Results 241 to 280 of 324
01-21-2015, 08:37 PM #241
01-22-2015, 12:43 AM #242
So something happened at the gym today.. a guy i know from the year below me at primary and high school came in to workout today, at the same time as this pretty big guy who always does chest/biceps, never anything else as well as a few other people from his year. My gym partner and myself had just finished deadlifting and when my mate went to go clean up the chalk, he noticed the guy had dropped a syringe on the ground, asked him if it was his he said yeah and quickly picked it up, i can only imagine how awkward that would have been lol.
I sort of guessed most of these guys were on gear because they blew up since the last time i'd seen them, but so had i so i just thought maybe they learnt how to eat/train but i suppose that confirms my suspicions. It's a bit ridiculous IMO because none of them really have a respectable base even though they've probably been on it for a while/done a few cycles + they're 18-19.
Anyway, did some legs today and it felt great, hit about 6 sets of triples on squats then a few easy deadlifts and some deficit SLDL, so happy to be able to squat again. Got some work tomorrow so i guess i'll be resting for the next 3 days since i'm going away for the weekend as well, perfect timing with the end of the deload and the beginning of the meet prep.
I've had to take my calories down a bit because i'm only able to put on about another 4lb in the next 8 weeks or i'll have to cut water for the meet which i'd rather not do. Which sort of times really well since the rebound period from the cut is over and i'm really happy with the gains i've made, now it's time to tone the calories down a bit and make them 'lean gainz'.
01-22-2015, 03:47 AM #243
How far out is the meet? I'd like to do one too but my bench sucks so bad. Let us know what's up and I will keep visiting your log.. Check mine out too.. Just one day on it and I felt crappy too.. There's always tomorrow. Get video or pictures of the meet too.. Kill it man.. Keep killing it I should say
01-22-2015, 04:57 AM #244
Thanks brother it's 8 weeks from today.
I'm not really going to compete, my numbers aren't even nearly competitive in my weight class except for maybe above average in local meets. It's just awsome to go and test yourself, set some PR's and have something to work towards.
Would definitely recommend doing one once you're right back in the groove, i did a mock meet with a bunch of people and it was fantastic.
01-22-2015, 09:39 AM #245
nice job Khazima
01-22-2015, 12:51 PM #246
01-23-2015, 04:00 AM #247
Didn't workout today, just went and did some laboring for the day. Super tired now and really sunburnt lol ready to go away for Australia day weekend and come back fresh ready to hit the next training block hard. Got my programming completely sorted as of the moment, the plan is basically taper volume downward while increasing intensity, hopefully should peak nicely and hit the planned numbers.
01-27-2015, 01:41 AM #248
Got back from a trip over Australia day weekend yesterday, didn't feel like logging because i got home went straight to the gym and was completely exhausted by the time i got back. Yesterday i did;
Sets x Reps
Bench 3 x 8 / 1 x 6
Floor press 3 x 5
OHP 4 x 8 / 1 x 6
Weighted pull-ups 3 x 5
Cable row 3 x 12-15
Then today was a heavy squat session which went really well, i was supposed to do 4 sets of 8 with 100kg but ended out doing;
8 x 105kg, 8 x 110kg, 8 x 115kg and 8 x 120kg which is a PR and a new projected max of 150kg, at the end of my working sets. I've got an AMRAP day for squats soon and i'm confident i'll hit a projected max of 160kg which is massive for me to hit this early in the year.
After that i did some leg press superset with some leg extensions 20-25 reps to get the volume in on the quads since i'm only squatting once a week for now. I'll see how my knee feels next week and might go back to twice since it felt pretty good today.
Pretty happy with the bench progression as well, AMRAP set later in the week so i'll be able to get a clearer picture of how it's progressed after that.
No comment on deadlift yet, got a rep day coming up in 3 days so i'll have to see what i get up to there, i'm confident in the weight i'll pull but not the discomfort in my hips. Hopefully only doing a proper deadlift session once a week will allow my hips the time to recover between workouts.
All in all really happy with progression so far, deloading was definitely the right option. Essentially put 20kg on my squat in a month, 5kg on my deadlift and 5kg on my bench, in which only the squat has really been 'tested' (sort of) so far.
Bench/upper hypertrophy tomorrow, not working up to anything spectacular probably mostly focus on my chest/delts/arms plus some back and save the real back work for the AMRAP/speed day.
