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Thread: Dr. Suess books declared racist. Canceled

  1. #41
    David LoPan's Avatar
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    Conservatives due suck at trying to cancel anything. Will give you that.

  2. #42
    Hughinn is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Deadlifting Dog View Post
    So the right wing doesn't boycott???

    You once again are a liar.

    LIST: All The Things Donald Trump Has Called On People To Boycott

    So please cut the BULLSHIT with the cancel culture only being on the left.
    Say it again...
    I'll call you a liar.

    Your enamored golden shower idol has called for many boycotts.

    I ask you...
    Are you man enough to admit you were wrong?

    You said the right wing doesn't boycott.
    Yet here Trump calls for boycotts.

    So what is it?

    Extra reading:
    The Official Christmas Boycott List for Evangelical Christians has Arrived. Happy Holidays!

    Those righties boycott too!!!
    Now, that's more like the dog I know. Why cop out? Go all in or go home.

    First off, I said I disagree with cancel culture, no matter who does it. Go back and read the thread. I do say, however, it's very predominantly from the left. I'll stand by that.
    But irregardless. I disagree with it, regardless of where it comes from. And most right leaning people agree. I stand by that as well.

    I'm not a religious man. So accordingly, I can and will not comment on evangelical people's or any other formally religious people's beliefs. I don't know them personally, I am not a member of thier faith. So I cannot say.

    I respect anyone's right to believe in God, gods, government or whatever. As long as American liberty, freedom and independence is mutually accepted.

    I stand with the right, because the right stands with me. I'm an American,. I believe in American liberty. I believe in American ideas of individual rights and responsibility. I don't want anything I can't earn on my own. And I don't want anyone else to pay my bills, or take care of my family. I'm not owed a fucking thing I can't get on my own, and I ain't asking for anything. Much less forgiveness for being what I am. And I ain't making no fucking apologies for it either.

    I think it's good that you and I can talk here.

    We're polar opposite people.

    I'm a generation X skilled tradesmen in rural Texas.

    You're a millennial stock/bond trader in (a suburb of) Boston Massachusetts.

    Most everyone else here is somewhere in between. We all learn shit here.

    Maybe you do too?
    Last edited by Hughinn; 03-02-2021 at 10:19 PM.

  3. #43
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    Quote Originally Posted by David LoPan View Post
    He did not die from the protesters.
    That is one of the most vile and ignorant things I've read on this forum.

  4. #44
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    Quote Originally Posted by David LoPan View Post
    HELL YES, you have it underlined in red. "teachers, academics and specialists in the field as part of our review process...these are the MFer that are all democrats and want to cancel anything. Could I possibly see how the publisher could make some money off this publicity, yes. But it is right out of the liberal playbook.

    And I think it's like national reading day, and without googling it I am pretty sure that it is Dr. Seuss's birthday. Come on man
    Oh muffin.

  5. #45
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Deadlifting Dog View Post
    That is one of the most vile and ignorant things I've read on this forum.
    From the little media I have heard, he was killed by protesters hitting him with a fire extinguisher. This came out to be false. They have not released his cause of death, he could have had a heart blockage and it was his first physical activity in years. I don't watch the news or listen to much crap about politics. But I can say, the media jumps on any chance to take a narrative that fits them. Wait until the cause of death has been officially announced.

    I feel for this man and his family and I pray for him.

  6. #46
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    Quote Originally Posted by David LoPan View Post
    Conservatives due suck at trying to cancel anything. Will give you that.
    One of the things i don’t understand is why they are so against marijuana sales with medical benefits. Also another thing why the four states surrounding me have a state lottery ...yet the citizens of my state drive to other states and buy tickets. Makes zero sense.

