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MERC Q & A ( Ask Merc. )

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by , 11-14-2007 at 07:00 PM (13982 Views)
I wanted to use my blog in a helpful way so I decided to start a Q & A to answer any questions you might have ..

So if there is anything you would like to get my take on just post here...


I am not a medical doctor and all subject advise given is for research and entertainment purposes only and is not intended for anyone to preform any of it. Nor do I condone the use of any illegal substances .
Always obtain a prescription from a licensed physician
Everything I say is for entertainment purposes only..

Updated 11-16-2007 at 09:49 AM by Merc.



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  1. Merc..'s Avatar
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    thats ok, I was searching for some info and ran across a post by you, where you had a similiar question. It had no responses, so I figured you must have found your awnser somewhere else. Oddly enouf I was inspecting my "stash" yesterday and noticed my (unopened) tamox had crashed, warmed it up, looks good, so I guess it's ok.


    Yea I remeber that post ... I had my test from my compounding pharmacy crash on me .. I dont know alot about compounding ....'re doing a dang good job answering these questions...thanks!
    I'm now on day12 of a Sust/150mg eod and a Deca/300mg ew cycle. This is my first cycle, however I was on Androgel 5-10 mg/ed for a little over 2 years prior.
    Now I've been feeling really tired and drained the last few days and just wondered if that is a possible side to expect with this cycle?

    I now bow to you my most humble Merc.Man and summon forth the answer from within the beastly bowels of your innards to be splattered upon the Liquid Crystal Display of my Mobile Mental Mind!

    LOL Chuck Redhill ..

    Are you getting enough sleep , plus how is the quality of your sleep ?? Also, what about your diet ?? Are you eating enough carbs ?I find that alot of people feel tired while on cycle are not sleeping or eating right , so it could be caused not getting enough sleep ...

    Steroids also lower t-3 which , in turn , increase prolactin , and this can also be the cause of begin tired...

    Had a question for a buddy who is crusing right now.. i think he said he was on 500 or 750mg of test E per week,, he was wondering would aromasin at 12.5mg per day kill his sex drive?

    Cowboy Chris,

    I have not used aromasin while on a cycle although I have had alot of people tell me that they did experience a loss of sex drive while using aromasin ... Keep in mind that steroids can lower t-3 and increase prolactin , and this can also kill sex drive..

    What does the cycle look like ? Also , what are his stats and cycle history??

    ive 1 week into my cycle of
    week 1-6 dianobol 50mg a day
    week 6-10 nap 50s 1x50mg a day
    week 1-12 triobol 400mg a week
    week 1-12 testoblend 600mg a week
    week 10-12 decca 600/800mg a week

    how do you rate this and what would be better to use a SERM-NOLVA
    or an AI-LETRO
    im still doing quite alot of cardio as its something ive done for a long time,i want to bulk but keep my b/f as low as i can.

    Hi Mr Newbreed

    Wow thats a hell of a cycle .. You're using a shitload of compounds ?

    Nolva increses PgR in breast tissue, and might not be a good idea to use it while using a (19 nor) because it can give more for the 19 nors metabolites to bind to ..

    You could look into using letro or adex with your cycle if you want.. Maybe try using either at .25 to 0.5 mg ED or maybe even EOD..

    Also might want to look into using caber ....

    Please keep me posted on the results of your cycle...
    Updated 11-28-2007 at 09:43 AM by Merc.
  2. Merc..'s Avatar
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    Hi everyone,

    I am trying a new fatloss cream called Nicolean... If you haven't seen the log I am keeping on it check it out here...
  3. mr newbreed's Avatar
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    hello merc,the letro ive just got is in 2.5mg tabs,what kind of dose should i be looking to use as i have never used them before ?

    also what can you tell me about the hgh,the good and bad points ?,what should i be looking out for and at what kind of dose ?,im thinking of using it at the begining of next year,can you cycle while using hgh ?
    thanks for all your great help
  4. Z12's Avatar
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    I've asked this question several times and have never been able to get a good response, so hopefully you can help. After my one and only cycle (test e - 600mg), I kept most of my gains but my libido was gone. My pct (per the mudman) was:

    Day 1 300mg Clomid / 20mg Nolva / .5mg L-dex
    Day 2 - 30 100mg Clomid / 20mg Nolva / .5mg L-dex
    Day 31 - 37 20mg Nolva / .5mg L-dex

