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  1. #81
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    Getting pissed got you no where fast

  2. #82
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    Quote Originally Posted by jimmyinkedup View Post
    i think if i saw you do that - id have intimidated the hell out of you....then you would have received the ass beating of a life time bro....thats all ill say....
    are you ****in retarded????? seriously....i asked him to get out of my way more than once....he didn't pay attention...even when i raised my i started my set....his body just happened to be in the path of the dumbbell....

  3. #83
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    Quote Originally Posted by RuhlFreak55 View Post
    are you ****in retarded????? seriously....i asked him to get out of my way more than once....he didn't pay attention...even when i raised my i started my set....his body just happened to be in the path of the dumbbell....
    I wouldn't mess with you either, you might try and poke me with one of you dirty dildos.

  4. #84
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    Quote Originally Posted by RuhlFreak55 View Post
    are you ****in retarded????? seriously....i asked him to get out of my way more than once....he didn't pay attention...even when i raised my i started my set....his body just happened to be in the path of the dumbbell....
    *L* i thought you meant hit as in swung it at him ......

  5. #85
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    33,788 this site is full of pansy ass pussies that will let people walk all over them now????? are you guys serious???? wtf is wrong with you? you're mothers teach you to run from fights and not defend yourself and just submit??????

  6. #86
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    God im loving this, hahahahhahahahaha...

  7. #87
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    Quote Originally Posted by jimmyinkedup View Post
    *L* i thought you meant hit as in swung it at him ......
    no...i just wanted to do my damn set.....

  8. #88
    RuhlFreak55's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by RuhlFreak55 View Post this site is full of pansy ass pussies that will let people walk all over them now????? are you guys serious???? wtf is wrong with you? you're mothers teach you to run from fights and not defend yourself and just submit??????
    ok....maybe i got a little.....carried's the goddamn superpump after effects!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  9. #89
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    Quote Originally Posted by RuhlFreak55 View Post this site is full of pansy ass pussies that will let people walk all over them now????? are you guys serious???? wtf is wrong with you? you're mothers teach you to run from fights and not defend yourself and just submit??????
    maybe the diff is when i ask a kid at the gym to move...he just does....i dunno tell me why ? *L*

  10. #90
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    Well Noomoto, I could sit hear and lecture you on Gym Etiquette etcetera, but I think you got the general idea from page 1 onwards.

    But don't worry, Rhul, as usual, has done an amazing job of acting like a dickhead again, completely diverting attention away from you.

  11. #91
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    Quote Originally Posted by MAD MATT View Post
    Buddy Holly rocks...
    Talking Heads all the way!

  12. #92
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    Quote Originally Posted by Flagg View Post

    But don't worry, Rhul, as usual, has done an amazing job of acting like a dickhead again, completely diverting attention away from you.
    LOL, that's probably the funniest thing I've read in at least a day


  13. #93
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    Quote Originally Posted by Flagg View Post
    Well Noomoto, I could sit hear and lecture you on Gym Etiquette etcetera, but I think you got the general idea from page 1 onwards.

    But don't worry, Rhul, as usual, has done an amazing job of acting like a dickhead again, completely diverting attention away from you.
    LOL...I know about gym etiquette. Today I deliberately chose to ignore it, to spite the staff of the gym, knowing that they'd have to deal with what I left behind.

    Maybe the old man will learn to shut his mouth next time, maybe I'll learn to be more "mature"...but I doubt either will happen, at least as a result from this incident in particular.

  14. #94
    higherdesire is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by RuhlFreak55 View Post
    you have all been added to the "DEFINITELY NOT HARDCORE" list....good day to you
    and you are what keeper of the fvckin book? Get back to astrophysics kid.

  15. #95
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    Quote Originally Posted by RuhlFreak55 View Post
    are you ****in retarded????? seriously....i asked him to get out of my way more than once....he didn't pay attention...even when i raised my i started my set....his body just happened to be in the path of the dumbbell....
    so its your personal gym and everyone has to move because you say so. You couldnt have waited a second for him to move?

  16. #96
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    Quote Originally Posted by Flagg View Post
    Well Noomoto, I could sit hear and lecture you on Gym Etiquette etcetera, but I think you got the general idea from page 1 onwards.

