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10-12-2014, 02:06 AM #41
10-12-2014, 07:45 AM #42
I just started a new pre workout, super pump 3d, its pretty good, seems to have a little more stimulating feeling than my previous one, but that could just be from it being new to me. I will probably build up a tolerance to it like I do all of them, but I do like taking a pre workout drink.
10-12-2014, 02:56 PM #43
10-12-2014, 06:13 PM #44
Just finished up shoulders/arms, pretty good day started to feel like I wanted to puke towards the end though which is strange for me. Decided to do standing barbell OHP instead of seated dumbbell and it was a great choice, more than likely I'm going to stick with that from now on.
I did:
Standing barbell OHP 5x3
Face pulls 3x12-15
Seated dumbbell curl standing after failure 3x8-10/8
Seated hammer curl standing after failure 3x8-10/6-8
a) Tricep pushdowns w/rope 3x10-12
b) cable curl w/EZ bar 8-10
Close-grip bench press 3x6
It was a great workout, a little more conservative than usual, and I forgot to do lateral raises.. then I went to the shops to grab a couple kilos of chicken for the rest of the week. Low carbs today and rest day tomorrow.
10-13-2014, 10:07 AM #45Originally Posted by Khazima
10-13-2014, 07:47 PM #46
10-13-2014, 07:59 PM #47
Woke up at 69.3kg (152.7lb) that's .6 (1.3lb) lighter than my last low carb day 4 days ago.
I really am only using the scale to make sure my weight is trending down, since I've started carb cycling my weight has been all over the place, since my refeed day my weight has fluctuated from 69.9kg to 70.4kg back down to 69.3kg, rather than over analysing these numbers I'm going by what I see, which is certainly results.
Being my first proper cut I need to keep in mind that it is more than likely a slower process than I had in mind. This mindset seems to be working great so far, and I'm happy with every aspect of my cut.
I woke up (just now) at 12:30pm today! Fell asleep at 1am so I'd expect to have slept until 10am at the latest but I must've needed some extra sleep, and it's the perfect day for it, my rest day! Feeling refreshed, and hungry.
10-14-2014, 06:42 PM #48
Woke up at 69.9 this morning, after 40g more carbs than I had the day before.
Chest/back this morning, went rather well considering I didn't have time to eat as much as I would have liked and had to rush the session.
I definitely feel like I am not limited to only losing fat, my strength is decreasing slightly, but I've managed to keep it consistently for the last 2 weeks or so. But I feel like I am growing, I don't feel like I'm getting smaller, this morning my chest felt bigger than usual, and I hit a PR on incline db press which was strange.
Keen as for legs tomoz
10-16-2014, 02:10 AM #49
Late post unfortunately, I like to post as soon as I finish working out as how I felt and how the workout went are fresh in my mind.
Legs today, I decided to try switching to low bar and it went rather well, I felt very powerful, really enjoyed it and have decided to switch for now.
After that I did sumo Deadlifts with the expectation to do front squats after, but once I stepped under the bar and started to squat again I started to get agonising knee pain. I've been having minor knee issues for over 2 months but today was by far the worst, and I think I'm going to have to do the unthinkable... Do legs once a week
I like doing legs twice a week as I feel squatting and Deadlifting more often is the best way to get better at squatting and Deadlifting, especially referring to technique. With these knee issues I simply cannot continue to squat and deadlift every 4 days, I'm going to try switching back to conventional for now and see if that helps, and potentially cutting out front squats.
I plan to use TB-500 soon, and will certainly be squatting once a week during that as I really want my knees to recover fully.
It feels like it may be tendinitis or some other minor overuse injury. Regardless it sucks and I want to squat more, especially after how much I enjoyed low bar today.
I've been suuuuuper hungry the last couple days, mostly in the afternoon.. I've been withstandably hungry during the day and decided to eat then been extremely hungry with no calories left at night. So I'm going to eat much less in the mornings and save atleast 1k calories for 7pm and after.
Cut is going very well, 69.9 again this morning but I'm definitely feeling leaner and some cuts are beginning to show I'm the abdominal region, just need to get a tan!
