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Thread: Reed's Bulker

  1. #321
    T_Own's Avatar
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    what kinda time frame are you lookin at for the 40 pound gain? thats a pretty decent amount so i'd guess a while depending on how much the insulin helps out

  2. #322
    Reed's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by T_Own View Post
    what kinda time frame are you lookin at for the 40 pound gain? thats a pretty decent amount so i'd guess a while depending on how much the insulin helps out
    Realistic... it would be well over a year or two. I got this last bulker coming up with the test/tren /anadrol ..... maybe get to 240-250??? Then I gotta get contest ready and after my contest(s) I will come off do a aggressive PCT hcg /torem/clomid the whole bit and give my body a rest for a while and then back to it. Gotta be smart about it and not rush things and end up tearing my body up. In it for life regardless if I use the drugs or not.

  3. #323
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    very true, its good you see it that way

  4. #324
    Reed's Avatar
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    Leg day: going heavier. still pre-exhaust.

    Leg extension: 65 x25
    125 x20
    140 x20
    165 x20

    Leg curls: 65 x25
    125 x15
    140 x15
    170 x9

    Leg press: 400 x20
    700 x20
    1100 x15
    1250 x9

    SL deads: 135 x25
    225 x20
    315 x15

    Power squat machine: 270 x20
    450 x15
    630 x7

    Single leg curl: 90 x15
    110 x15
    120 x15

  5. #325
    Amorphic's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Reed View Post
    Realistic... it would be well over a year or two. I got this last bulker coming up with the test/tren /anadrol ..... maybe get to 240-250??? Then I gotta get contest ready and after my contest(s) I will come off do a aggressive PCT hcg/torem/clomid the whole bit and give my body a rest for a while and then back to it. Gotta be smart about it and not rush things and end up tearing my body up. In it for life regardless if I use the drugs or not.
    good choice. im thinking that pct is going to work well, i'll let you know how it goes when i do the same one.

  6. #326
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    Chest/bi: Ok so I looked into HIT and gave it a shot. Sure I probably didn't go about it perfect or over did it but I got one hell of a work out and thats for sure. The Mike Mentzer HIT videos on youtube helped me quite a bit and I learned something. Good starting point:

    watch the series

    Ok utilized negatives, forced reps, rest/pause and drop setted as I went to COMPLETE FAILURE each time... Every single rep was 4 seconds down and 3 seconds back up. Really focused on the negative portion and went sloooooow..... Works..... More pumped off the first exercise than doing it like most work out like

    Incline Smith 3 warm up sets gradually increasing weight. Work sets
    295 x9
    280 x6 rest/pause +4
    275 x6 rest pause +3

    Wide press: 270 x 10
    225 x8 +3
    225 x6 +2

    Incline pec: 140 x7
    110 x5 +2

    BB curl: 2 warm sets gradually increasing weight
    95 x9
    95 x6 +2

    Hammer curl
    47.5 x9
    30 x9

    There were alot of forced reps w/ my spotter and help on the static part of the motion. This was intense ****ing day. Now of course its not as heavy but the slowness of the rep and PERFECTING the form with a full contraction through the ENTIRE RANGE of motion (don't see really any one do this lol) is what made all the difference. I'm a fan.

    Anyone other guys that wanna chime feel free to.

  7. #327
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    Oh and a side note my chest and biceps are still FEELING PUMPED seriously 6 hours later. Hmmmm I wondered if that shit worked I'm probably just delusional but I like being that way...... makes me never stop....

  8. #328
    Deltasaurus's Avatar
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    I tried Dorian's Style of HIT today and i am also a fan now. few warm-ups then 1 sets per exercise to complete failure then on last exercise i did a drop set. Oh yeah i did quads traps today

  9. #329
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    Quote Originally Posted by A2thej2008 View Post
    I tried Dorian's Style of HIT today and i am also a fan now. few warm-ups then 1 sets per exercise to complete failure then on last exercise i did a drop set. Oh yeah i did quads traps today
    Yep and so is my training partner. He said he has never been this sore after a work out. I may have over did it with the amount of sets but I did have some forced reps and such during the program. The slow up and down is want makes it hurt. After no more than 2 minutes I could do another set and I did go to complete failure each time cause my muscles would give up and anymore force and I might break/tear something. Been know to break bones, dislocate shoulders, not even realize it and to continue on but that was during my high school basketball, rock climbing, mountain biking days.