    I ended up having to run this same pct again before my libido finally came back. I'm starting to plan my second cycle but am stumped about pct. I don't want to use HCG but am happy to use anything from AR-R. If I were to run a pct with the same 3 compounds as above, would it be better to use larger doses for the same period of time (37 days) or to use the same dosages for a longer period of time (+/- 50 days??) in order to have a better recovery in my libido. Any suggestions would be great. Thanks for your help, I appreciate it.
  5. Merc..'s Avatar
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    hello merc,the letro ive just got is in 2.5mg tabs,what kind of dose should i be looking to use as i have never used them before ?

    also what can you tell me about the hgh,the good and bad points ?,what should i be looking out for and at what kind of dose ?,im thinking of using it at the begining of next year,can you cycle while using hgh ?
    thanks for all your great help

    Mr Newbreed,

    You could look into using the letro at .25 mg ED or possible EOD .. Some also use 0.5 mg ED ( or more ), you might have to play with the dose to see what works best for you.. If you wanted you can maybe start off with .25 mg of letro everyday...

    People follow diffrent protocols with GH.. Some do 2-3 ius ED , and some do the 5 days on 2 days off thing.. I have seen some pretty good results with peeps using around 3 ius a day of GH..

    GH is costly , and people complain that the price is just too high ... People that I know that use GH use it for long periods of time so the price adds up on them ..

    Yes people include GH in thier cycles.. What kinda of cycle where you planning on doing next ??


    I've asked this question several times and have never been able to get a good response, so hopefully you can help. After my one and only cycle (test e - 600mg), I kept most of my gains but my libido was gone. My pct (per the mudman) was:

    Day 1 300mg Clomid / 20mg Nolva / .5mg L-dex
    Day 2 - 30 100mg Clomid / 20mg Nolva / .5mg L-dex
    Day 31 - 37 20mg Nolva / .5mg L-dex

    I ended up having to run this same pct again before my libido finally came back. I'm starting to plan my second cycle but am stumped about pct. I don't want to use HCG but am happy to use anything from AR-R. If I were to run a pct with the same 3 compounds as above, would it be better to use larger doses for the same period of time (37 days) or to use the same dosages for a longer period of time (+/- 50 days??) in order to have a better recovery in my libido. Any suggestions would be great. Thanks for your help, I appreciate it.


    You could look into using aromasin and nolva for your pct... Using higher doses for longer periods is not a good way to approach pct..

    I like Anthony Roberts pct , but you said you didnt want to include hcg ... I know people that used aromasin and nolva and they tell me they recovery very well..

    They used 25 mg of aromasin ed , and 20 mg of nolva ed for about 5 wks...
  6. mr newbreed's Avatar
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    my cycle that im on will not finish until feb 08,then i will pct,so as for my next cycle im not 100% sure yet..i have heard of people doing the hgh straight from a cycle without the pct but i dont know enough about hgh to do something like that,im also being told some bad things about it relating to comas ect.
    do you have to take into account your body weight when having the hgh ?
    ive got alot of research to do on this subject before i use it,thats why im here asking though
  7. mr newbreed's Avatar
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    ive just orderd letro from lion,at what dose would i be using this (ie),is it in pump form-how many pumps and how do i take it ?
  8. Merc..'s Avatar
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    Mr Newbreed,

    Docs I have spoken to have told me that they usually start low when dosing GH and increase the dose after they see how the patient is responding..

    Make sure to read alot in the GH and IGF forum..


    Here is the Patient Information Page from The Hormone Foundation on GH ...

    The Hormone Foundation’s Patient Guide to Growth Hormone Deficiency in Adults
    Mark Molitch, MD and Robert Vigersky, MD

    Why were the guidelines written?
    Why were the guidelines...
    How were the guidelines...
    What are the causes...
    What are the goals...
    How will your doctor...
    What can you do...

    This patient guide is based on clinical guidelines that were written to assist physicians who are evaluating and treating patients with growth hormone deficiency (GHD). It summarizes information about the best way to diagnose GHD in adults, how physicians will begin care and follow-up with patients who have a diagnosis of GHD, and the potential benefits of growth hormone (GH) treatment. The guide also provides information for patients with GHD to help them make good decisions to improve the outcome of their treatment.

    The guidelines do not apply to people who want to take GH to prevent aging or to improve their strength or athletic performance. Claims about using GH to slow down the aging process or help muscle strength in athletes have not been shown to be true and such use may cause harm.

