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Thread: Stats

  1. #241
    CBR9Seadoo is offline New Member
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    Currently (All Natural)

    Age: 28 (29 in Dec)
    Weight: 250
    Height: 5'11"
    BF%: ~15%
    Max Flat Barbell Bench: 335/3
    Max Flat Dumbbell Bench: 125/8

    Started working out Jan 2002. My buddy (GTXBen) said lets go to the gym. I said ok.

    Jan 2002
    Weight: 270lbs
    BF%: 34% (I was a fat fuck) LOL
    Max Flat barbell Bench: 165/5

    Oct 31, 2002
    Weight: 210
    BF%: 9%
    Max Flat Barbell Bench: 275/3

    Run a 5/2 split and lovin every minute of it.

  2. #242
    Danielle's Avatar
    Danielle is offline Female Member
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    surpised i overlooked this thread for so

    20 years old
    115 lbs
    12% bodyfat
    measurements.....i believe appox. 34-25-33

    been training for almost a year and a half but i didnt know what the hell i was doing for most of it........only been training the "right way" for about 6 months
    Strength does not come from winning. Your struggles develop your strengths. When you go through hardships and decide not to surrender, THAT IS STRENGTH

  3. #243
    Elliot's Avatar
    Elliot is offline Anabolic Member
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    hey im 6'1 230 lbs 19 years old 13-14% BF been training for a year on and off.. now im more on then off.. curently cutting i do cardio almost daily and weights 4 times a week and im about to pick up brazillian Ju Jitsu..

  4. #244
    azstud2 is offline Junior Member
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    9% bf

    didnt do my fisrt cycle till my soph yr in college.i play outside linebacker here at my local univ.pretty much sucked competing against other guys at this level in football that had a huge advantage with as helpin em out.hit the gym hard..hit the track harder..first two cycles did wonders before before we started practice,started this last plugged into bustin my ass in the gym, and with help from bros like on the board,got the help to establish the confidence i needed through hard work and some kick ass training partners at the gym.saw this board as a way to continue learning, and an oppurtuniity to give back to the bb community. its a way of life for me,and it fukkin rocks!
    continue to kick azz bros, thx for sharin'. (:
    Last edited by azstud2; 01-13-2004 at 03:12 PM.

  5. #245
    Vidooch's Avatar
    Vidooch is offline Associate Member
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    Height: 5'11
    Weight: 183 lbs.
    Bodyfat: 12%

    I love the sport of bodybuilding and had gotten into at first just for impressions and girls. But now its become a much more significant part of my life. It is my addiction! I feel like I can never ever be big and ripped enough, like there is always some part of my body that I can improve on. And I just want to always be on the top of my game and be in the best shape i possibly can. To me, in bodybuilding i am constantly striving for perfection, but yet, deep down inside of me wishes I never reach it, because that would mean i am finished and then i would have to stop. I NEVER WANT TO STOP!!! I think I would be mentally sick and depressed if I did. I hope when i die they bury me in two caskets, with some free weights. Sounds fcukin crazy i know but hey, thats how i feel, Thanx for your time.

  6. #246
    GeoQuadzilla's Avatar
    GeoQuadzilla is offline Senior Member
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    21 years old
    training for 6 years, 1 year on gear
    6^1, 265lbs
    13% bodyfat

  7. #247
    decadbal's Avatar
    decadbal is offline Banned
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    5ft9, 255(rightnow)12%bf, 7pointcalipertest,

    I started bodybuilding bc anyone can be a scrony guy with a sixpack, that isnt impressive, loookin like a abercrombie model pretty much equals being little, but being a big freak, thats hard, that takes effort and time, and love, and if you have it, you will get there and if not, then you wont. i love the hard part of it, the part that not everyone can do, thats why i decided to become a BBer

  8. #248
    samoth's Avatar
    samoth is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by samoth
    Fifteen month update:
    22 years old
    205 lbs.
    apprx. 12-13%bf

    Bench 310 (now with PL form)
    Squat 415 (with belt/wraps, to parallel)
    DL 445 (still mastering form, has potential)
    14 month update:

    23 years old
    Summer weight 195-205 @ 10-12% bf
    Winter weight 220-225 @ 14-16% bf

    Bench 325 gym 315 comp (single poly Inzer)
    Dead 465 gym 435 comp (single poly Inzer)
    Squat 505 gym parallel box (single ply Titan)

    Pin pulls -- knee level -- 515x8
    Chain-suspended GM 42" 615 at lockout (2 greens + 2 blues)

    Total of 5 cycles. One competition. Eight years total training. I am positive I could give a try for the APA state record in the squat if not for school taking up so much time.

