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MERC Q & A ( Ask Merc. )

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by , 11-14-2007 at 07:00 PM (14718 Views)
I wanted to use my blog in a helpful way so I decided to start a Q & A to answer any questions you might have ..

So if there is anything you would like to get my take on just post here...


I am not a medical doctor and all subject advise given is for research and entertainment purposes only and is not intended for anyone to preform any of it. Nor do I condone the use of any illegal substances .
Always obtain a prescription from a licensed physician
Everything I say is for entertainment purposes only..

Updated 11-16-2007 at 09:49 AM by Merc.



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  1. Merc..'s Avatar
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    Anytime Mr Newbreed ..

    Glad to hear you are feeling a little bit better ..

    Make sure to rest alot while you are sick , and drink enough fluids..

  2. mr newbreed's Avatar
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    ive just been talking 2 a guy at the gym and he is using aas !he is injecting himself in most of his muscle groups and says that it gives greater benifits,i thought that snythol was the only thing a person would site inject..he is doing his shoulders,chest,tris and bis to name a few !
    What if anything will this be doing ?
  3. Merc..'s Avatar
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    This is intrestering....

    Men with higher levels of testosterone may live longer, suggests new research

    San Diego: Men with higher levels of the hormone testosterone may live longer, according to a new study.

    Men with low testosterone levels tend to have fatter waists, high blood pressure and higher blood sugar levels, researchers found.

    Those with high levels of the male sex hormone tended to have a lower risk of heart disease and diabetes in later life.

    The study - the first of its kind to look at normal, relatively fit males - could lead to men with low levels taking supplements.

    The survey followed the lives of 800 men aged over 51 since the 1970s. It found that those with low testosterone levels were a third more likely to die over an 18-year period than those with high testosterone levels.

    The results cast doubt on the popular wisdom that the female hormone, oestrogen, is "good'' for health in later life and testosterone is 'bad'. According to the research team at the San Diego School of Medicine, the discrepancy could not be explained by pre-existing diseases such as diabetes or heart disease.

    Dr Gail Laughlin, from the school's Department of Family and Preventative Medicine, said: "We have followed these men for an average of 18 years and our study strongly suggests that the association between testosterone levels and death is not simply due to some acute illness. The study did show there may be an association between low testosterone levels and higher mortality.''

    She cautioned that the study did not directly show that higher testosterone levels protected against diseases.

    Testosterone declines slowly with age. However, there is a wide natural variation in the amount that different men produce.

    The researchers said that besides tending to have larger waists and higher blood pressure, men low in testosterone had higher levels of inflammatory cytokines, proteins that contribute to the development of many diseases.

    The San Diego School of Medicine is now considering trials of testosterone supplements to see if they have a preventative effect.

    However, Dr Elizabeth Barrett-******, of the San Diego School of Medicine's Division of Epidemiology, said the prospect of men popping testosterone pills to protect against diseases was a long way off.

    She said: "We are very excited about these findings, which have important implications, but we are not ready to say that men should go out and get testosterone to prolong their lives.

    She also said that low testosterone levels could be a by-product of obesity and suggested it may be possible to alter testosterone levels by lowering obesity.
  4. mr newbreed's Avatar
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    will the muscle groups that is being injected benafit more from the direct injection though,(i.e) better size and greater strength ?
  5. PEWN's Avatar
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    merc the stufy sounds good and all written but its hard to beleive that high test levels alone will increase longevity of life. There are so many more aspects that go into why our body act the way they do. I can see how it can increase ones self well being. So, what this is suggesting is that by having high test levels we are going to live longer. Alot of the reasons stated above can be through sheer genetics also. I feel this will take a longer research period to prove to me as a person that increased test levels will increase my life span. Just my .02 merc ....
  6. Merc..'s Avatar
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    Pewn there was just a huge study released on this.. I am not sure if it is online or not ..

    It was on the news last week..

    This study showed that men with high test levels have a lower death rate..

    25% of men that had high test levels had a 41 % lower risk of heart attacks, stroke , and cancer..

    Low test levels have a increase of total mortality rate in heart disease and cancer ..
    Updated 12-04-2007 at 11:00 PM by Merc.
  7. Merc..'s Avatar
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    Mr Newbreed ,

    For what you are referring to..

    No, spot injects are a myth...
  8. mr newbreed's Avatar
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    ive just had a jab and almost straight away i felt like my heart rate jumped and flutterd slightly,i also got a slight taste in the back of my throat whilest injecting,it was not a nice feeling but passed after a few minutes but left my chest slightly tight.any ideas what may have caused this ?
    The injection was triobol and testoblend in the same barrel
  9. Merc..'s Avatar
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    Mr Newbreed,

