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  1. #81
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    It feels like i dont wake up completely all day and when its time for bed i cant fall asleep or stay aleep. I was only doing 20or 30min of cardio a day because i was on my feet moving stuff all day but now that im off work till after my show ill be training 2times a day and walking my dogs(at this point walking feels like exercise)

  2. #82
    oatmeal69's Avatar
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    Oh yeah - do you have a thread somewhere with your training history, etc.? Very interested in how long you've been at it, routines, AAS, diet, etc. I aspire to be sorta close to where you are someday, LOL

  3. #83
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    i dont really log my training or cycles. I should though. Iv done quite a fw cycles for a 24 yr old to be honest. Im on self admin TRT now, but when i was younger i had blood work done saying i had low test and thyroid before i ever even did a pro hormone. But i was being accused of being on shit all the time because im naturally just bigger i guess. I do have a log of everything iv eaten since 7-jan-2012 till now and i think im going to keep track of it even after my cutting is over. Its crazy how much you actually eat when you look at everything you actually eat. Right now my training is pathetic, my endurance is dog shit right now and the last week or two my strength has dropped a lot. I was maxing on flat bench around new years at 415lbs and i can maybe do 315lbs right now but i have been playing with dumbells for the most part. thinking imight try nd find a diuretic to use but i dont think it will be lasix. I have done every hard drug you can think of but im clean now and really dont feel like of all things to kill me it be lasix at my comp lol.

  4. #84
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    i was 197lbs tonite!!! i havent been this light in years

  5. #85
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    my dick is completely useless at this point. next time im holding off on dropping my test for as long as i can. I havent had a sex drive in weeks but it was ffine because i could still get it up when my gf wanted it but now even with me taking cialis i cant get it up for the life of me.

  6. #86
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    Quote Originally Posted by Schmidty View Post
    my dick is completely useless at this point. next time im holding off on dropping my test for as long as i can. I havent had a sex drive in weeks but it was ffine because i could still get it up when my gf wanted it but now even with me taking cialis i cant get it up for the life of me.
    This is the first thing I thought of when I read your previous post about your strength going to shit. My first contest I dropped my test at 4 weeks out because my prep coach told me too. HUGE MISTAKE. Just finish out this prep and give it your best. Each prep we learn something. Now I leave my test in the whole way through. The last couple weeks will be prop. I would try to get dyazide and take that instead of the lassix. The lassix is very strong and pulls from from both the muscle and sub q. Again, I did that too for my first show and won't do it again. I don't want to screw with your head though man. Just do what your coach tells you to do and see how things go. Next time if you need to make any adjustments you'll know what to do based on experience.

  7. #87
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    Thanks for the info, that is some severe dedication! I have a LONG way to go, LOL!
    Will you do some kind of re-feed where you eat carbs or something just prior to the show to pump yourself up again?

  8. #88
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    yeah ifound out a little bit more about it tonite actually. I will cut water back and switch to distilled on wed i think, maybe it was thursday ill ask again but at the same time ill be allowed to have STEAK!!!! oatmeal, sweet potatoes, asparagus, white rice, sum grapes and honey. i think thats right. He was pretty drunk when he was here so ill check again in the afternoon tomorrow lol. im really having a hard time sleeping anymore. i think the methyltrienolon is getting to my head. example- today i blew up on my gf when she was doing a favor for me, felt like a asshole but im just so worn out and cant think straight.

  9. #89
    baseline_9's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Schmidty View Post
    yeah ifound out a little bit more about it tonite actually. I will cut water back and switch to distilled on wed i think, maybe it was thursday ill ask again but at the same time ill be allowed to have STEAK!!!! oatmeal, sweet potatoes, asparagus, white rice, sum grapes and honey. i think thats right. He was pretty drunk when he was here so ill check again in the afternoon tomorrow lol. im really having a hard time sleeping anymore. i think the methyltrienolon is getting to my head. example- today i blew up on my gf when she was doing a favor for me, felt like a asshole but im just so worn out and cant think straight.
    I would be careful messing about with water intake too early....

    Im not a competitor so my views are only based on what I have read....

    Search for 'Layne norton peak week'... It is an excellent video series where he highlights the main mistakes that people make in the final week...

