnecessary stress and strain on your heart and in some cases could actually lead to hyperlipidemia, hypertension, hypercholesterolemia, decrease the efficiency of your immune system and increase risks for cardiac related disorders.

    The best way to lose unwanted weight is to develop a clean, lean nutrition plan that avoids simple sugars, reduces unnecessary carb (over)loading, and brings your total daily caloric consumption BELOW your maintenance caloric intake. Add to this a strength and cardio training program and the unwanted pounds will come off. Using a supplement to try and accelerate this given your current weight is NOT a healthy or safe choice for you.
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  15. #15
    MuscleInk's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by EmDeAch View Post
    Hi all,
    First off if this is the wrong place to ask, please advise as I am new to the community and still learning the etiquette. Guidance welcomed! ( you don't have to be a dick either, I'll listen the first time lol!)

    My question is this: for a female, what would be a legitimately effective fat burner to try? I don't need to be bombarded with comments about the importance of a proper diet and fitness routine, and I know there is no "magic pill"...I tried the magic pill the nice guy at the gym sold me and it's bogus (jk)

    Anyone have some personal experience they could share about what worked for them? Particularly stubborn belly fat that abdominal slaughter sessions don't seem to bust...thanks!
    My wife is just finishing up her third cycle. Her first was a low dose of anavar (10 mg/d) for 6 weeks. Her second cycle was 25 mg/d of anavar for 6 weeks. Her third cycle that she is finishing this week consisted of 25 mg/d of anavar, 150mcg T3 and 125mcg of clen for five weeks. She has seen improvements each time, the greatest improvements coming off this last cycle. She is 5'4 and as of yesterday's weigh in, she weighed in at 107lbs. Her goal was to go from 114 to 100lbs.

    As you already know, diet IS everything. You can take all the pills/supplements you desire, but if your goal is to lean out/drop bf and you are not eating a clean diet, low in simple sugars and if your daily caloric intake is not below your TDEE, you will never maximize your results. My wife was eating AT her maintenance dose daily but had increased her cardio weekly. Had her caloric intake been lower the past two cycles, I suspect she would be closer to her goal of 100lbs - but I am proud of her for staying committed to the plan we had for her and achieving the goals she did.

  16. #16
    tice1212's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by helpme83 View Post
    Please help me. Obesity runs in my family I'm 30 around 300lbs., been fat all my life but I eat clean/lifestyle is clean but nothing works for me. I'm afraid to take them for lack of knowledge. I don't want to be Mr. Olympia just LEAN. I would like to know precisely what would you recommend I need take where to order and how to dose. Is Pituitary Growth Hormone(TM) (pGH)* safe
    I smell a piggy..
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  17. #17
    < <Samson> >'s Avatar
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    Only thing that is really worth a shit is a ECA stack

    Everything else seems to have odd & funky side effects. Clen , t3 or the lowest form DNP

    ECA is mild & does assist in weight loss when properly paired with exercise and diet.
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  18. #18
    David LoPan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by helpme83 View Post
    Please help me. Obesity runs in my family I’m 30 around 300lbs., been fat all my life but I eat clean/lifestyle is clean but nothing works for me. I’m afraid to take them for lack of knowledge. I don't want to be Mr. Olympia just LEAN. I would like to know precisely what would you recommend I need take where to order and how to dose. Is Pituitary Growth Hormone™ (pGH)* safe
    your trying to hijack this thread. If your 30 and 300 you need to go see a doctor and get a full physical done along with a full blood work up. You dont need to be taking any drugs until you do this. Your problem is a lifestyle issue and an eating issue. You need to post in here. DIET AND NUTRITION That is where you will get the best help along with visiting your doctor. MI is a medical professional and told you correct information. If you have seen Chris Powell's show on TV you know its going to take hard work and eating right. You will get a lot of help in the diet and nutrition section. Good luck

  19. #19
    David LoPan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by EmDeAch View Post
    Hi all,
    First off if this is the wrong place to ask, please advise as I am new to the community and still learning the etiquette. Guidance welcomed! ( you don't have to be a dick either, I'll listen the first time lol!)

    My question is this: for a female, what would be a legitimately effective fat burner to try? I don't need to be bombarded with comments about the importance of a proper diet and fitness routine, and I know there is no "magic pill"...I tried the magic pill the nice guy at the gym sold me and it's bogus (jk)

    Anyone have some personal experience they could share about what worked for them? Particularly stubborn belly fat that abdominal slaughter sessions don't seem to bust...thanks!
    OP I am shocked that NO ONE has asked your stats yet. So what are they? Of the female that needs the help.

    None of the chems listed will help as much as proper diet and nutrition. The rest of the chems just add a little help along the way. Its all a personal preference. Some chems work better than others. There is always liposuction

    Here is a good read by Austinite. Austinite's Fat Loss Protocol using Over the Counter Products.

  20. #20
    magic32's Avatar
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    I'm a proper ratio ECA fan, then they can throw in other ancillary products such as green tea, green coffee, yohimbe, gugulipid, reindeer antlers, shark cartilage, monkey fingernails, fire ant butts, wasp stingers, long as ECA is in a 3-2-1 ratio.

    I have a great site if you need it.
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