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  1. #41
    DNoMac's Avatar
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    Btw, all this talk of yogurt has given me such a craving. Never tried the yogurt whey mix before, off to the supermarket tomm!

  2. #42
    *Narkissos*'s Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DNoMac
    Do you normally blindly follow the word of others without understanding the theory behind it? Not to flame, but Johan probably knows 1000x more about nutrition than you do, and your telling him to do a search...

    Maybe instead of being a parrot, you should do some reading, learn from guys like Johan, and form your own opinions.
    ditto imo.

  3. #43
    TR'05's Avatar
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    Right on DNoMac, well put.

    Throw in some berries too. Adds that extra little something.

  4. #44
    test-e-junky's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Narkissos
    Your 'health lady' made a good suggestion imo.. but you need to shop around.

    There are artificially sweetened yogurt brands out there.. no added sugar.

    Just hit up the diary section and look for yogurt with the 'live cultures' logo on the side..then examine the nutritional content..using it as the determinant in selecting your choice.

    Now working it into your daily meal plan... I eat Yogurt... but i don't count it as a protein source.

    As the carb count (regardless of it being 'unsweetened') drastically outnumbers the protein count.

    I count it as a 'high-protein' low-GI carb source.

    Lost? Check pasta's nutrional profile. Pasta's a 'high protein' carb source.

    Anyway.. i've digressed

    When i factor in yogurt.. i use it in the place of a starchy carb in a meal

    e.g. 4 oz chicken; salad; serving yogurt.

    good advice i thank you

  5. #45
    svarturer is offline Senior Member
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    ahhhhhh get that pic out of your avi!!

  6. #46
    doctadank's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by TR'05
    I'm with Johan. Plain, no-fat yogurt is fine in my books. Last year I dropped from 225 (around 20% bf) to 180 and lean enough for me (see avatar)...I had yogurt on a daily basis- mixed it with uncooked oats.

    I got sick of it and haven't had it for a while, but still a-okay in my books.
    yeh you look like you photoshoped your bicep

  7. #47
    TR'05's Avatar
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    That's hilarious, bro. I'm nearly computer illiterate and wouldn't have the first idea how to use a photoshop program. Hell, it took me a good 10 minutes to figure out how to get that as my avatar. I hit a lucky angle in some decent light biceps are pretty brutal actually

  8. #48
    Kärnfysikern's Avatar
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    Scotty, beam me up
    Quote Originally Posted by DNoMac
    Do you normally blindly follow the word of others without understanding the theory behind it? Not to flame, but Johan probably knows 1000x more about nutrition than you do, and your telling him to do a search...

    Maybe instead of being a parrot, you should do some reading, learn from guys like Johan, and form your own opinions.
    thanks mate

  9. #49
    DNoMac's Avatar
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    No doubt bro

  10. #50
    Chad B's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DNoMac
    Do you normally blindly follow the word of others without understanding the theory behind it? Not to flame, but Johan probably knows 1000x more about nutrition than you do, and your telling him to do a search...

    Maybe instead of being a parrot, you should do some reading, learn from guyslike Johan, and form your own opinions.

    Do I blindly follow advice, yes sometimes I do. Sometimes I trust the experts. SwoleCat has a lot more clients and trains people for a living so I naturally would follow his advice. I**mfk says the same thing stay away form milk while cutting (in previous posts), many vets and mods say so. Are you saying that Johan is right and all of them are wrong? So I guess your saying that SC, I** and all the other well developed mods and vets are all parrots because they have no scientific proof so they must be repeating what they hear? Or what your saying is that you are God and you saw that I never read the theory’s written in all the posts that these well respected vets and mods wrote?

    Life must be hard for you if you don’t learn from others. If you have to experience and understand everything before you can believe, you probably always have to learn the hard way. I on the other hand want to learn form other peoples mistakes and successes.

    All I did was try to stir up a good conversation, even playing devils advocate (in lack of better words), I actually have some milk in the refrigerator.

    Funny how you basically say I no nothing about nutri. and am stupid because I don't form my own opinion, then you call me names rather than voicing your opinion in a courteous manor. Than other members are quick to praise your condescending speech. Maybe SC was right about you people? I hope not, I know there are some brothas In the forum who would not advocate your hate speech but would voice there opinion with brotherly love, without the calling of names like parrot, but with a calling like bro, and a sentence like, Bro I think you should read more…

    Thank you to all you brothas out there who teach me in kindness, longsuffering, and patience. I appreciate it, you are what makes this world livable.

  11. #51
    *Narkissos*'s Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Chad B
    Do I blindly follow advice, yes sometimes I do. Sometimes I trust the experts. SwoleCat has a lot more clients and trains people for a living so I naturally would follow his advice. I**mfk says the same thing stay away form milk while cutting (in previous posts), many vets and mods say so. Are you saying that Johan is right and all of them are wrong? So I guess your saying that SC, I** and all the other well developed mods and vets are all parrots because they have no scientific proof so they must be repeating what they hear? Or what your saying is that you are God and you saw that I never read the theory’s written in all the posts that these well respected vets and mods wrote?
    "They said, they think"... but no: "I think"

    Maybe he's saying.. "why don't you supply your own opinion.. rather than regurgitate other's

    That's the only way to.. as you put it:

    Quote Originally Posted by Chad B
    stir up a good conversation


  12. #52
    Kärnfysikern's Avatar
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    Scotty, beam me up
    Quote Originally Posted by Chad B
    Do I blindly follow advice, yes sometimes I do. Sometimes I trust the experts. SwoleCat has a lot more clients and trains people for a living so I naturally would follow his advice. I**mfk says the same thing stay away form milk while cutting (in previous posts), many vets and mods say so. Are you saying that Johan is right and all of them are wrong?
    I am NOT saying swolecat, I**mfk ect is wrong. All I am saying is that a carb isnt neccesarly bad if it is a sugar. They have reported bad experience with lactose, thats just one kind of sugar. They probably get that effect because of some kind of weak lactose intollerance. I am not disputing that in anyway.

