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Thread: 'Official Postwhore Thread'

  1. #133121
    Chode Logan's Avatar
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    No, I feel tastyness is a tastier way of spelling tastiness.

  2. #133122
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    Quote Originally Posted by RuhlFreak55 View Post
    no no, haven't used yet....will be 3 injections a day???? gol damn, didn't know you had to do that
    Yeah fool what do you think this is p*ssy.... I'll be doing it 6x a day when i get my pins.... 3 slin shots and 3 peptide shots with my normal AAS injection. Wait till you gotta run synthetic GH at high dose around the clock and wake twice in the night to hit a injection..... you wanna look like you or you wanna look like this.......

    Yes Sir THE DR the NEW SQUAD!

  3. #133123
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    heath is a monster.

  4. #133124
    AnimalGear's Avatar
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    cool, thanks reed!

    yea i did a cycle of ghrp 6 and it didn't do shit for me

    i'm likin' the thought of another test cycle..but at maybe 300-350mg/wk instead of 500/wk...i was like another person on 500/ fatigued and flipped at ppl a good

  5. #133125
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    Yeah and the kid should have won the Olympia in 08... Shawn Ray and the rest of the goons think so too.. Nobody had it all...... His first Olympia and pretty much dominates everyone.. HE is the true Gift

  6. #133126
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    i figure why waste the money on igf 1 or hgh, when synthetic test releases huge amts of that stuff anyways...

    and i'm not worried about long cycles of test (at lower doses), just as long as you save up for bloodwork after the strict PCT!!

  7. #133127
    RuhlFreak55's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Reed View Post
    Yeah fool what do you think this is p*ssy.... I'll be doing it 6x a day when i get my pins.... 3 slin shots and 3 peptide shots with my normal AAS injection. Wait till you gotta run synthetic GH at high dose around the clock and wake twice in the night to hit a injection..... you wanna look like you or you wanna look like this.......

    Yes Sir THE DR the NEW SQUAD!
    It's all it up, wtf you running 3 slins a day for though? i was under the impression it was best just postworkout????

    no slins for ruhly till the fall....gotta shred here, once i get a lil time off here....

    and everyone will be happy to hear...when i go back, i go back to 3 on 1 off....much more rest than i've had for years.

  8. #133128
    RuhlFreak55's Avatar
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    Branch gonna kill da heath at the Arnold

  9. #133129
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    almost at 4000 posts!

  10. #133130
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    Quote Originally Posted by AnimalGear View Post
    cool, thanks reed!

    yea i did a cycle of ghrp 6 and it didn't do shit for me

    i'm likin' the thought of another test cycle..but at maybe 300-350mg/wk instead of 500/wk...i was like another person on 500/ fatigued and flipped at ppl a good
    How'd you run the ghrp6 and for how long???

    Do 500mg and how do just that little amount of test make you flip on someone... I'm on tren right now.... I get heated but I never have lost my cool..... I deal with tons and tons of people everyday too.....

    List your training regiment, current lifts...... lets get that stuff up a little bit before you get on another cycle..... you can make good improvements b/w cycles if you diet and such.... I know I really did when I would do a 4-6 week prohormone cycle and be off for 6 months..... sometimes I felt like I never came off...... its the diet son get it right and follow it....

  11. #133131
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  12. #133132
    Chode Logan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by RuhlFreak55 View Post
    Branch gonna kill da heath at the Arnold
    Do you follow bodybuilding? Heath isn't doing the Arnold, and Branch will NEVER beat Heath in a bodybuilding show from now until the end of time.

  13. #133133
    AnimalGear's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Reed View Post
    How'd you run the ghrp6 and for how long???

    Do 500mg and how do just that little amount of test make you flip on someone... I'm on tren right now.... I get heated but I never have lost my cool..... I deal with tons and tons of people everyday too.....

    List your training regiment, current lifts...... lets get that stuff up a little bit before you get on another cycle..... you can make good improvements b/w cycles if you diet and such.... I know I really did when I would do a 4-6 week prohormone cycle and be off for 6 months..... sometimes I felt like I never came off...... its the diet son get it right and follow it....
    forsure man

    I definitely need big help with diet

    i know my basic meals, but don't know the MEAT part of it....but that just takes a lil meat source will be porkchops...i just don't know what nutritional value is in a porkchop since all the websites say something diff.

    so as weird as that sounds, once i get my porkchops figured out, then i can tell you my whole diet

  14. #133134
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    Quote Originally Posted by Chode Logan View Post
    Do you follow bodybuilding? isn't doing the Arnold, and Branch will NEVER beat Heath in a bodybuilding show from now until the end of time.
    heath is that arrogant that he's just gonna walk into the olympia in his second year? (2nd olympia anyway)

  15. #133135
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    Quote Originally Posted by RuhlFreak55 View Post
    It's all it up, wtf you running 3 slins a day for though? i was under the impression it was best just postworkout????

    no slins for ruhly till the fall....gotta shred here, once i get a lil time off here....

    and everyone will be happy to hear...when i go back, i go back to 3 on 1 off....much more rest than i've had for years.
    Quote Originally Posted by RuhlFreak55 View Post
    Branch gonna kill da heath at the Arnold
    You dumbass.. you need to start doing some studying and get off the postwhore thread.... Slin PWO only is the stone age way of doing it........ get for a first run but there are much better ways to go about it.... look around and do some reading

    And phil won't be at the arnold he is only doing the olympia this year.... and phil has already beatin branch btw.....

    someone needs to up his bodybuilding knowledge what the hell you been doing on here the last 3 years.... wishful thinking???