Also, something I feel the need to brag about.. Today me and a mate went to the shops to grab some meat and seasonings, and being such a bro I had to walk past the protein isle which is full of ridiculously expensive tiny little pound tubs of protein for 5x the price they're worth, and they were all over 80% off! We literally bought every single one on the shelf, massive protein bars for 90% off and nothing is even close to out of date. We filled 2 shopping baskets with tubs of protein and protein bars.
Sensational day.
10-16-2014, 06:00 AM #50
Might need to back off the sumo deads, could be placing a lot of stress on your knees. Nice score on the protein.
10-16-2014, 06:21 AM #51
10-16-2014, 02:55 PM #52
I used knee wraps today for squats, I went to 315 for 2 sets of 8 and didn't want to stress my knees too much. I haven't been too consistent with legs, between the shoulder issue and now hockey, I am trying to get back into squats slowly. I will hit 3.5 maybe 4 plates a side next week. If my back cooperates I might try and get back to 5 plates a side, depends on my body and how it reacts to the heavier weights down the road.
10-17-2014, 12:26 AM #53
Jeez that's a hell of a squat for inconsistent leg training!
Decided to do some more low bar squats today as they didn't aggravate the knee yesterday, even at sub maximal loads my knee began to get irritated to the point where it hurt to unrack my OHP.
Good luck with the legs!
10-17-2014, 12:31 AM #54
Had shoulders/arms today, and was pretty happy with my OHP, I had a 5lb jump in weight and hit the same reps comfortably.
Decided to have a go at some skwaaats later on in the day and my knee became aggravated quite quickly which sucked. So I went back to doing some doubles and triples on OHP, and was overall happy with the second session!
It was pretty unnecessary to go back to the gym but a few mates were going and I decided to tag along, and just work on technique and motor patterns.
A mate who has recently started coming to the gym only just really learnt how to deadlift properly, and he decided to do some heavy singles (his form was fine otherwise I certainly would have advised otherwise) and he ended out working up to 4 plates! He's 80kg so that was 2.25x bodyweight, which took me a year to hit and it was his second time Deadlifting properly Lmao.
Still got nothing on my squat tho
10-18-2014, 01:49 AM #55
It's been a rest day today, so not much to log!
Decided to have a refeed day, my last one was a little over a week ago and I still felt decent as of yesterday, so I'm just going to eat up to maintanence, keep fats really low and aim for around 500g carbs, which should keep me replenished for another week or so.
Loving the whole refeed approach especially since I'm using it as a somewhat cheat day as well, so far I've had:
80g oats/200ml skim milk/20g honey
Protein shake 30g p
60g rice/200g chicken w/beans/broccoli and butter chicken sauce
2 150ml weight watchers ice cream cups (135 cal ea)
20 minties
And I plan to have some steak and potatoes for dinner to finish off my protein, then some sour patch kids to top off the day!
So keen for chest and back tomorrow, ima kill it.
10-18-2014, 06:42 PM #56
Just had an incredible chest and back workout, I'm really benefiting from carb cycling, woke up at 69.2kg even though I went into a caloric surplus of 300 kcal yesterday, and 200g extra carbs.
I ended out deciding to do heavy doubles and singles today, and my max flat bench is the same as it was at the peak of my bulk, I hit 200lb (90kg) for a single, and about 6 sets of 175 (80kg). This is great news for me as my pressing is a weak point, so to maintain it this far is extremely satisfying.
My incline db bench has gone up also, usually I'll use 55lb dumbbells for 3-4 sets of 8-10, today I easily did 60lb for 4 sets of 8-10.
I've also increased the amount of pull-ups I can do, usually it's 6-8 as I was carrying a lot of excess weight now I can do sets of 10 quite easily. I attribute this to losing some excess weight.
Feeling much fuller today and very happy with my results so far, I'm so excited to get back into a surplus and make some solid gains.
I'm overall satisfied with austinites fat loss protocol, however I don't have previous occasions to compare results with.
Probably about another 3-4 weeks cutting with austinites protocol only until I run the rest of my albuterol for about 2 weeks.
