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  1. #41
    Carlos_E's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bojangles69
    genes determine human characteristics, if you had the same genes as your brother and sister, youd be a girl and a guy.. straight and gay (assuming one of the 2 is straight) your a mix of genes, you inherited the ones that fires off sexual attraction towards males. Often, homosexuality can be linked to a genetic shortfall in other areas that led to a consequential act of instilling homosexual tendencies in the anomally, so that there was no chance the anomally would pass on these "deformities" to the next generation via procreation. (fascist or not, just because youd like to believe somethings a certain way, or because FOX news teaches us life should be "fair and balanced" (because if not the news wouldnt exist, wed simply accept the fact that lifes not fair and get on with it)
    just one of a few main theories on evolution, not devopled by a pro-bodybuilder but by overly educated/overly qualified scientists who get get massive amounts of public fame for this shit.

    How do you know thier ashamed?? Again this is attributing personal characteristics to a whole group of people. As logical as me saying "most straight guys are really bi-sexual but thier ashamed to admit it to society" I dont disagree with it in its entirety, because there are obvious reasons that would provoke such a thing. But this is my personal opinion here which just makes sense in MY head.
    If im going to come out of the closet and admit "i like sucking ****", the LAST thing on my head will be.. Dont forget to mention you still like women because you'll be more accepted by people because... PEOPLE DONT CARE. Once you admit you like to s*** c*** theres NO coming back from that, people are judgment machines and just because you add a "ohh but i like woman too" doesnt mean they'll judge you less harshly. Now you raise a good point, the fact that i am not you as simple as it is. But still i try not to view things from MY perspective. I take the persective from people who have researched and studied this shit and have demonstrated thier beliefs are competent and logical.
    And yeh i get some info from the internet.. as well as schools and libraries. They are all EXCELLENT sources of information. I think the real problem here is 2 people who dont understand each other. I dont understand how woman are not appealing to you, you dont understand why they appeal to me. But I am one of those people who believe theres a reason for everything and if i ever have a gay friend who cant explain to me why woman dont turn him on i will have no choice but to lable him confused. Because i can tell you in about 100 thousand+ reasons why men dont turn me on, but again, im rambling now. So ill cut it here.
    I just read this and I was going to reply. But if you cannot address me with some fucking respect. I'm not going to have this conversatoin with you.

    Your opinion of homosexuality taints all of your posts on the subject and you hide your prejudice behind science. You pick and choose sources that support your bias opinion
    Muscle Asylum Project Athlete

  2. #42
    Carlos_E's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by kyjelly
    lol, Im not sure how a hot girl I met at the gym got onto the whole gay

    But anywho, just a quick question for Carlos, if you dont mind, dont answer if you dont want...Im just curious

    Do you believe your born gay? Or it happens somewhere on later in life?
    Check your PMs.
    Muscle Asylum Project Athlete

  3. #43
    Superhuman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Carlos_E
    Check your PMs.
    i am curious what your thoughts are on what kyjelly said, too. IMO from gay people I have known it is more a decision or an acquired "disorder" as some people would say. IMO it's similar to my taste in blonde girls. I wasn't BORN attracted to blonde girls, I went through stages where i liked redheads, black girls, brown-headed latinas, and now blondes. I've also like thick girls before, then skinny girls, and now fitness chicks.

  4. #44
    abstrack's Avatar
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    My sister and brother are gay. I believe they were born gay. JMO

    Anyways, this thead got jacked hard.

    I still would have went for the poon. You need to take advantage of the opportunity at hand.

  5. #45
    Bojangles69's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Carlos_E
    I just read this and I was going to reply. But if you cannot address me with some fucking respect. I'm not going to have this convesatoin with you.

    Your opinion of homosexuality taints all of your posts on the subject and you hide your prejudice behind science.
    PREJUDICE!! AHAHAHA.. this is what youve stuped to?
    Because i speak to you like an adult and not a child?? THATS called RESPECT, not sugarcoating shit to make you feel better.
    I use certain phrases because i EXPECT you to be secure in your sexuality, you obviously arent, regardless of how you choose to misinterpret it.
    Frankly i dont give a shit what you think, for one fact.. I DONT CARE. With that said, if i WAS prejudice id come out glaring with derogatory remarks because of that. Im too f***kn smart to be prejudice, it serves no purpose but to make someone feel better about themselves, i have other ways of doing that shit.
    Disrespect.. what the hell is disrespect?? hmmm... maybe telling someone the sky is green when its clearly blue, like saying sex isnt an instinct, stating facts as opinion. That disrespectful to ME when someone trys to insult my intelligence. So yeh this convos over. PC.