Trainings a little all over the place at the moment with nothing really set in stone, but in doing so i've been making dramatic improvements in all areas. It's essentially my own programming/texas method/canditos 6 week peaking program dragged out into 8 weeks and an RPE style training. But hey, it's working right? I'll probably continue to do what i've been doing after the meet and if the progression isn't up to par i'll try something new and stick with it.
01-27-2015, 09:08 PM #249
Upper hypertrophy went well today, hit the numbers i was supposed to be hitting for the second time this time. Tomorrow's rest then heavy deadlifts, looking forward to testing some reps on that, will just have to see how i'm feeling on the day. Today i did;
Bench - 4 x 10/8/8/6
Incline DB bench - 3 x 8-10
Low to high cable flies - 3 x 15/12/12
Superset with cable laterals - 3 x 10-12
Pull-ups - AMRAP (12)
High to low cable fly 1 x dropset 15-12-8-6
Seated alternating DB curl 3 x 10-12
Overhead cable extension 3 x 20/15/12
Cable curl 3 x 20/15/12
Pretty cruisy day, good pumps etc had a serious sweat going. Really looking forward to deadlifting, hoping i've rested my hips up enough to let me get a good day of sumo in.
01-28-2015, 10:02 PM #250
Rest day today, had a really cruisy day feeling pretty damn lazy. So keen to hit some heavy deadlifts tomorrow. My legs are still a little bit sore but should be fine tomorrow once i'm rested and warmed up.
Study starts again next week, so it'll put my routine back in place a lot nicer and hopefully i can get some part-time work in as well.
My IPF approved belt still hasn't arrived which i'm pretty annoyed about, a got in contact with a supplier about a plain belt and he said he can arrange it which i couldn't imagine taking 2 weeks as well as it being an Australian company so it's not like international shipping is a factor.
Mostly i need it ASAP so i can break it in, the belt i'm using at the moment took a while to break in but since it has it's been amazing and i'm not keen on going back to a super stiff belt. Hopefully i can just use mine at the meet, i messaged the host and he said it's fine since it's just a local meet but i want my total to be legit, not sure if it matters or not but i want my total to be eligible for bigger meets at the end of the year.
Singlet should be coming some time soon so i'll probably do some training in it so i don't feel like such a twat putting it on for the first time at the meet. Although i've had pretty good confidence lately so probably won't be a problem.
01-30-2015, 01:26 PM #251
What kind of numbers are you shooting for?
01-30-2015, 02:56 PM #252
01-30-2015, 10:57 PM #253
Didn't feel like logging yesterday, deadlifts went like absolute dogshit. I started at the gym closest to my house and felt really good until the owner came up and said i can't drop (lower quickly) the deadlift because of the neighbours (an aquarium) so i left to go to another one a few train stops away and when i got there i got to the same weight (3 plates) and it was just feeling really heavy and slow. So i did a few doubles then the sets i was initially supposed to do before deciding to do an AMRAP and they went fine.
After that i just did 4 x 3/3/10/10 front squats, 3-4 sets of leg curls superset with high stance leg press and some calves, calves went the best out of everything lol.
Today was AMRAP for bench and i got 9 which puts me 6kg over my currently set 1rm and 4kg away from my goal for the meet, i'm pretty confident i'll be able to hit it as long as the 3 x a week benching doesn't catch up with me to early. After that i did 10 sets of 2 with speed bench, they felt fine, then i finished off with a back/biceps workout to conclude the week.
Rest tomorrow then back to the bench.
01-31-2015, 12:57 AM #254
01-31-2015, 05:17 AM #255
02-01-2015, 01:07 AM #256
Rest again today, then some bench tomorrow. First bench session of the week is my favorite since it's the heavy OHP/floor press day as well. What i like most about going heavy(er) is that the progression is very black and white, you're either getting more reps/adding more weight or you're not.
Also hoping to hit a bodyweight OHP soon, i'm about 20lb away from that so it's going to take quite a while, but that's just another goal i thought i'd list.
02-01-2015, 11:49 AM #257
02-01-2015, 02:38 PM #258
02-01-2015, 11:00 PM #259
02-01-2015, 11:47 PM #260
02-02-2015, 12:36 AM #261
One good thing about Being tall,its very difficult to look chubby hehe
02-02-2015, 12:47 AM #262
02-02-2015, 01:27 AM #263
Benching went well enough today, I basically did the bare minimum i expected of myself, given i always have high expectations i'm not that wrapped about it. Same session in 2-3 days time so i'm probably going to rest the day after tomorrow then go for it again on thursday with a better mindset and a more clear vision of what i want to do.
