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Thread: Kitty’s Log

  1. #201
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    Kitty’s Log

    Push press
    125x3x4 sets
    **last set only got 2**

    SS with 15 band over and backs

    Klokov press
    55x8x3 sets

    Iso lat shoulder press
    1 plate per side x10x4 sets

    SS with band Facepulls
    4 sets of 12

    Machine reverse flyes
    85x12x4 sets

    Rear delt destroyer set
    25x60, 15x30, 10x20, 5x20 band pulse to failure

    **Face down** shoulder finisher- 2 sets
    5x20 shoulder press
    Front/side lateral raises
    15x12, 10x15, 5x20

    Went in for Cardio yesterday

    ~“We believe that we are all saved the same way, by the undeserved grace of the Lord Jesus.” Acts 15:11~‬ *NLT‬‬

  2. #202
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    Started with a good 20 minutes of rolling. I have had a good bit of soreness and tightness this week.

    135x10x4 sets
    **kept things light to just get good activation and blood flow without irritating anything

    Good mornings
    65x10x4 sets

    Split squat with front leg elevated
    95x10x4 sets each leg

    Leg press
    4pps x 15x4 sets

    Single leg deadlifts
    35x12x4 sets each leg

    Leg extensions
    130x12x5 sets

    Cable hip thrusts w/ rope
    60x12x4 sets

    Cable crunches
    90x12x4 sets

    Went to the chiropractor today. It’s been waaaaaaay too long! I will be going every week for a while to see if I can get things lined back up.

    ~“We believe that we are all saved the same way, by the undeserved grace of the Lord Jesus.” Acts 15:11~‬ *NLT‬‬

  3. #203
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    Switched Monday’s to back day- apparently everyone else got the memo because there were a ton of people doing back today as well. (no bar for Deads so I started with pulldowns)

    Wide grip pulldowns
    120x12x4 sets

    **rack came available but by the time I wiped my stuff down, someone jumped on I stole a random bar and just found some floor. Lol

    95x5-gotta warm up my hammies
    255x3x4 sets

    Supported TBar rows
    2 plates x6x2 sets
    2plates +10lbs x5x2 sets

    SS w/ DB curls
    20x12x3 sets

    Single cable lat pulldowns
    50x12x3 sets

    SS w/ Facepulls
    50x12x3 sets

    Seated cable row
    120x12x3 sets

    Cable crunches
    80x15x4 sets

    Here are my table before and after pics

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    ~“We believe that we are all saved the same way, by the undeserved grace of the Lord Jesus.” Acts 15:11~‬ *NLT‬‬

  4. #204
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    130x3x4 sets

    DB bench
    50x8x3 sets

    Incline bench
    95x6x4 sets

    Cable flyes
    25x12x3 sets

    Machine dips
    2pps x10x3 sets

    SS w/ lateral raises
    5x20x3 sets

    Overhead cable extensions
    50x12x3 sets

    Cable crunches
    72.5x12x4 sets


    ~“We believe that we are all saved the same way, by the undeserved grace of the Lord Jesus.” Acts 15:11~‬ *NLT‬‬

  5. #205
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cylon357 View Post
    What does your cardio consist of, Kitty? LISS or ?
    Currently it’s just LISS about 45 mins a week. Since I’m building calories.
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    ~“We believe that we are all saved the same way, by the undeserved grace of the Lord Jesus.” Acts 15:11~‬ *NLT‬‬

  6. #206
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    In a gym!
    Getting it done!
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  7. #207
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    Kitty’s Log

    Everything is pretty sore this week and shoulders really weren’t too excited for today. Good workout but just not the strength and endurance I wanted. Could also be that I strained my wrist a bit pulling nails out of some shiplap.