    Did you aspirate before injecting ?? Sounds like you might have nicked a vein.. The taste you had in your mouth.. was it a metallic kinda of taste ?? Did you cough at all ??
  10. mr newbreed's Avatar
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    yeah it was metalic and i got a slight cough afterwards,my chest seems a little fluttery still even now.
    ive trained all the way threw a cold though even kept up my hour a day cardio.
    also since ive included deca into my cycle my sex drive has died,ive used deca before and this never happend-is there anything other than using larger amounts of test that i can do to counter it.thanks for being so helpful,ive learnt alot recently and love to ask questions
  11. mr newbreed's Avatar
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    im going to up my testoblend just slightly to sort the deca doing 400mg deca in 1 shot every sunday would it help to lower the deca to 300mg or even split the 400mg dose into 2 shots,that way leaving my test the same.
    my 12 week coarse is as follows,i changed it slightly from what i listed earlyer on a good friends advice
    week 1-6 dbol 60 mg a day
    week 1-8 testoblend 500mg a week
    week 3-10 deca 400mg a week
    week 8-12 suston 250 500mg a week
    i was advised to add nap 50s when the dbol finished and let it run to week 12 but im not using 20mg nolva eod at the moment as im waiting for lion with the having no gyno issues though.
    BECAUSE ive changed my cycle im not sure on what to do for pct and was hopeing you could advise
  12. Merc..'s Avatar
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    Been busy this week .. Sorry for the delay in my blog answers....

  13. Chuck_R's Avatar
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    Hey Merc.Man it's me again. As we discussed previously, if you are on HRT and you run a cycle you go right back onto your HRT afterwards with no pct. So does this mean you could run a longer cycle compared to the norm since you're not concerned with the pct aspect?
  14. Merc..'s Avatar
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    yeah it was metalic and i got a slight cough afterwards,my chest seems a little fluttery still even now.
    ive trained all the way threw a cold though even kept up my hour a day cardio.
    also since ive included deca into my cycle my sex drive has died,ive used deca before and this never happend-is there anything other than using larger amounts of test that i can do to counter it.thanks for being so helpful,ive learnt alot recently and love to ask questions

    Thanks for all your good questions Mr Newbreed.... Yea, it sounds like you just nicked a vein.. Make sure to always aspirate when doing your injects...

    im going to up my testoblend just slightly to sort the deca doing 400mg deca in 1 shot every sunday would it help to lower the deca to 300mg or even split the 400mg dose into 2 shots,that way leaving my test the same.
    my 12 week coarse is as follows,i changed it slightly from what i listed earlyer on a good friends advice
    week 1-6 dbol 60 mg a day
    week 1-8 testoblend 500mg a week
    week 3-10 deca 400mg a week
    week 8-12 suston 250 500mg a week
    i was advised to add nap 50s when the dbol finished and let it run to week 12 but im not using 20mg nolva eod at the moment as im waiting for lion with the having no gyno issues though.
    BECAUSE ive changed my cycle im not sure on what to do for pct and was hopeing you could advise

    Like I said in the past nolva might not be a good idea to use when you are using a 19 nor.. Nolva increases PgR and can give more for the metabolites to bind to , thus possibly increasing chances if getting gyno.. I will say that there are people that use nolva and 19 nors with no problems , but most people that I know have problems when using nolva with a 19 nor...

    Keep in mind that too high or too low of a estrogen levels can effect sex drive... Also prolactin can kill sex drive.. Steroids lower t-3 which in turn increses prolactin ..

    I would look into Anthony Roberts pct protocol... Aromasin , HCG , and nolva..

    Hey Merc.Man it's me again. As we discussed previously, if you are on HRT and you run a cycle you go right back onto your HRT afterwards with no pct. So does this mean you could run a longer cycle compared to the norm since you're not concerned with the pct aspect?

    Hi Chuck Redhill ,

    I find that my gains really start to diminish around wk 8-9 so in my experiences , no it is not better to do a longer cycle .. Once I stop gaining I tend to come off cycle ( bump back down to my HRT dose )... I end up keeping almost all my gains this way .. It seems I get the best results by doing 1 -2 per year .....
  15. mr newbreed's Avatar
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    ive split my deca dose into 2 separate injections,this has fixed the drop in my sex drive,im now having 200mg twice a week instead of 1 400mg dose. can you explain the benifits of deca and will splitting the dose into 2 not weaken the effects of the deca ?
  16. Merc..'s Avatar
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    ive split my deca dose into 2 separate injections,this has fixed the drop in my sex drive,im now having 200mg twice a week instead of 1 400mg dose. can you explain the benifits of deca and will splitting the dose into 2 not weaken the effects of the deca ?

    Hi Mr Newbreed ....

    Here is a link to the deca profile .. It gives a great profile on deca ( and how it works)...

    Splitting your dose into 2 shots per week will give a more stable blood level of deca .. I have used it doing one inject per week , and doing 2 injects per week ... I didnt notice any difference in gains by splitting the dose into 2 shots per week... or only doing one inject per week..

    I am on HRT using test cyp.. I am using 200 ml of cyp per week.. I recently started doing my HRT injects 2 times per week... So I do 100mg on Mon , and another 100 mg of cyp on thurs.. I find I feel better by taking two injects per week , rather than taking one inject per week.. I like splitting my injects into 2 times per week ...

