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  1. #81
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    lol im not telling :D
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  2. #82
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bojangles69
    she had 2 posts, not odd for her..
    considering the msg i got on msn last nite - yah..

  3. #83
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    haha some dumb ass - a woman of one of our members seems to think this thread was about her man and sent me a nasty msg.

    Funny shit - that she feels threatened by a woman who she refers to as her dogs ass.

    Anyhow i hate to tell all those jelous wives and gf's - i ain't after your man - this thread was about my real life.

  4. #84
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    lol im not telling :D
    Quote Originally Posted by Mizfit
    haha some dumb ass - a woman of one of our members seems to think this thread was about her man and sent me a nasty msg.

    Funny shit - that she feels threatened by a woman who she refers to as her dogs ass.

    Anyhow i hate to tell all those jelous wives and gf's - i ain't after your man - this thread was about my real life.
    thats rite she digs ninjas!

  5. #85
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    Quote Originally Posted by taiboxa
    thats rite she digs ninjas!
    Hey u let me be u got a woman too..

  6. #86
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    lol im not telling :D
    Quote Originally Posted by Mizfit
    Hey u let me be u got a woman too..

  7. #87
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    Quote Originally Posted by taiboxa

  8. #88
    Morpheaus's Avatar
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    it's true, one of the two will develop feeling's for one another.

    if the guy doesn't f**k it up, the girl will?

    you can't get too close to each other because the guy will end up wanting to f**k the girl, or the girl will fall in love with the guy.

    it all depend's on how 'close' the 'friendship' is to whether it will just remain at that, friendship?

  9. #89
    Doc.Sust's Avatar
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    mizzy, are you causing relationship problems via the intenet? why are some people so insecue and jealous? i hope you told whoevers girlfriend to go scratch

  10. #90
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    Quote Originally Posted by Doc.Sust
    mizzy, are you causing relationship problems via the intenet? why are some people so insecue and jealous? i hope you told whoevers girlfriend to go scratch
    She'd logged off - it was pretty nasty though and very undeserved.

    Plus i think she created her own id here - the hottie78 in this thread..

  11. #91
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  12. #92
    RuhlFreak55's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mizfit
    do you think men and women can be just friends?

    Personally i haven't ever really experience a true friendship with a guy.. One always want more than the other - discuss
    yes easily......i have lots of friends that are girls

  13. #93
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mizfit
    She'd logged off - it was pretty nasty though and very undeserved.

    Plus i think she created her own id here - the hottie78 in this thread..
    i will keep an eye out for her,this wont be tolerated here,

  14. #94
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  15. #95
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    Quote Originally Posted by roidattack
    i appolgize for my previous post, i edited it, no disrespect meant

  16. #96
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    Quote Originally Posted by Doc.Sust
    i appolgize for my previous post, i edited it, no disrespect meant

    none taken brutha

  17. #97
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    CBS) Can men and women truly just be friends? Or do you agree with Billy Crystal's sentiments from the movie "When Harry Met Sally"?

    Kate White, the editor-in-chief at Cosmopolitan magazine, tells The Early Show co-anchor Hannah Storm there is such a thing as a platonic friendship between men and women and Billy Crystal's character was right.

    According to White, men and women view this question very differently: Men think about sex 24/7 (that's just the way their brains are wired), and they wouldn't mind if a platonic friendship went to the next level. But women believe truly and sincerely that they can be friends with men without sex even entering their minds.

    White says men and women can be friends. But, she notes, it can be fraught with problems if you don't keep things in check.

    She claims that 80 percent of women underestimate how often men are attracted to them; this applies to male friends, not just a guy you pass on the street. Women are more likely to be friends with an attractive male with no sexual tension, she says, as opposed to a man who wouldn't mind if he slept with his female friend even if she's not a 100 percent his physical type.

    Today's work landscape has changed things for both men and women. The workplace has become the spot where you make friends and other important relationships. About 30 years ago, you wouldn't have really found women and men working on equal footing as much as you do now. Also, workdays are longer than they used to be, so you are likely to spend more time with your work colleagues than your life partner. White cites new studies that she says show that 62 percent of all affairs started in the office place.

    Let's say your husband has a female colleague with whom he has become friendly:

    Clues to trouble:

    It's dangerous when your husband says about a female colleague things like "how easy she is to talk to" or "how she loves the same hobbies." If your husband considers the woman a confidante, that's a problem, because something that starts out as work talk could easily go into discussing about personal problems. White says your husband should consider you the confidante.

    Your partner opened the door to a more personal/ conversation/ relationship with the other woman. For example, you may laugh, thinking, 'Oh, he's just talking about the work stuff'" that you might not be interested in. Or he may tell you "Oh, I was telling Kim what a great wife you are because you baked me a cake. And Kim thinks I'm so lucky."

    According to White, this is a problem because this can lead to crossing the line. It can quickly turn from him sharing good news about you and him to sharing negative news like: "Kim and I fought about vacation plans yesterday," which can lead the female friend to say, "Oh, she doesn't know how lucky she is to have a husband who wants to go on vacation." These are the kind of things that can easily make your husband think you don't appreciate him, so it makes it even more enticing for him to turn to his female friend, because he wants to feel adored.

