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MERC Q & A ( Ask Merc. )

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by , 11-14-2007 at 07:00 PM (14810 Views)
I wanted to use my blog in a helpful way so I decided to start a Q & A to answer any questions you might have ..

So if there is anything you would like to get my take on just post here...


I am not a medical doctor and all subject advise given is for research and entertainment purposes only and is not intended for anyone to preform any of it. Nor do I condone the use of any illegal substances .
Always obtain a prescription from a licensed physician
Everything I say is for entertainment purposes only..

Updated 11-16-2007 at 09:49 AM by Merc.



  1. legobricks's Avatar
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    Merc I have a questionfor you. How can Progesterone be responsible for the increase in arousal? I found a read that actually stated that Progesterone can increase LH pulses which in turn can create arousal....this true? BTW, thanx for the redirect
  2. Merc..'s Avatar
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    Merc I have a questionfor you. How can Progesterone be responsible for the increase in arousal? I found a read that actually stated that Progesterone can increase LH pulses which in turn can create arousal....this true? BTW, thanx for the redirect


    Progesterone is used (given )to male sex offenders to lower thier sex drive ...

    Take a look at this ....
  3. d smooth's Avatar
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    hey Merc how ya been , I thinking about running deca, Hows this sound, 250mg Test x2 a week x 12 weeks w/ 10 weeks of 300mg of decca, unsure what to run with, and PCT.
  4. Merc..'s Avatar
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    hey Merc how ya been , I thinking about running deca, Hows this sound, 250mg Test x2 a week x 12 weeks w/ 10 weeks of 300mg of decca, unsure what to run with, and PCT.

    Sup D

    What are your stats and previous cycle history ?

    Is this your first cycle ??
  5. d smooth's Avatar
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    39 y/o , 6ft , 203# 17% bf,2nd cycle, i did 1 test only cycle .
  6. BITTAPART2's Avatar
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    sorry, i guess the question was if superdrol can eradicate estrogen just like the injectable masteron which I have run with test b4 and had really good dry results.
  7. jdm95lude's Avatar
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    Hey merc I wanted your thoughts and opinions on my coming up cycle. This will be m second cycle first cyle was EQ, Test C, Var. I really like the var and EQ. I really don't like the long esters so im going with all short esters for this cycle. My goal is to gain about 15lbs solid. Please give me all the input you have. If possible I would rather do EOD injections I'm not afraid of the pain but I know Test P is potent. Thanks.

    D-bol 40mgs dly wk 1-4
    Test P 75mgs ED wks 1-8
    NPP 75mgs ED wks 1-7

    I'll be taking eromasin and nolvadex for PCT I will also have A-dex on hand.
  8. Merc..'s Avatar
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    39 y/o , 6ft , 203# 17% bf,2nd cycle, i did 1 test only cycle .


    You could look into using the cycle you layed out in your above post... Test , Deca.. Alot of people like that stack..

    I would look into doing Anthony Roberts pct..

    Keep me posted on what you decide and on your cycle results when you start..

    about the prop and superdrol
    sorry, i guess the question was if superdrol can eradicate estrogen just like the injectable masteron which I have run with test b4 and had really good dry results.

    Bitta take a look at this article from the SD write up ..

    As stated earlier, Superdrol is a mild androgen, and anti-estrogenic. Testers found no occurrence of acne, excessive hair growth, indications of benign prostate hypertrophy (BPH). You will not want to brave the back cramps to take enough of this to make you have to begin to be worried about androgenic sides. At 40mg, one tester noticed a tendency to bruise more easily. Zero estrogen conversion with this one, because it's 5-reduced and A-ring alkylated on top of that. Binding to the aromatase enzyme, estrogen production will be reduced. Also, the parent compound (Masteron) is used exclusively as an anti-neoplastic for metastatic breast cancer, so Superdrol is a strong anti-e. Clearly, Superdrol is not progestational, it is non-aromatizable, and even anti-estrogenic. But this said, it is worth reminding you that no one is clear on what the reasons are for why people get gyno. It can occur even in people using substances with these characteristics. One tester thought he could be having some early symptoms of gyno, although on paper there is clearly no reason to suspect Superdrol contributed to this. The point to take from this is that it is imperative to always have nolvadex or generic tamoxifen citrate powder on hand to administer at the first notice of symptoms of gyno.
    Updated 01-26-2008 at 10:21 AM by Merc.
  9. d smooth's Avatar
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    Thanks for taking the time to help, you got me through my last PCT with minimal loss(less than 10%) please keep the blog going bro.
  10. Merc..'s Avatar
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    Hey merc I wanted your thoughts and opinions on my coming up cycle. This will be m second cycle first cyle was EQ, Test C, Var. I really like the var and EQ. I really don't like the long esters so im going with all short esters for this cycle. My goal is to gain about 15lbs solid. Please give me all the input you have. If possible I would rather do EOD injections I'm not afraid of the pain but I know Test P is potent. Thanks.

