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  1. #41
    higherdesire is offline Banned
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    Bail out bro. It doesn't have to be that way fo sho. You are a sick as she is, but you can fix yourself. DO that first then worry about a relationship.

  2. #42
    firmechicano831's Avatar
    firmechicano831 is offline Anabolic Member
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    Bro I think you need the help as much as she does. I think you need to grow some balls like everyone says here and tell her straight up how you feel. Also if you're going to ignore her calls do it for at least a week and not 2 hrs.

  3. #43
    fit4ever's Avatar
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    In your original post, you wrote:

    "my girls a very spoiled girl and gets what she wants. She runs the shit outta me..she asks me to cater to her alot and if i say no she starts to bitch."

    Sounds like you're part of the problem. If you adhere to all of her desires and expectations starting at day 1, then you've trained her to believe that you'll do anything that she asks you to do. And then on the flip side, she's trained you to believe that it's her way or the highway. Men all too often want to do everything to win over a woman and that includes placing their own lives on hold. But when a man then wins the woman, they no longer want to live up to standards that they've set early on. And that's when women will turn on you because they'll then begin to feel as if you're not exerting the effort that you once were.

    Here are your choices:

    a) Continue to adhere to her in all faucets of life (and should you decide to do this, you then officially accept the fact that her wants and needs are more important than yours)
    b) Attempt to address what you're lacking in the relationship. This will be very dangerous because she'll most likely feel antagonized. But if you remain soft and sensitive in your approach, then this can be done with success.
    c) Give up and move on.

    Think about this over the next few days if you would. Does this girl really make you happy? Or does the thought of having someone to fight for and the fact that she makes you feel important more the root cause of your self proclaimed happiness?

  4. #44
    epc512 is offline Associate Member
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    thanks for the input...ive told her how i feel and for her to stop treating me like shit half the time and she says ok and apologizes but it slowly goes back to me bowing down to her...i think im guna just act like i dont care as much and call her bluff

  5. #45
    godkilla's Avatar
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    i got a similiar problem. i am not whipped per say but i dont get the respect i would like or think i deserve. my problem is the girl i am dating now is ssssoooo goddamn hot (i am talking 10/10, she models)i tend to let alot slide. now i just kinda coming to the realization that this is how it is gonna be unless i either take control of the situation or just dump her and find another babe who is less maintenance. decisions decisions

  6. #46
    spywizard's Avatar
    spywizard is offline AR-Elite Hall of Famer~
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    u need to do her sister, and then her mom..

    move on, and kick that to the curb..

    only way to win..

    but you won't.. so good luck with that..

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  7. #47
    jimmyinkedup's Avatar
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    you guys need to take these chicks and for a whole weekend fvck them like they have never been fvcked before ....treat them like the whores they are (in this case) and put them right in their place....
    and then ..if they do dump you ...or you them least you got a hell of a fun weekend out of the deal *L*

  8. #48
    Phate's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jimmyinkedup View Post
    you guys need to take these chicks and for a whole weekend fvck them like they have never been fvcked before ....treat them like the whores they are (in this case) and put them right in their place....
    and then ..if they do dump you ...or you them least you got a hell of a fun weekend out of the deal *L*
    that's what i'm talking bout, my man jimmy's got it spot on

  9. #49
    bigswole32's Avatar
    bigswole32 is offline Junior Member
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    your relationship reminds me of high school.... lol.
    i dont know but to me.. it kinda sounds like shes using you.

  10. #50
    J-Dogg is offline Anabolic Member
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    Or some cials, then pound her a few nights in a row, 3-4 times a night.

  11. #51
    JC.1987's Avatar
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    The only option i see here is to DUMP her. Other than her being hot, what positives can come out of this relationship? She knows she can get whatever she wants.. and she knows exactly how to do it. Seems like she knows very well how to manipulate you... This is a very unhealthy relationship... life is too short to please others. Dont be her doormat, and dont cater to her every needs. Just be confident in who YOU are. It isnt worth the hassle imo to keep this relationship going.

    Just break it off.... and do her mom... or grandma if your into that..


  12. #52
    BuffBuffalo's Avatar
    BuffBuffalo is offline Senior Member
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    I've been in this situation too man, your best bet is to leave her and stop wasting your life. But you won't do it. So.....maybe this girl running over you will eventually kill all your emotions and turn you into a hardass.....but I doubt that too. Basically you're SOL.

  13. #53
    scibble's Avatar
    scibble is offline "A Dukkit In The Making"
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    i cant help it, i'm trying not to think it, but

    You are dorothy and the cowardly lion all in one. Your dick is Toto. Your balls are the Munchkins. Your girlfriend is the wicked witch. Your cell phone is the tin man.