Legs tomorrow and I'm worried about my knee playing up some more, I'm going to ease into it and hope nothing happens, lay off the sumos and just squat.
I plan on getting some TB500 before I get my squat shoes, because there's not much point in getting shoes to squat in if I can't squat due to my knee injuries. So I'll probably run that for 6-8 weeks to help with the (self diagnosed) tendinitis, before going back to squatting and Deadlifting properly.
10-18-2014, 07:34 PM #57
Good job bro, keep at it cause it is working for you. A piece of advice on pull ups is to do every set to failure and even cheat a few extra with momentum. I have built up to a couple sets of 20 and a couple sets of 12-15 at a body weight of 255-260 by pushing past failure. Dips and chins will increase the more you do them, I set a goal to do 50 dips and 25 chins and reached it this summer. I can't do wide pull ups yet with my bad elbow, but it is getting closer, I try them every so often just to see how they feel.
10-18-2014, 07:44 PM #58
That's solid man 25 at 260.
I do them every chest/back day which is twice a week. Thanks for the tips
Spewin about the elbow, I only do wide grip because I get the best contraction in my lats that way, closer grip and chin ups I find it harder to contract my lats properly without over exaggerating an arch in my back, and my biceps/brachioradialis do all the work.
10-18-2014, 07:54 PM #59
I can do pull downs with the stack, but the pull ups still hurt, I am close, maybe another month and I will be able to do them with minor pain and no worries of further injury. I can contract my back pretty well doing chins, but back is my strong point, I struggle on chest/shoulders.
10-18-2014, 08:15 PM #60
I'm the same, back grows relatively easy but chest and shoulders are a struggle, it's all about finding what stimulates them the right way. Benching at 3-6 reps and incline benching at 6-8 has been working really well for me, as well as dips to failure.
Shoulders are a bitch to grow lol especially natty, heavy OHP has been working and laterals were blowing up the medial delt during my bulk.
That's a pic of them when they peaked (with half natty lighting).
Last edited by Khazima; 10-18-2014 at 08:21 PM.
10-18-2014, 08:25 PM #61
10-18-2014, 08:33 PM #62
10-18-2014, 08:44 PM #63
I have been pretty lucky genetics wise, everything stays in proportion, but it is also a curse. Unless everything grows, nothing grows. I am doing a bulk right now, all natural until dec. I am planning a 8 week test only bulk, then 8 weeks off, then 16-20 weeks of lean bulk transitioning into a cut. I want to try some new compounds and combinations, try front/back loading tren ace with tren e, really curiious about masteron as well. Need to do some more research to make sure I do everthing right this go around.
10-18-2014, 09:19 PM #64
Sounds like an awsome adventure man. Growth is a bit like that, comes and goes in spurts, sometimes you feel anabolic as fvck other times you feel like you can't make gains at all. Exactly why consistency and patience are key.
10-18-2014, 09:22 PM #65
After remembering I have a stationary bike just outside my bedroom, I decided to do 20 mins on it at 160bpm (80% MHR) and I think I'll incorporate it EOD from now on, given it has no effect on my leg workouts, if it does I'll just do it 2 days before legs and the day after.
Felt good to get some cardio in, I doubt I'll eat the extra calories I'd rather just take the larger deficit, speed up the process a little considering I'm only eating 300-400 calories below maintenance anyway.
10-19-2014, 07:40 PM #66
Tried to do legs today, didn't go so well
I felt fine warming up with the bar but as soon as I chucked a 10(kg) on each side the pain started to come back, I tried low bar/high bar/front squats, for a couple reps each and all of them aggravated my knee slightly, towards the end I thought of box squats and they didn't hurt holding a 16kg dumbbell so I'll try those next time and see how they go.
Instead I did some singles with my conventional deadlift since it didn't seem to agitate the knee too much, I worked up to 3 singles at close to 95% 1rm, mostly to work on my form at my heavier weights.
Then I moved onto benching at 90% for 5 easy singles, I would've gone higher but I benched yesterday and don't want to risk my shoulders too much since they're already dodgy.
After that I did 3-4 sets of doubles on overhead press with 85%, they went rather smooth and I didn't really want to go any heavier.
