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  1. #1
    wukillabee's Avatar
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    Exclamation Att. All SD Users!

    Looking for some advice from people who have done SD before. I'm 23 yrs old, 202 lbs., standing just under six foot. I've been training for 6 years and the last 4 years very strict and hard. my body fat is about 14%. I've taken M1T, Testanate-50, Hemadrol, Orastan-A and E, IBold 200, and Furzadrol. I'm looking to start my first SD cycle late November for four weeks at 20 mg ed. I've read many SD logs on here so I have a good idea of what to take for on/off cycle. My goal for this cycle is to have a clean bulk and hopefully gain a solid 10-16 lbs. after p.c.t.

  2. #2
    wukillabee's Avatar
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    the worse sides I've ever had was with Testanate-50. while on and the first couple of weeks off I had some back can and libido crash. the only p.c.t. I did were the basics aminos, multi-V, protein, etc and novedex xt and creatine. either I was lucky or I'm not prone to getting gyno because that has never been a problem for me. but on my SD cycle I want to be safe just in case. I've read here that clomid is a better choice than novadex so I will go with clomid as the serm and aromasin for the AI. I will aslo be taking Anabolic Innovations Cycle Support while on and off cycle along with the basics as well. for the clomid and aromasin dosages I would like to get your guys opinion on for how much to take ed for my p.c.t. and what to take if gyno does arise while on cycle. I will be sure to post a detailed log with before and after pictures and would appreciate it if you guys could follow the log with me. thank you for eveyone's time in helping me with my first SD cycle.

  3. #3
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    wukillabee's Avatar
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    I just came off an 8 week IBold/Furzadrol stack a week an a half ago. great stack fr very lean muscle gains and fat loss. gained about 7 lbs. of lean mass and some nice definition. taking inhibit-E, Reduce XT, Ncrease, NOX, Leviathan, and the basics for p.c.t. since I finished the stack. gonna be all natural now until late November when I'm ready to start my SD 4 week cycle of 20 mg ed. would appreciate any help on dosages for clomid and aromasin and even a good place on the net to purchase. clomid didn't seem too bad of a price but aromasin was like 200 bucks for 30 pills, crazy! thanks again for looking and helping me.

  5. #5
    xlxBigSexyxlx's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by wukillabee
    I just came off an 8 week IBold/Furzadrol stack a week an a half ago. great stack fr very lean muscle gains and fat loss. gained about 7 lbs. of lean mass and some nice definition. taking inhibit-E, Reduce XT, Ncrease, NOX, Leviathan, and the basics for p.c.t. since I finished the stack. gonna be all natural now until late November when I'm ready to start my SD 4 week cycle of 20 mg ed. would appreciate any help on dosages for clomid and aromasin and even a good place on the net to purchase. clomid didn't seem too bad of a price but aromasin was like 200 bucks for 30 pills, crazy! thanks again for looking and helping me.

    in weeks 3 and 4, i would bump up your doesage to 30mg. just because you have previous experience.

    As far as PCT goes:
    wk 1-4 clomid 105mg/105mg/70mg/70mg ED
    wk 1-4 aromasin 25mg/25mg/25mg/25mg ED
    wk 1-4 Myogenx 6 caps ED

    the clomid and aromasin you can get pretty cheap at the AR site. I believe its ar-r .com
    the Myoenx, get a get 2 bottles

    oh yeah, the name on that AR site for aromasin is something like exemesteme or something....samething

  6. #6
    wukillabee's Avatar
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    thanks you for the link xlxBigSexyxlx. I just read this thread last night. for the serm and ai dosages that is for ed for these weeks correct? and when is the best time to take clomid and aromasin during p.c.t.? I.e. with food. with breakfast, just before bed, etc. I also couldn't find in his thread info on what to do if gyno appears on cycle? thanks for your help xlxBigSexyxlx and taking the time to look at my thread.

  7. #7
    xlxBigSexyxlx's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by wukillabee
    thanks you for the link xlxBigSexyxlx. I just read this thread last night. for the serm and ai dosages that is for ed for these weeks correct? and when is the best time to take clomid and aromasin during p.c.t.? I.e. with food. with breakfast, just before bed, etc. I also couldn't find in his thread info on what to do if gyno appears on cycle? thanks for your help xlxBigSexyxlx and taking the time to look at my thread.

    take the clomid and aromasin with your breakfast, along with 3 caps of myogenx.....then take 3 myogenx before bed.

    As far as gyno goes. grab a bottle of letro just in case. Heres C_Bino's Gyno Reversal Protocol:
    All you need to know about GYNO.

