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Thread: plasma jet

  1. #41
    dedic8ed1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by G.I JOE View Post
    So you shouldnt take no shotgun? Plasmajet recomends you take super pump 250 with it.
    Just don't take ephedrine with a blood vessel vasodilator 'NO products'.

  2. #42
    BITTAPART2's Avatar
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    dedic8ed1 is right, there is no room for any stimulants anyways with plasma jet, trust me you will get enough energy to complete a very taxing workout

  3. #43
    browboy's Avatar
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    Did my first packet today. Definately noticed a difference at the gym. Did arms today and got a great pump. Felt like energy was up a bit, but not a ton. Increased vascularity a tiny bit, but I am hoping after a few more packets things will improve. Schedule got a little messed up today, so I was only able to take the pack 30 minutes before my workout. Its been a couple hours since the work out and I am not feeling like I really held the pump like others have reported. Be interesting to see what happens later tonight and tomorrow.

  4. #44
    ypatingasisburys's Avatar
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    I think Im going to have to check this stuff out..

  5. #45
    BITTAPART2's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by browboy View Post
    Did my first packet today. Definately noticed a difference at the gym. Did arms today and got a great pump. Felt like energy was up a bit, but not a ton. Increased vascularity a tiny bit, but I am hoping after a few more packets things will improve. Schedule got a little messed up today, so I was only able to take the pack 30 minutes before my workout. Its been a couple hours since the work out and I am not feeling like I really held the pump like others have reported. Be interesting to see what happens later tonight and tomorrow.
    man you dont respond to anything you take lol. Plasma jets dont have any of those stimulatns that NO explode and the like have in them so dont expect a huge rush of energy just a really strong vasodiolator.

  6. #46
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    Bitta, yeah I know. Really getting frustrated. Its like every shittin thing I try doesn't do jack! I'm hearing and reading great results with other guys, and I can't get shit. I went dirt bike riding today for like four hours and figured I would get a good pump from that especially having taken this stuff, and nothing out of the ordinary. Any other thoughts or ideas. Getting pretty depressing. Spending all this money and effort on stuff and nothing, over and over again. I'm gonna keep up with the pj though and see if maybe it kicks in after a packet or two. This sucks!

  7. #47
    Bren's Avatar
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    it is the BEST NO out there without question.

  8. #48
    browboy's Avatar
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    Okay, did second pack yesterday and did chest and abs. For some strange reason I really didn't notice much at all even during the workout. And certainly nothing later in terms of pump, etc. I did take the pills an hour before my workout though and then ate a banana so I don't know if either of those would make a difference. I will take next pack on Thursday and do shoulders, so I am going to take them 30 min before and not eat anything just before or after I slam em down. We will see what happens then. Strange.....but that just seems to be my luck!!

  9. #49
    BITTAPART2's Avatar
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    you need to cut yourself and see if you have human blood or a green goo that most extra terrestrials have, you non responder you. I just got done with chest and pumped beyond belief right now, I ate the 10 pills then a grilled tuna steak/boiled potatoes and oatmeal and then hit the gym 30 mins. later, booyaka!!

  10. #50
    number twelve's Avatar
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    lol fat ass

  11. #51
    BITTAPART2's Avatar
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    but can you rip a phone book #12?? LOL

  12. #52
    BITTAPART2's Avatar
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    did you order your plasma jet? I forced myself to train last night and just started very light but for like 30 minutes I just felt nothing and was sluggish from my long day, then all of a sudden I start going, and going and going LOL, its funny how sometimes if you just force yoursefl to get started you can end up having the best workouts, the plasma jet had my chest so jacked bro, I felt the upper band on my pecs poking out like it was injured or something LOL

  13. #53
    browboy's Avatar
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    Okay, so I hate you! But, I because I am so dedicated (or maybe just plain stupid and desperate) I am doing my third pack this afternoon and doing shoulders. So we will see what happens. Bitta, did you ever get me e-mail and look through all that stuff? Based on my test results I do think that it is human blood flowing through my veins. lol

  14. #54
    browboy's Avatar
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    Well shit maybe I do have alien blood. Took packet 30 minutes before workout. Did back and tris today, we changed it around a bit. Didn't really notice anything significant. I just don't get it.

  15. #55
    l2elapse's Avatar
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    send me your product and ill make sure its not defective

  16. #56
    cantfly's Avatar
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    wow so is it better then mri no2 black can any1 compare the 2
    Last edited by cantfly; 03-21-2008 at 04:07 PM.

  17. #57
    BITTAPART2's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by browboy View Post
    Okay, so I hate you! But, I because I am so dedicated (or maybe just plain stupid and desperate) I am doing my third pack this afternoon and doing shoulders. So we will see what happens. , diBittad you ever get me e-mail and look through all that stuff? Based on my test results I do think that it is human blood flowing through my veins. lol
    I sent you back a PM, you didnt get it? i was wondering why i hadnt heard back from you

  18. #58
    spywizard's Avatar
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    he has you on his ignore list. so he doesn't get pm's from you.. email it's the spam filter..
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  19. #59
    BITTAPART2's Avatar
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    ^^^what are you talking about? he PMd me and I responded?????

