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  1. #121
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    I've since concluded that most on the message boards know absolutely nothing.. rather just regurgitate what they've heard. Furthermore.. most will not come near to their goals in this life time
    This is what I feel as well. I am far from an expert, but I take in all valid opinions/theories along with my own personal trials and errors to figure out what works FOR ME. I just sometimes get caught up in all pros eat 6000-8000 cals thats what makes them good ect. Than I read that Nasser eat like 100g of protein daily totaling like 3500cals and I get so confused.

  2. #122
    IBdmfkr's Avatar
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    Many of these Pros are sponsored and paid to endorse articles that they have nothing to do with other than have their picture next to a supplement or a training routine that they've never touched nor would ever touch lol..
    All bout money my friend.

  3. #123
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    Ya I realize that totally, I'm not that stupid lol. But when they are doing an article with zero sups ect mentioned I feel it's slightly creditable, but yes they tend to bullshit a lot, because everybody just eats it up. Hell I can do the same thing to a guy at my gym with a lesser physique, in fact I totally play stupid with the gear issue with idiots at my gym lol.

  4. #124
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    Very good friend if mine does shoots for M&F, do you think he has ever done even one of the workouts that they post his pictures all over and make him go through while they take the shots.. Hell no. The pro's are the same way, hell even if a pro really told you what he did you probably wouldn't believe it anyhow.

    I remember last year at the Arnold Classic when Dexter won the promoter ask Dex if he had any advice for the newer upcoming competitors out there, he simply said "I only train 3times/wk with 30-40mins per session".. people actually started laughing and thought he was joking, I laughed too but I wasn't laughing at Dex, people are morons and only hear what they want to hear, it'll never change.

  5. #125
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    Quote Originally Posted by Narkissos
    Ok i realise that is not what you asked so i'll refer back to your question...personally i spread my carb/pro/carb intake equally tru out the day.
    I do the same with maybe just a SLIGHT taper down in carbs for my last meal on training days, and my last two meals on non-training days. Now..if my overall carb intake was lower. then the last meal may have NO carbs in it, but in order to fit the amount of daily carbs I have alloted into my diet, it is necessary for me to have carbs in those last two meals, even if it may be a lower amount. When last meal has NO least after the 8-10wk mark (depends on conditioning)

    Quote Originally Posted by Narkissos
    You'd recall when i consulted at the beginning of your prep.. i believe in 24-hour nurtrition. The closest i come to practising macro timing.. is sub-macro timing: the strategic consumption of individual substrates at specific times

    BCAAs/aminos pre-training.. between meals etc.
    Chromium picolinate/b-complex vits. with carb meals etc.

    Nark- What is the reasoning behind having the b-complex with carb meals?? And waht is the function of the chromium? THanks...

  6. #126
    *Narkissos*'s Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by spound
    Nark- What is the reasoning behind having the b-complex with carb meals?? And waht is the function of the chromium? THanks...
    chromium.. modulates blood sugar.. keeping insulin release 'within reason'.. as opposed to a comparably huge spike with each carb meal.. And it maintains insulin sensitivity.

    B-complex vitamins assist in the release of energy from food ingested.. i.e. they assist with the full assimilation of foods. If you look at the main sources of the b-complex foods you'll realise that they are 'energy foods'..namely unprocessed complex carbs. Logically that would suggest that they are essential for carb metabolism.. and should be supplemented on high carb diets to increase carb utlisation.

    Personal experience with both compounds (both used individually or seperately.. confirms these claims)


  7. #127
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    I hate to hop back on the OFFseason topic, but I, in the near future, am going to be asking questiong and needing help on my diet post contest...Actually, I would like to formulate an entire plan for the post contest weeks to maximize my rebound gains to really set up my bulking offseason...Also, What is the most important time post contest to set a good base for the offseason and put on some quality muscle?? two weeks after? the day after? 3 days after?? And for how long does the strictness post contest need to last to ensure you maximze the rebound effect and put on LBM and not just BM of any kind.....???


  8. #128
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    Nark: at what dosages are the Vit-B complex and Chromium run with each higher carb meal.. currently I take 400mcg Chromium Picolate Preworkout.