    Got legs today.... kinda excited I won't lie..... I love the pain....

  10. #330
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    Leg day: Still giving it a test drive not sure on weights I can handle etc. Chest is a sore as its been in YEARS....

    Warmed up on leg extension 3 sets progressively heavier..... Time scheme was about 4-5 seconds up, pause, 4-5 seconds back down on every exercise for my quads and hams

    Leg ext/leg press superset (Used a leg press machine where weights are pre set, different than the adding plates on a 45 degree angle... seems heavier with lighter weight if that makes sense)

    140 x12 supersetted 360 x12
    125 x 12 then 400 x15 (was interupted by someone stealing the leg press... bastards)
    125 x11 supersetted 380 x11

    Hack squats:
    230 x10 +3
    180 x8 +5

    Leg curl: 85 x15 +5
    85 x11 +3

    Seated curl: 140 x12
    125 x9 +5
    Utilized forced reps and negatives throughout the work out....

    Did calves but not in same fashion. Getting good results with SUPER heavy weight on seated raises and leg press raises. Did do the HIT training when I did donkey calf raises.... HURT!!!!!!

  11. #331
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    Shoulder/tri day: Still test driving not sure what weight I can do but my strongest body part got its ass kicked today. Same time frame 4 seconds up and down

    Hammer machine presses: 3 warm up sets
    270 x7 +2
    210 x8 +3
    180 x8 +3

    Seated db side laterals: 30 x11 +5
    30 x9 Going slow not like JJ is killer!!!!

    Rear delt machine: 125 x11
    125 x9
    115 x10

    Shrugs: 110 x10 3 second squeezes at top
    90 x10
    85 x10

    Straight bar pushdowns: x10

    Overhead tri machine: 120 x8 +2
    110 x8

    Cable kickbacks: x9

    Still utilizing forced reps and rest/pause throughout the workout.

  12. #332
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    Back/calfs: Back day was interesting to say the least. Was suprised how strong I was on certain back exercises with a 3-4 second up, 2-3 sec pause, and 3 second down on ALL exercises. So I went up in weight on some exercise which isn't what I should have been doing but you live and you learn I guess.. Probably a bunch of you vets are looking at my noob routine and laughing. Well let me know if I'm doing it wrong!!!!! Help me!!!!!

    Reverse grip pulldowns: 3 warm up sets
    180 x7 +3
    140 x8 +3
    120 x7 +2

    Mid range row machine: no weights just numbers (recording them so I know)
    6 x15 +7 (realize I could go heavier)
    10 x10
    12 x8 (so next time starting here or a spot above, never knew how strong I was till I pushed it all the way)

    Db row: 75 x10
    95 x8 (yes mad reduction but gotta remember up slow, pause for 3 seconds, back down at 3 seconds)

    Did calves HIT 2 exercise 3 sets

    First week review I like..... ALOT!!! Still love my volume cause i can work out my ego a bit, feel big, and even look big on paper So I will utilize both training. Taking two days off and gonna continue to read up on the articles, read RR's Q+A thread, watch videos etc etc.

    Side note: Feelin as though I'm making improvements while cruising and utilizing the slin. Weight is up and down b/w 229-232.... whatever.... But its like I'm adding volume to my muscles without increasing body weight if thats even possible.

  13. #333
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    im enjoying the HIT as well

  14. #334
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    Chest/Bi: Weight will go up this week, probably what would be considered a good amount since I know what to expect. Also am beginning to carb cycle to prime yesterday. Didn't realize it was so late and should have started earlier but oh well. I'm going: High, low, no. Also rotating my protein 1.15 g per lb on High, 1.3 per lb on low. and 1.55 on no. With my work and working out I pegged myself at around 2800 cals to cut. Don't feel like writing it out today........