  20. #60
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    Yeah, what the hell is that all about? I never did get your response and was actually wondering what was up. Do you want me to pm you my e-mail address? Just let me know, I am really interested in your thoughts.

  21. #61
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    BTW-just checked and I don't have anyone on my ignore list.

  22. #62
    browboy's Avatar
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    So, I did shoulders and bi's yesterday. Took the third packet on Thursday and yesterday during work out had really great pumps. I don't know if its had time to build up in my system-alien blood ya know-or if its just when I do bi's. However, didn't keep the pump very long. Literally within an hour and a half or so, it was gone. And I am not getting that pumped feeling 8 hours later like many have reported. I gonna keep trying though.

  23. #63
    bbminded's Avatar
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    ive used 4 packets so far however didnt notice anything above and beyond any other NO product. it def had a postive result below the waist LOL i could tell it gave me some energy the pump was there but not crazy. still decent product though

  24. #64
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    Glad to know that I am not the only one with the alien green blood running through his veins! Although, I don't know that I can say I've noticed any effects down there yet. I take pack #4 tomorrow, so I am keeping my fingers crossed!!

  25. #65
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    Pack 4-did chest and abs today. Felt pump again, but didn't last beyond hour or so. Gonna keep trying.

  26. #66
    adk2000 is offline New Member
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    Plasma Jet

    I seemed to be sensitive to NO products and somtimes get light headed with my heart beating faster then normal. Does this happen on Plasma Jet?

  27. #67
    browboy's Avatar
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    I have not experienced that with Plasma Jet. Heart rate obviously increases due to working out, but no light headed feeling. It does say on the box and I think others in this thread have mentioned, that it can lower your bp, so that may be what is happening.

  28. #68
    jjj02ss's Avatar
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    I've gotta get me some of this stuff, I've been on BSN products mainly. Can you buy it at GNC or Vitamin Shoppe

  29. #69
    moush's Avatar
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    i took one dose of plasma jet on Monday and i still feel the pump feeling! Its insane i cant wait to take the second dose tomorrow!!!

  30. #70
    ZTEM is offline Associate Member
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    I know this is like all the other NO products in that it keeps you pumped.. just at a higher scale then any in the past. But does it put on any weight at all? Also could you take clenbuterol with it?

  31. #71
    BITTAPART2's Avatar
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    i did back and bi's yesterday around 5pm and it is now 10am and my Bis are still pumped. I foun the trick is to take a long time warming up before you start your work sets. My bro is doing the same thing and noticing the effects a lot more when he oes 20mins or so of slow warmups.

  32. #72
    l2elapse's Avatar
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    20 mintues of warm ups? thats quite a bit..

  33. #73
    ZTEM is offline Associate Member
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    can you take clenbuterol while on tihs? and will you put on weight?

  34. #74
    BITTAPART2's Avatar
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    i guess it all depends on the person. When I mean warmups I mean say you 1RM 365lbs for bench then just go do dumbell bench with the 50's for a few sets of 15-20 with lots of rest in between, it WILL result in a better workout when you get primed up

  35. #75
    BITTAPART2's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ZTEM View Post
    can you take clenbuterol while on tihs? and will you put on weight?
    I dont reccomend clen at all, however, NO products may have a slight signifigance in muscle growth in that they will help shuttle nutrients(assuming you have taken the right ones in ) to your muscles, I wouldnt rely on anything but a lot of food, heavy weight and rest for putting on size. Clen is dangerous IMO and really insignifigant for its toted anti-catabolic effects. and illegal in the US

  36. #76
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    Hey bro, did you get the stuff I resent to you? Still hadn't heard back on anything!!

  37. #77
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  38. #78
    ZTEM is offline Associate Member
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    I took my packet today and did chest, i initially felt a good pump but it went away like an hour after working out. Unless it gets better when you get half way through the box, I think people are blowing this product up a bit much

  39. #79
    BITTAPART2's Avatar
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    well I have no vested intrest in this product, in fact, have had some personal issues with someone formerly in that company that were not good. But I would say people are responing differently for sure, it works great for me. I have now taken many No products and i rate them like this

    1lasma jet
    2:amp 02
    3:NO3 overload
    4:NO shotgun
    5:NO explode (still think it is crap)

  40. #80
    Bren's Avatar
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    ok so i am on the 2nd month and i got back from the gym 6hours ago and my arms feel like they are going to explode out of my skin still. it is almost painful still. i know i have been pumping this product up allot but thats only because it is the best no prod out there. i still can't believe it still works this good.

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