  16. #133136
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    and I agree Reed, I would have given it to Heath. Dexter's boring, Cutler was fat, Wolf was off, it should have gone to him.

  17. #133137
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    He got third place (DEFINITELY should have been second if not first) in his first year. With another full year off, he will probably put another 10/15 lbs on. And that's scary. He will crush everyone.

    Branch is a cool guy but I don't see him winning an Arnold or Olympia in his career.

  18. #133138
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    Quote Originally Posted by Reed View Post
    You dumbass.. you need to start doing some studying and get off the postwhore thread.... Slin PWO only is the stone age way of doing it........ get for a first run but there are much better ways to go about it.... look around and do some reading

    And phil won't be at the arnold he is only doing the olympia this year.... and phil has already beatin branch btw.....

    someone needs to up his bodybuilding knowledge what the hell you been doing on here the last 3 years.... wishful thinking???
    i've read quite a few deals on it and no one ever advocated more than post workout that i can recall.....wasn't saying ur wrong fruitloop, but that sure isn't talked about very often, especially on this board.

  19. #133139
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    Quote Originally Posted by AnimalGear View Post
    forsure man

    I definitely need big help with diet

    i know my basic meals, but don't know the MEAT part of it....but that just takes a lil meat source will be porkchops...i just don't know what nutritional value is in a porkchop since all the websites say something diff.

    so as weird as that sounds, once i get my porkchops figured out, then i can tell you my whole diet
    Yeah buddy we got to get you on the right track first before you should go back on cycle.... lets get the diet and put some hardwork in the gym or you'll be another one of THOSE people..... its only time to workout and diet when ON cycle..... this should almost imprinted in the back of your mind with dieting and training.

    and again how did you run the ghrp 6?????

  20. #133140
    RuhlFreak55's Avatar
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    Branch is a lot bigger than heath.....and heath's mom is annoying...i had to sit right next to her at the arnold last year

  21. #133141
    AnimalGear's Avatar
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    Meal1: hardboiled eggs (maybe two or three) and about 40g oats


    PWO SHAKE two scoops whey, malto/dext

    Meal 2: 1 can tuna, 80 g oats

    meal3: porkchops (here's where i need help) and oats (should switch this to rice or potatoes)

    meal 4: more porkchops and carb source (oats or rice or tatoes)

    that's all i really have that's strict. after this stuff i susally eat real dirty like a frozen pizza or something like that

    and other than that, i should be eating cottage cheese before bed

    so there's where we start i guess!

  22. #133142
    Chode Logan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by RuhlFreak55 View Post
    Branch is a lot bigger than heath.....and heath's mom is annoying...i had to sit right next to her at the arnold last year
    Well thank god she isn't competing? Heath crushes Branch in all aspects. Branch might weigh more, but Heath's muscle pop out and has faaar superior shape.

    You know shit all about bodybuilding considering you plan on making a life out of it.

  23. #133143
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    Quote Originally Posted by Reed View Post
    Yeah buddy we got to get you on the right track first before you should go back on cycle.... lets get the diet and put some hardwork in the gym or you'll be another one of THOSE people..... its only time to workout and diet when ON cycle..... this should almost imprinted in the back of your mind with dieting and training.

    and again how did you run the ghrp 6?????
    i think it was 50mcg/day for like 4 was a while ago...don't remember it 100%

  24. #133144
    Ernst's Avatar
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    Reed, did you ever get your paws on some long-acting slin for your next run at it?

  25. #133145
    RuhlFreak55's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by AnimalGear View Post
    Meal1: hardboiled eggs (maybe two or three) and about 40g oats


    PWO SHAKE two scoops whey, malto/dext

    Meal 2: 1 can tuna, 80 g oats

    meal3: porkchops (here's where i need help) and oats (should switch this to rice or potatoes)

    meal 4: more porkchops and carb source (oats or rice or tatoes)

    that's all i really have that's strict. after this stuff i susally eat real dirty like a frozen pizza or something like that

    and other than that, i should be eating cottage cheese before bed

    so there's where we start i guess!
    MORE FOOD CAPTAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! we must push more in!!!

  26. #133146
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    Quote Originally Posted by RuhlFreak55 View Post
    i've read quite a few deals on it and no one ever advocated more than post workout that i can recall.....wasn't saying ur wrong fruitloop, but that sure isn't talked about very often, especially on this board.
    yes this board is pretty conservative and its more about newbies going in and out of cycling...... I'd say 90% of the peeps here are just gonna be fly-by nights..... its not a lifestyle for them just a cool trend till gets hard..

    running 1500-3000mg of test a week here is gonna get you burned at the stake

  27. #133147
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    Quote Originally Posted by Chode Logan View Post
    Well thank god she isn't competing? Heath crushes Branch in all aspects. Branch might weigh more, but Heath's muscle pop out and has faaar superior shape.