    I dont get why we can have liquor stores on every corner yet weed is the devil. Conservative agenda is carved in stone. The liberal agenda just makes my skin crawl. Why must we use the same bathroom as women ? Gender identity it goes on forever. Ill take weed illegal and a lottery ill never waste money on in place of that bullshit liberal agenda any day.
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  7. #47
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cuz View Post
    One of the things i don’t understand is why they are so against marijuana sales with medical benefits. Also another thing why the four states surrounding me have a state lottery ...yet the citizens of my state drive to other states and buy tickets. Makes zero sense.

    I dont get why we can have liquor stores on every corner yet weed is the devil. Conservative agenda is carved in stone. The liberal agenda just makes my skin crawl. Why must we use the same bathroom as women ? Gender identity it goes on forever. Ill take weed illegal and a lottery ill never waste money on in place of that bullshit liberal agenda any day.
    I hear you. With exception to the events of 2020 and recently that you couldn’t avoid even if you tried; I simply don’t like to follow politics. Both sides drive me crazy at times. Agreed about the marijuana. Weird thing out here was that between the lottery and the taxes on pot, we were supposed to be swimming in extra cash, but where the hell does it go? Another reason I don’t follow that type of stuff, I’ll die younger from stressing over it and trying to make sense out of it.

  8. #48
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cuz View Post
    One of the things i don’t understand is why they are so against marijuana sales with medical benefits. Also another thing why the four states surrounding me have a state lottery ...yet the citizens of my state drive to other states and buy tickets. Makes zero sense.

    I dont get why we can have liquor stores on every corner yet weed is the devil. Conservative agenda is carved in stone. The liberal agenda just makes my skin crawl. Why must we use the same bathroom as women ? Gender identity it goes on forever. Ill take weed illegal and a lottery ill never waste money on in place of that bullshit liberal agenda any day.
    I really don't get how these alleged conservatives that are about "freedom" are so against marijuana or any kind of drug. Mind you, I don't smoke pot and I can't stand the smell of it even. If somebody wants to make poor-life choices (and I'm not saying smoking grass or doing drugs is or isn't), then should be able to.

    I don't think the government should be involved in gambling, but it should be perfectly legal in any state for a private entity to start their own lottery or open a casino. It's the customer's choice if they want to make a bad decision.

  9. #49
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hughinn View Post
    I think it's good that you and I can talk here.

    As soon as I read that line this video clip popped into my mind......

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  10. #50
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    Just so I got this right: the Seuss estate is self canceling 6 of his books and everyone is teaching them a lesson by buying up all their books?
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  11. #51
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    Quote Originally Posted by David LoPan View Post
    Fucking Trumplicans cancel science at every step they take. (which science, it's a large field)
    You know... climate change or Covid or evolution or masks or vaccines. - He got the vaccine, operation warp speed, and masks are useless. Dr. F had a large study, sorry it's been taken down, that showed that there was no effusiveness of mask to protect against the flu for health care workers done prior to 2009. The link is dead so I should have printed it off. But really, people do not wear them correctly and like my parents, for example, stepmom is a doctor. Wears a mask and still got covid, comes home and does not social distance from my dad and don't wear a mask at home. So they don't work like we are being to they would.
    It's not called Climate change, not global warming. The Paris Deal was and is bad for the US. Our climate has gone through a lot of ice ages and warming peroids.

    Let's try the election...
    The sore ass losers were so hurt they lost to Biden they tried to cancel 81,000,000 votes. (really, you didn't watch the votes that night, and they stopped counting the votes, and wham, Biden wins.) States changed the voting laws without the state legislatures which is against the election laws of the states. (This is all really a mute point, Biden is the Presiden, But i didnt listen or believe what trump Said, I just happen to agree with some of the things he said. Like Stalin said, who counts the votes matters.

    And they sucked at canceling the votes so badly...
    You know, after they killed and injured countless policemen... this is not a fact. He did not die from the protesters. More cops have been killed by "others" than during the election
    That they tried to cancel their own insurrection by blaming Antifa. - You really believe that this was an insurrection? Conservatives who have been holding weapons and ammo are going to take control of the government unarmed?