    He states that you should not cut water back at all except on the day of the show and that cutting water early will cause you to loose water but that water will be in equal ratios between Sub Q and Muscle...

    Layne Norton really knows his shit and that series is definitely worth watching
    Don't be a 'Bro'..... Believe nothing....Question everything

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  10. #90
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    Would like to see the final results..

  11. #91
    baseline_9's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by baseline_9 View Post
    I would be careful messing about with water intake too early....

    Im not a competitor so my views are only based on what I have read....

    Search for 'Layne norton peak week'... It is an excellent video series where he highlights the main mistakes that people make in the final week...

    He states that you should not cut water back at all except on the day of the show and that cutting water early will cause you to loose water but that water will be in equal ratios between Sub Q and Muscle...

    Layne Norton really knows his shit and that series is definitely worth watching

    The Science Behind Salt Intake Layne Norton

    The body stores water inside and outside of body's cells. The stuff inside is great; it makes your muscles look full. "Extracellular" water is what people are attempting to eliminate by cutting water and taking diuretics.

    The body maintains a 70/30 ratio of intracellular-to-extracellular water, a ratio tightly controlled by internal systems. Your body's water balance is so crucial to cell function, ion balance, blood volume, and blood pressure that it's regulated by the minute! There's no way to pull water from one compartment only without affecting the other.

    So if you take a diuretic or cut water, you'll lose extracellular water, but to maintain homeostasis, you'll also intracellular water. The ratio will remain unchanged; all you will have done is flatten out your physique.

    This is a big reason why you always hear people at shows talk about never having been able to fill out or get a pump.

    Competitors who couldn't fill out the day of the show, no matter their carb consumption, often experience a weird epiphany after their post-contest cheat meal: They look 10 times better an hour after pigging out!

    The carbs didn't fill out their muscles; the water and sodium did! In contrast, carbs consumed while cutting water will never fill you out properly.

    Another aspect of a typical peak week that goes hand in hand with cutting water is cutting sodium, the results of which can be just as disastrous. The sodium balance in your body directly affects fluid dynamics and blood volume.

    In turn, these affect blood pressure. No wonder the kidneys regulate blood sodium levels so tightly, around 140mEq/L. For example, if you eat more sodium than normal, the kidneys will see to it that you urine contains more.

    If sodium from the diet is reduced, the kidneys will conserve sodium by reabsorbing more sodium back into circulation and peeing out less.

    The following 1990 Harvard study by Rogacz, et al, illustrates this point perfectly (1). The researchers reduced dietary sodium to practically nothing for six days and examined the results on serum (blood) and urinary sodium, as well as aldosterone.

    Restricted sodium diet results

    Initial Levels 1 Day 2 Days 6 Days
    Urinary Sodium 217 (mmol/day) 105 59 9.9
    Aldosterone 10.4 (ng/100ml) 11.7 22.5 37
    Serum Sodium 139 (mEq/L) 139 139 138

    Even when sodium was cut almost completely from the diet, concentrations in the blood remained unchanged.

    In fact, by Day 6, the kidneys had almost stopped excreting sodium all together! All that sodium depleting that the "gurus" recommend during the final week doesn't change blood sodium levels.

    What sodium depletion does is increase levels of aldosterone, a hormone whose job it is to cause the re-absorption and retention of water and sodium.

    After two days of sodium depletion (standard in most peak week protocols) aldosterone levels have doubled! Cut out sodium even earlier, and by Day 6 levels have more than tripled!

    Elevations in aldosterone will cause increased water retention as the kidney reabsorbs both sodium and water back into circulation. Deficiencies in dietary sodium also lead to a drop in blood pressure, pushing plasma water out of the vascular system.

    That means less water in blood vessels, making you appear full and vascular; and more in the surrounding space, making you appear soft. What's more, you're now reabsorbing more water back into circulation due to elevated aldosterone.

    Only, without sufficient pressure in the blood vessels, that reabsorbed water will also be heading into the subcutaneous layer exactly, where you don't want it. Instead of tricking your body, you've tricked yourself, and it'll show onstage.

    With the conventional approach, the problems don't there. The gurus also recommend loading potassium while depleting sodium, to keep electrolytes elevated. The idea is that sodium is bad, potassium is good, and having none of one and a bunch of the other will benefit your physique.

