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  1. #41
    Lightsout2184's Avatar
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    straight up he normally always reracks. big deal he was mad and made a bad choice. if that was my business the old man would be fired. im not losing 2 memberships over who knows how many years over that. money is money. even if their combined membership is 80 a month ur telling me ur kicking out almost 2 grand over 2 years for nothing.

  2. #42
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lightsout2184 View Post
    straight up he normally always reracks. big deal he was mad and made a bad choice. if that was my business the old man would be fired. im not losing 2 memberships over who knows how many years over that. money is money. even if their combined membership is 80 a month ur telling me ur kicking out almost 2 grand over 2 years for nothing.
    ^^^solid Post^^^

  3. #43
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    On a serious note, you gotta remember that a lot of old people have nothing better to do than make a nuisance of themselves or get on a power trip. When you're 80, most of your friends are probably long gone and you can't do half the things you enjoyed when you were younger. Yes the guy sounds like a tool, but ive learnt the hard way that getting into arguments with old people isn't worth it. Cut them some slack, you'll be old one day and probably just as bored and bitter.

  4. #44
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    I see what you all are saying, and now that it's a few hours later, I should have done my set as normal, reracked and told the old man to go **** himself. However, I don't really regret doing it. **** that old man, I'm taking my money back to LA Fitness.

  5. #45
    higherdesire is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by BritishColumbian View Post
    ^^^solid Post^^^
    No it isn't the old man wasn't kicking anybody out or canceling anyones membership. this guy took it upon himself to catch an attitude over the old man doing his job and enforcing the rules. My experience is that nomoto was approached for a habit to be addressed and then coppped an attitude. He can go. I have owned severeal successful businesses and I will tell you that I don;t put up with people who are above my rules. You don;t have to go home but you do have to leave.

  6. #46
    higherdesire is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by MASTER View Post
    On a serious note, you gotta remember that a lot of old people have nothing better to do than make a nuisance of themselves or get on a power trip. When you're 80, most of your friends are probably long gone and you can't do half the things you enjoyed when you were younger. Yes the guy sounds like a tool, but ive learnt the hard way that getting into arguments with old people isn't worth it. Cut them some slack, you'll be old one day and probably just as bored and bitter.
    Now that is a solid post.

  7. #47
    BIG_TRUCK is offline Member
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    Tell that old guy to eat a dick, then drop the weight mid hip and flip him off in the process.

  8. #48
    xlxBigSexyxlx's Avatar
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    I would've racked the weights...

    ...On his ****ing old wrinkly face!!!

    What a c*nt nugget

  9. #49
    Lightsout2184's Avatar
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    ^^^^owning a successful business and making max profits are 2 different things.^^^^

  10. #50
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    We should ban him from the boards now

  11. #51
    higherdesire is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lightsout2184 View Post
    ^^^^owning a successful business and making max profits are 2 different things.^^^^
    selling your soul is a third. However I understand the philosophy behind scraping, I just don't see it that way. When you accept people who are distractions into the fold without correction you might find that others are deterred form thier potronage and you never know what you are losing. It is atleast possible no?

  12. #52
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    ^^^ agreed but i dont think this is an on going situation plus i have never been to a real gym where u dont hear weights hitting the ground especially if its supposed to be a hardcore gym. his problem was with an employee not any of the customers.

  13. #53
    higherdesire is offline Banned
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    Word. BTW I can't think of a single time in all my years that i have ever slammed down even deadlifts at 450+. May just be me though. I do key up sometimes though and get a few looks.

  14. #54
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    One thing i will say about AR is that some of the people on here get butt hurt over some of the stupidest shit when it comes to the gym. My gym is full of idiots. Period. Loaded bars aplenty left behind for phatom lifters or to be used as arm rests for lazy ****s hanging around. Almost all of them have the inability to put dumbells back in designated spots on the rack, they leave shit all over the place, dont wipe down benches, dont have any courteousy, and work their jaw and tongue more than their body. One time a pair of 80lbs dumbells SAT in the middle of the room for 2 days because they candy ass bros and tiny girls that work there couldnt move it. Wanna know who left them there? i did. Wanna know why?? When the service of my gym improves, i will do a greater part to achieve that same level of courteousy. This old man walks up and tells him to set down 450lbs like he is playing with a sack full of feathers? Some of us easily rep 450lbs DL's but this guy was trying for his personal best. Shit service. Had that employee approached him after his lifts were complete and was on his way out asked him "Hey guys! You guys looked great today! Good job! On a side note tho really quick, in the future could you be more considerate of other members and our equipment? I understand you are lifting heavy but an extra effort would be greatly appreciated. Thanks so much, we appreciate your business." this would have have gone ALOT different.

    As a business owner myself, how you speak to a customer is everything.

    Thats my 2 cents. Flame away.

    In his position id have done the same thing. Drop my shit and walk out. Alittle bit dramatic and maybe even primadonna. but i disagree with how the employee handled it. If he worked for me he would be fired.
    Last edited by MMArmour; 04-15-2009 at 03:03 PM.

  15. #55
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    Quote Originally Posted by MMArmour View Post
    In his position id have done the same thing. Drop my shit and walk out. Alittle bit dramatic and maybe even primadonna. but i disagree with how the employee handled it. If he worked for me he would be fired.
    I would have dropped a shit in the middle of the squat rack

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  17. #57
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lightsout2184 View Post
    straight up he normally always reracks. big deal he was mad and made a bad choice. if that was my business the old man would be fired. im not losing 2 memberships over who knows how many years over that. money is money. even if their combined membership is 80 a month ur telling me ur kicking out almost 2 grand over 2 years for nothing.
    i wouldn't fire the guy. The guy asked to be gentle when dropping the weights. Depending how bad he was that is a reasonable thing to ask. The poster blew it out of proportion because he was "in the zone". If you were the owner of the gym how pissed would you be about having to replace bars because d-bags were dropping them when dead lifting?