    Let's try President Obama...
    The damn racists are so upset he became president they tried to cancel his presidency by claiming he wasn't American. We elected a black president twice! not once but twice. We are not a racists country, PERIOD! His policies sucked. He was a typical Chicago politician. He did things that benefited him and his friends. Did not stand up for the working class. Obama care sucks! Rates went up and you could not choose your own doctor as he promised.

    Keep worshipping your false idol...where did this come from? The media calling Trump supports a cult?

    Thinks like that.
    With all of the alt-right people that have been getting arrested in the last week, you really shouldn't prophesize about conservatives (with weapons and ammo) taking control of the government.

  12. #52
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    Quote Originally Posted by Honkey_Kong View Post
    With all of the alt-right people that have been getting arrested in the last week, you really shouldn't prophesize about conservatives (with weapons and ammo) taking control of the government.
    The ones getting arrested are lunatics. There’s no reason to storm the capitol in my mind weve had two handouts. I prospered more under the Trump Admin than i have any other president thats a fact. Was it bc of Trump i have no idea. I [conservetive] dont want control of the governments, its the governments that i dont want control of me.
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  13. #53
    META99 is offline New Member
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    It’s not a Trump vs Biden thing, this is just giant corporations thinking they are responsible for determining culture. It’s still a form of censorship and that’s not ok

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  14. #54
    Hughinn is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by META99 View Post
    It’s not a Trump vs Biden thing, this is just giant corporations thinking they are responsible for determining culture. It’s still a form of censorship and that’s not ok

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  15. #55
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    There is no intent in finger pointing here, just my observation. I don’t feel that it’s biased and I feel what I’ve seen is pretty close to being as objective as possible.

    Born in the 50’s grew up in the 60’s (Midwest) with a prejudiced, racist, conservative upbringing and family, friends. Still are friends with many (don’t judge them) most of family is dead so don’t have much contact there. Moved to Los Angeles 40 years ago. Have taught high school for 20 years. The city that I teach in is more conservative than liberal & though predominantly white has a black, Latino and Asian minority base that’s about 40 % of our school.

    Past 4-5 years the blatant racism/prejudice had been increasing in our school and really was “super-increasing” 2 years ago. The only thing that stopped it really was shutting the school for Covid. By blatant I mean the noticeable increase in the n word, homophobic targeting & anti Semitic behavior. Physical attacks and harassment against all, messages & swastikas left on white boards and graffiti, and the usage of Sieg Heils used openly.
    This is in the general school area, but was extending more and more into the classroom. Targeted students stayed home out of fear or had their educations compromised at school.

    The district was dumb-founded and had to hire a race relations expert from a well respected university.

    So, the district banned “To Kill A Mockingbird”. Why? It was getting difficult to teach and was getting dangerous in the classroom because high school students progressively felt empowered to use the n word since it was used in literature and uttered in class by reading the book. Where might they have learned this? It wasn’t rap music or videos; I’ve seen it’s influence and it never extended to hatred out here.

    Do I like censorship? No. But more importantly do I like to see students harassed, beaten and frightened to get an education? You decide which is worse for yourself.
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  16. #56
    Hughinn is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by wango View Post
    There is no intent in finger pointing here, just my observation. I don’t feel that it’s biased and I feel what I’ve seen is pretty close to being as objective as possible.

    Born in the 50’s grew up in the 60’s (Midwest) with a prejudiced, racist, conservative upbringing and family, friends. Still are friends with many (don’t judge them) most of family is dead so don’t have much contact there. Moved to Los Angeles 40 years ago. Have taught high school for 20 years. The city that I teach in is more conservative than liberal & though predominantly white has a black, Latino and Asian minority base that’s about 40 % of our school.