  6. #46
    Carlos_E's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Superhuman
    i IMO it's similar to my taste in blonde girls. I wasn't BORN attracted to blonde girls, I went through stages where i liked redheads, black girls, brown-headed latinas, and now blondes. I've also like thick girls before, then skinny girls, and now fitness chicks.
    But what do they all have in common? They're all women. So you have a base attraction to women. The same olds true for me. My tastes in men may vary in color shape and height but I have always liked guys. That hasn't changed.

    Quote Originally Posted by Superhuman
    i am curious what your thoughts are on what kyjelly said, too. IMO from gay people I have known it is more a decision
    The only real decision is whether or not you'll be open with other people about your attraction. When people come out it's not like they all of a sudden turn gay. A lot are and pretend not to be. When people decide to tell others people think they just decided to be gay.
    Muscle Asylum Project Athlete

  7. #47
    Carlos_E's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bojangles69
    PREJUDICE!! AHAHAHA.. this is what youve stuped to?
    Because i speak to you like an adult and not a child?? THATS called RESPECT, not sugarcoating shit to make you feel better.
    I use certain phrases because i EXPECT you to be secure in your sexuality, you obviously arent, regardless of how you choose to misinterpret it.
    Frankly i dont give a shit what you think, for one fact.. I DONT CARE. With that said, if i WAS prejudice id come out glaring with derogatory remarks because of that. Im too f***kn smart to be prejudice, it serves no purpose but to make someone feel better about themselves, i have other ways of doing that shit.
    Disrespect.. what the hell is disrespect?? hmmm... maybe telling someone the sky is green when its clearly blue, like saying sex isnt an instinct, stating facts as opinion. That disrespectful to ME when someone trys to insult my intelligence. So yeh this convos over. PC.
    This discussion was over the moment you started describing gay people as cock suckers. If you don't see how that is insulting or disrespectful you have mental problems and you're not as intelligent as you think.
    Muscle Asylum Project Athlete

  8. #48
    Carlos_E's Avatar
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    Bojangles69 if you remember, the last time you were suspended it was because of the away you address people. You need to learn how to talk to people respectfully. I'm not going to suspend you but keep it up and address someone else that way and I'm sure they will.

    Now I'm done.
    Muscle Asylum Project Athlete

  9. #49
    Bojangles69's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Carlos_E
    This discussion was over the moment you started describing gay people as cock suckers. If you don't see how that is insulting you have mental problems.
    i gave you a hypothetical f**king situation.
    something that is likey to happen in the real world, sorry if i didnt sand it down for sensitive eyes.
    If someone called me a "pussy sucker" are you telling me im suppose to be offended now?? I dont care who you are, if you cant deal with someone verbalizing your sexual preferences to demonstrate a logical point YOU have the issues. YOUR the one who has a problem with YOUR sexuality. Reread that last line. If YOU cant see that. YOU have mental problems. If i said gay people were cocksuckers thats one thing, if i used harsh language to fit the context of a harsh real world situation so people could feel the reality of the situation, thats a completely different thing.

  10. #50
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    Quote Originally Posted by Carlos_E
    Bojangles69 if you remember, the last time you were suspended it was because of the away you address people. You need to learn how to talk to people respectfully. I'm not going to suspend you but keep it up and address someone else that way and I'm sure they will.

    Now I'm done.
    Ok great i never insulted you, matter a fact you initiated the whole idea that I MAY have mental issues and i responded accordingly. So your more at fault that myself.

    I find it amusing the way you back into a corner and start emptying elusive threats to pin ME as the bad guy. Real slick. Im done for good now.

    And ill openly admit i got out of line with Nark AND i apologized to him. Because now your tainting MY reputation, but of course thats not your motivation.

