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  1. #241
    wukillabee's Avatar
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    Thumbs up

    Quote Originally Posted by Batman360 View Post
    Here are the changes I made in 11 weeks. I didn't reach all of my goals size wise, but I did on some. I surpassed my goals I set for strength. My waist didn't go up to 37 like I thought it would have, I've been there before. It's like the gear prevented me from gaining too much fat. Overall I'm happy with my results and look forward to another cycle. I hope I did a decent job on my first cycle diary so other first time users know what to expect. I had alot of fun and want to thank you guys for the encouragement.

    Weeks 1-11 Results
    Weight 225 vs 201 first week Gained 24 lbs
    Waist 34 vs 33 first week Gained 1
    Chest/Back 50 vs 46.5 last week Gained 3.5
    Shoulders 56 vs 53 first week Gained 3
    Arms 19.375 vs 18.125 first week Gained 1.25
    Forearms 14.375 vs 13.25 first week Gained 1.125
    Quads/Hamstrings 26.5 vs 24.375 first week Gained 2.125
    Calves 16.875 vs 16 first week Gained .875
    Nice progress bro! You got the build of a house. I think if you did a good cutting cycle next, that would really help bring out more seperation and really show off your muscle size more. You got the build, now cut it up! Hope pct goes smooth for ya.

  2. #242
    Navy-boi-kai is offline Associate Member
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    good job bro and keep us posted been my pleasure watchin and hope their will be more to come outa of you!!! Good job and thank for letting us be apart of it!!

  3. #243
    chanelta76 is offline New Member
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    congratulations for the results
    can u post your complete Lifting Routine:
    -number of series
    -number of reps

    that will be great to have an idea of what u do at the gym and share your success

  4. #244
    daddyzzs's Avatar
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    Hey man I just wanted to say Great Job hope you can keep the weight on..

  5. #245
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    Hey what's up guys. First of all thanks for your comments and suggestions. I'm sorry I haven't been able to reply sooner. My internet has not been working for like 3 weeks now. I just wanted to give you guys a quick update. I'm 2 1/2 weeks into PCT. My work schedule has increased and I haven't been able to eat or train like I used to. I eat only 3 times, sometimes only 2 times a day so I have lost some weight. I weigh 205 right now but I think I'm leaner and bigger than my before pics when I was 201. I can't know for sure because my tape measure is broken, so I need to order a new one to get my measurements. I'm hoping to get a 32 in waist or even lower by September so I can start my next cycle super lean. I will scroll back and answer specific questions when I have more time.

  6. #246
    gigabitbucket's Avatar
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    Great work, have any new pics?

  7. #247
    bifda's Avatar
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    whats happening batman?

    how did pct go?

  8. #248
    TheWarHammer's Avatar
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    excellent log of a cycle. It really helps everyone learn and grow when someone can share their cycle in this fashion so thanks Batman....oh and of course you got freaking ginormus!!!! and it looked really good. Hope your next cycle goes as well or better for you.

  9. #249
    Juturna is offline Banned
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    Hey what's up guys. First of all thanks for your comments and suggestions. I'm sorry I haven't been able to reply sooner. My internet has not been working for like 3 weeks now. I just wanted to give you guys a quick update. I'm 2 1/2 weeks into PCT. My work schedule has increased and I haven't been able to eat or train like I used to. I eat only 3 times, sometimes only 2 times a day so I have lost some weight. I weigh 205 right now but I think I'm leaner and bigger than my before pics when I was 201. I can't know for sure because my tape measure is broken, so I need to order a new one to get my measurements. I'm hoping to get a 32 in waist or even lower by September so I can start my next cycle super lean. I will scroll back and answer specific questions when I have more time.
    Let me get this right - you started at 201lbs, went up above 225, and now your back at 205? Ouch.

  10. #250
    AnabolicApocalypse is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Batman360 View Post
    Ok so no Adex since I'm not sure if I'm gyno prone yet so no point in taking it. I have Nolvadex so it's good to know that will help if I run into trouble. I'll read up more on aromasin and letro to see if I should order those or not. I appreciate the help War and glad to have you following my log.
    IMO you shouldn't wait until you get gyno to do something about it. Running a-dex on cycle is always a good proposition but just my opinion. You look great bro, even without the anabolics. Keep up the good work.