    Past 4-5 years the blatant racism/prejudice had been increasing in our school and really was “super-increasing” 2 years ago. The only thing that stopped it really was shutting the school for Covid. By blatant I mean the noticeable increase in the n word, homophobic targeting & anti Semitic behavior. Physical attacks and harassment against all, messages & swastikas left on white boards and graffiti, and the usage of Sieg Heils used openly.
    This is in the general school area, but was extending more and more into the classroom. Targeted students stayed home out of fear or had their educations compromised at school.

    The district was dumb-founded and had to hire a race relations expert from a well respected university.

    So, the district banned “To Kill A Mockingbird”. Why? It was getting difficult to teach and was getting dangerous in the classroom because high school students progressively felt empowered to use the n word since it was used in literature and uttered in class by reading the book. Where might they have learned this? It wasn’t rap music or videos; I’ve seen it’s influence and it never extended to hatred out here.

    Do I like censorship? No. But more importantly do I like to see students harassed, beaten and frightened to get an education? You decide which is worse for yourself.
    I've seen racists of all colors. And I've seen roving packs of black kids viscously assaulting white and Latino kids just for the color of thier skin. It's literally all over youtube. But back then there was no youtube.

    I've seen traditionally black neighborhoods be overrun with hispanic gangs and blacks specifically targeted for being on Latino turf.

    My problem with almost everything you say on the subject of racism is that it ignores every aspect that doesn't portray White people as the aggressor and others as the victim.

    I'm all for being against racism. But be against all of it. Because I've often seen it perpetuate itself. Often kids or people bsn together along racial lines to protect themselves. It happens time and time again. Bullying often leads to racists. Of all colors

    I was in louisiana when hurricane katrina went through. I could tell you some shit I've seen that you wouldn't understand. When a population is put under enough stress. The results always play out the same. A look at prisons all over the world bear out that truth.

    You only call it one way. And until it's called out across the board. It won't change. And until the fundamental reasons it perpetuates is recognized, it will not go away.

    Censoring any specific group will not help it. Only solidify it's existence in the future.
    Last edited by Hughinn; 03-06-2021 at 02:47 PM.
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  17. #57
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    I’m speaking only to as why a book was banned in our school, which is the topic of this thread. I’m not talking about prejudice, racism or acts of violence of one group upon another in general.

    Also, I did not identify who was doing the acts. It actually wasn’t exclusive to one “group”.

    The fact was that children could not learn in school and that was my intent and why I personally agree that the book should be banned.

  18. #58
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    Quote Originally Posted by wango View Post
    I’m speaking only to as why a book was banned in our school, which is the topic of this thread. I’m not talking about prejudice, racism or acts of violence of one group upon another in general.

    Also, I did not identify who was doing the acts. It actually wasn’t exclusive to one “group”.

    The fact was that children could not learn in school and that was my intent and why I personally agree that the book should be banned.
    I understand.
    I might've misconstrued my point.

    My point was that censorship doesn't discourage the behavior your talking about. It just drives it underground and radicalizes it. It causes resentment and hostility.

    My opinion is that we as a nation need to stick to our founding principle of freedom of speech and expression. And I mean that people can say whatever they want, no matter how stupid it is. Washington DC is a prime example. The stupid shit that comes out of the people in that place is astounding.

    But moreover, allowing freedom of speech and expression will ultimately lead to more acceptance. Not less. More acceptance and tolerance leads to less of the behavior your talking about. A racist or leftist lunatic in front of a crowd who chuckels and smiles at him, will ultimately lead to a different perspective than censoring and forcefully silencing him.

    No good government or leader with good intentions cancelles books or censors speech and expression.

    I'd also like to clarify, that a particular school board dropping a book from it's curriculum with the consensus and agreement of the community with no external force or coercion is different than cancelling books because of outside political pressure from a few vocal groups.
    Last edited by Hughinn; 03-06-2021 at 03:41 PM.
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  19. #59
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hughinn View Post
    I understand.
    I might've misconstrued my point.

    My point was that censorship doesn't discourage the behavior your talking about. It just drives it underground and radicalizes it. It causes resentment and hostility.