  11. #51
    Carlos_E's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bojangles69
    If someone called me a "pussy sucker" are you telling me im suppose to be offended now??
    Referring to a straight male as a pussy sucker IS disrespectful. It's why I would never do it. I do not take someone's sexuality and reduce it down to one sexual act. Something you just did. Again your prejudice blinds you from seeing reality. You think it's appropriate.
    Muscle Asylum Project Athlete

  12. #52
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    Quote Originally Posted by Superhuman
    lmao this girl @ the club last night was telling me she could SQUAT, that's right SQUAT all the way down to parallel 950lbs! Is that even possible for a woman? She said she used no juice and she won the Gold's Gym lifting competition - some big contest or something. I just laughed but she DID have lots of muscle. fact she might have been a dude

    no, for real though she was a woman and her friends vouched for her saying that she could squat 950. I asked is they were talking about leg press and they were very clear that it was a legit squat. again I ask is that possible for a woman?
    probably 95lbs lmao
    not 950 LMAO

  13. #53
    Bojangles69's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Carlos_E
    Referring to a straight male as a pussy sucker IS disrespectful. It's why I would never do it. I do not take someone's sexuality and reduce it down to one sexual act. Something you just did. Again your prejudice blinds you from seeing reality. You think it's appropriate.
    Ok now that your attempting to debate more logically.
    You are not a p**** s*****, I AM, i dont not feel disrespected in the slightest bit if you refer to me in such a manner. Ill actually laugh because i have a sense of humor for things like that.
    But look, if you feel like i took your sexuality and reduced it to one sexual act, IM SORRY. Those werent my intentions, your claiming thats the way you feel, maybe a little sensitive, but it def fits certain stereotypes (that was a joke btw)

    Still, anyone who take offense to p***sy sucker id really like to know about this so i can stop using it on all my friends. lol.
    all this time and i thought it was a compliment.

  14. #54
    IronFreakX's Avatar
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    Bah I gotta say this:

    -Bojangles, you're a bit too aggressive for the liking of the Mods here.

    -Carlos, you're too senstive about what other people say.

    -Calros you're right replication is not the base insticnt that drives all sexual behaviour

    -Bojangles, homosexuality is not a mistake, I believe nature made people like that for a reason, maybe to control the population or for whatever reason, who cares if its a defect or not, its not harming us in anyway.

  15. #55
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    Quote Originally Posted by kyjelly
    So, I was working out legs, doing squats. And 2 girls, 1 hot, 1 ugly were obviously not working out legs. Then they come by me and try to leg press like 600 and some odd lbs. The ugly one said hey I think my friend needs help. So me being the nice guy I am, went and helped out and I started a convo with her. Thing is, I kinda blew her off, cuz when I workout, thats what Im doing, and nothing else...all focus. As she was leaving, she smiled and waved.

    Then, when to late, I was like ****...I shouldve gone for it.

    How many guys/gals here go to the gym to pick up guys/gals?

    Shouldve I just blown off legs and went with her?

    aaaahhh ****....shes a member, she'll be back
    Woulda, shoulda, coulda . . . makes no difference now.
    But there's always next time . . . now that you've had one happy interaction with her and she's seen you can talk to a woman without needing to screw her, she'll be more receptive to going out with you next time.

    Me, I hate getting getting distracted from working out -- that's why I go to a gym full of ugly people. I have a job where I can pick people up . . .


  16. #56
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    yeah i go to gym and cant be bothered talking to anyone, untill i finish training.
    Then i dont mind chatting to people but i dont ever go to gym to pic up.

  17. #57
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    as for carlos and bojangles peoples sensetivity varies on all different levels.
    So maybe jangles you can just be aware of peoples sensetivity or believes.
    Dont think im saying you are wrong or carlos is wrong.
    Its just an observation for this topic thats all.

    I believe peoples sexuality is their business and it can be what ever they want.

    we dont have to pussy foot around but just be more open and accpeting that some people are more sensetive than others and have different morals and believes.

  18. #58
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    Quote Originally Posted by collar
    as for carlos and bojangles peoples sensetivity varies on all different levels.
    So maybe jangles you can just be aware of peoples sensetivity or believes.
    Dont think im saying you are wrong or carlos is wrong.
    Its just an observation for this topic thats all.