  11. #251
    wukillabee's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Juturna View Post
    Let me get this right - you started at 201lbs, went up above 225, and now your back at 205? Ouch.
    It happens. Im sure some of the weight was water so thats out, then during pct no matter how aggressive it is and how spot on ur diet it, without slin your gonna lose some no doubt! I still think thats great progress, gained a solid 4lbs after pct, leaned up good, and gained inches on every muscle group at the same time!
    IMO, people who gain 20+lbs on their first cycle and keep most of it are those who never waited for their genetic potential yet! As u can see from his before pics, hes a fu!kin house! Many need to do 3+ cycles to look like batman before he started gear! Everyones body is different and i can tell he gained as much as he could naturally before touching gear, something the minor majority of us aas users practice! The vast majority jump on gear in their teens or better yet, 26yr old, 6', 180lbs, drinkin 5 shakes a day thinkin theyre at their genetic potential cus they cant gain anymore! He did it right and i give batman huge props on what he's achieved here, bravo bro!

  12. #252
    Juturna is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by wukillabee View Post
    It happens. Im sure some of the weight was water so thats out, then during pct no matter how aggressive it is and how spot on ur diet it, without slin your gonna lose some no doubt! I still think thats great progress, gained a solid 4lbs after pct, leaned up good, and gained inches on every muscle group at the same time!
    IMO, people who gain 20+lbs on their first cycle and keep most of it are those who never waited for their genetic potential yet! As u can see from his before pics, hes a fu!kin house! Many need to do 3+ cycles to look like batman before he started gear! Everyones body is different and i can tell he gained as much as he could naturally before touching gear, something the minor majority of us aas users practice! The vast majority jump on gear in their teens or better yet, 26yr old, 6', 180lbs, drinkin 5 shakes a day thinkin theyre at their genetic potential cus they cant gain anymore! He did it right and i give batman huge props on what he's achieved here, bravo bro!
    Now I'm twice as speechless.. You think 4-pounds from a 3 month bulking cycle is good progress? That was his goal after-all... We're not talking about what he's done naturally - but IMO this cycle was a fail.

    And you don't know that he kept the inches on every muscle group - he'd posted the sizes when he was 225 on the date; 07-08-2009 08:43 PM. Then, less than a month later he says,

    Hey what's up guys. First of all thanks for your comments and suggestions. I'm sorry I haven't been able to reply sooner. My internet has not been working for like 3 weeks now. I just wanted to give you guys a quick update. I'm 2 1/2 weeks into PCT. My work schedule has increased and I haven't been able to eat or train like I used to. I eat only 3 times, sometimes only 2 times a day so I have lost some weight. I weigh 205 right now but I think I'm leaner and bigger than my before pics when I was 201. I can't know for sure because my tape measure is broken, so I need to order a new one to get my measurements. I'm hoping to get a 32 in waist or even lower by September so I can start my next cycle super lean. I will scroll back and answer specific questions when I have more time.
    He isn't even sure of the size anymore after dropping 24lbs. Furthermore,Wukillabee, you can't say, " then during pct no matter how aggressive it is and how spot on ur diet it, without slin your gonna lose some no doubt!" even though his most recent post says that he's eating between 2-3 meals a day without time for proper meals or training. So... if you think that this cycle was a success you need to catch up...

  13. #253
    bifda's Avatar
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    i think the pct went to shit imo, cycle fail, shame.

  14. #254
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    Measurement update 2 months since PCT

    Hey guys, I promised an update when my measurment tape got here. Again thanks for the comments, suggestions and concerns. Well, its been over 2 months since I finished my PCT. As you guys already know I had some trouble with my last order and didn't get my clomid in on time so I had to rely on only Nolvadex for a 4 week PCT. Yeah I kind of let myself go but not entirely. I still busted my butt in the gym every chance I got even if it was only 3 days a week. It's not easy to keep those gains and strength I can tell you. I don't think some people know the commitment it takes to get to the level I was at and stay there. I just didn't have the time and some gains came off. I accept it and I don't consider the cycle a fail. If you can stay as big as I was after PCT then you can talk. Sure I lost more than I would have liked but I am still satisfied with my stats after PCT and it was worth every penny. I knew from the start I wouldn't be able to keep everything, maybe even less than half and I would be ok with that. At my height anything even close to 200 lbs is considered above average. I'm suprised I still get comments from people after all the weight I lost. It's gonna take a number of stronger cycles before I'm able to get to the level of being 225 after PCT. Yeah I may weigh less than before I started but I'm bigger on some bodyparts, and the same on some bodyparts at a lower bodyfat. Even though I started at 201 lbs that wasn't solid muscle. At the start of my cycle I was probably a solid 180 lbs and now I'm probably a solid 190 lbs. As far as strength goes the biggest drop is my flat bench press. Part of the reason being phychological where in my mind I think I'm not as strong anymore because I am off the gear and I risk even less on each bench day. Everything else though I am stronger at than before I started my cycle. Strength and size has stayed consistent and has not been dropped in 2 weeks. I'm probably less than a month away from doing my second cycle and I'm very excited about that. Being a realist I hope to add another 5 -7 lbs of solid muscle after PCT so I'm closer to being a solid 200 lbs.