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by xlxBigSexyxlx
    in weeks 3 and 4, i would bump up your doesage to 30mg. just because you have previous experience.

    As far as PCT goes:
    wk 1-4 clomid 105mg/105mg/70mg/70mg ED
    wk 1-4 aromasin 25mg/25mg/25mg/25mg ED
    wk 1-4 Myogenx 6 caps ED

    the clomid and aromasin you can get pretty cheap at the AR site. I believe its ar-r .com
    the Myoenx, get a get 2 bottles

    oh yeah, the name on that AR site for aromasin is something like exemesteme or something....samething
    do you know if arr's stuff is legit? I've heard a lot of bad stuff bout them that their products are over and under dosed, bad shipping methods, etc. I don't know if any of this si true b/c I've never had to order anything like this before. I was thinking of just ordering off one of those pharmacy sites and getting the real deal instead of some chemicals ya know? thanks for the dosage. do you think going to 30 mg for the last two weeks then stopping to nothing but p.c.t. is a good idea? I just think that would be a hard crash. what if I took 20 mg for week 1 than 30 mg for weeks 2-4? I've heard myogenx is good from you and but I looked at the ingredients and doesn't look like anything different than what's in my multi-V. I didn't see any trib. or anything like that to help raise my natural test levels. wht about something like leviathan or hypertest? thanks again for your input.

  9. #9
    xlxBigSexyxlx's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by wukillabee
    do you know if arr's stuff is legit? I've heard a lot of bad stuff bout them that their products are over and under dosed, bad shipping methods, etc. I don't know if any of this si true b/c I've never had to order anything like this before. I was thinking of just ordering off one of those pharmacy sites and getting the real deal instead of some chemicals ya know? thanks for the dosage. do you think going to 30 mg for the last two weeks then stopping to nothing but p.c.t. is a good idea? I just think that would be a hard crash. what if I took 20 mg for week 1 than 30 mg for weeks 2-4? I've heard myogenx is good from you and but I looked at the ingredients and doesn't look like anything different than what's in my multi-V. I didn't see any trib. or anything like that to help raise my natural test levels. wht about something like leviathan or hypertest? thanks again for your input.
    Yes, they are legit. One one order, it was messed up, but they resent the real stuff for free. Ive never had that much of problems with them, but ive read where some have had. its really your choice on wher eu wanna get yr stuff, but yes, it is legit.
    def start week 1 at 20mg, to see how you react to the stuff, then if u feel good, bump up to 30mg in week 2-4. i wouldnt go to 40mg.
    many people on here have ran myogenx with great succuess, including myself, and mods/vets. its a good product.

    as for the supporting supps in the cycle, a great place to buy..its cheap is

  10. #10
    wukillabee's Avatar
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    Thumbs up

    Quote Originally Posted by xlxBigSexyxlx
    Yes, they are legit. One one order, it was messed up, but they resent the real stuff for free. Ive never had that much of problems with them, but ive read where some have had. its really your choice on wher eu wanna get yr stuff, but yes, it is legit.
    def start week 1 at 20mg, to see how you react to the stuff, then if u feel good, bump up to 30mg in week 2-4. i wouldnt go to 40mg.
    many people on here have ran myogenx with great succuess, including myself, and mods/vets. its a good product.

    as for the supporting supps in the cycle, a great place to buy..its cheap is
    cool, sounds good. do you know if they sell letro on arr's site? I read the gino thread and saved it, great info. so could I then just take letro you think for p.c.t. starting the last week of my cycle instead of clomid and aromasin and just take a test booster on/off cycle as well? I know everything is liquid on arr's site so how would I convert the ml doses to mg? thanks again.

  11. #11
    MaleModel is offline Banned
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    is Super Mastervol the same thing as SD?

  12. #12
    xlxBigSexyxlx's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by wukillabee
    cool, sounds good. do you know if they sell letro on arr's site? I read the gino thread and saved it, great info. so could I then just take letro you think for p.c.t. starting the last week of my cycle instead of clomid and aromasin and just take a test booster on/off cycle as well? I know everything is liquid on arr's site so how would I convert the ml doses to mg? thanks again.

    yes, they sell letro

    i wouldnt replace it in your PCT. just have it o hand in case you feel gyno coming on.

    Just get an oral syringe..either from AR or Walgreens for that matter.
    say aromasin is 25mg/ml meaning 25 mg for every 1 ml
    just fill up syringe to 1ml, and shoot into your mouth and swallow

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    Quote Originally Posted by MaleModel
    is Super Mastervol the same thing as SD?
    I don't know, theres tons of SD clones out there. I'm gonna take m-drol for my SD cycle in november.

