Results 121 to 160 of 245
02-21-2009, 01:24 PM #121
lol! i understand what you are trying to say but it's a bit weak imo. how can people hold down others? are some just stronger and some weaker? can some people flourish and some can't even with an huge amount of help? and these are not race based questions but questions about people in general. there are great people of every race and there is scum represented from every race. people rise up from the ghettos and people born with silver spoons up their ass end up losers with nothing. racism is a unfortunate thing but don't forget it's well represented from all sides and it's rediculous to point a finger at one and not the others.
02-21-2009, 02:29 PM #122
Lucy is a 3.2 million year old example of Australopithecus africanus. No doubt there is clear resembelence to a common chimp. But, although the creature had a, the pelvis and leg bones were almost identical in function with those of modern humans, showing with certainty that these hominids had walked erect. There have been discoveries of afarensis since Lucy. Australopithecines are now thought to be immediate ancestors of the genus Homo, the group to which modern humans belong.
There is no missing link. We have fossil evidence with many links without a break in the chain until you reach modern humans.
It may still be called the "theory" of evoloution, but it's not even debated anymore, evoloution happend.
So how can apes and monkey's still exist? The term is divergent evolution; it is the accumulation of differences between groups which can lead to the formation of new species. Monkey's didn't become us, we branched off from them.
For example is it so hard to imagine a flock of birds, they all look the same. Now imagine half of the flock of birds gets lost in a storm and lands on an island somewhere. The birds once ate berries, but there are no berries on this island. There are plenty of worms. So these birds stuck on this island scrape by on worms generation after generation. The birds who have longer beaks are better at finding worms and therefore long beaked birds are more likely to live and reproduce. The birds who didn't get lost are still eating berries. Fast forward a few thousand years. Do the two types of birds still look the same?
02-21-2009, 05:06 PM #123
02-21-2009, 05:12 PM #124
[QUOTE=[B]BuffedGuy;4449609[/B]]I think you are talking from two sides of your mouth. Nobody here (not BgMc nor I) is crying about anything. Rather, some of you here made the allegation (or at least the insinuation) that blacks are inferior by mentioning the "deplorable condition" of Africa today. We simply countered this by saying that Africa is in this condition due in large part to colonization.
No I said you are crying in several post no one else just you......Have you lived in Africa or have you just read a book because you act like you know a lot about it......?
02-22-2009, 12:30 AM #125
pft!!!.... lol
i will look for the lucey link - but it goes something like this:
guy gets money to go looking for missing link... three days before he is to get him money turned off - he finds a chimp body (head is missing) over a mile away they found a human head from a woman... as all good evolutionist would deduct, a saber tooth tiger(i added this part for effect to the funny story) or some other carniviours animal tore the head off and ate it a mile away... wait if the animal ate it how was it found as a fossil??? any ways i will keep going on the "missing link" story... wait do i really need too - naaa it is already too hard to believe - WAY HARDER THAN A CRATOR WHO DEVELOPED US NOT evolution... (when i find the full story not my abrivated version i will post it for you...)
more proof of evolution (oops the top evolutionists dont even believe in it - or at least cant prove it)
Famous Evolutionists Admit There is No Proof!
These experts know that there is no evidence for any changing! They say there is fossil evidence and there isn't! Luther Sunderland wrote this book Darwin's Enigma. He wrote to all of the major universities [and] to the museums (or visited them) and he said, “Would you please show me the evidence you have for evolution?” They said, “Well, we don't have it here, it must be somewhere else.”
This I find hard to believe. Did Sunderland think about researching peer reviewed science publications?
Luther wrote to the British Museum of Natural History. The largest fossil collection in the world and asked Colin Paterson [sic]. He said, “Mr. Paterson [sic], I read your book about evolution but I noticed that you didn't show us any missing links. Why not? Where are the missing links? Colin Paterson [sic] wrote back and said, “I fully agree with your comments on the lack of evolutionary transitions in my book. If I knew of any, fossil or living (now, that's interesting, why would you include a living one as a missing link?) .....
Straw man Just because a type of organism is the ancestor of another type does not automatically equate with extinction
..... [Patterson] said, “if I knew of any I certainly would have included them. I will lay it on the line, there is not one such fossil.”
