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MERC Q & A ( Ask Merc. )

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by , 11-14-2007 at 07:00 PM (14810 Views)
I wanted to use my blog in a helpful way so I decided to start a Q & A to answer any questions you might have ..

So if there is anything you would like to get my take on just post here...


I am not a medical doctor and all subject advise given is for research and entertainment purposes only and is not intended for anyone to preform any of it. Nor do I condone the use of any illegal substances .
Always obtain a prescription from a licensed physician
Everything I say is for entertainment purposes only..

Updated 11-16-2007 at 09:49 AM by Merc.



  1. mr newbreed's Avatar
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    im going to stick with the monday wednesday friday split for a while longer yet,you have given me awesome advice all of which has worked well for me,so no doubt this will too.i was just checking about why i was not as pumped.thanks for keep on answering all my questions bro,il check back with you soon
  2. Merc..'s Avatar
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    Sounds good Mr Newbreed....

    Yea keep me posted on everything ...

    Thanks for the GREAT questions... I like how you are taking the time to do the research on everything.. Best of luck ...
  3. Lexed's Avatar
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    Hey merc is it possible to use Dbol for androgen therapy? What is the average dose docters give if they do use dbol for androgen therapy. Btw havoc works great only had to do 2 weeks and gyno is completely gone
  4. ecto9's Avatar
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    Hey Merc, I have a question about bloating and water retention. I've really beem cutting the salt dwn from my diet, No added salt on food and realding lables crefeuly Also dnkng plenty of water.moring I'm dry amd lean. However during the late to early evening I get bloated, In my legs and aroung he waist, I just cant figure it out. Not on cycle now, or any supps.

    [B]Qestion:[/B] what other factors could be causing this off and on bloating I'm gettin and what can I do about it. Hanks good buddy...
    Updated 01-06-2008 at 08:05 PM by ecto9
  5. Merc..'s Avatar
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    Hey merc is it possible to use Dbol for androgen therapy? What is the average dose docters give if they do use dbol for androgen therapy. Btw havoc works great only had to do 2 weeks and gyno is completely gone


    Dbol is not used in the USA ( for HRT)....

    Wow glad to hear about your success with the havoc ..

    Hey Merc, I have a question about bloating and water retention. I've really beem cutting the salt dwn from my diet, No added salt on food and realding lables crefeuly Also dnkng plenty of water.moring I'm dry amd lean. However during the late to early evening I get bloated, In my legs and aroung he waist, I just cant figure it out. Not on cycle now, or any supps.

    Qestion: what other factors could be causing this off and on bloating I'm gettin and what can I do about it. Hanks good buddy...


    The body goes through alot of fluctuations throughout the day . Like when someone is competing .. Say the prejudging isin the afternoon one day , and the finals are the next day at night ( say 7 pm) .. You can watch someone look completely diffrent with in that very short period of time.. You also see alot of guys just time everything wrong and come in to the show looking very bloated...

    Are you eating alot of carbs later in the day ?

    Have you had all your blood work done recently ? ( just to check to make sure everything is good )..
    Updated 01-07-2008 at 09:38 AM by Merc.
  6. ecto9's Avatar
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    That's very interesting to know that about the pros during the shows.

    Just standard blood work one gets during a regular yearly physical, including Test levels. Everything checked.

    Do excessive carbs cause water retension?
    Updated 01-08-2008 at 08:36 AM by ecto9
  7. Merc..'s Avatar
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    That's very interesting to know that about the pros during the shows.

    Just standard blood work one gets during a regular yearly physical, including Test levels. Everything checked.

    Do excessive carbs cause water retension?

    Hi Ecto,

    Yea, it is even very diffrent if a show is in the afternoon .. or in the evening .. ( on the same day)..

    Everything needs to be timed perfect depending on what time the show is .. Or if the show is two days ( which they are doing now a days) ...

    Do some research on carb loading , and carb depletion..

    Eating alot of refined carbs( like rice , bread ), is a common cause of bloating..

    It is like when you see someone step on stage that just looks really flat ( the just dont look right) .. This is because they timed their shit wrong..

    They look flat because they didnt carb up right..( so then come in very flat instead of begin nice and full ( carbed up )...
    Updated 01-08-2008 at 09:09 AM by Merc.
  8. Chuck_R's Avatar
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    Hey Merc, I believe that in earlier post we talked about men who are on TRT and then decide to run a cycle should not run PCT but rather immediately return to their prescribed TRT. The usual rule is time on equals time off plus pct. But for the person on trt when will he be able to start another cycle? Thanks Merc.Man
  9. mr newbreed's Avatar
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    hey merc,have you any advice/routine for making the traps really grow,mine are quite large already but im looking for that really large square shoulder and massive trap look
  10. DontPlayByTheRules's Avatar
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    Hi Merc,

    Question: Any experience with women and steriods? I am planning on taking test prop along with winny. I have cycled winny, anavar and primo.
  11. Merc..'s Avatar
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    Sorry for the delay on blog answers .. I have been very busy with the new mag we have coming out ..

