YES YES and YES.. no you didn't run tren , no your doses wern't crazy high, but yes you were on long enough to shut yourself down good bro. If i were you i'd do this, for your last week of test prop and week after run the hcg at 1000iu EOD, that will jumpstart your balls nice and the clomid and nolva wont have to work so hard to recover you. Honestly, i'd also hit the clomid and nolva for another week each longer than you normally would. Take an AI (armidex or whatev) during your pct too, avoid the gyno possiblilty with the estro spikes of the hcg... may want to look into tribulus too, also take Vitamin E @ 1000iu ED for your pct. Good luck...

(If you are thinking it may just not be worth it to run the hcg, think about the possibility of sexual dysfunction, or the loss of that hard earned Lean Muscle u packed on, better to be safe than sorry)