Squats tomorrow will be challenging but i'm looking forward to it as i always am with squat sessions. Can't get enough of squatting, just wish i didn't inherit dodgy joints.
First day back to study today, went pretty well and the stuff we've been informed we're learning is quite interesting so it should be a good semester, definitely keen on expanding my knowledge more and getting the piece of paper to claim so.
02-02-2015, 01:55 AM #264
02-02-2015, 03:08 PM #265
02-02-2015, 10:20 PM #266
Training went well today, feel like i've tweaked something in my neck though. My training partner hit a 20kg PR which was pretty dope. Hit my numbers just fine and burnt out on the leg press afterwards. Whole workout was;
Squat - 4 sets of 6
Leg press 4 x 20-30
Definitely going to stick with squatting once a week for now and maybe some extra volume on deadlift days when my knees feel up to it.
Repeat of the other days bench workout tomorrow, hoping to do a little better than i did yesterday.
02-03-2015, 07:43 PM #267
Bench + upper body hypertrophy today, went really well. I hit the same numbers as i hit on monday with the bench which is fine especially since i hadn't fully recovered yet. After the 3 sets of bench i did;
Incline DB bench - 3 x 10-12
Pull-ups - 4 x AMRAP
Cable flies - 3 x 12-15
Cable lateral raises - 5 x 12-20
Cable row - 4 x 12-15
Overhead DB extensions - 3 x 8-12
Seated DB curls - 4 x 6-10
Cable rope hammer curls - 3 x 12-15
Great workout all in all, really happy with how my delts are looking and my back, arms and chest are still difficult but i'm placing more focus on those on the upper hypertrophy day. With the 2 other bench days there's really no need to do any more than 10 sets on the hypertrophy days, i feel as though the intensity will be the determining factor when it comes to those higher rep sets since my bench is focused on maximum efficiency and strength so my chest isn't getting the best workout so to speak.
The intensity is definitely there with these hypertrophy days and i really enjoy it, with lower rep schemes it's a lot harder to push for extra reps since you're only so strong, say you can bench 200lb for 3 reps, you can't just dig deep and get 6 since you're simply not that strong yet. But if you're doing say cable rows or chest flies for 12 reps, you can dig deep and push for 15 or even more.
It's a strange (and irrelevant) measure of strength but i feel as though my back has gotten significantly stronger because on cable rows i'm rowing 30-40 more pounds for more reps than i was recently (maybe a month or two ago).
Anyway that's the log for today, feeling great and keen to get in and kill it after a day of rest.
Hoping to hit the deadlifts better than my last deadlift day.
02-03-2015, 10:56 PM #268
Good shit khaz. . Do you do speed work for squats at all? Or just heavy? I like it, its such a big lift, scary. Not like the deadlift where you can just drop it. When im squatting its like , shit this is gonna crush me.. anyway. Youre pushing good weight. Benching 3 times?
whsts your week look like now?
02-03-2015, 11:48 PM #269
Thanks man I was doing a rotation of 9 days with 3 squat sessions and 3 bench sessions with the last sessions being speed (for squat/bench and dead) but my knee flared up again so i've cut it back to 1 heavy session a week and 1 deadlift session with the squat/front squat/pause squat as an accessory.
Right now its;
Day 1 - Bench (heavy)
Day 2 - Squat (heavy)
Day 3 - Bench or rest (rep work)
Day 4 - Rest if i didn't on day 3 or bench (rep)
Day 5 - Deadlift (heavy)
Day 6 - Bench (speed)
Day 7 - Rest
Yeah the squat can be scary lol, i'm pretty confident with dumping though so it doesn't really worry me, if i'm not in a rack or have ropes at the meet it might worry me a little more since i have to rely on the spotters.Last edited by Khazima; 02-04-2015 at 12:03 AM.
02-04-2015, 01:26 AM #270
02-04-2015, 03:09 AM #271
02-04-2015, 03:05 PM #272
Hey khaz does the gym you train at have different types of bars? I like throwing in the multi grip bar in for bench to mix it up. Good looking week too man, cant wait to see what you put up ij the meet.
02-04-2015, 07:27 PM #273
Thanks rich. Nah the gym i frequent the most only has olympic bars and one that's slightly thicker (that i hate) and the other one i frequent less has a safety squat bar that the owner keeps out the back and you have to ask for. So not much variety there, if i had different bars i'd change it up regularly.
