Results 561 to 600 of 660
07-10-2006, 01:23 PM #561
Originally Posted by Flagg
Your sorry bro.
I think at his age, he would kick ur ass!!!
Pele is the greatest soccer player ever!!!!
07-10-2006, 01:25 PM #562
Greatest soccer player ever eh?
Hmm, anyone else agree with that bold statement?
Pele was amazing but you have to remember he's one of the players that most people instantly recognise, espeically non football fans.
07-10-2006, 01:26 PM #563
If Pele was coming at him I'd give him a Zidane headbutt.
07-10-2006, 01:28 PM #564
Originally Posted by Flagg
Is great to have the talent but withou the respect and good attitude, you ain't shit. Bad attitude will get you kick off the field and if you are not on the field........well what else can I say.
anyone else agrees!!!!Last edited by MAJOR25; 07-10-2006 at 01:36 PM.
07-10-2006, 01:30 PM #565
Originally Posted by Flagg
He would give you a bicycle kick.
07-10-2006, 01:32 PM #566
Originally Posted by MAJOR25
See, who says soccer cant teach you how to fight!?
07-10-2006, 01:33 PM #567
One more time for those that missed it.
07-10-2006, 01:33 PM #568
Originally Posted by Flagg
ok bro you killed it.
07-10-2006, 01:37 PM #569
Chill out Major. You're taking this way too ****ing seriously. It's over. Move on. It's over man.
07-10-2006, 01:41 PM #570
Originally Posted by Flagg
07-10-2006, 07:28 PM #571
Originally Posted by MAJOR25
Zidane has a temper problem, like most people in the world.
Zidane is the best player in my lifetime.
He was a class act. Zidane was my favorite player, and after the headbutt I liked him even more. Because Matazerri the actor and crybaby, deserved it.
07-10-2006, 07:50 PM #572
Zidane is an amazing player, great skills etc
but his class = PUS--SY BOYYYYYY
07-10-2006, 10:37 PM #573
Zidane is a BIATCH with no class, it's not the first stupid stunt he has pulled!!!!
07-11-2006, 03:50 AM #574
Originally Posted by CAUSASIAN
Exactly. Couldn't have said it better myself.
07-11-2006, 06:05 AM #575
Originally Posted by Flagg
fiery tempers are all part of any sport. fvckall to do with class edited by spencer; 07-11-2006 at 06:11 AM.
07-11-2006, 06:08 AM #576
Originally Posted by MAJOR25
07-11-2006, 06:12 AM #577
Eric Cantona the legend
07-11-2006, 06:19 AM #578
another all time great, George Best. remembered for his greatness not his alcoholism
07-11-2006, 06:22 AM #579
another legend, Roy Keane. remembered for his fire ness in his stomach, still an all time great at utd
07-11-2006, 06:25 AM #580
ian wright and patrick viera had tempers but wont be remember for that at arsenal. there all time greats for the gunners
07-11-2006, 06:28 AM #581
what im gettin at is, all great players that wear their heart on there sleave is what makes them great players, there showin the emotion like a fan would thats why the fans love them so much
07-11-2006, 06:33 AM #582
theres maradona on this fighting. and totti an italian hero
07-11-2006, 06:46 AM #583
Originally Posted by spencer
In the future, Zidane wont be remembered for that headbutt, he'll be remembered for what he contributed to the sport. I mean before that incident noone was going on about his sending off in 98 cause noone really cared that much about it.
For the record, I think Materazi said something to him to do with his Algerian heritage, something about being a terrorist but that could be hearsay.
07-11-2006, 06:51 AM #584
I'll never forget us versus RVN. That pic of Keone jumping at him like that was funny but none the less i've never liked Rudd since that incident.
07-11-2006, 07:21 AM #585
Originally Posted by juiceboxxx
Help me out here bro. These people don'tn understand my point, your point, eveyone elses point.
07-11-2006, 07:23 AM #586
Originally Posted by style74
Help me out here bro. help them understand. god please forgive them, for they thou not know what they are talking about.
07-11-2006, 07:32 AM #587
Zidane has no class and went out like a little bitch.
07-11-2006, 07:38 AM #588
Originally Posted by MAJOR25
07-11-2006, 08:23 AM #589
Originally Posted by spencer
Zidane talking bout his trophy
Yeah This is a trophy that I got when I got kickout off the field for being stupid. I should of acted like a real leader not like a little bitch.
07-11-2006, 08:52 AM #590
Originally Posted by spencer
07-11-2006, 08:53 AM #591
Originally Posted by CAUSASIAN
gambling is legal, and is only a problem when you go broke. and an H'd up maradona is still better then zidane(thought it was coke as well?) best players in every sport have control over themselves and their sport, zidane obviously lacks self control. this is not the first incident by him, so its not an isolated incident. class acts dont head butt(did it before as well), class acts dont stomp on players backs. the french take care of their own and showed him in the best light possible. then they trash REAL heroes like our own lance armstrong. i think in their history books they won WW2 as well.......
07-11-2006, 08:56 AM #592
Originally Posted by Sta11ion
my dad is from napoli and he reveres maradona like a kid from chicago reveres MJ for what he did. what maradona did for napoli is nothing short of miraculous. it would be like one player going to the tampa bay devil rays and leading them to a world series victory. thats how low napoli was before him (and consequently after him lol)
07-11-2006, 08:58 AM #593
Originally Posted by Sta11ion
he was world class. simple as that
07-11-2006, 09:11 AM #594
This is really something else! It's like everyone hating on Zidane has only ever watched World Cup 2006 and that's as far as their football love and knowledge goes.
Zidane is hands down the WORLDS GREATEST player that has played in the last 10 years!!
Why do you all keep calling him a bitch? Cause he lost his temper? Ironic really as about 5 different people are constantly "bitching" about him in this thread.
And Zidane is easily in the same league as Maradona was at his prime if not greater.
07-11-2006, 09:14 AM #595
And something else, say Zidane had finished the match off with that late header or if he had not butted Matarazzi, I guarantee it'd be a different story and everyone would be going on about how great he was.
07-11-2006, 09:15 AM #596
Originally Posted by Flagg
07-11-2006, 09:24 AM #597
Materazi has admitted to insulting Zidane but did not elborate as to what he said. I liked when he said, I'm translating btw: "....a terrorist? I dont even know what a terrorist is, sorry I am not very cultured"
""I was holding his jersey for a few seconds only, he turned towards me, he jokingly talked to me,he looked me down with super arrogance,from top to bottom and said: "if you really want my jersey Ill give it to you at the end of the game, at which point I insulted him"
07-11-2006, 09:28 AM #598
Even the Media was talking shit about Zidane. The comments were the same as here. No Class, No respect etc. So whos right now.
07-11-2006, 09:29 AM #599
You believe everything written in a paper?
Funny noones mentioned Figo, but there ya go.
07-11-2006, 09:31 AM #600
Originally Posted by MAJOR25
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