    Push press

    Klokov press
    55x8x3 sets

    DB shoulder press
    35x8-10x4 sets

    Lateral raises
    10x12x4 sets

    Arnold press
    25x10x3 sets

    Front lateral raises
    10x12x3 sets

    Scott Press
    25x12x3 sets

    Front/side lateral raises
    10x12x3 sets

    Machine reverse flyes
    85x12x4 sets

    Plate raises (front & side)

    52.5x12x3 sets

    Cable single lateral raises
    5x12x3 sets each arm

    Machine lateral raises
    40x10x3 sets


    ~“We believe that we are all saved the same way, by the undeserved grace of the Lord Jesus.” Acts 15:11~‬ *NLT‬‬

  8. #208
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    Started with ab work to get core warmed up

    205x3x3 sets

    SS w/ banded long jumps 5 b/w each set

    Good mornings
    65x12x4 sets

    SS w/ Banded long jumps

    Split squat with front leg elevated
    95x10x4 sets each leg

    Leg press
    4pps x 15
    5pps x12
    6pps x12x3 sets

    SS w/ Single leg deadlifts
    45x10x5 sets each leg

    Hip thrusts

    SS w/ lateral squat walks with hip circle
    12x3 sets

    Leg extensions
    130x12x4 sets
    90x to failure


    A fun cake order I did this week...
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    ~“We believe that we are all saved the same way, by the undeserved grace of the Lord Jesus.” Acts 15:11~‬ *NLT‬‬

  9. #209
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cylon357 View Post
    Holy cow! Is that King Cake inspired?
    No, it’s a seven year old girl’s bday cake.

    ~“We believe that we are all saved the same way, by the undeserved grace of the Lord Jesus.” Acts 15:11~‬ *NLT‬‬

  10. #210
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cylon357 View Post
    Are the parents crazy? That sugar is going to have kids BUZZING!
    Ikr! I’m hoping most of the toppers just get thrown away. I try to cut as much sugar out of the icing without it being noticeable. It’s still not healthy by any means though. Lol
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    ~“We believe that we are all saved the same way, by the undeserved grace of the Lord Jesus.” Acts 15:11~‬ *NLT‬‬

  11. #211
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    Quote Originally Posted by KittyO1 View Post
    Started with ab work to get core warmed up

    205x3x3 sets

    SS w/ banded long jumps 5 b/w each set

    Good mornings
    65x12x4 sets

    SS w/ Banded long jumps

    Split squat with front leg elevated
    95x10x4 sets each leg

    Leg press
    4pps x 15
    5pps x12
    6pps x12x3 sets

    SS w/ Single leg deadlifts
    45x10x5 sets each leg

    Hip thrusts

    SS w/ lateral squat walks with hip circle
    12x3 sets

    Leg extensions
    130x12x4 sets
    90x to failure


    A fun cake order I did this week...
    Now that’s a cake! Damn, I remember those candy bracelets from decades ago!
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  12. #212
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    Quote Originally Posted by wango View Post
    Now that’s a cake! Damn, I remember those candy bracelets from decades ago!
    Thank you! Haha my son (13) was flipping out when he saw those. He said he loved them....not sure when he’s ever had one lol
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    ~“We believe that we are all saved the same way, by the undeserved grace of the Lord Jesus.” Acts 15:11~‬ *NLT‬‬

  13. #213
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    Happy Monday! Productive weekend. We finished our island. Worked on a few other projects around the house. Today I went to the chiropractor at lunch because I woke up with some kinks. Probably why deads didn’t go as well as I wanted. Also, came home and fixed my dryer after work! Woohoo! I was worried that we’d have to pay a ton to have someone come out. God is good!!!

    276x0 tried twice but just wasn’t happening today

    Supported TBar rows
    100x6x3 sets
    100x6, 55x10 dropset

    SS w/ DB curls
    20x12x4 sets

    Single arm cable pulldowns
    50x12x4 sets

    SS w/ cable crunches
    80x12x4 sets

    Wide grip pulldowns
    120x12x3 sets

    100x12x3 sets

    Seated cable row
    120 x12x3 sets

    DB row
    70x6x3 sets

    SS w/ concentration curls
    25x10x3 sets

    Cardio/ab work/rolling/stretching

    ~“We believe that we are all saved the same way, by the undeserved grace of the Lord Jesus.” Acts 15:11~‬ *NLT‬‬

  14. #214
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    Today’s workout had me hurting! Haha It was a great one!!


