Quote Originally Posted by NVR2BIG1 View Post
Guys who need to shitload had their carbs too damn low to begin with, and if they did everything right leading to the final week, there would be no reason to "fill back out" if you look good a week out, dont change shit, just go in there and beat ass!!! Trying to time diuretics on top of junk food 90% of the time never works out in your favor, the body does not like that type of sodium/diuretic shock, it hardly ever reacts the way you want, its ****ing Russian Roulette. Why diet and bust your ass all those wks to possibly **** it all up doing 1 dumb move last minute. Bro, in all honesty I see absolutely ZERO difference in your photos. Mike, no disrespect(my hats off to ya if it works for ya), just my opinion
hey bro, i totally understand what your saying, i can assure u the pics arent a good rep of the actual day,

This is my reasoning, this is my second show, my 1st i was prepped by one of the uk's best guys, (i paid money too) he loaded me traditionally 3 days, sodium load/deplete, water taper etc, aldcatone, and i came in as flat as a witches tit, still took second, but was not happy. as 2 days later i looked like i would have took the overall.

i have prepped myself this time, im bigger more lean, generally alot better off, its a learning curve, id love tohave the knowledge to get it bang on but i dont, kindly people like mike can help us out and ican getr somewhere, as with all i need to find what works for me, this is just one chance, next time i may try something different, how do we learn things if we dont try ?