    I have actually stopped working out for the second half of last semester, and all of this semester so far. I only lift on weekends in my home gym (if I go home) and do AR here and there. My school "fitness center" and "gym" are pathetic excuses for training facilities. I cannot do any BB benching of any sort in the pseudo-rack setup they have.

    I came to the realization that being in constant pain and not having maximum time for my studies was not a bright idea, at least in this phase of my life. I am only an undergraduate once, but I have the rest of my life to train.

    I suppose I *could* go back to doing that bodybuilder/hypertrophy thing, but...... naaaaaahhh. I'm a powerlifter. I figure my body could use a break. I can tell my body is thanking me, too, especially my back.

    Kind of nice... working out sporadically for the past 6 months (save the 3 week winter break where I hit the gym hard) has had little impact on my strength OR body composition. I have found diet to be of utmost importance when I don't work out consistantly. I think I see how some of the pro BBers can go for months without training now, and still compete in the Olympia.

    Lesson learned: DIET IS KEY TO EVERYTHING .
    I have no intent of going on a cycle again... though I very well may if I wish to break any PL records... however, I think I have mastered my body enough where I can do anything I need to through diet and excercise.

  9. #249
    Superhuman's Avatar
    Superhuman is offline Banned
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    BF= Not sure, probably 11%

    I started because I play football and I have always been tiny. I want to get HUGE, like carzy freaky big. I'm the biggest kid at my school right now, but I want to like scare ppl, THAT'S why I lift... And I also want to be an All-Colorado Linebacker

  10. #250
    C-ray's Avatar
    C-ray is offline New Member
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    22 yrs old
    175lbs (hopefully 190 by summers end)

    been lifting for a year and a half.....i started lifting cuz i was tired of feeling like a lazy, fat bastard. it definitely did the trick.

  11. #251
    knukklehead is offline New Member
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    ok everyone here but heres my stats and info...5'9.5'' ( yeah the .5 is important) currently in the middle of my second cycle of test and deca at about 195#...33w 18b 47c...started working out because i always wanted to be taller once i figured out that wasnt going to happen thought id work on getting wider and bigger!

  12. #252
    Ron Swan is offline New Member
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    May 2004
    5'10" 250 18% bf

    54 Inch Chest

    36 Inch waist

    20 Inch arms

  13. #253
    blinelaxd27 is offline New Member
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    May 2004

    Cool benching help

    hey wat up guys.... i need some serious help wit my bench. All my lifts r really good for a 6ft 200lb 18 year old. I can curl 165lb squat 345 8 times, leg press over 1000lb but i can only bench around 250-255ish. I dedicated an equal amount of time to all my body parts. My grip is strong and everything i just don't know wats goin on. I've tried dumbells and i can only put up like the 100s 5-6 times. I just don't know how to make my chest bigger. Help guys thanx

  14. #254
    Romac's Avatar
    Romac is offline New Member
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    5'10" 34 years old - Currently cutting:
    June 1st 2004 - 198lbs approx 20%BF :: June 15 2004 - 190lbs 16.7%BF :: July 1st?...stay tuned
    Goal: 7% BF by Aug 1st 2004 (170lbs total body weight based on 158lbs LBM)

    Update June 24th 2004: remeasured BF% @15.6 and LBM is now 159.6lbs - if i adjust my goals to maintain 7% BF my weight goal would be 171.6lbs

    My goal of 7% bf by aug 1st is lofty to put it mildly...i have not been that low since i was 17 or so. Tomorrow i check my bf% and i've already lost another 4lbs since june 15th so i'm still on track. Just curious to see how much is fat and how much is LBM.

    I have not seriously lifted for about 8 years but i'm getting too old to lay around. Age is gonna bite me in the ass if i don't stay active.
    Last edited by Romac; 06-30-2004 at 09:43 AM. Reason: typo

  15. #255
    decadbal's Avatar
    decadbal is offline Banned
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    273as of this morning

    maxes most ever, not current
    315mil press

    i decided to become a bodybuilder bc i want to be the size of a truck and its not easy to gain that much wt and size.

  16. #256
    Join Date
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    Where I can find food.
    Started lifting for football freshman year in high school. Didn't really get stronger that year because I wasn't too dedicated.

    I was a fatter kid then, so they put me on the line. Had pschological weight issues and played around with my weight too much in highschool. Got mildly strong (315bench, 405squat, and 320cleans, 340jerk press), started line for a couple of StateChamp teams but dropped from 235 to 195lbs by my senior year.