    DB bench
    55x6x2 sets

    Incline bench
    95x6x4 sets

    Machine flyes
    100x12x3 sets

    Machine dips
    2pps x10x3 sets

    SS w/ DB kickbacks
    15x12x3 sets


    ~“We believe that we are all saved the same way, by the undeserved grace of the Lord Jesus.” Acts 15:11~‬ *NLT‬‬

  15. #215
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    Iso lat shoulder press
    70x5x4 sets

    SS w/ band Facepulls

    DB shoulder press
    40x5x3 sets

    SS w/ Band over and backs

    Machine lateral raises
    50x6, 30x10 dropset (3 sets)

    Cable single lateral raises
    5x12x3 sets each arm

    SS w/ cable crunches
    100x12x3 sets

    Rear delt destroyer set
    25x60, 15x30, 10x20, 5x20, band hold/pulse (to tears lol- jk those come in the first 60 )

    Face down front lateral raises
    15x12, 10x15, 5x20 dropset- 2 sets

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    ~“We believe that we are all saved the same way, by the undeserved grace of the Lord Jesus.” Acts 15:11~‬ *NLT‬‬

  16. #216
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    Quote Originally Posted by KittyO1 View Post


    That's the crap that's too hard for me.
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  17. #217
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    Quote Originally Posted by KittyO1 View Post
    Started with ab work to get core warmed up

    205x3x3 sets

    SS w/ banded long jumps 5 b/w each set

    Good mornings
    65x12x4 sets

    SS w/ Banded long jumps

    Split squat with front leg elevated
    95x10x4 sets each leg

    Leg press
    4pps x 15
    5pps x12
    6pps x12x3 sets

    SS w/ Single leg deadlifts
    45x10x5 sets each leg

    Hip thrusts

    SS w/ lateral squat walks with hip circle
    12x3 sets

    Leg extensions
    130x12x4 sets
    90x to failure


    A fun cake order I did this week...
    I'm sure the cake was delicious, but SO MANY colors. Like Walt Disney regurgitated the whole palette of colors from Disney World!!
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    There are 3 loves in my life: my wife, my English mastiffs, and my weightlifting....Man, my wife gets really pissed when I get the 3 confused...
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  18. #218
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cylon357 View Post
    Kitty, you must hate your rear delts!
    Haha ikr have you ever done meadow’s destroyer set? They do make them grow though! Just need to find something that works that well for my front and medial delts.

    Quote Originally Posted by kelkel View Post
    That's the crap that's too hard for me.
    I completely understand that one! I have to plan time for it as much as I try to pretend it doesn’t matter...

    Quote Originally Posted by almostgone View Post
    I'm sure the cake was delicious, but SO MANY colors. Like Walt Disney regurgitated the whole palette of colors from Disney World!!
    Rofl for real! Seven year olds don’t think about that when they are picking out their cakes though.

    ~“We believe that we are all saved the same way, by the undeserved grace of the Lord Jesus.” Acts 15:11~‬ *NLT‬‬

  19. #219
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    Sorry for the lack of updates. I trained legs Friday. Went with daughter to get a pick up a dresser for a project this weekend...had some ER fun due to her first kidney stone-middle of the night of course-bc that’s when they come right? Passed quickly luckily. She’s a tough cookie!!

    This weeks training is a deload/active recovery week. Hitting the muscle groups but lighter & higher reps as well as a lot of rolling and stretching while maintaining my usual levels of cardio. Coach did increase calories again. Weight started to drop again.

    ~“We believe that we are all saved the same way, by the undeserved grace of the Lord Jesus.” Acts 15:11~‬ *NLT‬‬

  20. #220
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    Quote Originally Posted by KittyO1 View Post
    Sorry for the lack of updates. I trained legs Friday. Went with daughter to get a pick up a dresser for a project this weekend...had some ER fun due to her first kidney stone-middle of the night of course-bc that’s when they come right? Passed quickly luckily. She’s a tough cookie!!

    This weeks training is a deload/active recovery week. Hitting the muscle groups but lighter & higher reps as well as a lot of rolling and stretching while maintaining my usual levels of cardio. Coach did increase calories again. Weight started to drop again.
    Your daughter must be a chip off the block. Is she lifting yet?

  21. #221
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    Quote Originally Posted by wango View Post
    Your daughter must be a chip off the block. Is she lifting yet?
    I like to think so ...sadly no. She did for a little while with a boyfriend but that ended and now she’s sworn off it. Lol Hopefully eventually bc she did actually like lifting there for a little while.
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    ~“We believe that we are all saved the same way, by the undeserved grace of the Lord Jesus.” Acts 15:11~‬ *NLT‬‬

  22. #222
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    I’m so happy the school I teach at has a nice strength program for both the boys and girls. A few years back they really stepped it up with the young ladies by adding cleans, squats and deadlifts. I cringed though when I walked by and saw some of their form (the guys as well) as they were new to deadlifting. I donated a half a dozen hex bars.