    Updated 12-15-2007 at 09:17 AM by Merc.
  17. mr newbreed's Avatar
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    thanks merc
  18. Merc..'s Avatar
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    Anytime Mr Newbreed .... Thanks for the great questions ..... I think it is really great that your are taking the time to do the research ..
  19. Kennedy's Avatar
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    Hey Merc, about to order some Clenbuterol for fat loss. I currently have my cutting diet down pact for about 2 weeks know and so far I've lost 2lbs. I would like to throw some Clen in to help out.


    Training for 1 1/2 years.
    20 Years old.

    Here is the cycle.

    Day 1 60mcg
    Day 2 60mcg
    Day 3 60mcg
    Day 4 80mcg
    Day 5 80mcg
    Day 6 80mcg
    Day 7 100mcg
    Day 8 100mcg
    Day 9 100mcg
    Day 10 120mcg
    Day 11 120mcg
    Day 12 120mcg
    Day 13 120mcg
    Day 14 120mcg +50 mg Benadryl
    Day 15 120mcg +50 mg Benadryl
    Day 16 120mcg +50 mg Benadryl
    Day 17 120mcg +50 mg Benadryl
    Day 18 120mcg +50 mg Benadryl
    Day 19 120mcg +50 mg Benadryl
    Day 20 120mcg +50 mg Benadryl
    Day 21 120mcg
    Day 22 120mcg
    Day 23 120mcg
    Day 24 120mcg
    Day 25 120mcg
    Day 26 120mcg
    Day 27 120mcg
    Day 28 120mcg
    Day 29 120mcg
    Day 30 120mcg
    Day 31 120mcg
    Day 32 100mcg
    Day 33 100mcg
    Day 34 80mcg +50 mg Benadryl
    Day 35 80mcg +50 mg Benadryl
    Day 36 60mcg +50 mg Benadryl
    Day 37 60mcg +50 mg Benadryl

    FullDosage= 22 Days.
    Build Up= 15 days

    Total Amount Needed= 3,780mcg cycle

    Amount Per Order= 100 pills @ 40mcg each= 4000mcg

    Leftover = 220mcgs


    H20 Intake at 1 1/2 gallons per day (adjusted as cycle proceed)
    Taurine:3-5g Daily depending on cramps.

    Potassium, Magnesium, Calcium.

    Think this is too long of a cycle for a first time Clen user? Should I keep doing the Benadryl after day 33? I've used an ECA stack for about 30 days and had excellent progress however I want something a little stronger. What do you guys think?

  20. Merc..'s Avatar
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    Hey Merc, about to order some Clenbuterol for fat loss. I currently have my cutting diet down pact for about 2 weeks know and so far I've lost 2lbs. I would like to throw some Clen in to help out.


    Training for 1 1/2 years.
    20 Years old.

    Here is the cycle.

    Day 1 60mcg
    Day 2 60mcg
    Day 3 60mcg
    Day 4 80mcg
    Day 5 80mcg
    Day 6 80mcg
    Day 7 100mcg
    Day 8 100mcg
    Day 9 100mcg
    Day 10 120mcg
    Day 11 120mcg
    Day 12 120mcg
    Day 13 120mcg
    Day 14 120mcg +50 mg Benadryl
    Day 15 120mcg +50 mg Benadryl
    Day 16 120mcg +50 mg Benadryl
    Day 17 120mcg +50 mg Benadryl
    Day 18 120mcg +50 mg Benadryl
    Day 19 120mcg +50 mg Benadryl
    Day 20 120mcg +50 mg Benadryl
    Day 21 120mcg
    Day 22 120mcg
    Day 23 120mcg
    Day 24 120mcg
    Day 25 120mcg
    Day 26 120mcg
    Day 27 120mcg
    Day 28 120mcg
    Day 29 120mcg
    Day 30 120mcg
    Day 31 120mcg
    Day 32 100mcg
    Day 33 100mcg
    Day 34 80mcg +50 mg Benadryl
    Day 35 80mcg +50 mg Benadryl
    Day 36 60mcg +50 mg Benadryl
    Day 37 60mcg +50 mg Benadryl

    FullDosage= 22 Days.
    Build Up= 15 days

    Total Amount Needed= 3,780mcg cycle

    Amount Per Order= 100 pills @ 40mcg each= 4000mcg

    Leftover = 220mcgs


    H20 Intake at 1 1/2 gallons per day (adjusted as cycle proceed)
    Taurine:3-5g Daily depending on cramps.

    Potassium, Magnesium, Calcium.

    Think this is too long of a cycle for a first time Clen user? Should I keep doing the Benadryl after day 33? I've used an ECA stack for about 30 days and had excellent progress however I want something a little stronger. What do you guys think?


    Hi Kennedy

    I have seen people get good results using clen for 5-6weeks ... Some people seem to get better results when doing the 2 wks on 2wks off protocol, and some prefer to use it everyday , and use benadryl to help with receptor downreg ...

    Also some people like to ramp down at the end, and some dont.... I liked it better doing the benadryl protocol.. It worked just as good as doing 2 wk on / 2 wks off for me..

    You might not not need to include the benadryl at the end ( day 34-37 ).. Yea make sure to drink alot of water .. What kind of cardio routine are you doing on your cutting phase ?
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