    My opinion is that we as a nation need to stick to our founding principle of freedom of speech and expression. And I mean that people can say whatever they want, no matter how stupid it is. Washington DC is a prime example. The stupid shit that comes out of the people in that place is astounding.

    But moreover, allowing freedom of speech and expression will ultimately lead to more acceptance. Not less. More acceptance and tolerance leads to less of the behavior your talking about. A racist or leftist lunatic in front of a crowd who chuckels and smiles at him, will ultimately lead to a different perspective than censoring and forcefully silencing him.

    No good government or leader with good intentions cancelles books or censors speech and expression.
    I didn’t mean to aggravate you at all, I just wanted to pass on something that really troubled/baffled our school/staff and likely still would be an enormous issue had we not closed. It was something we all had never seen in the community before & we have teachers that graduated from the school, as had their parents (it’s over 100 years old).

    I agree about free speech and I hate censorship. It’s just dealing with kids and things that influence or possibly incite them is a a different situation imo. I have similar feelings about the “entertainment” industry and their influence. It’s a shame that books with innocent intent have to be changed now and crap that passes for “entertainment” goes untouched. Your point is absolutely valid.
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  20. #60
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    Quote Originally Posted by wango View Post
    I didn’t mean to aggravate you at all, I just wanted to pass on something that really troubled/baffled our school/staff and likely still would be an enormous issue had we not closed. It was something we all had never seen in the community before & we have teachers that graduated from the school, as had their parents (it’s over 100 years old).

    I agree about free speech and I hate censorship. It’s just dealing with kids and things that influence or possibly incite them is a a different situation imo. I have similar feelings about the “entertainment” industry and their influence. It’s a shame that books with innocent intent have to be changed now and crap that passes for “entertainment” goes untouched. Your point is absolutely valid.
    I have to give my $.02.
    We are going to ban Dr Seuss but keep the rap music that uses the N word like it is common language and excessive foul language???
    I am no saint, but I heard the rap that the you get kids listen to. I was like wtf!

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  21. #61
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    Quote Originally Posted by charger69 View Post
    I have to give my $.02.
    We are going to ban Dr Seuss but keep the rap music that uses the N word like it is common language and excessive foul language???
    I am no saint, but I heard the rap that the you get kids listen to. I was like wtf!

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    I mean, to be fair, the mongs did come out trying to “cancel” Eminem recently, over a 2010 song that he did with Rhianna.
    It amuses the fuck out of me. That man is the king of “go fuck yourself”, and even went at it with two different presidential administrations trying to shut him up. The fuck do these keyboard warrior chucklefucks think they’re going to do to him?

  22. #62
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    and here we are again boys and girls.

    complete shit show.

    no points will be made and this will end up locked.
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  23. #63
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    Quote Originally Posted by charger69 View Post
    I have to give my $.02.
    We are going to ban Dr Seuss but keep the rap music that uses the N word like it is common language and excessive foul language???
    I am no saint, but I heard the rap that the you get kids listen to. I was like wtf!

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    My post wasn’t about Dr. Seus but To Kill A Mockingbird.

    I also mentioned that I never observed rap music having that type of influence. My post was also not about “foul language”, but language that was inciting an environment of hate in a classroom and was not allowing students to learn.

    Since you have just accused me of doing something negligent with children that would get me fired; I would like you to enlighten myself and the board by telling me exactly what rap music you have heard me get my kids listening to. You do understand the seriousness of your accusation, correct? Back it up, no wait a second, you can’t, because you haven’t a clue.

    Hey Charger is this a rap song, lol? And no, it’s not introduced to my kids because of the language and content.
    Last edited by wango; 03-08-2021 at 09:47 AM.

  24. #64
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    Still waiting Charger . . . . .

    Will shoot you a PM as a reminder.