    D-bol 40mgs dly wk 1-4
    Test P 75mgs ED wks 1-8
    NPP 75mgs ED wks 1-7

    I'll be taking eromasin and nolvadex for PCT I will also have A-dex on hand.


    I like prop ED ... I have seen people do ED and EOD and the was no diffrence results wise.. You do get a more stable blood level when injecting ED though.. Your cycle looks good..

    I have been getting alot of postive feedback lately from people using dbol and prop.. If you follow most post about it on the board you will see that alot of people only liked using dbol for a kicker when using a long chained ester... Now alot of people seem to really like dbol and prop..

    Just make sure your training and diet are on point and you should do very well..

    Keep me posted on your cycle results... Or let me know if you have anyother questions...

    Thanks for taking the time to help, you got me through my last PCT with minimal loss(less than 10%) please keep the blog going bro.

    Thanks D ...
  11. ecto9's Avatar
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    Hey Merc, I thought I'd ask you this since you 're on HRT. I'm thinking of going that route sometime.

    Question: When Doc puts you on testosterone and then has you come in for testing later, is he able to tell the difference between your natural test levels and the prescribed test levels he's got you on? I mean how does he know how to adjust your dose?

    Reason being is I'm thinking I want to come in for a physical during a cycle, get tested low, and get prescribed!
    Updated 01-27-2008 at 02:14 PM by ecto9
  12. mr newbreed's Avatar
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    hey merc,how are you bro ?
    not to long left until i start my pct-so i thought i would drop you a line to see how we will be changing my training routine,im doing a monday,wednesday,friday split at the moment as advised by you
    This has really worked well for me,im glad i stuck with it but as i said my cycle is coming to an end and i have been training this split for nearly 5 weeks.
  13. Merc..'s Avatar
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    Sorry for the delay in my blog responses Ecto and Mr Newbreed... I have been really busy this week ...

  14. Merc..'s Avatar
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    Hey Merc, I thought I'd ask you this since you 're on HRT. I'm thinking of going that route sometime.

    Question: When Doc puts you on testosterone and then has you come in for testing later, is he able to tell the difference between your natural test levels and the prescribed test levels he's got you on? I mean how does he know how to adjust your dose?

    Reason being is I'm thinking I want to come in for a physical during a cycle, get tested low, and get prescribed!

    Ecto .. When they start you on HRT they take blood to get your hormone levels... They will use that as a reference to see how you are responding to the dose that they have you on ...

    So say you go in for blood work and your test level is 247 NG/DL .. Than they start you on HRT using 150 mg of cyp per week.. In about 5 weeks they will have you return for another blood test to see were your hormone levels are at .. So they can then tell how effective the dose they have you on is ..

    Have you ever had your hormone levels tested before ? Are you on a cycle now ?

    hey merc,how are you bro ?
    not to long left until i start my pct-so i thought i would drop you a line to see how we will be changing my training routine,im doing a monday,wednesday,friday split at the moment as advised by you
    This has really worked well for me,im glad i stuck with it but as i said my cycle is coming to an end and i have been training this split for nearly 5 weeks.

    Mr Newbreed

    Glad to hear you are still having good results .. How long is left on your cycle ??

    I wouldnt change anything right now.. Just stick with the training you have been doing for now .. Also what pct are you doing ?? Let me know when your cycle is going to be over ( what date) ??
  15. ecto9's Avatar
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    Thanks Merc. No I'm not on cycle now. Yes I've had my test levels checked. Last year they were 440 NG/DL. This year they are 550 NG/DL. I know that is normal range.

    So I'd need to be on a PCT before getting test levels checked again, for them to register low, if that's what I want huh?

    I just did'nt know if a testosterone check would tell the difference between endogenous and injected testosterone.
  16. Merc..'s Avatar
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    Thanks Merc. No I'm not on cycle now. Yes I've had my test levels checked. Last year they were 440 NG/DL. This year they are 550 NG/DL. I know that is normal range.

    So I'd need to be on a PCT before getting test levels checked again, for them to register low, if that's what I want huh?

    I just did'nt know if a testosterone check would tell the difference between endogenous and injected testosterone.


    No you dont have to go on pct ( sorry I wasnt more clear ).. I was just wondering if you were on cycle... That is good that you have had your blood tested.. Is always better to really know were everything is at..