    Starting Stats vs After PCT stats
    Height: 5’7
    Weight 201 - 197
    Waist 33 -32
    Hips 40 .625 -
    Chest/Back 46.5 - 47
    Shoulders 53 -53
    Arms 18.125 -18.125
    Forearms 13.25 - 13.5
    Quads/Hamstrings 24.375 - 24.25
    Calves 16 - 16

    Starting Lifting Stats vs After PCT stats
    Bench Press 275 x 8 vs 275 x 8
    Incline Bench 215 x 6 vs 245 x 6
    Squat 275 x 8 vs 300 x 10
    Deadlift 425 x 8 vs 455 x 8
    Dumbell Curls 50's x 10 vs 85's x 10

  15. #255
    mperk's Avatar
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    hey dude - nice update. It is tough to keep all the gains, but it seems that you have changed yur body composition so that is a win IMO. I also am of the opinion, that once you've been up to 225, it's easier to get back up the second time and do it leaner.

    And i totally agree about the psychological effects of being on & off. Make sure u do some blood work so you don't fuk yorself long term (U want baby bats, rite?) and look into adding som hcg to the next cycle. BTW - what is your plan for the next one?

  16. #256
    bifda's Avatar
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    i followed you from the start , what you gained you could have kept most of, but you slacked on pct cos you didnt have it all before you started.

    imo you could have gained those stats natty in 3 months, i sure as hell could.
    come on stop ****in about and take it seriously bro, you got the genetics, use them.

  17. #257
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    Ok I admit my PCT wasn't the best and I wasn't prepared with all my stuff when i got to that stage. I probably could have kept more muscle if I had everything but I never thought I would run into a situation where my gear didn't arrive till after 2 months. I made a mistake and there is a chance it cost me some gains but I'm still in the learning process. Sure I could have made these gains naturally, but with a 38 inch waist. I've bulked close to 220 lbs before and leaned back to 200 lbs like 2 times and I gained some muscle in each bulk however after my second bulk I came to the conclusion that I wasn't gaining much naturally anymore and I was busting my butt for very little muscle gains which is why I decided it was time to cycle and bust my butt for some worthy gains. Tommorrow I'll take a closer look at my 3 previous bulks I did in the last 2 years and I'll be able to tell what I need to do. That's where the answers are and I'll be truthful to myself because lying to myself won't get me nowhere.

  18. #258
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    Quote Originally Posted by mperk View Post
    hey dude - nice update. It is tough to keep all the gains, but it seems that you have changed yur body composition so that is a win IMO. I also am of the opinion, that once you've been up to 225, it's easier to get back up the second time and do it leaner.

    And i totally agree about the psychological effects of being on & off. Make sure u do some blood work so you don't fuk yorself long term (U want baby bats, rite?) and look into adding som hcg to the next cycle. BTW - what is your plan for the next one?
    I plan on going to 15 -16 weeks.
    Test E 500mg till I reach 220 then up the dosage to 750mg probably after a month.
    Dbol 60mg for 6 weeks instead of 4 this time.
    Deca 400 - 500mg per week.

    I will look into HCG .

  19. #259
    bifda's Avatar
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    good to see you are taking it seriously mate. Just make sure you have all you need before you start.
    I wouldnt bump the dbol to 60 tho, deca will be good stack.

    Cant wait to see the next log.

  20. #260
    teachme is offline New Member
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    great post! just the last one was kinda dissapointing... all this time and excitment and then back down to 205....

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