    Still say time frame with reps, heavier
    30 degree Incline Smith: 3 warm up
    335 x8
    335 x7 +3
    275 x7 +2

    Seated press: 230 x10
    230 x8 +4
    230 x7 +3

    Incline pec deck: 110 x9
    130 x7

    BB curl: 2 warmups
    95 x10
    115 x8 +3
    115 x6 +3

    DB curl on preacher: 45 x8
    40 x8

    Preacher machine: 115 x10 w/ releasing grip on negative portion
    115 x8

    The end. High carb day to fuel tomorrows leg day. Will follow High,low, no,High, low, no, no on the 7 days a week. Also got me a ECA stack for the next two weeks, then Clen for the final two weeks. With cardio on off days first thing in the morning and about midday 30 minute sesh. Gotta a BCAA drink for morning.....

    Yeah not enough time to prime but I don't give a ****. Already lean enough, check my condition and size on just 200mg of Test E and slin above.

  15. #335
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    Legs: Weight is going up pretty nicely just cause last week wanted to test the waters and not injure myself. Gotta be smart ya know

    3 warm ups on leg ext.

    Leg extension/Leg press super set: 140 x15 over to 400 x15
    165 x14 over to 650 x12
    205 x13 over to 740 x9 +3

    Hack squats: 230 x15
    270 x11
    360 x6 +3

    Leg curl: warm up set
    125 x15
    140 x13
    165 x12

    Seated curl: 155 x15
    190 x15
    210 x12

    SL deads: 135 x25
    135 x20
    135 x20

    Still slow and controlled with emphasis on contraction and squeezing with minimal time between sets and going to complete failure with force reps etc. Did calves 3 exercises 3 sets.

  16. #336
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    How many weeks have you been doing the HIT training now? Notice any bigger pumps? Recommend it yet?

  17. #337
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    Into my second week. Oh yeah much more pumped off my first set then when doing volume training. And definitely recommend it. People trash it in my gym but I believe its cause they don't want their egos hurt by doing lighter weight.

    I'm also cutting at the moment. Yes I'm still using slin too.

  18. #338
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    Shoulders/Tris. Thinking I went a little TOO low on the calories redoing it. Already tell a difference though. Last night the veins in my quads were beginning to peek, not like my forearms yet but the seemed to wanting to show themselves. Decided to put tris today so I can **** up my back tomorrow. Went a little faster but still used NO momentum.

    Hammer Press: 3 warm up sets
    320 x8
    340 x7 +2 dropped to 270 +2

    Seated db laterals: 1 warm up
    47.5 x8
    47.5 x5 +3

    Rear delt machine: 1 warm up
    150 x10 w/ pauses each rep
    150 x9 +3

    BB shrugs: 365 x10
    365 x10

    DB shrugs: 140 x8 w/ pause
    140 x8 w/ static hold for 8 seconds or failure

    Straight bar press down: 1 warm up
    x7 + 4 (Its the whole stack and I go SLOW to w/ a 2 second squeeze at bottom)

    Close grip bench: 185 x12 (slow)
    225 x7 (slow)

    machine tri extension: 150 x8 (pause/stretch at bottom, squeeze at top)
    150 x7 ditto

  19. #339
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    Legs: My weak point. God I love it. I fell to the ground a few times gasping for air with stars around my head. LOVE IT!!!!!! AAHHHHH. Didn't do calves cause I had nothing left to hit them with substantial effort. Save that for back day on friday.

    Leg extension/leg press superset: 3 warm up on extension and 1 on press

    200 x13 over to 670 x15
    200 x11 over to 940 x8 +5
    210x8 over to 940 x7 +4 +2 I can't start heavy and work downwards with legs even with proper warm up. I gotta work up. Just how I do

    Hack squats:
    320 x15
    410 x7 down to 270 x10 with 2 second flex on those
    410 x5 down to 230 x10 w/ flex down to 180 x10 (fell to the ground gasping for air. Those squeezes on the lighter weight are killer)

    Leg curl: warm up set
    140 x15 +8
    170 x12 down to 125 x10 down to 80 x12

    Stiff deads: 185 x25
    315 x15 +10 +5 with 10 second hold to stretch
    315 x10 +5 +2 w/ 10 second hold (again fell to ground gasping for air)

    Single leg curl: 110 x15 +5
    100 x12 +3

    Still slow controlled lots of squeezing and shit. Love it!!!! TIME TO EAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  20. #340
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    Chest/Bi: Today my schedule worked out where I worked both jobs today and I did close to 14 hours but that ain't stoppin me. pssh. **** IT. I'll get enough sleep when I'm dead.

