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MERC Q & A ( Ask Merc. )

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by , 11-14-2007 at 07:00 PM (14809 Views)
I wanted to use my blog in a helpful way so I decided to start a Q & A to answer any questions you might have ..

So if there is anything you would like to get my take on just post here...


I am not a medical doctor and all subject advise given is for research and entertainment purposes only and is not intended for anyone to preform any of it. Nor do I condone the use of any illegal substances .
Always obtain a prescription from a licensed physician
Everything I say is for entertainment purposes only..

Updated 11-16-2007 at 09:49 AM by Merc.



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  1. d smooth's Avatar
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    Merc, 12 weeks test cyp @ 250mg x 2 a week, 17% BF, 6',205#s, i lost 5# after these 4 weeks since last injection, thanks again for all the the great info
  2. Merc..'s Avatar
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    No problem dsmooth...

    Let me know how your pct goes for you..
  3. buffgator's Avatar
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    merc tell us about your earliest memories of when you first got into weight lifting, and about some of the mistakes you would make, or funny things you would do that you now look back on and ask yourself what was I thinking.
  4. Chuck_R's Avatar
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    Hey merc, I'm currently on sust/175eod-12 weeks and deca/300ew-10 weeks, I've been on trt for about 2 years, androgel-10mg ed. I stopped the androgel about 2 weeks b4 starting this cycle, how should the androgel play into my pct? Thanks merc.
  5. Merc..'s Avatar
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    merc tell us about your earliest memories of when you first got into weight lifting, and about some of the mistakes you would make, or funny things you would do that you now look back on and ask yourself what was I thinking.

    Hi Buff,

    Oh boy where do I start ?? I was interested in lifting weights as a little kid.. As I got older I started reading about weight training ( problay around 10 years old from what my mom tells me). I didnt really understand any of it but I was determined to figure it all out ..

    I had my plastic weights , you know the concrete / plastic ones ... These where acually a improvement from what I had before those... If you are old enough to remeber the plastic weights that you would fill with water , yea water it was a horrible idea.. These things leaked and just sucked. I can remeber my mom having a very expensive wood floor that I messed up by making water spots all over it ( those stupid things had me grounded for like a week after that happened )...

    So now I had my plastic / concrete weights ( i am sure most of you remeber those) and I was ready to do some real lifting so i thought.. I didnt know what the hell I was doing and I was so sore the next day I didnt touch those weights again for like a month ... I did not lose interest in weight lifting I was just smart enough to know I need to learn more about this before I go any further.. So even at a young age I was very interested in how the body works , and at that time very interested in how the body moves ( range of motion)...

    I also wanted to know why the hell people got sore when they worked out.. I studied and learned about lactate acid ... So I kept up with my weight lifting research and took my lifting very slow so I could learn how to move the weight in a proper way so I wouldnt hurt myself .. I kept at it ( training and researching ) and over the years I was able to learn alot through trial and error.. I learned exactly how my body would react to diffrent movements .. I didnt have a good diet or anything at that time but I was learning...

    I would say a mistake I made alot was over training .. I always wanted to do more and I could workout for like 3-4 hours a day easily if i didnt stop myself .. I would try to keep my workouts about a hour and a half back than no matter how much I wanted to keep going...

    I would spend most of my free time researching ( other than the time I spent with my friends and girlfriends) There were alot of things about weight training and diet that I wanted to understand exactly how they worked ... I am a stickler for details so my research was time consuming ..

    I made many mistakes through trail and error to learn what works best for me.. Still to this day most of my time is spent researching I guess it's something I have done since I was a little kid and I am sure I will continue to do until the day I die..
    Updated 11-18-2007 at 03:39 PM by Merc.
  6. Merc..'s Avatar
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    Hey merc, I'm currently on sust/175eod-12 weeks and deca/300ew-10 weeks, I've been on trt for about 2 years, androgel-10mg ed. I stopped the androgel about 2 weeks b4 starting this cycle, how should the androgel play into my pct? Thanks merc.

    Hi Chuck Redhill ,

    When you're on HRT you dont need to do a pct .. If I do a cycle I just go right back into my HRT dose at the end of it..

    So it will be cycle , cruise and so on... So you could jump back on your HRT after stopping your cycle...

    Keep me posted on your cycle ....

  7. Brent_G's Avatar
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    Just a quick question. Ive come across some test made by jelfa.. anyways it has a ester called Prolongnatums. its 100mg/ml. And its supposed to be shot only once a week.

