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  1. #241
    Reed's Avatar
    Reed is offline AR's Pitbull ~Vet~
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    Crazy how much some bed time stories that were written in times before modern science was available still have such a grip on this world and its people. Look how wrapped up some of you people are. You Christian, You Muslim!!! Seems some act as though some one of a different religion is some type of different organism....... So sad maybe one day we will all get a grip on REALITY... not are own PERSONAL beliefs....

    Beliefs- the psychological state in which an individual holds a premise to be true.... Believers and their CLAIMS...... simple......

    I was raised hardcore Catholic but have been able to come to terms with my own religion. That its the life I lead not the creed I profess is my religion..... To argue this and that is just insanity at its best. Just b/c my parents and the man in the funny hat said this is how the world is w/ a God like this, this man is a prophet, this book is fact, the world was created as such, etc does not make it true.... Sorry but its not. You all accomplish nothing in this thread but spinning wheels and demeaning both religious by blaming the Muslims for the terrorist cells for death and then turning around blaming Neo-christians for death.... Nope you are all responsible for continuing the traditions of fighting, blaming, and brickering amongst one another and not coming to terms that your religions and beliefs may just be ALL WRONG!!

    But anyway good luck folks in this thread!!!

  2. #242
    Flagg's Avatar
    Flagg is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Well, this thread seems to have 4 groups of people:

    People that are apathetic

    This thread is a very good example of what is wrong with the world today.

    "Im right!"
    "No im right!"
    "Hahaha, you're a muslim, lol *que racist jokes*"
    "hahaha, you're a jew, lol *que racist jokes*"
    "hahaha, you're religious, you are stoopid"

    And so on...

  3. #243
    DSM4Life's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Flagg View Post
    Well, this thread seems to have 4 groups of people:

    People that are apathetic

    This thread is a very good example of what is wrong with the world today.

    "Im right!"
    "No im right!"
    "Hahaha, you're a muslim, lol *que racist jokes*"
    "hahaha, you're a jew, lol *que racist jokes*"
    "hahaha, you're religious, you are stoopid"

    And so on...
    I agree with "hahaha, you're religious, you are stoopid"

  4. #244
    Matt's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Reed View Post
    Crazy how much some bed time stories that were written in times before modern science was available still have such a grip on this world and its people. Look how wrapped up some of you people are. You Christian, You Muslim!!! Seems some act as though some one of a different religion is some type of different organism....... So sad maybe one day we will all get a grip on REALITY... not are own PERSONAL beliefs....

    Beliefs- the psychological state in which an individual holds a premise to be true.... Believers and their CLAIMS...... simple......

    I was raised hardcore Catholic but have been able to come to terms with my own religion. That its the life I lead not the creed I profess is my religion..... To argue this and that is just insanity at its best. Just b/c my parents and the man in the funny hat said this is how the world is w/ a God like this, this man is a prophet, this book is fact, the world was created as such, etc does not make it true.... Sorry but its not. You all accomplish nothing in this thread but spinning wheels and demeaning both religious by blaming the Muslims for the terrorist cells for death and then turning around blaming Neo-christians for death.... Nope you are all responsible for continuing the traditions of fighting, blaming, and brickering amongst one another and not coming to terms that your religions and beliefs may just be ALL WRONG!!

    But anyway good luck folks in this thread!!!
    Reed for pope....... I believe John Lennon wrote a good song on this subject...

  5. #245
    NightWolf's Avatar
    NightWolf is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by BuffedGuy View Post
    I was very clear in my wording. My entire point was that it would be wrong to demonize *all* Christians for the actions of a *few*. If I had actually wanted to demonize Christians--or Christianity--then I would *not* have specifically said that these were actions of a few.
    Nope, your lying your ass off again. What you
    say and what you mean are 2 diffrent things.
    Everytime someone askes a question about islam
    and you cant give a proper satisfaing answer you
    change the subject and start spreading lies about Christianity.

    The reality is that it continues to this day. Neoconservative Christians are the cause for wars and aggression, pushing the government to declare war against the "infidel Muslim world." As the best-selling author and political commentator Ann Coulter said:
    [INDENT]"We should invade their countries, kill their leaders and convert them to Christianity."
    So now America is fighting iraq because they want
    to convert them to Christianity?
    And you base that theory because of what
    and author wants to do with muslim countries?
    Do you realize how stupid you sound?

    i wanna have what this guy is smoking

    I guess thats why the US bombed the shit out of Serbia
    a whole Orthodox Christian country..

    I will let *you* in on a little secret, buddy. Gallup Poll has surveyed the one billion Muslims of the world and determined that only a tiny percentage are extremists, let alone terrorists.
    Again this is BULLSHIT and i have proved that
    many times now.

    This is a very poor translation. Nowhere does it say "may Allah destroy them"
    I was 200% SURE you was gonna say exactly
    those words "the context is wrong and poor translation"
    You see that is the main defense a muslim uses when
    he is trying to spread lies (as you are) to fool the crowd.

    I got arabic friends, want them to translate it for you?
    Or i can just post up some videos of your muslim brothers
    were they use such verses from the quran to justify
    the killings of infidels.

    Your goal on this board is very clear,
    to convert as many members as you can to islam,
    in your thread you even posted a sound clip from
    the quran and said " listen to this verse and if you like it
    then convert, if not then its cool anyway"
    But you keep editing your posts everytime
    you get caught up in your own lies.

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