02-05-2015, 05:39 AM #274
Rested up today, feeling fresh and ready for tomorrow and i haven't even slept yet. Got some rep deadlifts tomorrow which are already incredibly hard so that should be fun.
Probably going to check out a new gym that's a little further away but might be significantly better as well so hopefully i can get the session in there to test out their deadlift platforms especially since that's one of the main reasons i want to change.
Realized today i've got no bac water left and don't get paid for a few more days so i have to ration my mod grf for the new 3-4 days and use sterile water to take my weekly TB-500 dose.
I'm pretty happy with the results so far, i think i can attribute staying relatively lean while gaining 5kg quite a lot to the peptides, a few people said i look bigger and leaner which led to me and my gym partner talking about the effectiveness of the peptides, he seems to think there's no way they couldn't be working with the results i've been getting but i think it's a combination of getting a rebound effect after dieting, learning a lot about my body over the past few months and focusing somewhat more on getting bigger.
02-05-2015, 11:24 PM #275
Went to check out the other (better) local gym today and i gotta say i want to change, it has deadlift platforms, more squat racks, an extra bench and a bunch of plate loaded/hammer strength machines. Seems like a no brainer to me. There's a few downsides like not being a 24/7 gym, only having one of the gyms (my current gym is a franchise and has gyms everywhere) and a lot of people i know (and don't particularly like) go there but probably not at the same times as me generally.
Did deadlifts today, 4 sets of 6 reps. It was pretty hard and my thumb got ripped up on my shorts because of the sumo stance and my hands scraping along my quads. Other than that the session went really well and altogether the workout was;
Deadlifts 4 x 6
Straight leg deads 3 x 6-8
Single leg, leg curls 2 x 12-15
Went to do some front squats but it was to much pressure on my knee, pretty sure it needs the week between any heavy squatting to prevent any inflammation. Definitely keen to go there again tomorrow and test out their bench + take the hammer strength back machines for a test drive.
02-07-2015, 06:50 AM #276
Hit up the new gym again for a speed bench/back workout. Gonna have another 3 sessions there at a few different times to see if i actually want to change or not, there's a lot of positives but a few crucial negatives as well, but most importantly i think it'll benefit my training which to me is most important.
I hate change and like to stay in a groove but it's what keeps me stuck in a rut at times and leads to depression and my anxiety worsening, so i think small things like this are good steps for me to take to help me with these sorts of things.
Today i did;
Bench 1 x AMRAP / 5 x 2 w/bands
Hammer strength low row 3 x 10-12
Pull-ups 2 x 12
Hammer strength pulldown 3 x 12-15
Chest supported row 2 x 10-12
Preacher curl 4 x 12-15
Seated dip machine 3 x 12-20
Really just got around to try out as many pieces of equipment as possible and most of it feels really good.
The main deal breaker for my gym is the deadlift situation, we can't lower weights quickly (aka drop weights) and the other franchise that's a train trip away's deadlift platform has gone to shit.
The new gym has 2 deadlift platforms and a room where we can take the bar into and put our own music on/drop weights all we like. That's a massive thing for me because i like to deadlift 1-2x per week for about 2 hours at a time. The squat racks are decent but not all that great, the bench is similar in quality. Dumbbells go higher but that doesn't matter yet, more machines and more variety.
It's a damn hard choice lol but i'll be going for 3 more sessions then doing a few sessions at my current gym and deciding after that before the monthly deal ends with no sign up fee.
02-08-2015, 01:07 AM #277
Resting today, lower back is still a bit sore from deadlifts on friday so hopefully that's all good for the grueling squat session coming up in 2 days. What i've got programmed is an AMRAP with 80% of my currently estimated 1rm, then 8-10 backoff sets of 3 with 82.5% with 60 seconds rest between them after. Should be fun.
Tomorrows bench though, few sets of 6 then next week is 4-6 where it starts to get heavy.
Something i've noticed with my deadlift is that the first rep is always really good and the next few take me a while to find a nice groove. I'll be looking into it more but i may just do back to back singles during the sets of 3-5 instead of holding onto the bar. As in i'll fully reset between every rep how ever many times the set requires.
Looking forward to benching tomorrow, progress is steady. Just trying to keep putting the work in and trusting the process.
02-08-2015, 04:16 AM #278
Great log. Love the name
02-08-2015, 05:24 AM #279
02-08-2015, 07:01 PM #280Originally Posted by Khazima
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