02-22-2009, 12:33 AM #126
There is no evidence for changing from one kind to another. It's not a missing link they need folks. The whole chain is missing! And folks like Stephen Gould understand that. He said, “The absence of fossil evidence has been a nagging problem for evolution.” I guess it has Steve. You can't find any! But he still believes in evolution.
02-22-2009, 12:42 AM #127
if you have time this video will def prove creation is the way the world was made... the lucey info is at the middle of this
02-22-2009, 12:47 AM #128
"Lucy Fails Test As Missing Link"
this wasnt the one i was looking for but it will do...
02-22-2009, 12:48 AM #129
02-22-2009, 02:29 AM #130
so we are monkeys? F*ck!
02-22-2009, 02:30 AM #131
I guess that explains me throwing poop at my wife. Now she can't be mad I guess
02-22-2009, 03:42 AM #132
02-22-2009, 11:14 AM #133
02-22-2009, 11:22 AM #134
by chance did you look at the guys bio?
a state school educated school teacher
helped launch his publication in Russia where christianity was previously illigal.
"bought a house across the street from one of America’s most notorious abortion clinics. We saw the clinic close by the grace of God. We were elated to finally witness the bulldozing of the abortion clinic in 2000."
wow this is a beautiful place to live, so happy we're right across from an abortion clinic...can you say fanatic?
raising finances for international missions projects are part of his duties at the publication.
"My goal for the next few years is to build the base of The Forerunner so that I may obey the Lord Jesus Christ in the great Great Commission. My vision is to have an impact on the nations by training young people in the use of Christian media."
So yeah, that's the type of person I expect to be writing a science paper. Very un-bias and educated on the facts...not.
02-22-2009, 11:24 AM #135
02-22-2009, 11:24 AM #136
so thats why i feel like eating your face...
02-22-2009, 11:43 AM #137
I don't know why you're painting Luther Sutherland to be some kind of athority of evoloution. He wasn't a scientist but an Aerospace engineer and Jesus lover.
That book is a peice of toilet paper.
Sunderland's search for the answers through interviews is nothing but a mess. His comprehension of basic science is so limited that he had no hope of understanding the answers to his questions.
Wow, everyone loves a good book where the author trys to represent misinterpretations as fact.
02-22-2009, 11:48 AM #138
Kinda hard for me to disprove your creation theory seeing as how there is no physical evidence on this planet. God's still holding the magic wand, so until he lets us borrow it to see if it works, real scientists will just have to let the bible thumpers have creationism.
02-22-2009, 11:48 AM #139
BTW, you didn't dispute the age of Lucy. I thought the earth was only a few thousand years old?
02-22-2009, 12:33 PM #140
Yes Amcon, im curious as to how old you think the earth is.
It IS aprox. 5 billion years old. Unless you dispute that?
You believe in Adam and Eve.
Tiktaalik is my Adam. It was the first land creature to evolve from fish about 375 million years ago, the first creature to have four legs and the ability to turn it's head, not to mention the fact it could stay on land for an indefinite amount of time. An evolutionary first. Guess God was too busy to mention those in the Garden of Eden. But He mentions birds, ironic seeing as they are the last decendents of the Dinosaurs along with crocodiles and modern day lizards.Last edited by Flagg; 02-22-2009 at 12:40 PM.
02-22-2009, 01:13 PM #141
I come from horses because I have a big dong....LMAO
You guys...
02-23-2009, 11:36 AM #143
02-23-2009, 12:01 PM #144
02-23-2009, 12:15 PM #145
lol thanks alot for the comp... few mills here and there? Relatively speaking, nothing I suppose!
As far as the shirt goes, I looked EVERYWHERE for that particular style punisher shirt (nearly identical one featured in the motion picture with travolta).. ended up ordering it from some site online like a week prior to haloween.. finally got to me 2 days AFTER that years haloween so I had to wait until the FOLLOWING years H-ween to wear it... O well suppose patience is a virtue.. I didnt want to buy one of those "goofy" or "Cartoonish" looking punshr. shirts, I think they look ridiculous.
anyway i ended up tearing sleeves off of it and now i use as gym shirt now and again. not that anyone cares or anything but id like to share that with everyone since thats what the AR Lounge is all about, sharing and expressing our feelings
02-23-2009, 02:24 PM #146
02-23-2009, 02:27 PM #147
02-23-2009, 02:30 PM #148
lol funny - so what is the point i (with all due respect)should me listening to you and your breain ( (--- your comment) instead of a guy who believes in what he is sayinng to the point he lives it?
humm... looks like he just doesnt have ideal but lives them.
solid stuff!!