    Graduated and been working my A$$ off for 2 years but was trying to bulk and cut simultaneously (how stupid)--never got any stronger than highschool days, got a little more tone, looked less massive than highschool days because I dropped to really feebly skinny, 179lbs. That was six months ago, Im 20 now, and since I have Been reading religiously about BBing, I have drastically changed my diet, dropped the old Ftball routine and its taken about six dedicated bulking months to get to 202 naturally (look much smaller than 202 tho and went from 8% bf to about 16% so alot was fat, but trying to bulk seriously). Decided to jumpstart my new goals with AS 4 weeks ago and am up to 214lbs 15%bf--this stuff is fantastic. With what I know now and with what I am willing to learn, in a year or two or three I am going to make dramtic changes to my body. I keep getting more and more read up, especially about AS, thanks to yous bro and to this site. Im still a newbie but hope earn a home on AR after I can show (with time) that I am dedicated to lifting. Good posts bros.

  17. #257
    Captainutrition is offline Associate Member
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    6' 3" 255# right at 7% because I WAS 10 days from a show. Anyway.....

  18. #258
    spoonta66's Avatar
    spoonta66 is offline Associate Member
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    6'6" (198cm) 260lbs(122kg) 28yo about 15%bf, been gyming for about 2 years since i recovered from a bad b-ball accident (both ankles broken and all ligiments tendons torn or damaged) that had me immobile for a year and saw me get up to 320lbs ive trimmed down most of the fat now and am building muscle nicely. pity ill never be able to dunk again! or will i? i really miss going baseline and leaning over a 6'10" forward for a huge facial.

  19. #259
    unclemoney's Avatar
    unclemoney is offline Senior Member
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    im 5 foot 8.... 187... 9%bf... and lets just say for the sake of me not wanting to get banned im 18(i might b one year younger than that) but im 18.

  20. #260
    TexasFitnessGirl's Avatar
    TexasFitnessGirl is offline Female Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mike
    Trying to start a slightly off topic forum....

    What are everyone's stats? And why did they get into BBing? We had this on the last board and I would like to repost.

    5'10 268lbs 7%bf
    Yeah BABY!

  21. #261
    TexasFitnessGirl's Avatar
    TexasFitnessGirl is offline Female Member
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    36 yrs old
    Size 5


  22. #262
    metallicafan4u69 is offline Junior Member
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    32 yrs old, 5'9" @19%bf
    squat 420
    bench 280 (very weak here)
    deadlift, dont do it
    leg press 1050
    I got into it after I tore my rotator in high school. Started to lift to help rebuild and strenghen the arm. I was a pitcher. But I got to liking the feeling I had and the gains I was seeing. I then seen on TV one night American Muscle Magazine being hosted by Mike Matarozzo. I was so impressed by this guy I wanted in. Be doing it ever since. That was in 1991.

  23. #263
    TexasFitnessGirl's Avatar
    TexasFitnessGirl is offline Female Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by benchmark505
    6 - 8 % body fat

    I love to work out and feel the pump... I've been addicted for years... I guess my handle says alot about my stats... I'm kinda big and Kinda strong... people call me a freak of nature actually... I suppose that's a good thing...

  24. #264
    Phillyboy1's Avatar
    Phillyboy1 is offline Anabolic Member
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    bout my money
    Quote Originally Posted by TexasFitnessGirl
    36 yrs old
    Size 5


  25. #265
    bullram's Avatar
    bullram is offline Member
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    armpit of the country(NJ)
    23 yrs old
    215 lbs 365 bench
    10% bf

  26. #266
    viking_warrior_2k is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by blinelaxd27
    hey wat up guys.... i need some serious help wit my bench. All my lifts r really good for a 6ft 200lb 18 year old. I can curl 165lb squat 345 8 times, leg press over 1000lb but i can only bench around 250-255ish. I dedicated an equal amount of time to all my body parts. My grip is strong and everything i just don't know wats goin on. I've tried dumbells and i can only put up like the 100s 5-6 times. I just don't know how to make my chest bigger. Help guys thanx
    Hey, man, I was in the same boat for a long time. My legs and arms were strong, but my chest (bench) seemed so weak. Do your declines, inclines, and experiment with dumbells instead of flat bars. Also, do pull-overs if you're not doing them. If you're going for strength, go heavy - but not enough to hurt yourself. Always have a spotter when going heavy. You're young, so I wouldn't worry about my chest being a little behind. Trust me, if you are dedicated and consistent with your workouts, it will catch up. For a long time my tris over-powered my pecs. You can tell that sort of thing after a few years of training, but now mine are very well balanced and compliment each other nicely, and I really notice it. The big thing is not to get discouraged.