    You know shit all about bodybuilding considering you plan on making a life out of it.
    These are my OPINIONS....and i don't like Heath very much.....I know Branch personally, he's a friend of the fam these days and I want him to do well...

  28. #133148
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    Quote Originally Posted by RuhlFreak55 View Post
    MORE FOOD CAPTAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! we must push more in!!!
    ^^ x2

  29. #133149
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    Quote Originally Posted by Reed View Post
    yes this board is pretty conservative and its more about newbies going in and out of cycling...... I'd say 90% of the peeps here are just gonna be fly-by nights..... its not a lifestyle for them just a cool trend till gets hard..

    running 1500-3000mg of test a week here is gonna get you burned at the stake
    what boards will that not get you burned at the stake on??? because i need to join them lol

  30. #133150
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    Quote Originally Posted by RuhlFreak55 View Post
    MORE FOOD CAPTAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! we must push more in!!!
    **** YES MY FRIEND...lets figure out what to shove down the hatch, then watch me grow like a weed!

  31. #133151
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    Quote Originally Posted by AnimalGear View Post
    **** YES MY FRIEND...lets figure out what to shove down the hatch, then watch me grow like a weed!
    hmmm is that breakfast just before workout???
    if so do:

    1 cup oats (ground in coffee grinder)
    2 eggs
    2 scoops protein

    blend and eat.....800 cals or so

  32. #133152
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    Wanting someone to do well and saying he's better than a top 3 guy in the world is kinda silly though.

    And AG that diet needs serious attention.

  33. #133153
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    Quote Originally Posted by RuhlFreak55 View Post
    hmmm is that breakfast just before workout???
    if so do:

    1 cup oats (ground in coffee grinder)
    2 eggs
    2 scoops protein

    blend and eat.....800 cals or so
    blend all that together, including raw eggs?

    can i just eat those things seperate...?lol

  34. #133154
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    and yes use long grain brown rice as some carbs in there.....

  35. #133155
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    yeah that first meal should be much bigger.

    If you want to eat whole eggs for breakfast eat 5, with 80 g of oats.

  36. #133156
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    Quote Originally Posted by Chode Logan View Post
    Wanting someone to do well and saying he's better than a top 3 guy in the world is kinda silly though.

    And AG that diet needs serious attention.
    I know it man

    and I'm sick of being lazy about it

    like seriously

    so once i get back to school on wed, can we please all hammer this out for me? Pleassseeeeeeee, friends??

    I need to get back up on this horse.

  37. #133157
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    Quote Originally Posted by AnimalGear View Post
    blend all that together, including raw eggs?

    can i just eat those things seperate...?lol
    meh....i don't do it often but the eggs are pasteurized and shit from the store...and my bro at home does that all the time from our own chickens and he never gets sick....

    so i'd just put it in da shake

  38. #133158
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    Quote Originally Posted by AnimalGear View Post
    i think it was 50mcg/day for like 4 was a while ago...don't remember it 100%
    you crazy ass.. what are you doing... running stuff you know nothing about... be careful you gonna mess your self up.... don't ever ever consider slin ever ever.... what did you think was gonna happen... I worried that you need to learn some discpline and work ethic its not all about the drugs.
    Quote Originally Posted by ErnstHatAngst View Post
    Reed, did you ever get your paws on some long-acting slin for your next run at it?
    Nope.... gonna wait till I finish all the fukkin humalog i got right now
    Quote Originally Posted by Chode Logan View Post
    Well thank god she isn't competing? Heath crushes Branch in all aspects. Branch might weigh more, but Heath's muscle pop out and has faaar superior shape.

    You know shit all about bodybuilding considering you plan on making a life out of it.

    Quote Originally Posted by AnimalGear View Post
    Meal1: hardboiled eggs (maybe two or three) and about 40g oats


    PWO SHAKE two scoops whey, malto/dext

    Meal 2: 1 can tuna, 80 g oats

    meal3: porkchops (here's where i need help) and oats (should switch this to rice or potatoes)

    meal 4: more porkchops and carb source (oats or rice or tatoes)

    that's all i really have that's strict. after this stuff i susally eat real dirty like a frozen pizza or something like that

    and other than that, i should be eating cottage cheese before bed

    so there's where we start i guess!
    we gotta get that shit together...... seriously AG lets get our diet and training regiment in order follow it for A WHILE not a month or two..... 6 months minimum then you should think cycle..... work ethic and discpline.... you what only 20 or something???

  39. #133159
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    Quote Originally Posted by AnimalGear View Post
    blend all that together, including raw eggs?

    can i just eat those things seperate...?lol
    Absolutely zero difference. I'd recommend eating them seperately for sanity factor, cause you'll eventually get lazy and start drinking it all so start the tasty way.

  40. #133160
    RuhlFreak55's Avatar
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    one of my favorite bulking meals is
    brown rice
    lean ground beef
    black beans
    hot sauce
    fat free cheese

    all mixed together in a bowl

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