    I believe peoples sexuality is their business and it can be what ever they want.

    we dont have to pussy foot around but just be more open and accpeting that some people are more sensetive than others and have different morals and believes.
    We all come from different backgrounds and different countries - respect on most issues is easily understood and there are certain subject that are senstive to all, and others that are more individual.

    The exactl idea behind the conversation just held is alright, it's the content and language used that is quesyionable.

  19. #59
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    thanks for making it more clear i was trying get that across, just didnt to it too well .
    but i do agree.

  20. #60
    SMYL_GR8's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by abstrack
    My sister and brother are gay. I believe they were born gay. JMO
    Anyways, this thead got jacked hard.
    I still would have went for the poon. You need to take advantage of the opportunity at hand.
    One of the worst jackings I have ever seen!

    I'm not sure if I should even TOUCH this topic, but I have a valid .02, so why not.

    Being gay is not genetic. This is based on two things. One, no one has been able to isolate a gene that drives it and the entire human genome has been mapped. Second, homosexuality has been proven to be caused by abhorrations in the reactive mind (getting wierd, I know). However, this has been proven by studies over the years and I have witnessed first hand homosexuals who go through auditing (the process of removing one's reactive bank) and once clear of this bank are STRAIGHT. Like Bojangles said before he got angry and aggressive, the basic human urge is to survive and anyone who does not express this urge, not just gay people mind you, but even people like Oprah (first person I thought of) that neither has nor wants children of her own have abhorrations in the reactive mind in the field of children, marriage, what have you.

    Keep in mind that over 60% of my patients are gay and i have many gay friends. They are some of the most intelligent, talented, successfull people I know, but if they went through auditing of their reacitve mind, they would come out of it straight. Let the eye-rolling begin. I have witnessed this process, so I believe it. However, I am not on any quest to change gay people, but just thought someone would find this data interesting.
    Last edited by SMYL_GR8; 08-21-2006 at 09:46 AM.

  21. #61
    Mizfit's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SMYL_GR8

    Being gay is not genetic. This is based on two things. One, no one has been able to isolate a gene that drives it and the entire human genome has been mapped. Second, homosexuality has been proven to be caused by abhorrations in the reactive mind (getting wierd, I know). However, this has been proven by studies over the years and I have witnessed first hand homosexuals who go through auditing (the process of removing one's reactive bank) and once clear of this bank are STRAIGHT. .
    Wow - where i come this process you speak of auditing, is refered to as brainwashing..

    I am 100% pro straight or gay.. doesn't matter to me, but for you to say someone would chose to be gay, when their are so many ppl who put them on stakes and burn them, is just ludacris.

  22. #62
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    Tell her you would like to talk after the workout...get her number..theres some options. But I wouldnt blow off the legs. Im sure she doesnt want to date this..
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Girl At Gym 2Nite-images.jpg  

  23. #63
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    wha?? Carlos is gay?

    Problem quit jacking.

  24. #64
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mizfit
    Wow - where i come this process you speak of auditing, is refered to as brainwashing..

    I am 100% pro straight or gay.. doesn't matter to me, but for you to say someone would chose to be gay, when their are so many ppl who put them on stakes and burn them, is just ludacris.
    Mizzie, mizzie, how could you twist my words like that? Do you see the word choose in my post?

    It's NOT a choice, because they (or you or ME, for that matter) do not have access to their reactive bank. I do not blame you for referring to it as brainwashing, but it truly is brain"washing" b/c it gets rid of all the sh!t that stops people from being who they REALLY are and doing what they can.

    Listen, we can debate this all year. As an outsider with no exposure to auditing, you (or anyone) will be skeptical and dismiss it. It's a natural reaction, but I have witnessed it's effectiveness in hundreds of people helping them accomplish things they never thought possible.

    How about auditing 1,600 convicted felons in Mexico before their release to have ZERO return in the following five years when the national average of 5 year return is over 90%?

  25. #65
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    Quote Originally Posted by SMYL_GR8
    Mizzie, mizzie, how could you twist my words like that? Do you see the word choose in my post?

    It's NOT a choice, because they (or you or ME, for that matter) do not have access to their reactive bank. I do not blame you for referring to it as brainwashing, but it truly is brain"washing" b/c it gets rid of all the sh!t that stops people from being who they REALLY are and doing what they can.