  25. #65
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    To all- oops - I guess I did something wrong.
    My intention was not to accuse anyone of anything. If it came off as that- I apologize.
    Wango- you know me well enough. I would never degrade you intentionally. Even when we disagreed, I agreed to disagree and left it there in the past.
    I did not read all of the posts- rarely does anyone go through 60+ posts. I am sure there is something there that started this.

    I would like to thank Wango for PMing me so that I can clear it up. I hadn’t read the responses after I posted.

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  26. #66
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    Freaking spell correction.. my reference was the music that the young kids play at the gym and what my son listens to. Not “your “ kids.

    Sorry man!

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  27. #67
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    We’re good, TY for that!

    Totally agreed, I posted that I don’t agree with censorship and I don’t care for certain lyrics/videos.

    Peace Charger, I just take my role as a teacher seriously and took offense. If you saw what I regularly see in this profession you would understand. There are “adults” that simply don’t act as such and it gives our profession a bad look and you feel ashamed to be in the same profession.
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  28. #68
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    Quote Originally Posted by wango View Post
    We’re good, TY for that!

    Totally agreed, I posted that I don’t agree with censorship and I don’t care for certain lyrics/videos.

    Peace Charger, I just take my role as a teacher seriously and took offense. If you saw what I regularly see in this profession you would understand. There are “adults” that simply don’t act as such and it gives our profession a bad look and you feel ashamed to be in the same profession.
    I totally understand. Teachers really don’t get the credit they should from the kids or their parents.
    Then comes a meat head (me). LOL

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  29. #69
    Hughinn is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by wango View Post
    We’re good, TY for that!

    Totally agreed, I posted that I don’t agree with censorship and I don’t care for certain lyrics/videos.

    Peace Charger, I just take my role as a teacher seriously and took offense. If you saw what I regularly see in this profession you would understand. There are “adults” that simply don’t act as such and it gives our profession a bad look and you feel ashamed to be in the same profession.
    I bet you're a bad ass teacher wango. I wish I had a teacher like you in school.

    All my teachers thought I was just a stoner, a thug and a delinquent , and told me I'd never amount to anything. Said I never showed up for class, stayed high all the time and didn't have any friends except a bunch of horny little girls (exact words from one teacher).I thought I sounded pretty cool the way he put it. But they never seen my potential.

    But, I proved em all wrong

    Last edited by Hughinn; 03-08-2021 at 09:02 PM.
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  30. #70
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    TY Charger & Hughin.

    Some teachers just like any other professionals don’t deserve respect. I’ve strived for better than that.

    The two of you (and hopefully myself) have also shown that 3 individuals from different regions, different professions and different beliefs can have a respectful conversation, speak our minds openly & honestly and still maintain the ability to communicate on further issues is a wonderful thing. It’s why I love being here.


  31. #71
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    Glad this didn’t blow up lol. You guys made some good points. had to read through some responses. I think the important part about the Dr. Seuss issue is that the publishers of the book themselves decided to pull said books, not the government. They consulted teachers and other professionals, and came to the conclusion that it was less troublesome and more beneficial to not include those books or stories in their catalog. That is a business decision based on much time and research. None of us here know the details, it we can be sure that a lot of thought went into this decision. It’s not a radical left movement, though it may (on the surface) resemble one.

    Now the second issue is essentially about the real or perceived double-standard of races in this country. I agree that it’s ridiculous to point fingers at the most minuscule offense while turning a head to the loud and vulgar. It is often mentioned by many blacks that hip hop is a culture/their culture. When you listen to the majority of mainstream hip hop, it mostly depicts the life of a scumbag and the scumbag ways. I listen to a lot of hip hop, but tend to avoid the majority of it because the message is blatantly offensive. Now I grew up around a lot of black kids when I was younger and saw how hip hop entrenches their lives. When every conversation, or lyric floating through their head is something violent or criminal, this ends up seeping into their subconscious minds. So if this is what they call their culture - it’s a big problem for everyone.