    Guess what? Your body is smarter than you are. If the ratio of potassium to sodium gets too high, aldosterone levels can rise too! (3) On top of the already large increase in aldosterone from cutting sodium! That means more water taking shelter under the skin, making you look soft.

    Finally, cutting sodium can interfere with a proper carb load. The conventional wisdom has been that sodium depleting will make you tighter, while carb loading will fill you out.

    The problem is, sodium depleting reduces the activity of a protein, SLGT-1, responsible for glucose absorption, limiting your ability to absorb glucose and achieve your desired fullness (4)! Now all that undigested glucose is going to remain in the small intestine and pull water into that area, causing bloating in the gut-another place you don't want excess water.

    Now you understand why competitors say they look so much better after they went out after the show and had a cheat meal. Most people think this means that they didn't carb up enough, but that simply isn't true; after all, they loaded carbs for 2 or 3 days!

    The cheat meal likely contained lots of sodium, and they drank a lot of water with it. That combination finally allowed them to fill out properly. That's why they looked so much better!

    My recommendations: Keep water and sodium intake the same. If you're used to drinking 2 gallons of water a day, continue drinking that amount up till an hour or two before the show-and that's just so you don't feel like you have to pee standing onstage! Similarly, if you're accustomed to eating 3 grams of sodium a day, continue doing so during peak week.

    In fact, I've found that eating a meal relatively high in sodium, carbs, and fat 2 hours before stepping onstage can drastically increase vascularity and fullness.
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    Baseline - Working to phase out this generation of Bro-Scientists

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  12. #92
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    so dont cut water tilll a few hrs before the show????

  13. #93
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    Quote Originally Posted by Schmidty View Post
    so dont cut water tilll a few hrs before the show????
    Just listen to your coach man. Don't let Lance Norton views mess with your head. There is a lot of ways to do things. I don't taper myself with the water. I pound it down till 4pm on Friday and then just an ounce or two with each meal after that to flush the carb into the muscle. I definitely want some sodium a few hours before prejudging after cutting it to the bare minimum starting Thursday morning. My skin does get super tight from this process and I get hard as hell. Don't 2nd guess yourself. Just do what you were told to do or you'll drive yourself nuts.

  14. #94
    baseline_9's Avatar
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    Logically thinking, while glycogen loading the worst thing you could do would be to cut water back.

    You may as well post what your coach has you planned for you to do.... Dont let me influence your decisions but when I read that you wanted to cut water back on the Wed that prompted my reply
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  15. #95
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    idk if when to cut water back yet. hes been hard to get ahold of lately and hes helping me for free so i really cant complain much. Hes old as hell and is without a doubt the biggest sex addict iv met in my life, and does deca only cycles and eq only and wierd shit like that.

  16. #96
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    just took sum pics at the gym today at 5 DAYS OUT! i cant wait to fvcking eat!!! wtf it wont let me add images! i hate this stupid thing and computers in general. i just want to punch my computer right now!

  17. #97
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  18. #98
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    fvck this its messed up ill add them when its not making me want to explode

  19. #99
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ID:	121129did nothing different at all wtf

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  21. #101
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    Damn bro.. You doing it.. How much you weigh now?

  22. #102
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    finally talk to my trainer about carb/fat loading cutting water/sodium. I have been drinking 2-3 gallons a day so im pulling it to 2 gallons today, and wed, thurs 1/4 gallon, fri sip and sat i can only suck a few ice cubes. He says i shoukd use lasix but i dont think i am, i have a feeling in my gut that says not to and i think i am stickin to it. I am cutting salt out today and i am carb depleting all day today and loading before bed with apples oatmeal bananas and then more apples! i have missed apples so much! i dont think im taking in any fat till friday nite and im eating a steak. I wax 194 lbs in those pics i took yesterday. Im curious to see what my ending weight will be

  23. #103
    coldfear is offline Junior Member
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    great job man your hard as nails im sure youll place very well

  24. #104
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    Quote Originally Posted by Schmidty View Post
    idk if when to cut water back yet. hes been hard to get ahold of lately and hes helping me for free so i really cant complain much. Hes old as hell and is without a doubt the biggest sex addict iv met in my life, and does deca only cycles and eq only and wierd shit like that.
    Gd luck with him then LOL
    Don't be a 'Bro'..... Believe nothing....Question everything

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  25. #105
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    Good idea not to take the lassix. Did he tell you to carb deplete for less than a day? That's it? Whatever the story is do what u do this week and learn from it. By the looks of your physique you'll definitely be competing again. You got the bug for sure. Kick ass on Sat!