    You already have the power to go back to kansas LOL, The Wizard (this board) cannot help you.

    Just follow these instructions:

    Keep Toto in the picnic basket. Grow the Munchkins. Get rid of the Tin Man. Throw a bucket of water on the witch. Click your Ruby slippers together and tell your self: "there's no bitch gonna play me like that....there's no bitch gonna play me like that...."

    Seriously, you'll have all the power when you show you dont give a crap whether she leaves or not. You are feeding that shit yourself.

  14. #54
    BuffBuffalo's Avatar
    BuffBuffalo is offline Senior Member
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    Great post.

  15. #55
    auslifta's Avatar
    auslifta is offline Retired MONITOR
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    Nice post SCRIBBLE! LMAO

  16. #56
    *RAGE*'s Avatar
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    OMG I am going to save that one...

  17. #57
    gst528i's Avatar
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    I think everyone agree's you need to grow some balls.... and get rid of your mangina...

    Quick dude before it's too late oh be sure to show her this thread....

  18. #58
    gixxerboy1's Avatar
    gixxerboy1 is offline ~VET~ Extraordinaire~
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    not happening. Your girl owns you like a cocker spaniel

  19. #59
    scibble's Avatar
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    between the flaps

  20. #60
    jimmyinkedup's Avatar
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    *L* ask her for your penis back and split well kinda....

  21. #61
    thegodfather's Avatar
    thegodfather is offline Dulce bellum inexpertis
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    These threads are depressing...I mean really, how can a group of guys who are ostensibly alpha males, allow themselves to be led around by the cock by a bunch of pissy chicks on their periods. No guy over the age of say...21 should still be trying to figure out how to deal with a manipulative chick. Whats even worse is we all WASTE OUR BREATH on these guys, telling them to dump the chick, to grow a sack, and to not let themselves be doormats, when in reality not a damn thing we say will matter because they dont even respect themselves enough to stand up for themselves.

    A relationship is supposed to be a balanced one where each party respects one another and gets something meaningful out of it. If one person has the majority of the control and power, and the other person gives more than they recieve the relatioship is POINTLESS! I cant believe grown ass men dont realize this. I hope for the OP's sake, that he is like 18 years old and still trying to figure things out...

    These threads are just..........pathetic...

  22. #62
    scibble's Avatar
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    i think they provide opportunity for some entertainment value

  23. #63
    BuffedGuy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by thegodfather View Post
    These threads are depressing...I mean really, how can a group of guys who are ostensibly alpha males, allow themselves to be led around by the cock by a bunch of pissy chicks on their periods. No guy over the age of say...21 should still be trying to figure out how to deal with a manipulative chick. Whats even worse is we all WASTE OUR BREATH on these guys, telling them to dump the chick, to grow a sack, and to not let themselves be doormats, when in reality not a damn thing we say will matter because they dont even respect themselves enough to stand up for themselves.

    A relationship is supposed to be a balanced one where each party respects one another and gets something meaningful out of it. If one person has the majority of the control and power, and the other person gives more than they recieve the relatioship is POINTLESS! I cant believe grown ass men dont realize this. I hope for the OP's sake, that he is like 18 years old and still trying to figure things out...

    These threads are just..........pathetic...
    I think his situation would be more understandable if he was in love with the girl, instead of if it just being about looks. I have seen even the strongest of men be destroyed by the love for a woman.

  24. #64
    amcon's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by epc512 View Post
    hey girls a very spoiled girl and gets what she wants. She runs the shit outta me..she asks me to cater to her alot and if i say no she starts to bitch. Her main weapon is threataning to break up with me...whenever i try to turn the tables on her by playing strong and acting like i dont care as much she says she doesnt like how im being and calls me a dick and says if i dont go back to being nice she going to break up with me...ive played the strong card for about 2 days tops and 1 of 3 things happen...she either says stop being like this your not getting the power ill break up with you,she acts really cute and trys to seduce me, or doesnt talk to me for the day and i give in and call her and say sorry...hope i painted a clear picture for you guys feed back plz!!!!!!! thanks all

  25. #65
    *RAGE*'s Avatar
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    you have to tell us how you dumped her..I am waiting

  26. #66
    IM708's Avatar
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    you have to tell us how you dumped her..I am waiting
    This is how it went down:

    epc512: That is it by golly we are through!

    Spoiled GF: Huh?

    epc512: Yeah you heard me, im sick of you treating me like garbage I feel as if I have no control in this relationship.

    Spoiled GF: So you're going to break with me?

    epc512: Yeah!