    I have nailed my diet. I can already tell I'm leaning out and seemed to have lost a layer of something (be it fat or water). Delts have more striations, the striations across my quads are coming out and are actually visible on pics (even with my pale ass), abs are more pronounced, striations across the chest are reminiscent of Franco there so visible. Go ahead and think I'm bullshittin but my partner and people at the gym are telling me they can see the difference.... funny thing is I'm about the same weight Did my cardio morning and evening on both my days off this weekend.

    Still very very controlled with lots of emphasis on contraction and squeezing

    30 degree Smith:
    3 warm up sets
    345 x7 +3
    315 x8 down to 275 x5
    315 x6 down to 275 x4 down to 225 x5

    Incline hammer:
    warm up set
    290 x9 +5
    290 x7 down to 230 x6 down to 180 x4 (OUCH!!)

    30 degree Incline db flyes: 90 x8 dropped to 45 x8 (holds with the lighter weight for 2 seconds at bottom)
    75 x7 dropped to 45 x8 (same)
    75 x6 dropped to 30 x13 (same and OUCH!!!!)

    Crossovers: x10

    BB curl: warm up
    115 x12 +6
    135 x8 +4

    Single arm db preacher: 50 x6
    40 x9

    Single arm machine: 80 x10
    90 x9

  21. #341
    T_Own's Avatar
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    nice results! are these improvents visible in any new pics to come? still using the insulin , and can you tell a difference from it?

  22. #342
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    yes visible. waist line is dropping and striations across the quads is what is noticeable. Sorry there will never be any more pics posted for privacy reasons. I might let this log die and start a new one in the training log threads. You have to understand, not doing this not to show results or whatever

  23. #343
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    Delt/tris: Good solid day. Still very pleased about my leaning out process as its working. Putting more emphasis on my rear delts and traps. Front and side are of little concern at the moment
    In case you don't follow the "+" means a rest pause set. Usually stop for 10-20 seconds and pick the weight back up and get as many as possible

    Inclined press machine: 3 warm ups
    330 x10
    330 w/ 45lb plate x8
    330 w/ 45lb plate x6

    Cable side laterals: x10

    Rear delt machine: 150 x10
    165 x7 +5
    165 x6 +4 +2 with static hold on last rep

    BB shrugs: 405 x10 w/ static hold then +6 w/ static hold
    455 x8 static hold +4 static hold for 15 seconds

    DB shrugs: 140 x10 with static hold for 15 seconds
    160 x10 +6 w/ static hold

    One arm rope press: x15

    Tri extension machine: 150 x10
    170 x8 +3
    170 x6 +3

    Dip machine: 270 x10 slow with squeezes
    295 x10 same

    Did abs

  24. #344
    audis4's Avatar
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    lifts are lookin pretty good; whats an inclined press machine?
    How is strength holding up as your leaning out?

  25. #345
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    Quote Originally Posted by audis4 View Post
    lifts are lookin pretty good; whats an inclined press machine?
    How is strength holding up as your leaning out?
    Sorry I forget names of shit and stuff. You sit on a incline benched and the press is right by your head.

    Strength has not decreased just changed up the way I was going about things. Instead of jerking around shit and I focus on FULL contraction, w/ pauses, squeezing of the muscle etc. Its seems to work better, I get sore quicker and pumped faster. Most people just lift the weight and don't focus on the mind/muscle connection. Look at the Mike Mentzer video I posted above several post that way ^^^^^^^^. It is a good way to go about things but mix it up for yourself. I can't wait to start this tren and get nasty huge!!! I'm debating if I want to list my compounds I use anymore just keep my arsenal secret....... hmmmm.....

  26. #346
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    dont ask for a source thx
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    is it that u want to compeat that you are being so cautious bro?just curious.

  27. #347
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    Quote Originally Posted by Reed View Post
    Sorry I forget names of shit and stuff. You sit on a incline benched and the press is right by your head.

