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MERC Q & A ( Ask Merc. )

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by , 11-14-2007 at 07:00 PM (14810 Views)
I wanted to use my blog in a helpful way so I decided to start a Q & A to answer any questions you might have ..

So if there is anything you would like to get my take on just post here...


I am not a medical doctor and all subject advise given is for research and entertainment purposes only and is not intended for anyone to preform any of it. Nor do I condone the use of any illegal substances .
Always obtain a prescription from a licensed physician
Everything I say is for entertainment purposes only..

Updated 11-16-2007 at 09:49 AM by Merc.



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  1. Merc..'s Avatar
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    so how wouldI know if the estrogen is promoting fat storage? what if i used an AI instead of nolva?


    The only way to know for sure is to get bloodwork done.. Have you ever ran a cycle using a AI or a SERM for the entire cycle?
  2. Chuck_R's Avatar
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    Hey, just wondering about how you've used proviron in the past or if in theory you had plenty of it how would you incorporate it with a cycle and pct? Thanks
  3. moush's Avatar
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    no i have not...I never had problems related to gyno any of my previous 4 cycles even when I ran Tren E.
  4. amazinspiderman's Avatar
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    Hey merc.
    This'll be my 7th cycle, already tried trenA twice but it'll be my first go at TrenE.
    Last cycle was the first timei used [email protected] ED and i stopped cause it was really hiddering my gains but when i stopped i started feeling a lump behing each nipple, nothing major but it was visible when i was without my shirt.
    It started to grow more when i started the TrenA so i'm asking about the AI cause this time i'll start with Tren from the start and i don't want any problems.
    I'm thinking of trying [email protected] EOD cause i have a lot of it from last time.
    What do you think it's the best course?

    Cycle will be:
    Weeks 1-12 TestCyp@1000mg/week
    Weeks 1-10 TrenE@400mg or 600mg/week (probably 400mg)
    Weeks 1-4 d-bol(inject)@30mg/day
    I've been thinking of throwing some winstrol depot weeks 7-11@50mg/ED what do you think?

    Simple cycle but high doses.
    Updated 11-22-2007 at 06:13 PM by amazinspiderman
  5. Merc..'s Avatar
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    Hey, just wondering about how you've used proviron in the past or if in theory you had plenty of it how would you incorporate it with a cycle and pct? Thanks

    Chuck Redhill,

    Some report that proviron is suppressive. I have not researched this compound enough , and havent seen any bloodwork from someone using it for pct to be able to give you me feedback on it .. There are people that love it in thier pct and some that say its suppresses them.. People use about 25-50 mg ED for pct..

    no i have not...I never had problems related to gyno any of my previous 4 cycles even when I ran Tren E.


    The environment has to be right for gyno to form.. It is not just estrogen .. Its a combination of estrogen , progesterone as well as GH and IGF-1

    Although estrogen and progesterone are vital to mammary growth, they are ineffective in the absence of anterior pituitary hormones (13). Thus, neither estrogen alone nor estrogen plus progesterone can sustain breast development without other mediators, such as GH and IGF-1, see link for entire study.

    You might want to consider using a low dose of a AI on your cycle if you are having problems..

    Hey merc.
    This'll be my 7th cycle, already tried trenA twice but it'll be my first go at TrenE.
    Last cycle was the first timei used [email protected] ED and i stopped cause it was really hiddering my gains but when i stopped i started feeling a lump behing each nipple, nothing major but it was visible when i was without my shirt.
    It started to grow more when i started the TrenA so i'm asking about the AI cause this time i'll start with Tren from the start and i don't want any problems.
    I'm thinking of trying [email protected] EOD cause i have a lot of it from last time.
    What do you think it's the best course?

    Cycle will be:
    Weeks 1-12 TestCyp@1000mg/week
    Weeks 1-10 TrenE@400mg or 600mg/week (probably 400mg)
    Weeks 1-4 d-bol(inject)@30mg/day
    I've been thinking of throwing some winstrol depot weeks 7-11@50mg/ED what do you think?

    Simple cycle but high doses.


    Yea if you are having problems with gyno is best to sacrifice a loss of some gains rather than growing boobs and possibly having to have surgery to have gyno removed..

    You could try adex if you like through your entire cycle.. ( you might have to play with the dose to see what works best for you )..

    Your test dose is high .. I do well with lower test dose so I wouldnt ever use a gram a wk.. I didnt notice a diffrence in 750 mg per week or 1000 mg per wk.. I did notice my gains slowed quicker when using a higher dose ..