    How were the guidelines developed?
    Why were the guidelines...
    How were the guidelines...
    What are the causes...
    What are the goals...
    How will your doctor...
    What can you do...

    The clinical guidelines were developed after an extensive review of the best clinical studies about GHD and treatment with GH. An expert panel of The Endocrine Society examined evidence from studies that had been published in "peer-reviewed" medical journals (that is, the studies were carefully evaluated by the journal’s scientists and editors). The expert panel rated the quality of the studies and gave the most weight to studies that were randomized and placebo controlled. This means that the people in the study were assigned into groups at random. One group took the study drug and the other took the placebo (an injection that did not contain the GH). This allows physicians to learn whether the GH injection is more effective than no treatment at all.

    The panel developed "Recommendations" based on these types of studies or "Suggestions" based on studies that were less rigorously designed or carried out. Once the panel reached an agreement about their "recommendations" and "suggestions," the guideline was reviewed and approved by several committees and, finally, by the general membership of The Endocrine Society. There was no funding for the guideline from any pharmaceutical company.

    What are the causes GHD?
    Why were the guidelines...
    How were the guidelines...
    What are the causes...
    What are the goals...
    How will your doctor...
    What can you do...

    Adults with GHD fall into two categories:

    1) Those whose GHD developed during childhood

    2) Those whose GHD developed after reaching adulthood

    The actual causes of GHD include inherited causes that are present at birth. These might involve problems of GH production in the pituitary gland and other disorders of pituitary development (e.g., defects in the gene responsible for producing GH). Other causes that can take place at any age involve damage to the pituitary which may be from tumors, surgery, irradiation and other types of trauma. Rarely, GHD is of unknown origin (idiopathic GHD).

    What are the goals of GH therapy?
    Why were the guidelines...
    How were the guidelines...
    What are the causes...
    What are the goals...
    How will your doctor...
    What can you do...

    The panel recommended that if you had childhood GHD with structural lesions (i.e., tumor or surgery in the area of the pituitary) and other pituitary hormone deficiencies, or if you have proven genetic causes, a low IGF-1 level at least one month off of GH therapy shows that you have GHD and, therefore, you won’t need further testing (IGF-1 is Insulin-like Growth Factor-1 and is regulated by GH from the pituitary gland to cause growth.). On the other hand, if you had childhood GHD without structural lesions or other pituitary hormone deficiencies the panel recommends that you should be retested as an adult. The panel also recommends that as little time as possible go by between the end of your childhood treatment and the testing.

    Diagnosing GH deficiency in adults can be difficult and requires one or more tests to determine if the deficiency is present and if it is severe enough to require treatment. The panel found that the insulin tolerance test and the GHRH-arginine test are the most specific and sensitive for diagnosing GHD in adults. Doctors need to work with each individual to determine the most appropriate tests and to determine the best treatment.

    The primary goal when prescribing growth hormone injections is always to replace the normal amount of growth hormone the individual would have if he or she did not have a deficiency of the hormone. Taking too much growth hormone over a prolonged period of time can be harmful. Your doctor can best explain all the risks and benefits of GH replacement and other treatments that you may need.

    To achieve your treatment goals, take your recommended medication, keep regular appointments with your doctor, and adopt a healthy lifestyle that includes regular exercise and good nutrition.

    The expert panel found evidence that treatment of adult GHD achieved the following therapeutic goals:

    Building muscle mass and decreasing fat levels in your body.

    Building stronger, healthier bones. GH stimulates both bone formation and bone resorption (the breakdown process of old bone, essential to health). Patients should have a DXA bone scan to measure bone mineral density before treatment. If it is abnormal, a BMD test should be done about every two years after starting GH treatment

    Improving heart function. Replacing GH sometimes helps by improving heart functioning and reducing the markers of inflammation, which indicate risk for heart and blood vessel damage. GH also improves metabolism of lipoproteins (fat molecules) and decreases the amount of bad cholesterol (low-density lipoprotein) and total cholesterol as seen in blood tests.

    Increased energy. Energy, vitality, and exercise capacity increase in some people who are treated with GH. The degree of improvement is proportional to the individual’s pre-treatment status so that not everyone will see an improvement.

    How will your doctor help you get to your treatment goals?
    Why were the guidelines...
    How were the guidelines...
    What are the causes...
    What are the goals...
    How will your doctor...
    What can you do...