    Spoiled GF: No you're not now make me a damn sandwich

    epc512: Yeah you're right and right away my little princess

  27. #67
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  28. #68
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    Sorry bro, it's too late your not geting any power back

  29. #69
    amcon's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by epc512 View Post
    hey girls a very spoiled girl and gets what she wants. She runs the shit outta me..she asks me to cater to her alot and if i say no she starts to bitch. Her main weapon is threataning to break up with me...whenever i try to turn the tables on her by playing strong and acting like i dont care as much she says she doesnt like how im being and calls me a dick and says if i dont go back to being nice she going to break up with me...ive played the strong card for about 2 days tops and 1 of 3 things happen...she either says stop being like this your not getting the power ill break up with you,she acts really cute and trys to seduce me, or doesnt talk to me for the day and i give in and call her and say sorry...hope i painted a clear picture for you guys feed back plz!!!!!!! thanks all
    sorry i didnt think of this before !!! it is real simple go have you estrogen checked - from what you wrote you are suffering from the worst case of gyno ever gyno of the brain!!! dude - sorry for the slap, but its not like she is the only girl for you, sounds like she is not the girl for you ... cut your losses and 10 more good girls will be begging to spend time wiht you, and guess who will be begging you to take her back....????

    good luck

  30. #70
    JiGGaMaN's Avatar
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    out of nowhere slap her and scream "im the boss now, bitch!". tables turned.

  31. #71
    gst528i's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JiGGaMaN View Post
    out of nowhere slap her and scream "im the boss now, bitch!". tables turned.

  32. #72
    godkilla's Avatar
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    tony danza donkey punch ftw! "who is the boss now bitch!"

  33. #73
    Narkissos's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ironmaiden708 View Post
    this is how it went down:

    Epc512: That is it by golly we are through!

    Spoiled gf: Huh?

    Epc512: Yeah you heard me, im sick of you treating me like garbage i feel as if i have no control in this relationship.

    Spoiled gf: So you're going to break with me?

    Epc512: Yeah!

    Spoiled gf: No you're not now make me a damn sandwich

    epc512: Yeah you're right and right away my little princess



  34. #74
    Narkissos's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by thegodfather View Post
    These threads are depressing...I mean really, how can a group of guys who are ostensibly alpha males, allow themselves to be led around by the cock by a bunch of pissy chicks on their periods. No guy over the age of say...21 should still be trying to figure out how to deal with a manipulative chick. Whats even worse is we all WASTE OUR BREATH on these guys, telling them to dump the chick, to grow a sack, and to not let themselves be doormats, when in reality not a damn thing we say will matter because they dont even respect themselves enough to stand up for themselves.

    A relationship is supposed to be a balanced one where each party respects one another and gets something meaningful out of it. If one person has the majority of the control and power, and the other person gives more than they recieve the relatioship is POINTLESS! I cant believe grown ass men dont realize this. I hope for the OP's sake, that he is like 18 years old and still trying to figure things out...

    These threads are just..........pathetic...
    Awesome fucking post.

    I wonder if he holds her handbag when she takes him for a walk in public.

    I also wonder if the leash comes off in public places.

    "Here boy.. Here boy... Fetch!"


  35. #75
    amcon's Avatar
    amcon is offline physical pain is temporary. It may last a minute, or an hour, or a day, or a year, but eventually it will subside... The pain of quiting will lasts forever!!
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    Quote Originally Posted by ironmaiden708 View Post
    This is how it went down:

    epc512: That is it by golly we are through!

    Spoiled GF: Huh?

    epc512: Yeah you heard me, im sick of you treating me like garbage I feel as if I have no control in this relationship.

    Spoiled GF: So you're going to break with me?

    epc512: Yeah!

    Spoiled GF: No you're not now make me a damn sandwich

    epc512: Yeah you're right and right away my little princess

    lol ... lol .... lol ... llllloooollll

  36. #76
    PT's Avatar
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    dump her ass. if you dump her and she really loves you then after a week she will be begging to come back and thats when you can state the stipulations. your pretty much wasting your time with her now because she obviously dosnt respect you and is only using you right now. if things dont change then start looking for another girl because you will never last together like this.
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  37. #77
    godkilla's Avatar
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    score one for the guys! this thread inspired me to grow a pair and dump my bitch. thnx for the "pep talk" lol

  38. #78
    gst528i's Avatar
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    DID we manage to RUN THE OP OF THIS BOARD?

  39. #79
    *RAGE*'s Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by epc512 View Post
    all good advice..its only a matter of me implementing it now
    you have not done it yet,,,,,,,,wtf

  40. #80
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    When i want to get a girl out of my head i try to think of her having a poo, works every time..

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