I don't really have the answers but I can tell you 405 laid out this really intricate diet plan for a young buck. In laymans terms what I took away from his diet plan for cutting

#1 I should be doing my cardio when I first wake up without eating anything so my body stays in that (buzzword?) state that it wants to burn calories

#2 My first three meals instead of brown rice, sweet potato, oats or another complex carb side I should have a vegetable. This keeps the body in laymans terms in that hunger mode instead of that satisfied mode.

I'm paraphrasing but thats what I really took away from 405's posts that I have been messing up on.

I'm in a cut mode and I've been eating a lot of pickles and tea unsweetened. Its helping me bridge between meals. Another thing I am doing I have always been a steak sauce with beef or honey dijon with chicken person. I am trying to make good tasting meals that rely on spices to get me there on flavor.