    Undecided: I was back in the gym hitting it hard HIT training the Monday following the show, my diet was back on track that same day. Sunday I went with super high calories but kept them pretty clean.

  9. #129
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    Ok so I don't have to gradually move back to high calories, i can immediately move back to high, but make sure to keep them CLEAN AS FU CK because of my bodies sensitivity at that point to absorbtion and retention?? So basically a super clean bulking diet...Essentially we have to maximize the fact that my body is going to retain and absorb everything and use that in a positive way as effectively, efficiently, and usefully as possible, as opposed to being a little more lenient and letting this valuable time slip away????

  10. #130
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    Don't know, you have no prior experience with the rebound so there is no telling how you will respond.. I responded better than I could've imagined, hope you are the same.

  11. #131
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    lol im not telling :D
    im late but i just wanna say.. when bulking and crap.. i need my cardio no matter how lil or detrimental to growth because w/o it .. my stamina kicks the curb

  12. #132
    *Narkissos*'s Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by I**mfkr
    Nark: at what dosages are the Vit-B complex and Chromium run with each higher carb meal.. currently I take 400mcg Chromium Picolate Preworkout.
    200-300 mcg of Chromium picolinate and 200 mg b-complex with meals number 2-4-6

    2; 4; 6;.. because both the mineral and complex are water soluable.. so repeat dosing.. equally spaced is required. The second meal is selected as the first administration... because multis are taken with meal 1..and multis contain chromium by default (gtf chromium i believe)

    On a 'cheat day' (which does not fit the board definition of 'cheat'... but rather is a very high-carb refeed day).. i usually have 1000mcg of chromium at the end of a very high carb meal. I won't describe the amount of carbs consumed.. cus i don't want to give anyone ideas or try to promote 'my way'.. but it is substantial. Post consumption and supplementation i feel like i'm on fire.. namely because my carb metabolism goes tru the roof

    Just my personal experience


  13. #133
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    Quote Originally Posted by I**mfkr
    Don't know, you have no prior experience with the rebound so there is no telling how you will respond.. I responded better than I could've imagined, hope you are the same.

    I'll say this much B D, my body has responded to pretty much all the stimuli that I have provided it in my short history with training...Whether it be increased cals, carb depletion and fat regulation, protein consumption, or intense training, I must say I can't be happier with the way my body has responded, otherwise I might not have stayed in this game this long...My point is that for some "it" comes alot harder than for others, thank GOD I'm one of the others, lol...Point here is that I have no reason so suspect my rebound effect won't be IDEAL!!! just gotta figure out how to maximize the effects!!! or as nark would call it "noob gains" so these in effect would be my "Noob Rebound Post Contest" gains, lol...


  14. #134
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    Quote Originally Posted by Undecided09
    Ok so I don't have to gradually move back to high calories, i can immediately move back to high, but make sure to keep them CLEAN AS FU CK because of my bodies sensitivity at that point to absorbtion and retention?? So basically a super clean bulking diet...Essentially we have to maximize the fact that my body is going to retain and absorb everything and use that in a positive way as effectively, efficiently, and usefully as possible, as opposed to being a little more lenient and letting this valuable time slip away????
    I would definately have your calories pretty extremely elevated for 3 days to a week post contest...some cheating with bad foods, but nothing crazy...I would then take your calories back down (but still above maintenance), but keep them very clean so you can add mass without putting on much fat...remember it's easier to STAY lean than it is to GET lean after being fat. For that first week or so your body will be in "soak" mode where it will jsut suck everything up without really gaining noticeable fat...jsut water. After that, fat storage will set in, so I would have my calories EXTREMELY elevated for any prolonged periods of time.

  15. #135
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    Quote Originally Posted by I**mfkr
    Don't know, you have no prior experience with the rebound so there is no telling how you will respond.. .

  16. #136
    doittoit's Avatar
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    Undecided personally just "go with the flow" post contest. For a month after the contest u will prolly be hungry as hell, and everything will taste good. You are young and u don't look like a guy that would get fat to easily so just eat BIG! This is what i did and was absolutely astonished at my gains.

  17. #137
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