    I assume its just a really long ester..but i havent been able to find any reads on it anywhere.
  8. buffgator's Avatar
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    merc tell us about your earliest memories of when you first got into weight lifting, and about some of the mistakes you would make, or funny things you would do that you now look back on and ask yourself what was I thinking.
  9. buffgator's Avatar
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    sorry double post.
  10. Merc..'s Avatar
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    Just a quick question. Ive come across some test made by jelfa.. anyways it has a ester called Prolongnatums. its 100mg/ml. And its supposed to be shot only once a week.

    I assume its just a really long ester..but i havent been able to find any reads on it anywhere

    I have never heard of prolongnatums.. I have heard of Jelfa before.. They are a pharmacy in poland that makes human grade products for patients ... Do you have a vial of it ?
  11. Brent_G's Avatar
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    Its a little amp. I could post up a pic if you'd like. They look just like the omna's
  12. Brent_G's Avatar
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    I actually mis-spelled it after i looked at it again.


    But after reading people say its just another enanthanate.

    Which i dont really get because i have seen jelfa enanthanates before.. hmmm

    oh well !
    Updated 11-18-2007 at 04:50 PM by Brent_G
  13. Merc..'s Avatar
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    Its a little amp. I could post up a pic if you'd like. They look just like the omna's

    Oh ok I kinda thought this was what was up with it but I wasnt postive .. Prolongatum is the brand name .. It is cyp ...

    It comes in 100 mg and 250 mg amps..
    Updated 11-18-2007 at 05:10 PM by Merc.
  14. buffgator's Avatar
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    Merc give me some advise on my diet. I am cutting down, but not for a show. I figured that I would be committed to my diet monday-saturaday, then on sundays just eat normal. Eggs bacon pancakes for breakfast, a few protein drinks, maybe go out and eat some fast food. Chicken or roast for dinner, maybe some icecream. Not cutting diet, but still less calories than my bulking diet. Will this have much affect on my progress, or set me back?
  15. bigboomer's Avatar
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    Merc currenly on HRT dose 200 mg week, twice a week . Im going to be a cutting cycle pretty soon, winny, test prop. Can I just add my cyp with the other water based gear. Or should I bump up my cyp dosage and forget the prop.
  16. Merc..'s Avatar
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    Merc give me some advise on my diet. I am cutting down, but not for a show. I figured that I would be committed to my diet monday-saturaday, then on sundays just eat normal. Eggs bacon pancakes for breakfast, a few protein drinks, maybe go out and eat some fast food. Chicken or roast for dinner, maybe some icecream. Not cutting diet, but still less calories than my bulking diet. Will this have much affect on my progress, or set me back?


    Yes it will have a effect ... Diet plays a major part ... I understand you are not competing or anything but 2 full cheat days a week is alot in my opinion.. Of course metabolism is a factor but I think 2 entire cheat days is too much .. Cheat meals are important but I dont really like the results I have seen from people including entire cheat days in there diet programs.. Like I said there are some peoples who metabolism is so fast that they have to eat tons of food .. I have seen guys with crazy metabolisms eat all kinds of crap and they are still in dam good shape .. For most people this is not the case and they have to follow a little bit more of a strict diet...

    You could possibly opt for eating more just dont eat alot of junk food .. Try and eat more of the right foods instead of going for the junk..

    Merc currenly on HRT dose 200 mg week, twice a week . Im going to be a cutting cycle pretty soon, winny, test prop. Can I just add my cyp with the other water based gear. Or should I bump up my cyp dosage and forget the prop.


    Are you on 400 mg per week HRT ?? I couldn't understand what you meant ??


    What are your stats and cycle history ?? How long have you been on HRT and is cyp the only compound you have used for HRT??
    Updated 11-19-2007 at 01:03 AM by Merc.
  17. bigboomer's Avatar
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    Im on 200mg a week, One injection Monday(100mg) and Thurday(100mg). Im 5'8 205 about 14%bf, have done one cycle test, deca. I have been on cyp for 3 weeks, and it's the only thing I have tried for HRT...
  18. Merc..'s Avatar
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    Ok Bigboomer I think i would just stay with the cyp since you have been using it for 3 wks already.. How long until you where planing on bumping your HRT doses up and doing a cycle and how long ago was it that you did your deca /test cycle ?? What is your winny dose going to be and are you using oral or injectable winny ?
  19. bigboomer's Avatar
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    I finished my test/deca cycle 2 months ago, and was going to start my cutter in Jan, just trying to plan it out right now. I was going to run injectable winny at 50mg ED, for 8 weeks, might throw some clen in also. Any thoughts?
  20. Merc..'s Avatar
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    Winny at 50 mg ED is good.. I dont like clen ... I recently used albuterol and i liked the results ..

    Make sure diet and training are also in check and you should do very well ..

    Keep me posted when you start your cycle or if you have any questions...

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