    Listen, we can debate this all year. As an outsider with no exposure to auditing, you (or anyone) will be skeptical and dismiss it. It's a natural reaction, but I have witnessed it's effectiveness in hundreds of people helping them accomplish things they never thought possible.

    How about auditing 1,600 convicted felons in Mexico before their release to have ZERO return in the following five years when the national average of 5 year return is over 90%?
    i'm left handed - as a child my father tried to make me right handed... But writing with my right hand is not natural.. Just as being with a woman, is not nautral for a gay man..

  26. #66
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    You have a link to any studies concerning homosexuality?

    Quote Originally Posted by SMYL_GR8
    Mizzie, mizzie, how could you twist my words like that? Do you see the word choose in my post?

    It's NOT a choice, because they (or you or ME, for that matter) do not have access to their reactive bank. I do not blame you for referring to it as brainwashing, but it truly is brain"washing" b/c it gets rid of all the sh!t that stops people from being who they REALLY are and doing what they can.

    Listen, we can debate this all year. As an outsider with no exposure to auditing, you (or anyone) will be skeptical and dismiss it. It's a natural reaction, but I have witnessed it's effectiveness in hundreds of people helping them accomplish things they never thought possible.

    How about auditing 1,600 convicted felons in Mexico before their release to have ZERO return in the following five years when the national average of 5 year return is over 90%?

  27. #67
    goodcents's Avatar
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    Wtf is happening lately? The guy asks a simple question asking about whether to hook up with some chic at the gym and it gets turned into a gay debate (like who cares either way ) and a "mind adjustment thread". This thread will get locked. It is getting old to have one thread after another locked Half the time I can't even get to a thread before it's locked (really wanted to talk about the thin kid on myspace, but it's locked ) Not pointing fingers, but can't we just stay on subject? ( I know I've went off subject on threads too ) btw, I would have showed her a few machines,talked a little while, maybe invited her to workout on cardio or something and really hit the legs hard while she was doing some of the machines I showed her. When I was at bally, omg you show a girl some workouts and bam you're hitting it.
    ps, I would like to personally think carlos for his input into training and hope you don't leave because of statements about being gay ( all he has to do is just not log in one day and we lose his advice )

  28. #68
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    Quote Originally Posted by goodcents
    Wtf is happening lately? The guy asks a simple question asking about whether to hook up with some chic at the gym and it gets turned into a gay debate (like who cares either way ) and a "mind adjustment thread". This thread will get locked. It is getting old to have one thread after another locked Half the time I can't even get to a thread before it's locked (really wanted to talk about the thin kid on myspace, but it's locked ) Not pointing fingers, but can't we just stay on subject? ( I know I've went off subject on threads too ) btw, I would have showed her a few machines,talked a little while, maybe invited her to workout on cardio or something and really hit the legs hard while she was doing some of the machines I showed her. When I was at bally, omg you show a girl some workouts and bam you're hitting it.
    ps, I would like to personally think carlos for his input into training and hope you don't leave because of statements about being gay ( all he has to do is just not log in one day and we lose his advice )
    You're right. Taking it to PM's.

  29. #69
    Carlos_E's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SMYL_GR8
    One of the worst jackings I have ever seen!

    I'm not sure if I should even TOUCH this topic, but I have a valid .02, so why not.

    Being gay is not genetic. This is based on two things. One, no one has been able to isolate a gene that drives it and the entire human genome has been mapped. Second, homosexuality has been proven to be caused by abhorrations in the reactive mind (getting wierd, I know). However, this has been proven by studies over the years and I have witnessed first hand homosexuals who go through auditing (the process of removing one's reactive bank) and once clear of this bank are STRAIGHT. Like Bojangles said before he got angry and aggressive, the basic human urge is to survive and anyone who does not express this urge, not just gay people mind you, but even people like Oprah (first person I thought of) that neither has nor wants children of her own have abhorrations in the reactive mind in the field of children, marriage, what have you.

    Keep in mind that over 60% of my patients are gay and i have many gay friends. They are some of the most intelligent, talented, successfull people I know, but if they went through auditing of their reacitve mind, they would come out of it straight. Let the eye-rolling begin. I have witnessed this process, so I believe it. However, I am not on any quest to change gay people, but just thought someone would find this data interesting.
    Patient? What do you do for a living?