    But don't worry, Rhul, as usual, has done an amazing job of acting like a dickhead again, completely diverting attention away from you.

  17. #97
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    Quote Originally Posted by Flagg View Post
    But don't worry, Rhul, as usual, has done an amazing job of acting like a dickhead again, completely diverting attention away from you.
    I literally lol'd.

  18. #98
    higherdesire is offline Banned
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    The funniest part of all of this is that there were several employees there, a couple of them big bodybuilder types, and they designate the little old man to handle th light work! HA

    Just kidding bro I am sure that isn't how it went down.

  19. #99
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    Quote Originally Posted by gixxerboy1 View Post
    so its your personal gym and everyone has to move because you say so. You couldnt have waited a second for him to move?
    as a matter of fact i prolly waited 10 seconds....

  20. #100
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    Quote Originally Posted by higherdesire View Post
    and you are what keeper of the fvckin book? Get back to astrophysics kid.
    no i'm just one of the advisors for it

  21. #101
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    what no name calling? I am disappointed.

  22. #102
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    Im getting turn on by all this fighting.....

  23. #103
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    There needs to be more of this flaming, i need my fix..

  24. #104
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    always causing Shiitt

  25. #105
    higherdesire is offline Banned
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    Fvck off MAdd thats all you want is to be flamed!


  26. #106
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    Man this thread is making my dick harder than the hot ass thread.

  27. #107
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    Quote Originally Posted by higherdesire View Post
    Fvck off MAdd thats all you want is to be flamed!

    I was going to go to bed until it started getting good in here, fvck going to bed now...

  28. #108
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    nighty night. Glad I could help bro.

  29. #109
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    Quote Originally Posted by MAD MATT View Post
    Im getting turn on by all this fighting.....
    Come sit by me

  30. #110
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nooomoto View Post
    So my friend and I were deadlifting today. I was attempting to DL 450 lbs which is as much as I've ever done, it was going to be my last set. I go over to get water, and on the way back over to the rack I see this old guy that works at the front desk talking to my friend. He walks away, my friend does his set, I put on my weight and get ready to DL.

    I'm getting into the zone. Looking at myself in the mirror, metal blasting into my we go. Then BAM...****ing old guy walks over and tells me to not drop the weights, but put them down gently. I shrug him off, and go to do my psyche-up is completely gone. I don't try for the 450 because I lost concentration.

    So, we get our shit, and leave the 450 lbs sitting on the floor. The guy tells us to rerack the weights while we are walking out. I tell him "You ****ed up my lift, you go rerack them." My friend points at all the huge guys sitting up front and says "Which one of you can put down 450 lbs gently?" They all shrugged. So we walk out, go to my car, two fat bodybuilder looking dudes come over, with our names and account numbers on a piece of paper. They start complimenting me on the weight I was attempting to DL, and go on to say that we should be the bigger men and go rerack the weights...and that the old man is canceling our accounts and banning us from the chain of gyms. I tell the fat BB guy that it's not his problem, and I don't give a **** if the old man cancels my account as I don't intend to come back to this wanna-be hardcore gym ever again.

    I further explained that I worked out for years at a commercial gym (LA Fitness) and no one ever said ANYTHING to me about bent bars or dropped weights, I come to some supposed "no excuses" hardcore type gym, and an old man tells me to put down 450 lbs gently.

    The guy goes "Well one says anything because you look scary"...WTF ever, I shook his hand and drove away.

    If the old man doesnt know what a deadlift is, perhaps he shouldn't be working in a gym.

    BTW...this was at Porky's in Miami.

    You know what I could care less that you didn't rerack the weights.

    But when people slam weight doing deadlifts I want to rip their fvcking heads off and shove them up their ass.

    Dudes at my school gym slam that shit w/out even exhausting the least bit of effort to not make noise.
    I have my headphones blasting and STILL when that weight drops is so loud and abrupt that I feel like I'm gonna have a heart attack.

    If you CAN LIFT, let me say again.. **CAN LIFT** the weight, then you also can put the weights down w/out scaring half the people in the gym to near death.

    Even if your burnt out at the end of your set how hard is it to bend your knees, keep you hands tight around the bar and ease it to the floor?