    Everytime I speak well of diary I try to make sure to point out its excelent for people that is not lactose intollerant. For someone not lactose intollerant diary is a excelent source of low gi carbs and high quality protein without any side effects.

    Just saying a carb is a sugar is a incomplete description of that carb. All info you get out of that is that it is a simple molecule, it tells no detail about how it is processed in the body and therefor it is wrong to claim sugar is bad.
    Fructose and dextrose as a example are both sugars. But they have utterly different effects on the body.

    Sugar is a broad range of substances just like hormones are a broad range of substances. Injecting estrogen isnt good, but that doesnt mean I say hormones are bad right? Even though estrogen is a hormone.

    What you are doing is saying that all sugars are bad because swolecat and other vets have had negative experience with one kind of sugar.

    Like I said earlier. If sugar was bad fruit would be horrible to eat. I dont se swolecat or I**mfk telling people to avoid fruit. So nowhere am I stating swolecat is wrong. Dont try to turn it into that because I have the utmost respect for swolecat and just about the only thing me and him dont agree on is pwo nutrition. As a matter of fact swolecat was one of the people that recomended making me into a mod back when I was "only" a vet.

  13. #53
    Chad B's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by johan
    I am NOT saying swolecat, I**mfk ect is wrong. All I am saying is that a carb isnt neccesarly bad if it is a sugar. They have reported bad experience with lactose, thats just one kind of sugar. They probably get that effect because of some kind of weak lactose intollerance. I am not disputing that in anyway.

    Everytime I speak well of diary I try to make sure to point out its excelent for people that is not lactose intollerant. For someone not lactose intollerant diary is a excelent source of low gi carbs and high quality protein without any side effects.

    Just saying a carb is a sugar is a incomplete description of that carb. All info you get out of that is that it is a simple molecule, it tells no detail about how it is processed in the body and therefor it is wrong to claim sugar is bad.
    Fructose and dextrose as a example are both sugars. But they have utterly different effects on the body.

    Sugar is a broad range of substances just like hormones are a broad range of substances. Injecting estrogen isnt good, but that doesnt mean I say hormones are bad right? Even though estrogen is a hormone.

    What you are doing is saying that all sugars are bad because swolecat and other vets have had negative experience with one kind of sugar.

    Like I said earlier. If sugar was bad fruit would be horrible to eat. I dont se swolecat or I**mfk telling people to avoid fruit. So nowhere am I stating swolecat is wrong. Dont try to turn it into that because I have the utmost respect for swolecat and just about the only thing me and him dont agree on is pwo nutrition. As a matter of fact swolecat was one of the people that recomended making me into a mod back when I was "only" a vet.
    Yes Johan I see what your saying. Thanks bro, for your time and patience teaching me. Thanks for being cool.

    And to all you accusers and hypocrites that call me a parrot or agree with calling me a parrot. You NEVER repeat anything you hear or read…yea right…hypocrites. You don’t read a book, article, or study and tell somebody what it said…yea right…hypocrites. Maybe you should not judge people and maybe you should be considerate, especially when you are guilty of the same thing! Anyway, all I can do is hope life’s experiences builds your characters. Don’t allow your muscles to swell up your head, be cool.

  14. #54
    DNoMac's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Chad B
    Are you saying that Johan is right and all of them are wrong? So I guess your saying that SC, I** and all the other well developed mods and vets are all parrots because they have no scientific proof so they must be repeating what they hear?
    Huh? I'm pretty sure SC and I b d have done plenty of reserach/trial and error on their dietary principles.

    Quote Originally Posted by Chad B
    Or what your saying is that you are God and you saw that I never read the theory’s written in all the posts that these well respected vets and mods wrote?

    Quote Originally Posted by Chad B
    Funny how you basically say I no nothing about nutri. and am stupid because I don't form my own opinion, then you call me names rather than voicing your opinion in a courteous manor. Than other members are quick to praise your condescending speech. Maybe SC was right about you people? I hope not, I know there are some brothas In the forum who would not advocate your hate speech but would voice there opinion with brotherly love, without the calling of names like parrot, but with a calling like bro, and a sentence like, Bro I think you should read more…
    Normally I'm nonconfrontational on this forum, but I felt YOU were being condescending to Johan who is a well respected member and never disrerspectful to anybody. You say you were trying to stir up good conversation, but when Johan presented his opinion, you told him to run a search and that you didn't have time to address his question/comment. I guess what I was trying to say is, bro I think you should read more

    Now back to the yogurt...

  15. #55
    Chad B's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DNoMac
    Huh? I'm pretty sure SC and I b d have done plenty of reserach/trial and error on their dietary principles.

    Normally I'm nonconfrontational on this forum, but I felt YOU were being condescending to Johan who is a well respected member and never disrerspectful to anybody. You say you were trying to stir up good conversation, but when Johan presented his opinion, you told him to run a search and that you didn't have time to address his question/comment. I guess what I was trying to say is, bro I think you should read more

    Now back to the yogurt...
    I don’t see anything wrong with suggesting a search, just because he is a mod or a vet it is forbidden? People need to stop putting vets and mods on a pedestal, they are just normal people like you and me.

    Anyway, I accept your apology. Thanks bro!

    Now back to the yogurt...

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