    There are people that like to add winny at the end of a cycle .. It helps with SHGB and increses free test and can harden you up ... Alot of people like mast better than winny if opting to add a DHT based compound .. 50 mg of winny ED is a good dose to start ...
  6. amazinspiderman's Avatar
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    Hey merc,
    I've used sust EOD so 1 week was 750mg and the other 1gram and i can tell you that i notice a huge difference from running 750mg from start to finish, so this time i'll try using 1g from the start to see how it goes.
    Like i said i'll be using a-dex either 1mg EOD or .5mg ED.
    What do you think it's the main reason ppl take masteron instead of winstrol?
    I can get winstrol much cheaper that's why i'm asking
    I tried winstrol 2 times already and got great results from it, i got down to 6% bf thanks to it but i never tried masteron, between the two wich one do you think will give more size and what doses should one run of masteron per week?
    This is a bulker btw
    Tkx for the replies
    Updated 11-23-2007 at 12:33 PM by amazinspiderman
  7. Merc..'s Avatar
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    Alot of people like mast better than winny.. It is alot of people's favorite compound .. Mast just produces very good results ..

    Some people use mast at 100 mg eod .. There also is a longer estered version of mast ..

    When I use winny shortly after I stop the results it produced seem to fade .. I have tried using winny in diffrent ways and like I said it is ok , but mast is just alot better .. I get a much better results using mast..
  8. moush's Avatar
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    Merc, what AI would you suggest and at what dosage?
  9. amazinspiderman's Avatar
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    Unfortunetly i can only get my hands on acetate ao i'll have to go with that.
    If i choose to go with masteron what dosage should i take and where in the cycle should i put it?
  10. Merc..'s Avatar
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    Merc, what AI would you suggest and at what dosage?


    You could use adex and start with .25 mg ED ( you might have to play with the dose to see what works best for you)..

    keep me posted on how your cycle goes and of course if you have anyother questions..

    Unfortunetly i can only get my hands on acetate ao i'll have to go with that.
    If i choose to go with masteron what dosage should i take and where in the cycle should i put it?


    You could use add the mast to your cycle for like 10 wks if you wanted to.. You said you where possible wanting to add winny at the end of your cycle.. You could just use mast at the end if you wanted to .. Like I said alot of people like to use a DHT based compound for the last 3-4 wks or so..

    So you could use the mast in you cycle for like 10 wks , or you could use it for the last 3-4 wks of your cycle.. Most people are very happy with mast results using it at 100 mg EOD...

  11. Merc..'s Avatar
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    Thank you everyone for all the great questions...

  12. amazinspiderman's Avatar
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    Thank you Merc for replying
  13. d smooth's Avatar
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    hey Merc,
    How long after my last shot should I get blood work?
  14. Merc..'s Avatar
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    Thank you Merc for replying


    Anytime ......

    hey Merc,
    How long after my last shot should I get blood work?


    What compounds did you use in your cycle??

    I usally would wait 4-5 wks after finishing my pct ...

    Have you seen the article I posted in my bloodwork sticky..
  15. goaheadandhitme's Avatar
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    hey Merc. I've seen this question before but never seen an acceptable awnser. I made some home made prop (syno) I started with a test batch, when I heat it up it looks perfect, when it cools it crystalises and falls out. The question is: if it is warmed up for each use will it still work. I have tried it, and, no pain (W/b-12) but, can't find anything that says anything about it's actual effectivness if used like this? Incidentally, I did look up a (Rx) patient hand book that instructs patients to inspect new bottles for crystals before use. So it must be a common problem. Thoughts? Thanks....

    P.S. Ive done all I want to do to try to get it to stay "in", I dont want to waste any more chemicals on it. If it comes to that, I'l scrap it and try a new batch.
  16. Merc..'s Avatar
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    Hi Goahead,

    Sorry for the delayed response ....

    I dont know much about compounding .. Maybe someone can also chime in on your question...
  17. goaheadandhitme's Avatar
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    thats ok, I was searching for some info and ran across a post by you, where you had a similiar question. It had no responses, so I figured you must have found your awnser somewhere else. Oddly enouf I was inspecting my "stash" yesterday and noticed my (unopened) tamox had crashed, warmed it up, looks good, so I guess it's ok.
  18. Chuck_R's Avatar
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    • permalink're doing a dang good job answering these questions...thanks!
    I'm now on day12 of a Sust/150mg eod and a Deca/300mg ew cycle. This is my first cycle, however I was on Androgel 5-10 mg/ed for a little over 2 years prior.
    Now I've been feeling really tired and drained the last few days and just wondered if that is a possible side to expect with this cycle?

    I now bow to you my most humble Merc.Man and summon forth the answer from within the beastly bowels of your innards to be splattered upon the Liquid Crystal Display of my Mobile Mental Mind!
  19. sorel_C's Avatar
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    Had a question for a buddy who is crusing right now.. i think he said he was on 500 or 750mg of test E per week,, he was wondering would aromasin at 12.5mg per day kill his sex drive?
  20. mr newbreed's Avatar
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    ive 1 week into my cycle of
    week 1-6 dianobol 50mg a day
    week 6-10 nap 50s 1x50mg a day
    week 1-12 triobol 400mg a week
    week 1-12 testoblend 600mg a week
    week 10-12 decca 600/800mg a week

    how do you rate this and what would be better to use a SERM-NOLVA
    or an AI-LETRO
    im still doing quite alot of cardio as its something ive done for a long time,i want to bulk but keep my b/f as low as i can
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