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MERC Q & A ( Ask Merc. )

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by , 11-14-2007 at 07:00 PM (14810 Views)
I wanted to use my blog in a helpful way so I decided to start a Q & A to answer any questions you might have ..

So if there is anything you would like to get my take on just post here...


I am not a medical doctor and all subject advise given is for research and entertainment purposes only and is not intended for anyone to preform any of it. Nor do I condone the use of any illegal substances .
Always obtain a prescription from a licensed physician
Everything I say is for entertainment purposes only..

Updated 11-16-2007 at 09:49 AM by Merc.



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  1. bigboomer's Avatar
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    Cool thanks Merc, I plan on starting a thread with pics when I start cutting. As far as my Test cyp, I was going to bump that up 100mg a week when I start my cycle, and then drop it back down to hrt when finished. Thanks
  2. Merc..'s Avatar
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    Big boomer ,

    Let me know when you put your thread up so I can subscribe to it and follow your progress ... I like getting feedback from people...

  3. bigboomer's Avatar
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    You got it man, thanks again
    Updated 11-19-2007 at 08:59 AM by Merc.
  4. PEWN's Avatar
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    wow merc..... this blog is going good ....
  5. Lexed's Avatar
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    serious questoin.... I get crazy protien farts from eating and drinking so much protien any solutions? I tried beano it dosnt work
  6. Lexed's Avatar
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    another question do you think IBFF pros take a shit load of support supplements like BCAA's. glutmaine ect.. many times the average guy doses? This includes creatine also
  7. Merc..'s Avatar
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    wow merc..... this blog is going good ....

    Yea lots of good questions Pewn..

    serious questoin.... I get crazy protien farts from eating and drinking so much protien any solutions? I tried beano it dosnt work


    What kind of protein shakes ( if any) are you using ?? There are different types of protein , as well as diffrent quality... I suppose I should discuss the diffrent types of protein .


    This kind of protein has 20 - 80 % purity, the rest consist of fat and lactose.... So it could be 20 % protein, and 80 % lactose and fat.. You have to really take care to read the labels .. Concentrate is one of the lowest quality proteins ..


    This one is acually cheaper and has lower quality than concentrate...


    Isolate has a purity of 90 % ( plus), so it can have 10 % ( or less ) or fat and lactose..


    Keep in mind that to " hydrolyze " something means breaking it into smaller particles... So it can be 1/10th of 1% and still be called hydrolyzed by law.. High quality proteins label says 100 % whey protein hydrolizates..

    By law all the ingredients must be listed from the highest amount present to low lowest amount present...

    Alot of protein products only allow a max of 30 % of it to be absorbed by the duodenum ( proximal bowel).. This is were all the protein is absorbed by the body... The rest of it goes on to the large intestine and when there it rots and produces gas.. So you might be using a low quality protein and your body cant break it down so it cant absorb it..
    Updated 11-19-2007 at 05:45 PM by Merc.
  8. RANA's Avatar
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    I thought that if you take deca and propecia it can screw you up (meaning losing more hair) have you heard that?
  9. Fordfan01's Avatar
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    hey merc my dad is wanting to start a hrt dose of test he is 45 and hes been to the doc about it but his insurance wont pay and we can get it for tons cheaper i was thinking 200-300 every two weeks. Any help and info would be appretiated
  10. Merc..'s Avatar
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    another question do you think IBFF pros take a shit load of support supplements like BCAA's. glutmaine ect.. many times the average guy doses? This includes creatine also


    Well seeing how pros are sponsored by the supp companies of course they use thier products... BCAA and glutamine are important .. I dont think they take humongous amounts of the aforementioned supps.. Most top pros have trainers and the smart ones ( with the good trainers ) follow thier advise to the T so i dont think they are taking massive amounts of those kinds supplements..

    I thought that if you take deca and propecia it can screw you up (meaning losing more hair) have you heard that?


    I dont know alot about propecia. From what I remeber from briefly researching it in the past is that it can increase hairloss when used with deca.. Deca is more androgenic than dihydronandrolone so it will cause more hairloss than DHN.. Propecia inhibits conversion of deca (nandrolone) to DHN . Thus it would leave more androgen's which could mean more hairloss .. Like I said though I dont know alot about propecia and I briefly researched a little awhile back .. So if there is someone reading this with more info on propecia please feel free to post up ??

    hey merc my dad is wanting to start a hrt dose of test he is 45 and hes been to the doc about it but his insurance wont pay and we can get it for tons cheaper i was thinking 200-300 every two weeks. Any help and info would be appretiated..


    I understand what you mean about cheaper but IMO it's always best to go through a good doctor for HRT.. You really need to have your dad have proper bloodwork ( while on HRT ) to see how everything is responding to the treatment..

    When you dont feel good and its due to hormones you want to make sure to listen to someone that can advise the proper dose and do the proper initial and follow up blood test( a good doctor).. I have seen people try to self medicate and end up making the problem worse.. Alot of people with low test also have depression so its not a good idea to just start using these powerful hormones without have blood work to gauge where your levels are at and putting them on a possible unnecessary roller coaster.. My insurance company dosent pay for my HRT either
  11. RANA's Avatar
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    Since I should not take Deca with propecia I need to change my cycle. What would you recommend for a good cycle for me.
    I am 36, 210lbs. 10-11% bf. I eat clean most of the time and I have been lifting for over 20 years. I have never done a cycle and my goal is to put on mass and then cut. I was thinking about Test,
    Equipoise and finish it off with Winny. Could you recommend a better cycle for me?
  12. Merc..'s Avatar
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    Have you ever had any bloodwork done ( hormone panel ) ??