    It’s the coolest thing walking by & watching them perform their lifts with flawless form (I’m obsessed with perfect mechanics, lol).

    I’m sure you’ll motivate your daughter to get back into it again.

  23. #223
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    Quote Originally Posted by wango View Post
    I’m so happy the school I teach at has a nice strength program for both the boys and girls. A few years back they really stepped it up with the young ladies by adding cleans, squats and deadlifts. I cringed though when I walked by and saw some of their form (the guys as well) as they were new to deadlifting. I donated a half a dozen hex bars.

    It’s the coolest thing walking by & watching them perform their lifts with flawless form (I’m obsessed with perfect mechanics, lol).

    I’m sure you’ll motivate your daughter to get back into it again.
    That is great! My son will be going into high school next year and I have been encouraging him to take weightlifting class. The teacher is supposed to be very good/experienced. I have tried teaching him just a simple bodyweight squat but poor kids legs are 3/4th of his height and he soooooooooo awkward about it. I couldn’t figure out how to fix it. Hubby is built the same but he doesn’t exercise at all. He’s gone maybe 3x’s in the 13 years that I’ve been going.
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  24. #224
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    Quote Originally Posted by KittyO1 View Post
    He’s gone maybe 3x’s in the 13 years that I’ve been going.
    Sounds like my wife. 21-years and when I go to the gym she drinks wine. Still wears same size as in high school which I have told her to keep to herself

  25. #225
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    Quote Originally Posted by KittyO1 View Post
    That is great! My son will be going into high school next year and I have been encouraging him to take weightlifting class. The teacher is supposed to be very good/experienced. I have tried teaching him just a simple bodyweight squat but poor kids legs are 3/4th of his height and he soooooooooo awkward about it. I couldn’t figure out how to fix it. Hubby is built the same but he doesn’t exercise at all. He’s gone maybe 3x’s in the 13 years that I’ve been going.
    My students love weight training class!!! Our teacher is a great and knowledgeable guy & really caring. I deal with the older kids in my Anatomy class & we talk lifting/diet all of the time. I get a kick out of putting “ultimate gym failures” up on the screen to brighten the mood. I’ve put up Jay Cutler going through his daily diet/meal prep and so many of the kids are seriously enthralled, lol.

    Gawd, I was horrible at squatting and preferred leg presses.

    Next year there should be some normalcy. I can’t believe this year’s freshmen haven’t been on our campus yet, very weird! Best wishes to your son!

  26. #226
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    Quote Originally Posted by tarmyg View Post
    Sounds like my wife. 21-years and when I go to the gym she drinks wine. Still wears same size as in high school which I have told her to keep to herself
    Ugh yes!!! It’s just not fair! He lost about 60lbs without doing I am busting my butt week after week and no one would ever know! So not fair!

    Quote Originally Posted by wango View Post
    My students love weight training class!!! Our teacher is a great and knowledgeable guy & really caring. I deal with the older kids in my Anatomy class & we talk lifting/diet all of the time. I get a kick out of putting “ultimate gym failures” up on the screen to brighten the mood. I’ve put up Jay Cutler going through his daily diet/meal prep and so many of the kids are seriously enthralled, lol.

    Gawd, I was horrible at squatting and preferred leg presses.

    Next year there should be some normalcy. I can’t believe this year’s freshmen haven’t been on our campus yet, very weird! Best wishes to your son!
    That’s great! Sucks about the schools this year. It really is detrimental to the ones who haven’t been able to go! I’m grateful we live in a small town and they went back fulltime fairly quickly.