    I really can't stand people like that. Sure its the gym and people make noise, but for some reason on deadlifts people think they need to slam that shit down like a 7.0 earthquake on the ricter scale.

    I always keep my mouth shut but if you had any idea how annoying it is I actually wanna shake that old mans hand.
    And actually, out of all the things that bother me at the gym, this is number 1on the list.

    Imagine if you were doing a set and I came up to you with a shotgun and shot it in the air, it goes beyond disrupting people. Its completely not neccassary.
    So fvck that, you can help it and you know it.

    I would pay extra to join a gym that had a no slamming rule while doing dead lifts thats how much I hate people who do it. Have some courtesy and stop being stubborn.

  31. #111
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    The anti-Rühl has arrived.

  32. #112
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    In the Gym, if i could
    well, at least you didn't take a dump in the sink..
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  33. #113
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    I'll just continue my lift then drop it! re rack the weights then leave...

  34. #114
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    only ruhl would agree with this guy

  35. #115
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bojangles69 View Post
    You know what I could care less that you didn't rerack the weights.

    But when people slam weight doing deadlifts I want to rip their fvcking heads off and shove them up their ass.

    Dudes at my school gym slam that shit w/out even exhausting the least bit of effort to not make noise.
    I have my headphones blasting and STILL when that weight drops is so loud and abrupt that I feel like I'm gonna have a heart attack.

    If you CAN LIFT, let me say again.. **CAN LIFT** the weight, then you also can put the weights down w/out scaring half the people in the gym to near death.

    Even if your burnt out at the end of your set how hard is it to bend your knees, keep you hands tight around the bar and ease it to the floor?

    I really can't stand people like that. Sure its the gym and people make noise, but for some reason on deadlifts people think they need to slam that shit down like a 7.0 earthquake on the ricter scale.

    I always keep my mouth shut but if you had any idea how annoying it is I actually wanna shake that old mans hand.
    And actually, out of all the things that bother me at the gym, this is number 1on the list.

    Imagine if you were doing a set and I came up to you with a shotgun and shot it in the air, it goes beyond disrupting people. Its completely not neccassary.
    So fvck that, you can help it and you know it.

    I would pay extra to join a gym that had a no slamming rule while doing dead lifts thats how much I hate people who do it. Have some courtesy and stop being stubborn.
    is it just deadlifts you hate to hear slam?
    i love to hear weight slam, bars clang, all that stuff..i really think that if u are in the zone and someone dropping weights "scares" you, you may not be cranking hard enough...
    there is a gym for you "planet fitness" no yelling or slamming....

  36. #116
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bojangles69 View Post

    Even if your burnt out at the end of your set how hard is it to bend your knees, keep you hands tight around the bar and ease it to the floor?
    u can't deadlift very much can ya buddy?

  37. #117
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bojangles69 View Post
    I would pay extra to join a gym that had a no slamming rule while doing dead lifts thats how much I hate people who do it. Have some courtesy and stop being stubborn.
    Join me at the planet fitness lol. They don't even allow dead lifts.

  38. #118
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    I LOVE this thread!!! I think there's alot of emotions on here both ways. I think by now Nooomoto knows what the general sentiment of the board is at this point. Hopefully he'll learn and chill out next time he's ticked off.

  39. #119
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    Quote Originally Posted by RuhlFreak55 View Post
    u can't deadlift very much can ya buddy?
    Don't brag about your lil 585 Ruhl, that ain't much either....

    These tough guy threads really make me laugh. Most of the guys who start these threads are guys who couldn't bust a grape in a food fight. It's hilarious. Most big guys and truely strong guys don't go into the gym with a chip on their shoulders. Most of us are really helpful and respect gym rules. I've trained with some of the strongest guys on the planet and we've never got on a little guys for moving or not moving the weight or bitched at an old man for doing his job. But I guess if you're at the level most people won't ever be, you don't feel threatened by anyone.

  40. #120
    Surreal is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by RuhlFreak55 View Post this site is full of pansy ass pussies that will let people walk all over them now????? are you guys serious???? wtf is wrong with you? you're mothers teach you to run from fights and not defend yourself and just submit??????
    Says the man who runs from girls!

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