    Strength has not decreased just changed up the way I was going about things. Instead of jerking around shit and I focus on FULL contraction, w/ pauses, squeezing of the muscle etc. Its seems to work better, I get sore quicker and pumped faster. Most people just lift the weight and don't focus on the mind/muscle connection. Look at the Mike Mentzer video I posted above several post that way ^^^^^^^^. It is a good way to go about things but mix it up for yourself. I can't wait to start this tren and get nasty huge!!! I'm debating if I want to list my compounds I use anymore just keep my arsenal secret....... hmmmm.....
    hahaha sounds like me...i make up names of shit if i forget

    ya, I've been pausing more etc. and feel the full benefits. Tren is great....I started a combo 3 wks ago....tren A, masteron , and test prop...shoot that all at once ed....150mgs total I have a ways to go and looking forward to see results as well!

    well keep it secret but make sure to PM me

    keep in touch bro!

  28. #348
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    Quote Originally Posted by ghettoboyd View Post
    is it that u want to compeat that you are being so cautious bro?just curious.
    exactly, especially if i get my name out there. the more the days go by the more i focus and strive harder. this is what i want and nothing will stop me thanks for coming through as usual ghetto...
    Quote Originally Posted by audis4 View Post
    hahaha sounds like me...i make up names of shit if i forget

    ya, I've been pausing more etc. and feel the full benefits. Tren is great....I started a combo 3 wks ago....tren A, masteron , and test prop...shoot that all at once ed....150mgs total I have a ways to go and looking forward to see results as well!

    well keep it secret but make sure to PM me

    keep in touch bro!
    you'll catch a few pms

    will do brother

  29. #349
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    Back/calfs: Hard day today. Went wild and crazy. The first two exercises was the real deal, back/lats was so pumped I was walking around w/ my arms flared out like a goof. I couldn't help it

    Reverse grip pulldowns: 3 warm up sets
    210 x10
    230 x8 +5
    230 x5 +3

    Mid range row: 16 x6
    15 x9 +5
    14 x7 +5 +4

    Lower Back extensions: 11 x15
    13 x12
    13 x10

    Wide grip pullups: x12
    w/ 35lb plate x8 dropped plate x7
    w/ 35lb plate x5 dropped plate x6

    BB rows: 135 x15
    225 x10

    Calve raises on leg press, seated calfs, donkey calfs 3 sets of each. I don't understand how I do 800lb x10 (slow HIT style too) on the leg press raises and my calves aren't 20inch They only 17.5 inches

  30. #350
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    Looking really good bro, solid as a block of marmor

  31. #351
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    Thanks Van!! ^^^^

    Cardio and abs today back to do cardio tonight. Dropped a few pounds now around 227-228 started around 231-232. Strength from this past week seems good and energy levels are fine. I seem to hold my fat and water in my lower ab area and thighs. Definitely seeing a difference now especially in the lower ab area and veins coming through the thighs.

  32. #352
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    Glad to see you back. So when you gonna ramp it up to your second cycle? Just seems like you've been cruisin for some time and wondering when you were gonna start up again? I think you told me already but i forgot, lot been on my mind lately.

  33. #353
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    I should have two more weeks of leaning out but........ if everything comes in shortly I might say fukk it and start this coming saturday or sunday. I need to drop a few pounds in order to get to 6% bf. Trying my best to lean as fast as possible while still retaining muscle

  34. #354
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    of yeah did cardio and abs today blah

  35. #355
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    Quote Originally Posted by Reed View Post
    I should have two more weeks of leaning out but........ if everything comes in shortly I might say fukk it and start this coming saturday or sunday. I need to drop a few pounds in order to get to 6% bf. Trying my best to lean as fast as possible while still retaining muscle
    Damn, sounds like me. My ish cant get here fast enough it seems, haha! We might be starting then at the same time? Mine should be pretty killer i think:
    weeks 1-4 or 6 anadrol 75mg ed maybe 100
    weeks 1-12 or 14 test prop 150mg eod
    weeks 9-12 winny tabs 75-100mg ed
    Should be a nice bulker then slightly lean towards the end but bulk more than anything. Should bring me in nice to summer. Im still debating on doin a log for it or not, we'll see. Either way, i think it will do me real good!