    Your endocrinologist, a specialist in growth hormone treatment, will carefully evaluate you and determine whether or not you need GH and, if you do, what is the right dose of GH for you. The panel recommended that GH should not be given if you have a diagnosis of cancer. In addition, they suggested that in those patients who also have diabetes mellitus that their diabetic medications may need to be adjusted since GH treatment can raise blood sugar.

    The panel recommended that the dose of GH should be individualized. Your gender, age, and other medications you might be taking should be taken into account rather than to base the dose on weight alone. The dose of GH may be adjusted over time. Doctors usually start by giving a low amount of GH. This may be increased if your blood tests show you could benefit from more GH to get to your health goals. Doctors adjust GH doses based on how you are responding and on any side effects you may have.

    While GH is always prescribed on a case-by-case basis that looks at the entire individual, most doctors who provide GH treatment want to see their patient for a check-up every one to two months to look for progress and any side effects. Once the right dose is established and tests show that the GH is benefiting you as much as possible, you may have to follow-up only every 6 months.

    Your doctor will also take into account any other medications you need and make sure that all of your medications are working together as well as possible. If you are taking more than one medication, make sure your endocrinologist and primary care physician know about all of the medications you take.

    If you feel different or worse after you begin a drug, call your doctor. Your new symptoms may be a side effect of the drug or an interaction from taking more than one drug.

    What can you do to help your treatment process?
    Why were the guidelines...
    How were the guidelines...
    What are the causes...
    What are the goals...
    How will your doctor...
    What can you do...

    Treatment for GHD usually needs to be continued for many years and possibly for a lifetime. One of the most important things you can do as a patient is to keep taking your recommended dose of GH and medications you might be taking to treat other conditions. Another is to report any side effects you may have to your doctor. You also will improve your health by having a healthy lifestyle that includes regular exercise, good nutrition, limited alcohol consumption, and not smoking, and weight loss if you are overweight.

    You and your doctor should be partners in your care. Keep regular appointments with your endocrinologist, ask questions and participate in your care to ensure the success of your GH treatment. And remember that if you have not been diagnosed with GHD, using GH can be dangerous to your health.
  9. Merc..'s Avatar
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    ive just orderd letro from lion,at what dose would i be using this (ie),is it in pump form-how many pumps and how do i take it ?

    Check this thread out Mr Newbreed ...
  10. mr newbreed's Avatar
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    thanks for the great info as always
  11. Merc..'s Avatar
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    Mr Newbeed

    Make sure to read alot in the GH forums , so you can get somefeed as to what dose peeps are using , and what kinda of results they are getting... I just posted that to give you some patient info on GH..
  12. mr newbreed's Avatar
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    i will be sure to do so,as for the letro ive read the article and people are talking about using orange needles-why ?
    its an oral isnt it (sorry for the dumb questions)
  13. Merc..'s Avatar
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    Mr Newbreed there are no dumb questions.. It is dumb not to ask something when you dont know the answer..

    I think you are referring to someone using a oral syringe ..

    I believe the research letro Lion sells is dosed at 2.5 mg per ml ..

    So than 1 ml is 2.5 mg .. 0.1 ml is .25 mg .. and so on..
  14. Amorphic's Avatar
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    tireless effort and informative as always merc. props to you for helping out so much.
  15. mr newbreed's Avatar
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    thankyou merc your help as always is appreciated.
  16. mr newbreed's Avatar
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    am i ok taking over the counter cold remedys like beechams while on a cycle as im coming down with something
  17. Merc..'s Avatar
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    Test flu ??? Maybe ??

    When did you start your cycle??

  18. mr newbreed's Avatar
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    4 weeks ago,but changed the test 2 weeks ago
  19. Merc..'s Avatar
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    Here is a post I posted on the board about test flu..

    Originally Posted by Merc.
    Test flu is not caused by the flu virus. A rapid spike in testosterone levels especially in the case of using high doses of short estered compounds. They cause the body to treat all of this testosterone, ( or really whatever your using tren ,deca ) in the blood steam as a foreign body. Hence the flu like symptoms. And that in short is why it happens . ...
    Updated 12-03-2007 at 12:18 PM by Merc. (link I posted didnt work)
  20. mr newbreed's Avatar
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    cheers for the info merc,i think its a real cold as my little boy has come home from school today with one aswel,ive taken some beechams cold remmedy-30 mins hard cardio (sweated like a pig) and now feel a little better,nearly forgot 400mg decca as ive started it earlyer in my cycle.
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