    As far as gay people turning straight I have seen the web sites. It's a load of crap. What they are doing is ignoring they're attraction. Not changing it. They are none practicing homosexuals. Still gay but not acting upon their attraction. A straight person being celibate does not make them any less straight. Neither does being celibate and gay. Also if you kept reading you would see a number of them "relapse" and continue to have relationships with the same sex.

    Are you a Scientologist?

    "Scientologists think a lot of things can be solved by "auditing," a process that medical professionals don't agree with."

    "In 1950 Hubbard published Dianetics: The Modern Science of Mental Health. In the book, Hubbard makes it clear that he views homosexuality as an illness or sexual perversion:
    Book 2, Chapter 5, Page 120 says, in part:
    "The sexual pervert (and by this term Dianetics, to be brief, includes any and all forms of deviation in dynamic two such as homosexuality, lesbianism, sexual sadism, etc., and all down the catalog of Ellis and Krafft-Ebing) is actually quite ill physically."
    Within his theology the normal Dianetics refers to a human urge to procreate. Hubbard went on to describe homosexuals as very low on his tone scale."

    "In the "Science of Survival: Prediction of Human Behavior" Hubbard argues that homosexuals should be segregated from the rest of society and institutionalized to prevent their illness from spreading to the rest of the population.
    In Page 89-90, he writes:
    "Such people should be taken from the society as rapidly as possible and uniformly institutionalized; for here is the level of the contagion of immorality, and the destruction of ethics...No social order which desires to survive dares overlook its stratum 1.1's. No social order will survive which does not remove these people from its midst."
    At the time of the writing of Science of Survival, Hubbard did offer his own auditing process that allegedly would cure homosexuals of their sickness as an alternative to concentration camps."

    Scientology is a load of crap.
    Muscle Asylum Project Athlete

  30. #70
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    By the way ... the biggest supporter of Scientology Tom Cruise is a huge fag. He's been spotted in gay clubs with men. I guess his auditing didn't stick.
    Muscle Asylum Project Athlete

  31. #71
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    We should start a " mind adjustment" thread (10 people looking at thread, nothing like a good arguement to pull in the viewers)
    ps in before the lock

  32. #72
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    Quote Originally Posted by Carlos_E
    By the way ... the biggest supporter of Scientology Tom Cruise is a huge fag. He's been spotted in gay clubs with men. I guess his auditing didn't stick.

    sorry that was just funny

  33. #73
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    Quote Originally Posted by goodcents
    We should start a " mind adjustment" thread (10 people looking at thread, nothing like a good arguement to pull in the viewers)
    ps in before the lock
    I'm going to audit your reactive mind.

    Muscle Asylum Project Athlete

  34. #74
    *Narkissos*'s Avatar
    *Narkissos* is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Carlos_E
    I'm going to audit your reactive mind.


  35. #75
    Carlos_E's Avatar
    Carlos_E is offline National Level Bodybuilder/Hall of Famer/RETIRED
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    Quote Originally Posted by Narkissos

    Muscle Asylum Project Athlete

  36. #76
    RA's Avatar
    RA is offline Grade A Beef
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    Getting madcow treatments
    So are we done? Thread stealers..

  37. #77
    *Narkissos*'s Avatar
    *Narkissos* is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Carlos_E



  38. #78
    Carlos_E's Avatar
    Carlos_E is offline National Level Bodybuilder/Hall of Famer/RETIRED
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    May 2002
    Quote Originally Posted by roidattack
    So are we done? Thread stealers..
    I'm done. Someone can clean up and edit the whole thing if they want. I don't care.
    Muscle Asylum Project Athlete

  39. #79
    goodcents's Avatar
    goodcents is offline "body piercing & body jewelry expert"
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    Playing w/ tits
    Quote Originally Posted by roidattack
    So are we done? Thread stealers..
    Nope, +1

  40. #80
    Mizfit's Avatar
    Mizfit is offline Banned
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    Oct 2004
    Toronto Canada
    Quote Originally Posted by Narkissos


    It's when you can't touch em that u got trouble

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