I ended out making the best of a bad session, I'm ordering TB500 tomorrow and I'm going to go easy on legs and find exercises that don't aggravate my knees until they're all cleared up.
It's a real low blow since I've maintained my strength so well thus far into the cut. Ah well, I'm excited to be injury free some time soon!
10-20-2014, 07:48 PM #67
Today went pretty well considering my split is a bit ruined not being able to do legs, woke up at 69.0kg, so my weight is trending down nicely, as well as my strength seemingly maintaining if not getting better.
I realised the other day that hitting my 1rm at 4kg less bodyweight technically made it a PR, which is exciting haha it's something like .07x more bodyweight, it's not much but I'll take it!
Couldn't do legs yesterday and ended out Deadlifting/benching and overhead pressing a little so I decided to do back/biceps today, it was quite enjoyable, and went as follows;
Wide grip cable row 4-5x10-12 (Substitute for bent over row, sore lower back)
Pull-ups 4xFailure (10/10/9/7)
Croc row (split stance standing dumbbell row) 4x8-10
Lat pulldown 3x8-10 (dropset last twice)
Also did seated rear delt raise 4x12-15 superset with first bicep exercise.
Seated dumbbell curl 2x8-10 standing after failure
Seated hammer curl 2x8-10 standing after failure
Cable hammer curl 3x12-15
Then since my mate was benching I decided to do 4 singles with 85%, mostly playing around with my new (closer) grip, and working on my pause.
I ordered my tb500 this morning and have 15mg (6-8weeks supply) on the way. Very keen to get multiple niggling injuries cleared up, especially my knees.
Now for some food!
10-21-2014, 02:47 AM #68
Just did 10 minutes HIIT on the stationary bike outside my room. I did intervals of 10-15 seconds sprint then 15-20 seconds rest, for 5 minutes. Then I did 10 seconds sprint and 40-50 seconds rest for the last 5 minutes. I had a serious sweat on, average HR was 185, max went up to 194, got up to 190 for most intervals.
Really couldn't be bothered sitting on the bike for 25-30 mins so I just blasted it in 10 lol. Feels great to be doing cardio again since I haven't been kickboxing or anything for a few months. I'm more than likely going to get back into boxing 2-3 times a week, and that'll be my cardio.
I wrote out an entire periodised program for myself just before, it's very easy on the legs and I'm going to use it while I use the TB to let my knees heal. I've left room for when I find exercises that don't aggravate them. I'm really excited to see if I can increase my bench and overhead press throughout the duration of my cut. If anyone would like to take a look at the program for free feel free to PM me.
I've estimated another 6-8 weeks of fat loss until I'm content and ready to get back into a surplus. I originally estimated 8 weeks, losing a pound a week. Which would be fine if I wanted to go into more of a deficit, but I'm happy with the rate Im losing weight and it's been a great learning experience so far. So it should last for a total of about 10-12 weeks, I don't want to go any longer than that especially being young as it could be damaging to my developing hormones. I plan to run the rest of my albuterol in 3-4 weeks, leaving two weeks (total of 10 weeks) until I go back into a surplus.
Now... For a chocolate ice-cream protein thick shake >=)
10-21-2014, 09:00 PM #69
My plan worked again! Went to bed at 1 to try and force myself to sleep in, woke up again at 1, 12 hours sleep and rest days almost over.
Woke up and had a breakfast of the kings, steak, eggs and a pancake with maple syrup. Bit heavy on the calories but I can afford it when it's 2pm already
Probably going to do 25-30 mins steady state or 10 mins HIIT cardio a bit later. Heaps keen to bench tomorrow and start my program.
10-22-2014, 11:36 PM #70
Pretty good day so far, woke up early to do chest and back, the first day of my program. I felt quite exhausted pretty quickly into the workout but I'd attribute that to not having a proper breakfast and only getting 6 hours sleep the night before.
I had a final practical assessment for my course today and my group and I aced it, we had to take a group of kids for an exercise session and it went really well.