    And this goes beyond the black race. Whites get sucked into it, too. I love the rhythm and energy I get from a hard track, but as an adult I consciously filter out the message. Kids don’t do that. I know that poverty and broken homes lead to problems with adjusting in society and behavior in general, but if the media is going to focus on things like Dr. Seuss, why does it ignore the blatantly obvious insidious nature of the hip hop lifestyle, violent music, and the culture it inspires?

    Companies will make business decisions and money hungry record companies will do the same, but I think we should be focusing on real things, not the Aunt Jemima brand, or how some storybook may or may not have a racist connotation. Why not focus on fixing the 70+ % fatherless homes, abysmal drop out rates, violence, drugs, and the music and culture that perpetuates these things?
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  32. #72
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    We were just informed that the candidate pool must include a female and a colored person. That is BS... and this is just after I hired a colored female. I hired her because she was the most qualified candidate.... not because of her gender or color of her skin.

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  33. #73
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    Quote Originally Posted by charger69 View Post
    We were just informed that the candidate pool must include a female and a colored person. That is BS... and this is just after I hired a colored female. I hired her because she was the most qualified candidate.... not because of her gender or color of her skin.

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    Gotta get that quota

  34. #74
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    Quote Originally Posted by charger69 View Post
    We were just informed that the candidate pool must include a female and a colored person. That is BS... and this is just after I hired a colored female. I hired her because she was the most qualified candidate.... not because of her gender or color of her skin.

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    In bold above. That's exactly as it should be. Hiring based on skills and talent, not because of a quota.

    If I didn't get a job because someone of color was more qualified than me, that motivates me to improve myself. Hiring based on a "quote" has caused more hard feelings than many people realize.
    There are 3 loves in my life: my wife, my English mastiffs, and my weightlifting....Man, my wife gets really pissed when I get the 3 confused...
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  35. #75
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    Quote Originally Posted by almostgone View Post
    In bold above. That's exactly as it should be. Hiring based on skills and talent, not because of a quota.

    If I didn't get a job because someone of color was more qualified than me, that motivates me to improve myself. Hiring based on a "quote" has caused more hard feelings than many people realize.
    The place i work at usually hires 50/50 black and white. Hiring isnt based on performance as much as need be, resulting in massive turnover. Thus resulting in forced overtime and shitty quaility of life. But hey, thats the way America operates today sadly

  36. #76
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cuz View Post
    The place i work at usually hires 50/50 black and white. Hiring isnt based on performance as much as need be, resulting in massive turnover. Thus resulting in forced overtime and shitty quaility of life. But hey, thats the way America operates today sadly
    That's so screwed up. It can't be good for the employees or the shareholders/parent company.
    There are 3 loves in my life: my wife, my English mastiffs, and my weightlifting....Man, my wife gets really pissed when I get the 3 confused...
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  37. #77
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    Quote Originally Posted by charger69 View Post
    I did not read all of the posts- rarely does anyone go through 60+ posts. I am sure there is something there that started this.

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    Shit, this is going to save me some time. Why am I just hearing about everyone not reading all the posts before posting?
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  38. #78
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    Quote Originally Posted by charger69 View Post
    We were just informed that the candidate pool must include a female and a colored person. That is BS... and this is just after I hired a colored female. I hired her because she was the most qualified candidate.... not because of her gender or color of her skin.

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    BS, She was the hottest person that applied for the job! LOL
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  39. #79
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    Quote Originally Posted by charger69 View Post
    We were just informed that the candidate pool must include a female and a colored person. That is BS... and this is just after I hired a colored female. I hired her because she was the most qualified candidate.... not because of her gender or color of her skin.

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    Completely agree about it being bs. I feel the same at the university level when they must fulfill an enrollment quota for certain minorities instead of going by academic skills.

  40. #80
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    Quote Originally Posted by David LoPan View Post
    BS, She was the hottest person that applied for the job! LOL
    Shhhhhhh! LOL

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