    Remember that cheating does not just always start with a physical relationship. You can cheat on a person emotionally and mentally if you seek comfort from someone besides your spouse. Your husband should seek comfort in your arms - not another woman's.

    He doesn't want to mix you and her in social groups. If he doesn't want you and him to go on double dates with her and date or he doesn't like to chat with her when you're around, that's a problem because that means he doesn't want that rapport with you because all of the sudden this relationship to him is exciting and new.

    Preventive measures:

    Ask specific questions, not a general one. For example, ask: "How was your presentation today?" Not: "How was your day?" This allows you to have a more detailed conversation with him; it shows him that you care.

    Be territorial: "Women today feel less inclined to do this because it's not part of a woman's role today. Women are viewed more as equals, so they feel less need to seem like a submissive girl." However, White says it's important to go to the after-office party or cocktails. This gives you a chance to show that your relationship is strong; show that your husband/boyfriend is interested in you; shows that you're involved in his life.

    Make him feel special. Travel is such a big part of work today, so it can be easy for couples to feel distant. So send them off feeling great; keep in touch often - without seeming like you're checking on him; e-mail and cell phones are great.

    What to do if you suspect something:

    Address it calmly: Do not freak out. Do not yell. Be calm, just state: "I don't like how close you are to Mary."

    Set limits: "I'd prefer you not have drinks with her alone."

    Re-energize: We've all been there. Life sometimes gets in the way, whether it's a new job or a new baby, your relationship takes a back burner. But this is when things can happen, so refocus, and plan something for you and your partner to do. Make time for your relationship. It needs time and energy just like anything else.
    The key here is cut down the motive and the opportunity.

  18. #98
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    tooooooo many words!!!!!!

  19. #99
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    will read and respond later, like to see here mizfit gets her information from..

  20. #100
    GUnit33 is offline Member
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    I'm not allowed to have girl friends, my girlfriend is ****ing psycotic.

  21. #101
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mizfit
    i used to have male friends - but then i figured out most don't wanna be my friend - chat on the phone sure, on msn - but to spend time with them alone - it gets complicated
    go figure...

    no men and women can not be friends... at least not in the true sense of the word...

    they could, however, the issues always come up either with one of the spouces, or each other... if not now.. later...

    just human nature..
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  22. #102
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bojangles69
    will read and respond later, like to see here mizfit gets her information from..
    It's an article, but just something i have always thought anyway-

    i actually don't like this article too much and can find enough examples in my own life - to get the gist

    If you don't have to see the person constantly and keep the conversation on the every day levels, then im sure a friendship can exist.. but if you start divulging alot of personal info (IN REAL LIFE at least) things get complicated
    Last edited by Mizfit; 08-23-2006 at 04:45 PM.

  23. #103
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    Quote Originally Posted by captain5214
    i am married. and ive tried to keep other women on a friends only bases......never worked for me. women are sneekeee.........they dont want to be friends, they just want in your pants......

    haha yea sometimes. i hate when a female friend of mine that im not attracted to starts trying to get with me. that happened a few months ago, and i ended up feeling incredibly guilty, even though i tried as hard as i could to avoid hurting her feelings. i guess i made a bad decision though, cause when she tried to get on me, i didn't push her off, i just cuddled with her.

    but god damn it, she was DIRTY!!! i dont want to hook up with an unnattractive girl thatl end up giving me herpes or something. that would be terrible

  24. #104
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    Quote Originally Posted by GUnit33
    I'm not allowed to have girl friends, my girlfriend is ****ing psycotic.

    wow that sounds fun. i hate the jealous/clingy types

  25. #105
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    speaking from my own personal experience, i have several good friends that are females... hell, elizabeth and i have been best friends for over 6 years. but unfortunately, i eventually fell for her.

    but regardless of all the drama she and i have been through, we still have an indescribable friendship. i love that girl, and when i say that, i mean i truly love her on so many different levels... at times it seems too good to be true. i think that when we both started liking eachother, it made our friendship even stronger.

  26. #106
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    thats great to hear tren , do you think you having attraction for her would effect anything?

  27. #107
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    Quote Originally Posted by collar
    thats great to hear tren, do you think you having attraction for her would effect anything?

    well there were times (mostly when i was on cycle and bulking) that shed act like she thought i was gross, and it caused way too much tension and drama.

    but like i said, the connection we have is unreal. we can literally talk to eachother all day.

    combine that with physical attraction (im leaner now than i was before... go figure) and it can be a very beautiful thing. to the point where wed affect eachother like a drug or something. gazing into eachother's eyes, laughing, joking, flirting... saying i love you occasionally...

    its fun . id like to point out that shes actually dating someone else so we have not hooked up in quite a long time, but that doesnt matter to me. shes so much more than a piece of ass to me.

  28. #108
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    this is why i like being friends with pretty females. there is the possibility that it will eventually turn into something like this.

    but imo its a good idea to not rush into things. if you spend a long time getting to know eachother and eventually decided that you both want to take it to the next level, than it can feel like the greatest thing that ever happened to you.

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