    I love me some leg press’ can definitely concentrate more on hitting the right muscles. Squats are literally full body, mind and cardio! Hahaha

    ~“We believe that we are all saved the same way, by the undeserved grace of the Lord Jesus.” Acts 15:11~‬ *NLT‬‬

  27. #227
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    Training has been going well...I did have a stomach bug after my last update and then a minor fender bender. Car was old so they totaled it. Had to get a new car. Did get a car that I’ve been dreaming of for years- a 4 Runner! Absolutely love it but sure miss my hybrid Camry’s gas mileage! Lol
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    ~“We believe that we are all saved the same way, by the undeserved grace of the Lord Jesus.” Acts 15:11~‬ *NLT‬‬

  28. #228
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cylon357 View Post
    Going from a gas sipper to an SUV can be a big transition in a lot of ways! Braking distance, MPG, visibility... I used to own both a F-150 extended cab 4x4 and a Honda CRX (the little two seater from the 90's). Big difference and each time I switched from one to the other, I had to go over the list of things lol! But great that you got your dream car!
    Absolutely! Turn radius too...took me a little while to feel comfortable parking haha

    ~“We believe that we are all saved the same way, by the undeserved grace of the Lord Jesus.” Acts 15:11~‬ *NLT‬‬

  29. #229
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    Funny story from the gym this morning

    Boy to training partner behind me in the gym (probably early 20’s)-“they put that big arch in their back so they don’t have very far down to it looks like they’re strong”

    This was right after I finished my last top set on bench. I just laughed and kept on. I wanted to educate them but I kept my mouth closed. Funny thing was their top sets were only 145- 10lbs more than mine. Good reminder to never stop learning! There’s always something you don’t know!

    ~“We believe that we are all saved the same way, by the undeserved grace of the Lord Jesus.” Acts 15:11~‬ *NLT‬‬

  30. #230
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    Quote Originally Posted by KittyO1 View Post
    Funny story from the gym this morning

    Boy to training partner behind me in the gym (probably early 20’s)-“they put that big arch in their back so they don’t have very far down to it looks like they’re strong”

    This was right after I finished my last top set on bench. I just laughed and kept on. I wanted to educate them but I kept my mouth closed. Funny thing was their top sets were only 145- 10lbs more than mine. Good reminder to never stop learning! There’s always something you don’t know!
    Lol Kitty. Hey, always best to take the high road.

    The last time my shoulder allowed me to do incline bench, the woman next to me kicked my ass. I’m happy she didn't point and laugh. Of course she made me re-rack her weights and fill her water bottle, but at least she didn’t laugh at me.
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  31. #231
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    Quote Originally Posted by wango View Post
    Lol Kitty. Hey, always best to take the high road.

    The last time my shoulder allowed me to do incline bench, the woman next to me kicked my ass. I’m happy she didn't point and laugh. Of course she made me re-rack her weights and fill her water bottle, but at least she didn’t laugh at me.
    Haha I love it! I wouldn’t have paid any attention to how much they were benching until he wanted to throw shade. My arch isn’t even anything crazy.
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  32. #232
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cylon357 View Post
    Could she have been laughing on the inside?

    Probably while I wiped down her bench and re-tied her shoes for her.
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  33. #233
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    Rest of the week didn’t go as planned. Ended up taking the last half off from training due to a head cold. This dang pollen!! Lol Over the worst part now so should be back at it on Monday. Weight dropped this week- I was happy but coach was not! Lol I’m still working on my mindset...this junk is hard!
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    ~“We believe that we are all saved the same way, by the undeserved grace of the Lord Jesus.” Acts 15:11~‬ *NLT‬‬

  34. #234
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    Quote Originally Posted by KittyO1 View Post
    Rest of the week didn’t go as planned. Ended up taking the last half off from training due to a head cold. This dang pollen!! Lol Over the worst part now so should be back at it on Monday. Weight dropped this week- I was happy but coach was not! Lol I’m still working on my mindset...this junk is hard!
    Sorry to hear. Yeah this pollen is a pain. Here’s to a better week next week.
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  35. #235
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    Quote Originally Posted by wango View Post
    Sorry to hear. Yeah this pollen is a pain. Here’s to a better week next week.
    Thank you! I was better last week and feel pretty much 100% this week. I was able to train all week last week but failed to log on here. Started a log on another forum so it’s been taking my attention.
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    ~“We believe that we are all saved the same way, by the undeserved grace of the Lord Jesus.” Acts 15:11~‬ *NLT‬‬

  36. #236
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    Hope you guys are doing well! Been doing some work to try to help with the hip issues I’ve been dealing with for a couple (or few) years now. The injury obviously won’t go away but I have some imbalances/tight areas from compensating from the pain. My left psoas is tight, while my right one is basically lazy. The right side is the one that had the impingement and has a torn labrum. So I’ve been working on trying to restore balance.