    It's the simple things that add to the over-all effect. I'm at a point now where my declines are stronger than my regular flat bench. I regularly use 315 for reps on flat and decline. (Now if my incline could match my decline... ) Don't forget that the thing with dumbells is that they require much more balance than the flat bar, so don't be discouraged when your dumbell presses are weak. I highly recommend doing dumbells along with the flat bar - for variation, but you have to use less weight than a flat bar, so don't get discouraged. It will probably hit more areas of your pecs (stabilizers, etc.) Other than that, eat right and eat a lot. It doesn't happen over-night.

  27. #267
    davinci191's Avatar
    davinci191 is offline Junior Member
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    detroit michigan
    28 yrs old
    309 lbs
    apprx. 25%bf
    Squat 606.25
    Bench Press 432.00
    Deadlift 615.50

    liffting seriously since the age of 24. iwas doing some light work outs in the gym at my work, this new trainer came in and seen me pressing like 275 or somthing like that and said " dude look at the size of you! you should be pressin like 600 lbs. So he showed me the form of a powerlifter, my press went up like 60lbs of the snap and i was an addict after that. We trained together for a year, we followed Louie Simmons plan. got real strong but got hurt during squats. so no more powerliffting.

    Ran one cycle of fina, made some good gains and am now about to run sustanon250,winny tabs

  28. #268
    davinci191's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by blinelaxd27
    hey wat up guys.... i need some serious help wit my bench. All my lifts r really good for a 6ft 200lb 18 year old. I can curl 165lb squat 345 8 times, leg press over 1000lb but i can only bench around 250-255ish. I dedicated an equal amount of time to all my body parts. My grip is strong and everything i just don't know wats goin on. I've tried dumbells and i can only put up like the 100s 5-6 times. I just don't know how to make my chest bigger. Help guys thanx
    ok, If you do what this guy says you will get strong!

  29. #269
    TexasFitnessGirl's Avatar
    TexasFitnessGirl is offline Female Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by jcstomper

  30. #270
    TexasFitnessGirl's Avatar
    TexasFitnessGirl is offline Female Member
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  31. #271
    CastorTroy's Avatar
    CastorTroy is offline Junior Member
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    195 lbs
    5.5% bf

  32. #272
    decadbal's Avatar
    decadbal is offline Banned
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    North Charlotte
    5ft1 335 -2%bf

  33. #273
    TexasFitnessGirl's Avatar
    TexasFitnessGirl is offline Female Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Decadbal
    5ft1 335 -2%bf

  34. #274
    Vito_Gatti's Avatar
    Vito_Gatti is offline Associate Member
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    It's a joke, look at his pic...

  35. #275
    J.S.N.'s Avatar
    J.S.N. is offline Anabolic Member
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    all up in yo' buttho'
    yeah, more like -2% * -10

  36. #276
    ReX357's Avatar
    ReX357 is offline "Toughest & Best Looking Guy Around Here"
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    Behind you
    +- 220 lbs

  37. #277
    maxmuscle187's Avatar
    maxmuscle187 is offline Senior Member
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    Peak condition, 5'11 225lbs, 12-14%bf.

  38. #278
    Join Date
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    Scottsdale, AZ
    Started lifting about a year and a half ago when I weighed 117 lbs. Broke up with a serious girlfriend and had to undergo a lifestyle change to help with depression... Packed on a solid 40 lbs the first year. Natural b/c I am only 18 right now. Sitting on 20 ml of deca 300 and Test 400 burning a hole in my pocket, but dont want to start too early.

    165 lbs (extremely lacking legs)
    One prohormone cycle
    15.25 inch arms
    7-9% bodyfat
    All 8 in the stomach (usually)

  39. #279
    Unoid is offline Member
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    Apr 2005
    21, 6'-4", currently nearing end of cycle, 255lbs with some bloat. 12% BF (caliper 3 pinch). Upping cardio and doing clen during PCT, hoping for 235-240lbs at 7-8%BF.

    50" chest, 18.5" calves, 18" bi's. This is my first cycle of AAS, started out at 230lbs.

  40. #280
    Unoid is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Captainutrition
    6' 3" 255# right at 7% because I WAS 10 days from a show. Anyway.....
    nice stats. any pics by chance?

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