02-23-2009, 02:31 PM #149
02-23-2009, 02:35 PM #150
humm in one qoute you said a guy was un qulified because of his state education... the next guy was a aerospece engineer - opposite ends of the educational spectrum both are not good enough for you ???
BUT, your own knowledge is better than both
and of coarse they are "Jesus" lovers, they love their creator... why wouldnt they?
02-23-2009, 02:44 PM #151
kinda hard for me to disprove your evolution theory seeing as how there is no one that was here when earth was made(that is still alive), it is all speculation, sienctific speculation. evolutionist are still holding tight to carbon dating, fossils found in levels of sediment(some of the same levels of sediment have been found cars and other garbage). so now that we agree that God is holding the "magic wand" we can just wait till we die or the rapture happens... and we will just have to agree to disagree till the truth comes forth...
however that video i posted will shed some light on how science and creation are syngergistic and actually compliment each other
02-23-2009, 02:47 PM #152
I'm no bible-thumper, however I am a saved Christian. Most of what is being debated amongst us here can be reflected in a passage of the good book, "Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen." ~ Hebrews 11:1.
This means believers don't need scientific proof or studies to know there is a Higher Being among us. He is our savior, and you're either with him, or against him, no in-between or "I need to see more proof before I believe". It's a doctrine of whats known as blind faith.
But lets leave religion at the door cuz this debate can rage on forever. Whatever you happen to believe in, I think its important that all mankind show compassion, humility (a fundamental Christian concept might I add), and respect for all life in general.
02-23-2009, 02:58 PM #153
02-23-2009, 03:01 PM #154
02-23-2009, 03:01 PM #155
02-23-2009, 03:04 PM #156
age of the earth: video is a hour long, sorry but you will change your mind, no doubt, if you watch - i doubt you will but ... it is knowledge... it is funny as well - kinda funny
evolutionist being total stumped and confused my a cration question:
evidence of a young world:
things that make evolutionist stupid (not my words that is the title):
^^^^ --- that one is soooo good --- ^^^^
cut and past from the direct above -
"The line that "it had been carved out by a river" made absolutely no sense to me, but what puzzled me more were the evenly colored stripes of even heights that were uniformly found throughout the entire canyon. Not being a Christian at that time, I was not troubled by the idea of the earth being millions or billions of years old, but I was not able to understand how each of these individual layers, or stripes, got to be of one unified color.
Did they expect us to believe that millions of years of light pink debris were followed by millions of years of gray debris, followed by millions of years of dark pink debris, and so forth? What possible factors could have explained this uniformity of color, not to mention the uniformity of the lines dividing the layers? They are relatively smooth, even lines that stretch for great distances without any signs of erosion between them. It actually looked like the product of different types and weights of silt settling after a flood, although at the time, I erroneously considered the possibility of more than one flood having been involved.
Being an agnostic at the time, I did not look at it as an argument for or against God, it was simply an observation based on common sense. The idea that nearly perfect stripes would have formed through years of decay, being of distinct and differing colors, and without erosion lines, was just plain dumb..... it goes on "
snake legs and evolution:
problems with the big bang theroy:
if that is not enough let me know i could go on and on... lol
let me know after you read up or listen to some video...
02-23-2009, 03:05 PM #157
that's correct, both are not good enough
would you have an engineer as your doctor?
an engineer is not qualified to write a book on chemistry or molecular bio, why would he be qualified to write a book on evoloution?
and yes my knowledge is better than either or both as my education was in science.
02-23-2009, 03:08 PM #158
dino are in the bible ... havent you read it?
billions of years old... he he he -
clues the earth is young:
cryptozoolgy dinos: flying friends is a good read for you -
t-rex and chickes:
02-23-2009, 03:08 PM #159
02-23-2009, 03:11 PM #160
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