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    Quote Originally Posted by xlxBigSexyxlx
    yes, they sell letro

    i wouldnt replace it in your PCT. just have it o hand in case you feel gyno coming on.

    Just get an oral syringe..either from AR or Walgreens for that matter.
    say aromasin is 25mg/ml meaning 25 mg for every 1 ml
    just fill up syringe to 1ml, and shoot into your mouth and swallow
    so just shoot the amount in my mouth and swallow? sounds so easy. have ur heard of ag guys? they're website looks pretty legit for research chemicals. so you've taken clomid and aromasin research chemicals for a SD p.c.t. and had no problems? the aromasin liquid is hell of a lot cheaper than the pill but the clomid isn't . I think ima just get the real clomid in pill form and order some aromasin chemical. don't have too much money to spend ya know. crazy how expensive these 4 week cycles can be after ordering everything you need, almost make you wanna do the real thing for the same price or cheaper.

  15. #15
    millionairemurph's Avatar
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    sd is superdrol right? a pro hormone? or an anabolic or androgenic steroid ?

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    Quote Originally Posted by millionairemurph
    sd is superdrol right? a pro hormone? or an anabolic or androgenic steroid?
    SD is superdrol which can be classified as a pro-steroid or designer steroid. the superdrol compound can be found in clones such as M-Drol.

  17. #17
    Primalinstinct's Avatar
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    I ordered from ag guys and received my order immediately.

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by wukillabee
    SD is superdrol which can be classified as a pro-steroid or designer steroid. the superdrol compound can be found in clones such as M-Drol.
    Superdrol is a steroid ,,,a designer steroid,,,some confuse and think that is prohormone...this is the real deal.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Primalinstinct
    I ordered from ag guys and received my order immediately.
    how was the quality? were the doses correct? I as going to order clomid and aromasin from them for my p.c.t. I was also gonna get some letro from them to keep on hand just in cause any type of gyno popped up. thanks for your info.

  20. #20
    xlxBigSexyxlx's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by wukillabee
    how was the quality? were the doses correct? I as going to order clomid and aromasin from them for my p.c.t. I was also gonna get some letro from them to keep on hand just in cause any type of gyno popped up. thanks for your info.

    my friend orders from there and he likes it. good, smooth transactions

  21. #21
    wukillabee's Avatar
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    has anyone heard of anabolic pharma? their site looks too easy to obtain what they say they sell. I was just wondering if anyone has ordered or know of any success with this site. just seems too easy for authorities to catch onto. idk. thanks guys.

  22. #22
    Dizz28's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by wukillabee
    SD is superdrol which can be classified as a pro-steroid or designer steroid. the superdrol compound can be found in clones such as M-Drol.

  23. #23
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  24. #24
    wukillabee's Avatar
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    ahh screw the SD cycle. not worth it when SD is only 35.99 and the p.c.t. is 200-250 bucks and have the p.c.t. is research chemicals. unless u can get the real clomid and aromasin but that's still gonna cost you. ima just do a clean bulk late november with some mild non methyl prohormones without the worry of SD sides. thanks for everyone's advice though.

  25. #25
    MaleModel is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by wukillabee
    ahh screw the SD cycle. not worth it when SD is only 35.99 and the p.c.t. is 200-250 bucks and have the p.c.t. is research chemicals. unless u can get the real clomid and aromasin but that's still gonna cost you. ima just do a clean bulk late november with some mild non methyl prohormones without the worry of SD sides. thanks for everyone's advice though.
    wer they sell it for 35.99? and ya lmao the drugs you haveto run alongside steroids are usually more expensive then the steroids themselves.

    btw, is anavar stronger then SD? Im assuming var is better for cutting, but how much better? Var is super-expensive, a cheaper replacement would be sweeet.

  26. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by xlxBigSexyxlx
    yes, they sell letro

    i wouldnt replace it in your PCT. just have it o hand in case you feel gyno coming on.

    Just get an oral syringe..either from AR or Walgreens for that matter.
    say aromasin is 25mg/ml meaning 25 mg for every 1 ml
    just fill up syringe to 1ml, and shoot into your mouth and swallow
    bigsexy knows ALL ABOUT swallowing loads that have been shot into his mouth

  27. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by bcaasdirty
    bigsexy knows ALL ABOUT swallowing loads that have been shot into his mouth

    hahaha you taught me!..queer ...learning from the bestlol

    Last edited by xlxBigSexyxlx; 09-20-2007 at 09:44 PM.

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