  26. #106
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    thanks man. i have without a doubt learned more about myself in the past few months of diet and training then i ever thought i could. Im getting nervous but im ready i think. And im so fvcking excited to carb load tonite!!! i have missed my apples and bananas very very much. i didnt think id mind not having salt but plane jane grilled chicken fvcking blows! i have to go buy sum mrs dash soduim free!

  27. #107
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    wtf why is sodium in everything?!?!?!

  28. #108
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    Good luck in your comp, lookin solid.

  29. #109
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    Quote Originally Posted by Schmidty View Post
    wtf why is sodium in everything?!?!?!
    Don't worry about it. It is impossible to eliminate it completely. I just eat natures basket chicken and yams during the no sodium days. As close to zero as you're going to get.

  30. #110
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    You look amazing. Good luck!

  31. #111
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    My mind is so lost! I have no clue wtf i did with my bottle of cialis! i switched to distilled water yesterday and pulling back sodium still. Im so ready for this to be over with. I feel like my house has become my jail cell, im to exausted to go out and do anything but im sick and tired of being by myself and whenever anybodys around im snapping on them like a asshole.

  32. #112
    baseline_9's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Schmidty View Post
    My mind is so lost! I have no clue wtf i did with my bottle of cialis! i switched to distilled water yesterday and pulling back sodium still. Im so ready for this to be over with. I feel like my house has become my jail cell, im to exausted to go out and do anything but im sick and tired of being by myself and whenever anybodys around im snapping on them like a asshole.
    Sounds like your almost ready
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  33. #113
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    Been purposely avoiding commentary until after your show. Dont want to fill your head up with any info other than what your coach is telling you. That said, you are WAY overcomplicating things. Go kick back and relax. As HD stated you are going to learn a ton after this show.

  34. #114
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    i sure hope i do. i feel like i have learned a lot already both about diet and myself in general. im ready to get back to work, reality and growing. its been nice taking the last and this week off but holy shit this is just to much. and im just about out of cash after i buy my npc card and spray tan on friday.

  35. #115
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    Quote Originally Posted by Schmidty View Post
    i sure hope i do. i feel like i have learned a lot already both about diet and myself in general. im ready to get back to work, reality and growing. its been nice taking the last and this week off but holy shit this is just to much. and im just about out of cash after i buy my npc card and spray tan on friday.
    Relax man. I'm about to do my 5th show in two weeks and I can tell you without a doubt that my first one was BY FAR the hardest both physically and mentally. It definitely gets least it did for me.

  36. #116
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    I'm blown away by your dedication. Hang in there, it's almost over!!

  37. #117
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    my mouth is so fvcking dry and i cant shit at all!!! My gf and i have been shaving me and scrubbing my skin for the spray tan im getting at 3 oclock today. I Feel so much better about posing after last nites practice i feel like it went pretty well, gona pose for another 45min or so before we leave. Idk if i said before but Kai Green is the big guest poser for my show, im really excited to be able to see him in person and hope i get to take a pic next to him or atleast meet him.

  38. #118
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    lol whos coming over for sum stl style pizza and cheese burgers tomorrow nite?

  39. #119
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    make that NY style pizza n I'm there

    best of luck at the competition bro

  40. #120
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    thanks man! I love st.louis style pizza! the flat crust covered from edge to edge of warm cheese heavenly goodness. Just a few more hours! my mouths so fvcking dry! i cant choke down a whole chicken breast at a time so iv slowly munching on them all day with sum dry ass rice cakes. I am having a steak and a sweet potatoe tonite and hopefully ill be full enough i can sleep through a whole nite but i doubt it. Just got back home from getting my spray tan done and i cant beleive how dark i am, i wasted so much time and money in tanning beds!

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