    I will answer all blog questions shortly ..

    Thanks everyone...

  12. Merc..'s Avatar
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    Hey Merc, I believe that in earlier post we talked about men who are on TRT and then decide to run a cycle should not run PCT but rather immediately return to their prescribed TRT. The usual rule is time on equals time off plus pct. But for the person on trt when will he be able to start another cycle? Thanks Merc.Man

    Hi Chuck R

    Whats up man ....

    Some people that are on HRT and do cycles still follow the time on = to time off protocol ...

    Or even wait longer , like maybe one cycle per year ..

    People also doing HRT ( that I have seen) have had good success changing the ester when they do a cycle..

    So say someone is on HRT doing 100 mg of cyp every week .. When he does his cycle he uses prop ...

    hey merc,have you any advice/routine for making the traps really grow,mine are quite large already but im looking for that really large square shoulder and massive trap look

    Mr Newbreed

    How is going ?

    You can do your traps on leg day ( if you like) .. Since you are doing a separate day to train leg .... I would follow the same protocol you are now using to train your other body parts..

    I find shoulder shrugs with heavy dumbbells work very well for traps.. Make sure you are doing ALL your exercises correct ( I mean proper form ), as this is key ..

    Make sure to use a weight that is not to heavy to where you cant control the weight and preform proper reps.... Now that you are letting your body rest and recover you should start seeing some nice results ( of course make sure your diet is spot on )..
    Hi Merc,

    Question: Any experience with women and steriods? I am planning on taking test prop along with winny. I have cycled winny, anavar and primo.

    Hi Dont play by the rules ..

    Thanks for posting up on my blog .. It is nice to see some females on here ...

    I have worked with alot of women on training and nutrition .. Unfourtunatly dont have alot of experience with women using steroids.. I wouldnt want to steer you in the wrong direction...

    Sorry I coundnt be more of a help ... Drop by the blog and say hi anytime .... Best of luck on your cycle...
    Updated 01-12-2008 at 11:00 AM by Merc.
  13. mr newbreed's Avatar
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    just thought i would let you know what my doc said about the hgh,i went armed with a fair bit of info and had a longish chat,talked over the pro/cons ect and its looking going back next wednesday to start the test.thanks merc-you have been a great help
  14. Merc..'s Avatar
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    Thanks for the update Mr Newbreed ...

    I am glad I could be a help to you....

    Make sure to keep me posted how everything is going ....

  15. BITTAPART2's Avatar
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    merc, are you anthony roberts? seriously you can tell us
  16. mr newbreed's Avatar
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    merc ive got 3 weeks left of my course,starting pct 7 days after last injection-ive gained 17 pound of good size up to now and am really packing it on still,even more so with the switch in my training routine,my question is-how diffrent if any am i going to have to change my training and how much size roughly might i lose when my cycle is over ?
    I will have been training my new routine that we changed for roughly 6 weeks when my cycle ends
  17. Merc..'s Avatar
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    merc, are you anthony roberts? seriously you can tell us

    No I am not Anthony Roberts ...

    Where is this crap coming from ??
  18. Merc..'s Avatar
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    merc ive got 3 weeks left of my course,starting pct 7 days after last injection-ive gained 17 pound of good size up to now and am really packing it on still,even more so with the switch in my training routine,my question is-how diffrent if any am i going to have to change my training and how much size roughly might i lose when my cycle is over ?
    I will have been training my new routine that we changed for roughly 6 weeks when my cycle ends

    Hi Mr Newbreed

    Up 17 pounds at this point.. Thats real good ...

    We will change your training alittle bit when you finish your cycle ( in 3 wks ).. I would stick with what you are doing now , as you are reporting back that your body is responding very well to the traing regimene you are on ..

    Make sure to use proper form and like I told you make sure you are allowing for your muscles to fully recover before you train again...

    Coupled with solid nutrition and you should do very well ..

    Keep me posted ..
  19. BITTAPART2's Avatar
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    merc, LOL at the AnthR thing, I was busting ballz bro. Anyway, this is crazy thinking but, if someone tales superdrol (the original version) alongside Test prop will the methasteron be good enough to supress estrogen from this cycle?
  20. Merc..'s Avatar
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    merc, LOL at the AnthR thing, I was busting ballz bro. Anyway, this is crazy thinking but, if someone tales superdrol (the original version) alongside Test prop will the methasteron be good enough to supress estrogen from this cycle?


    How much prop would be used ? What is your cycle history ? I have had a few people tell me they have ran prop and SD... Alot more people tell me they like using SD as a kicker for longer esters ..

    I know people that use test only for HRT and they have very high estrogen levels ( thier body converts test to estrogen at a very high rate).. I have recently seen bloodwork from someone who is doing only 200 mg of prop per week (50 mg eod) and his estrogen level was 440 ng ( keep in mind that the normal range is 120 ng or less ).. He was started on 0.5 mg ED of adex .... Remember estrogen plays a important role in building muscle so you want to keep it in check with out trying to totally destroy it.