  36. #356
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    Quote Originally Posted by wukillabee View Post
    Damn, sounds like me. My ish cant get here fast enough it seems, haha! We might be starting then at the same time? Mine should be pretty killer i think:
    weeks 1-4 or 6 anadrol 75mg ed maybe 100
    weeks 1-12 or 14 test prop 150mg eod
    weeks 9-12 winny tabs 75-100mg ed
    Should be a nice bulker then slightly lean towards the end but bulk more than anything. Should bring me in nice to summer. Im still debating on doin a log for it or not, we'll see. Either way, i think it will do me real good!
    Looks good. Get it done bro! When you gonna start?

  37. #357
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    Chest/Bi: Strength is leveling off as I lean down. Cardio this morning and workout at night.

    30 degree Incline Smtih: 3 warm ups
    355 x6 down to 305 x5 down to 275 x6 down to 225 x6 "giant set" Done pumped

    Hammer Incline (different one hits more upper than other one i have been doing)
    warm up
    270 x7 +4
    230 x8 +5

    Cable crossover: under 90 x12
    under 110 x10
    out 80 x11

    Machine press 270 x8
    270 x8 +5

    BB curl: warm up
    115 x10
    115 x9

    Preacher db curl: 45 x9
    47.5 x8
    negatives: 65 x5

    Standing curls: 45 x10 +3

  38. #358
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    Quote Originally Posted by Reed View Post
    Looks good. Get it done bro! When you gonna start?
    If all goes to plan i should have it all by the next week sometime. If that happens then the following monday, i like starting on monday since i try to take weekends off from the gym. Ill let you know. Should have started by now already but hit some road bumps along the way ya know? Sucks!

  39. #359
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    Quote Originally Posted by Reed View Post
    Chest/Bi: Strength is leveling off as I lean down. Cardio this morning and workout at night.

    30 degree Incline Smtih: 3 warm ups
    355 x6 down to 305 x5 down to 275 x6 down to 225 x6 "giant set" Done pumped

    Hammer Incline (different one hits more upper than other one i have been doing)
    warm up
    270 x7 +4
    230 x8 +5

    Cable crossover: under 90 x12
    under 110 x10
    out 80 x11

    Machine press 270 x8
    270 x8 +5

    BB curl: warm up
    115 x10
    115 x9

    Preacher db curl: 45 x9
    47.5 x8
    negatives: 65 x5

    Standing curls: 45 x10 +3
    Strong a$$ fu$$er, haha! I started workin out like this too after watchin that dorian vid i gave you the link to, chest/bis together, back/tris together, etc. I like it a lot. Gonna try it while bulking on this cycle coming up and see how it goes for at least the first 6 weeks of the cycle, then ill probably switch it up to a different routine. My body gets used to routines quick now so can't really do the same routine past 8 weeks or i dont get sore anymore no matter how i switch it up while staying in the same routine.
    I like doing chest/tris, back/bis, etc while cutting, works great for me and especially in pct to keep the intensity up when my levels are low to maintain what i made. Its all trial and error too i guess.

  40. #360
    Reed's Avatar
    Reed is offline AR's Pitbull ~Vet~
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    Apr 2008
    Leg workout: Late one. A midnight mad house in the gym tonight. No slin tonight as I am going to shower and hit the bed as fast as possible. Just going to drop the slin for 4 weeks now. A little tired but just gotta put ya mind to it.

    Leg extension/power squat machine superset: 3 warm ups leg ext, 1 warm up powersquat
    195 x15 to 380 x15
    215 x13 to 560 x11
    230 x11 w/ 3 second pauses on last 2 reps to 650 x7

    Hack squat: warm up 270
    360 x11
    410 x9 down to 270 x10 +6

    Leg curl: warm up
    140 x15
    170 x9 down to 115 x11

    SL deads: warm up 185 x20
    365 x10 +6

    Single leg curl: 110 x14
    120 x11

    Adductor: 110 x15
    130 x9

    Donkey calves and seated calves.

    Productive workout for sure even with being so late. Got my PWO meal in then having my PPWO meal, asleep for 3 hours the up for a quick meal then sleep for 5 hours. Gotta get in those meals!!

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