    Here’s today’s workout- was a pretty good session

    Flat bench
    135x3x3 sets
    95x8 pause
    (Got in my head and really struggled with 140-didn’t get a full 2nd rep. So went back to 135 to be able to get sets of 3)

    Flat DB bench
    (Each of these were just before failure)

    Incline bench
    95x7x4 sets

    Machine flyes
    115x10x3 sets
    100x10x2 sets

    Plate loaded dip machine
    2 plates per side x10x4 sets

    SS with DB kickbacks (palm away)
    15x12x4 sets

    Cable crunches
    75x12x4 sets

    Decline sit-ups
    4 sets of 8-12


    Stretching/mobility work
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    ~“We believe that we are all saved the same way, by the undeserved grace of the Lord Jesus.” Acts 15:11~‬ *NLT‬‬

  37. #237
    Hughinn is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by KittyO1 View Post
    Hope you guys are doing well! Been doing some work to try to help with the hip issues I’ve been dealing with for a couple (or few) years now. The injury obviously won’t go away but I have some imbalances/tight areas from compensating from the pain. My left psoas is tight, while my right one is basically lazy. The right side is the one that had the impingement and has a torn labrum. So I’ve been working on trying to restore balance.

    Here’s today’s workout- was a pretty good session

    Flat bench
    135x3x3 sets
    95x8 pause
    (Got in my head and really struggled with 140-didn’t get a full 2nd rep. So went back to 135 to be able to get sets of 3)

    Flat DB bench
    (Each of these were just before failure)

    Incline bench
    95x7x4 sets

    Machine flyes
    115x10x3 sets
    100x10x2 sets

    Plate loaded dip machine
    2 plates per side x10x4 sets

    SS with DB kickbacks (palm away)
    15x12x4 sets

    Cable crunches
    75x12x4 sets

    Decline sit-ups
    4 sets of 8-12


    Stretching/mobility work
    I break down the chest and shoulders similar to you. But I do core and abdomen work on lower body days instead of chest and shoulders. And always incorporate overhead pressing into chest days.

    The reason is that I found having sore abs sucks when I'm trying to squat or deadlift. But sore shoulders ain't so bad.

    I like your break out though. Very similar to mine.
    Last edited by Hughinn; 04-19-2021 at 10:02 PM.
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  38. #238
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hughinn View Post
    I break down the chest and shoulders similar to you. But I do core and abdomen work on lower body days instead of chest and shoulders. And always incorporate overhead pressing into chest days.

    The reason is that I found having sore abs sucks when I'm trying to squat or deadlift. But sore shoulders ain't so bad.

    I like your break out though. Very similar to mine.
    Thanks! That is smart with the ab work. Sore abs definitely suck on squat day. I don’t seem to have as much trouble with them on deadlift day but I do often switch up which day I train abs -honestly depending on which day I have time for more than 1-2 sets. I use to add shoulders on chest day too but found they were still sore when it was time to work them again

    ~“We believe that we are all saved the same way, by the undeserved grace of the Lord Jesus.” Acts 15:11~‬ *NLT‬‬

  39. #239
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    So apparently everyone is realizing they fell off the wagon with the new year resolutions and summer is around the corner- because the gym is getting more and more busy. I was more or less making up my workout as I went on today due to lack of options. Still had a good workout.

    Worked in a good bit of stretching and other work for my hips.

    Conv. Deadlifts
    255x3x4 sets

    Single arm high row
    80x10x4 sets

    Supported TBar rows
    2 plates x7x4 sets

    Wide grip pulldowns
    120x12x4 sets

    Seated cable row
    120x12x4 sets

    Straight arm pulldowns
    57.5x12x4 sets

    Concentration curls
    25x8x4 sets

    DB curls
    20x12x3 sets

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    ~“We believe that we are all saved the same way, by the undeserved grace of the Lord Jesus.” Acts 15:11~‬ *NLT‬‬

  40. #240
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cylon357 View Post
    That's a good back day for the gym being busy!
    Thanks! It was! Wanted more in Deads but what’s new?!

    ~“We believe that we are all saved the same way, by the undeserved grace of the Lord Jesus.” Acts 15:11~‬ *NLT‬‬

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