    Also have you ever used any type of pro hormones ? Just curios ...

    I have seen people have great results with just test for a first cycle.. My take is if you can gain very well just using one compound in a first cycle , why stack a bunch of stuff..... You could look into using some kinda of kickstart with dbol or something but I think test only is a good first cycle..
  13. RANA's Avatar
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    Yes, I have had my blood work done. I have taken 2 cycles of PP.
  14. moush's Avatar
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    Hey this true?

    You need some estrogen to grow but too much estrogen causes fatty deposits when bulking-the very thing you are trying to avoid. Mostly water bloat from gear but some estrogen fat as well when not using a-dex.
  15. Merc..'s Avatar
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    Check this study out..... Very interesting ... Ginkgo biloba lowers prolactin ...

    Horm Behav. 2007 Oct 10; [Epub ahead of print] LinksGinkgo biloba extract enhances male copulatory behavior and reduces serumprolactin levels in rats. Yeh KY, Pu HF, Kaphle K, Lin SF, Wu LS, Lin JH, Tsai YF.Department of Physiology, College of Medicine, National Taiwan University,Taipei, Taiwan, ROC.The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of Ginkgo bilobaextract (EGb 761) on male copulatory behavior in rats. EGb 761 (1 mg/ml)induced significant production of testosterone (T) in rat Leydig cells invitro. Its effects on sexual behavior were then tested in Long-Evans malerats after 7, 14, 21, or 28 days of oral gavage of vehicle (distilledwater) or EGb 761 at doses of 10, 50, or 100 mg/kg. Administration of 50mg/kg of EGb 761 for 28 days and of 100 mg/kg for 14 or 21 dayssignificantly increased intromission frequency compared to controls on thesame day. An increase in ejaculation frequency was seen after treatmentwith 50 mg/kg of EGb 761 for 14, 21, or 28 days when compared to eitherthe control group on the same day or the same group on day 0. A reductionin ejaculation latency was only seen after administration of 50 mg/kg ofEGb 761 for 14 days compared to the vehicle-treated group. After treatmentfor 28 days, no significant difference was seen in mount latency,intromission latency, serum T levels, reproductive organ weight, spermnumber, or levels of the metabolite of dopamine, 3,4-dihydroxyphenylaceticacid in the brain with any dose of EGb 761, but significantly reducedserum prolactin levels and increased dopamine levels in the medialpreoptic area and arcuate nucleus were seen at the dose of 50 mg/kg. Thesefindings show that EGb 761 (especially at the dose of 50 mg/kg) enhancesthe copulatory behavior of male rats and suggest that the dopaminergicsystem, which regulates prolactin secretion, may be involved in thefacilitatory effect of EGb 761.PMID: 18001735 [PubMed - as supplied by publisher]
  16. amazinspiderman's Avatar
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    Hey Merc.
    Just want to ask if i plan on taking trenE@400mg/week or even 600mg/week what do i have to use to prevent gyno? Letro or will arimidex suffice? Last cycle i expirienced some gyno, it's gone now but i'm trying to keep it gone!
    I still don't know if 400mg will show any results cause i'll be taking 1g of testC/week, what do you think?
  17. RANA's Avatar
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    After reading your advice I was going to go on Test with 500mg/week for 10-12 weeks I was going to take clomid as a PCT what do you think?
    Plus I have a certain source at the moment so I would like to get something for my second cycle because sources are hard to find. What would you recommend for a second cycle?
    Thank you in advance
    The Rana
  18. Merc..'s Avatar
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    Hey this true?

    You need some estrogen to grow but too much estrogen causes fatty deposits when bulking-the very thing you are trying to avoid. Mostly water bloat from gear but some estrogen fat as well when not using a-dex.


    There are alot of postive effects of estrogen.. One of its downsides is that it does promote fat storage..

    Estrogen is important in the muscle building process .( like my estrogen essay says ).. You want to keep estrogen in check , but you dont want to totally destroy it..

    Hey Merc.
    Just want to ask if i plan on taking trenE@400mg/week or even 600mg/week what do i have to use to prevent gyno? Letro or will arimidex suffice? Last cycle i expirienced some gyno, it's gone now but i'm trying to keep it gone!
    I still don't know if 400mg will show any results cause i'll be taking 1g of testC/week, what do you think?


    Alot of people say they dont like letro ( because its too strong ).. You might have to play with the dose to see what works best for you.. You could also use adex if you dont want to use the letro..

    What are your stats and cycle history ? Have you ever used any type of AI in the past ?

    After reading your advice I was going to go on Test with 500mg/week for 10-12 weeks I was going to take clomid as a PCT what do you think?
    Plus I have a certain source at the moment so I would like to get something for my second cycle because sources are hard to find. What would you recommend for a second cycle?
    Thank you in advance
    The Rana


    Clomid only is not a good pct ... You could consider using a AI ( aromasin maybe ) with it ?

    I like nolva better than clomid.. It takes about 150 mg of clomid to do what 20 mg of nolva can.


    You could look into using a over the counter product to add to your pct.. Alot of peeps like myogenx...

    For a second cycle you could look into using test and maybe Eq , also maybe a dbol kicker ( since you said you wanted to try EQ , and because you dont want to use deca because you take propecia )..
    Updated 11-21-2007 at 11:35 AM by Merc.
  19. Merc..'s Avatar
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    Updated 11-21-2007 at 04:50 PM by Merc.
  20. moush's Avatar
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    so how wouldI know if the estrogen is promoting fat storage? what if i used an AI instead of nolva?
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