Pretty keen to try and hit some squats again tomorrow, my knees are feeling pretty good so hopefully I can just get by with some squats and conventional deadlifts.
10-23-2014, 05:29 AM #71
I have recently added Vitargo carb supplement to my pre/intra/post workout drinks. I am noticing a nice boost in energy, pumps and recovery, my strength is getting better as well. It has only been a week and a half, but I am really noticing the difference. I train at 5am so I can't eat before I go, the carbs get into my system quick and give me the fuel to hit it hard and not fade at the end.
10-23-2014, 05:43 AM #72
Had to take a quick look into this vitargo. It just seems like another supplement scam, plenty of decent reviews and some promising 'studies' if you'd call them that. There's a deal on it with a specific website where I get this $30 tshirt and a $10 shaker with it, so I think I might give it a shot. It's pretty pricey.
Edit: Just looked again and I was looking at the 700g, prices are absolutely ridiculous, over twice the price of protein. (Australia)Last edited by Khazima; 10-23-2014 at 05:48 AM.
10-23-2014, 06:33 AM #73
Ya, it isn't cheap, but I only use a half scoop per serving, which is a scoop and a half a day. I was looking for a quality carb that would get absorbed quickly due to the fact I train before I can eat. I just started back on heavy pyramid training and I was burning out, this is helping. There is probably a cheaper alternative, but I read about this brand and they had it at my supplement shop so I tried it. I spend 5 times that amount on beer a month so I can live with the price, I just cut back on my beer intake, lol.
10-23-2014, 02:39 PM #74
10-24-2014, 05:15 AM #75
Terrible day today gym wise, knee started aching as I warmed up, didn't get to squat at all and my lower back was so fatigued doing conventional Deadlifts after the first set that I couldn't complete the second, where there was only two programmed.
Other than that the day was great, went from the gym to get a feed with some mates then the beach to play some footy and have a swim, the whether started out looking terrible and it cleared up and got sunny just in time.
I acquired quite the sunburn though, after hibernating for the last 8 months, any sun time cooks me like a roast chicken.. My whole body especially my shoulders and traps are burnt to a crisp. Really wish I wore sunscreen.
All of the equipment for my TB500 cycle has arrived now I'm just waiting on the product itself. I'm so keen to squat again.
When I'm back into a surplus I'm thinking of squatting every day, 3 sets of 3 with a moderate weight and seeing the type of linear progression I can make doing that.
Training my brother is going really well, he's training late tonight so I won't be at the gym with him today.
His weight is trending down however he is inconsistent with when he weighs himself and whether it's after eating/wish clothes on etc, so I'm a bit on his case about that as I would need to adjust his macros accordingly.
His is strength is skyrocketing especially when he gets the hang of an exercise like the bench press. I'm jealous of how fast he can make gains.
10-24-2014, 05:46 AM #76
I would hold off on the everyday squats if your back is tired and knee is sore, give them a rest and start when things are healed up. I have been taking a very slow progression back to squats since the shoulder issue. I did hit a drop set of 4 reps at 405 with a drop to 315 for 8. My back felt good as did my knee, and my shoulder wasn't bothered by the bar so it was a good day for squats. My knee did start to squawk on my last set of presses at 10 plates a side, so it was getting tired.
Your brothers strength will go up quick for the first year, then it will become harder like it is for the rest of us once he reaches his limits, but having someone guide him properly will help further his limits more then he would have on his own.
10-24-2014, 06:31 AM #77
Yeah I don't plan on squatting daily until I've finished cutting, finished my TB cycle and have fully recovered injury wise.
That's good your injuries held up!
It's unfortunate how noob gains are wasted on the noobs! Im glad he's allowed me to guide him through it though, I certainly think that he'll progress much quicker and get much further with my help.
10-24-2014, 06:40 PM #78
Woke up at 68.4kg this morning, .6 lower than yesterday, probably due to being at the beach all day yesterday and getting relatively dehydrated.
I'm so badly sunburnt today, my skin is ridiculously tight especially on my back, overhead pressing today is going to hurt.
10-24-2014, 07:10 PM #79Originally Posted by Khazima
10-24-2014, 08:34 PM #80
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