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  1. Day 2 - exploring Ketotifen

    by , 07-23-2013 at 07:24 AM (An honest journey)
    Good day reader,

    Today I was up at 05.36 to do my 40 min cardio session and I did feel extra tired. I can not for sure say this is due to the Ketotifen I took the day before or simply the more intense workouts I am doing. I am thinking more workouts than Ketotifen but we shall see. Back in the gym at 11.30 for Legs day. This one always gives me workout pains the next day which I think is a good thing. When I leave the gym after leg day I can hardly walk as I have truly pushed every ...
  2. Ready to use

    by , 06-07-2011 at 10:48 PM
    okay im 22, 6 foot, solid 180. ive been lifting for a few years, but one year now serious, im low body fat maybe 10 to 12 %, for some reason i cant put on mass and im looking for a cycle to put me up to a solid 200lb's in the neext 6 months, i eat well and dont miss a day lifting, im not looking to take orals because of bad liver family history, does anyone have suggestions for me to obtain my 200lb goal the best a healthiest way. im a baseball player (pitcher) and im really trying to put alot of ...
  3. looking to burn more fat and bulk up...

    by , 06-30-2011 at 01:42 PM
    i have been dieting and exercising for little over 4 months now,i have lost some weight and wanting to lose more and also bulk up some...i am currently at 300lbs 5'11 33 yrs old...would like some advice on something i can use to help me out,i am in the gym atleast 2hrs a day 6 days week sometimes 7days also very active in my job..a guy i work with and also work out some suggested dnp but i researched it and im not so sure about that i dont have a problem using steroids but wanting to do it in a ...
  4. trt

    by , 05-30-2012 at 07:25 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by kabitz View Post
    Can I get your Dr. name and local.
    Im useing my Kaiser Dr. for a second go at testing for trt...Im sure the dogma will be the same.
    Any info on a good Dr. in the Sacramento area would be helpful....Thanks
  5. hey guys looking for some advice on my first cycle and pct

    by , 09-24-2012 at 01:50 PM
    38 yrs old, 5'8, 180lbs and first cycle 100 oral tbol & some mast. dont know much about proper dosage and nothing about pct....any feedback would be appriciated
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