    Yes your test level is in range ( for your age).. But you are still in about mid range .. 247- 840 ng/dl (is within normal range)..

    If you still have low energy and low sex drive( with your hormone levels begin were they are at now) you can report this to your doctor and tell him you would like to be prescribed testosterone .. Even though you are in mid range the doctor might want to bring your test levels up since you are noticing that you just dont have the drive and the energy you had when you were younger..
  17. mr newbreed's Avatar
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    i have my lost shot on friday 8th of feb,i will be using anthony roberts pct
  18. Danabolic's Avatar
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    Hi Merc. I ran a PCT of HCG, Aromasin, Nolva, and Vitamin E, for the 8 week run I followed on the board. Ended about a month ago. I remember you replied to a couple of my questions. I just had my labs done because I have been feeling like SHIT for a long time. My Serum was 18 ng/dL and Free test (direct) was only 0.3 pg/mL.... I'm freaking out! No wonder I feel like I should be floating in the toilet. I haven't even had the urge to bang my girl, who's one of the hottest girls on the planet (I'll send you pics) for so long I'm worried she's gonna haul ass. I just turned 33, my other labs were normal other than HDL being a little low at 34 mg/dL. Is there anything I should try before HRT? I want to have a kid in the next year and it's not gonna happen like this If you would be willing to share some of your time and knowledge with me I would gladly pay you for it. I just don't want to go to a general practitioner who's not going to know a damned thing and maybe make things irreversible, if they aren't already. I can't PM you or I would give you my #. I will seriously pay you for your expert advice right now. Thanks for all the info I've already learned on the board from you!
  19. Merc..'s Avatar
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    i have my lost shot on friday 8th of feb,i will be using anthony roberts pct

    Sounds good Mr Newbreed.... Keep in touch and we will make some changes to your training when you go into pct ..

    Hi Merc. I ran a PCT of HCG, Aromasin, Nolva, and Vitamin E, for the 8 week run I followed on the board. Ended about a month ago. I remember you replied to a couple of my questions. I just had my labs done because I have been feeling like SHIT for a long time. My Serum was 18 ng/dL and Free test (direct) was only 0.3 pg/mL.... I'm freaking out! No wonder I feel like I should be floating in the toilet. I haven't even had the urge to bang my girl, who's one of the hottest girls on the planet (I'll send you pics) for so long I'm worried she's gonna haul ass. I just turned 33, my other labs were normal other than HDL being a little low at 34 mg/dL. Is there anything I should try before HRT? I want to have a kid in the next year and it's not gonna happen like this If you would be willing to share some of your time and knowledge with me I would gladly pay you for it. I just don't want to go to a general practitioner who's not going to know a damned thing and maybe make things irreversible, if they aren't already. I can't PM you or I would give you my #. I will seriously pay you for your expert advice right now. Thanks for all the info I've already learned on the board from you!

    Hey D,

    Sorry to hear about the problems you are having .. I really appreciate your kind words .. You dont have to pay me anything .. I just try to give some insight to people from what I have learned from begin on HRT..

    Sometimes it is best to see a good Doc ( in your area) when you have problems.. I could help try and locate a good endocrinologist in your area if you want ... That said I can try and help give you some feedback ...

    So you did pct for 8 weeks ? Or you ran a 8 week cycle ? Sorry for the confusion I want to make sure I was totally clear on this?? And how many weeks did you use the HCG for ?

    Also what compounds did you use on your cycle , and how many previous cycles have you done ?
    Updated 01-30-2008 at 08:40 PM by Merc.
  20. Danabolic's Avatar
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    I did do 8 weeks of PCT, I believe it was Anthony's from the site here. Felt like it was working, however it may have been psychological. Last cycle was Test Suspension and Winni which ended early October. I believe it was 1cc of each every other day, two 10cc of each. I've been on and off (more on) for the past 5 - 6 years and used Test E, Deca once about 4 years ago, Test Cyp, Test Susp, Winni, about 300 iu of HGH about 2 years ago at 3iu a day, Prop, Sustanon, and Fina a couple times. I tried to do even on / off times but often didn't. Occasionally did back to back cycles of 6 to 10 weeks without any breaks, much less PCT. This past PCT was the best I've done. Only taken HCG / Nolva once in the past. I'd be willing to bet my nats have been low for at least a couple years through cycles. I've definately not had the libido I did before (not even when I was on) and it's gotten worse over the last 4-6 months. That's pretty much it.

    Any advice or referrals you have would be appreciated... so tired of feeling like crap and the lab results just kicked me in my (apparently inactive) nuts. - which BTW did return back to normal or near-normal size during and post PCT but what they are producing is almost clear, very liquidy sperm I believe that means my sperm count is probably nada