  18. #58
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lightsout2184 View Post
    ^^^ agreed but i dont think this is an on going situation plus i have never been to a real gym where u dont hear weights hitting the ground especially if its supposed to be a hardcore gym. his problem was with an employee not any of the customers.
    but the employee made a reasonable request. Maybe he didnt need to that is debatable. The owner can tell him to cut a little more slack but it isnt something you fire and employee over. Fact is after that noomoto through a fit, told the guy to f off and didn't re-rack the weights. He should be told not to come back

  19. #59
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    Quote Originally Posted by MuscleScience View Post
    People can be rather stupid at times....I know I can

    BTW, every time I see your Master Of Puppets Avvy, I just want to start f-cking rocking out.

    Metallica Rules!!!
    ****en A

  20. #60
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    To my detractors:

    1. I didn't "slam" any thing down, I let the weight hit the floor on the way down as I've always done while doing deadlifts. It makes noise. Watch any deadlift video and you'll see what I mean. No one lets the weight down "gently", it's a controlled, but fast gravity comes into play. Noise is made.

    2. The guy came over not once, but twice. He told my friend, and when he saw me walk back over, he came all the way back over and told me, this is between either of us doing a set. So in the span of about 3 minutes the guy came over twice and told us the same thing. WTF dude...I got the message.

    3. In the exchange on the way out, not ONE other employee or the owner himself felt like saying anything in defense of their employee...wonder why?

    4. If my attitude and lifting habits were such a problem, I surely would have been kicked out of more than one gym by now.

    5. The two employees that came out to apologize and make excuses for the old man sums it up for me. The guy was out of line. They cancelled our memberships because we refused to go back in and rerack the weight after the exchange, which btw I ALWAYS DO, except for this time, and that was to purposefully be a dick. The gym has a rep here as being hardcore, the tag line is "No Excuses"...I'd expect that at a place like LA Fitness, yet I've never been approached by an LA Fitness employee to tell me about my behavior in the gym...I've been a member there for at least 5 years.

  21. #61
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    Sorry but i dont agree, when im going deadlifts i lower the bar in a slow and controlled manner...

  22. #62
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    you acted like a tool - re rack your f-ing weights - idiot.....
    btw - LA Fitness...i was a manger for them for have chewed your ass out if you didnt re rack your weights questions a heartbeat....
    Last edited by jimmyinkedup; 04-15-2009 at 04:42 PM.

  23. #63
    Tigershark's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jimmyinkedup View Post
    you acted like a tool - re rack your f-ing weights - idiot.....

  24. #64
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    Quote Originally Posted by jimmyinkedup View Post
    you acted like a tool - re rack your f-ing weights - idiot.....
    btw - LA Fitness...i was a manger for them for have chewed your ass out if you didnt re rack your weights questions a heartbeat....
    Like I said...I always rerack my weights, I even organize the ones I didnt touch just because I like a clean workspace.

  25. #65
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    ^^^ ok so you always re rack your weights... i satnd by my statement - you acted like a tool proved nothing to anyone....and did something out of a child.....

  26. #66
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    I hate pricks like you that don't re-rack weights. Ruins my workout having to clean up your mess before I can use the equipment

  27. #67
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    Quote Originally Posted by QuieTSToRM33 View Post
    You should've completed your lift (you should've been even more pumped since you were pissed) ... dropped the weights as usual ... and then re-racked your plates.
    that's what i'd have done....****....people trying to tell me how to lift just jacks me the **** up.....**** 'em.....i drop deadlift all the time....head bitch at our gym yelled at me once.....and i was like....that's what this here platform is for.....and i will drop the weight when i'm doing 585 and 495 for 3-5.....and she's like....well use the 'bumper' weights.....I always use one in the middle.....and i'm like....umm you only have 6....not enough weight...sry.

  28. #68
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    you douche bags telling him he should have reracked the weight are retarded.....the dude completely ****ed his lift.....probably knew damn well from watched that he was getting jacked up and ready to go....and THEN proceeded to **** with nooomoto, ****tard deserves to clean them up himself...

  29. #69
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    Some old guy ruins my "psych" for a lift so I'm gonna act like a child and leave it there for some other person that has nothing to do with your shitty day to clean up... F'in brilliant

  30. #70
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    Quote Originally Posted by RuhlFreak55 View Post
    you douche bags telling him he should have reracked the weight are retarded.....the dude completely ****ed his lift.....probably knew damn well from watched that he was getting jacked up and ready to go....and THEN proceeded to **** with nooomoto, ****tard deserves to clean them up himself...
    ^^^ oh brother .....*shaking my head* no wonder you never get laid dont have a clue.... *L*....
    He acted llike a freaking child.....

  31. #71
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    Quote Originally Posted by RuhlFreak55 View Post
    you douche bags telling him he should have reracked the weight are retarded.....the dude completely ****ed his lift.....probably knew damn well from watched that he was getting jacked up and ready to go....and THEN proceeded to **** with nooomoto, ****tard deserves to clean them up himself...
    No its the next person that comes by that has to clean up HIS mess. What its a woman wanting to use the bar ?

    Quote Originally Posted by RuhlFreak55 View Post
    that's what i'd have done....****....people trying to tell me how to lift just jacks me the **** up.....**** 'em.....i drop deadlift all the time....head bitch at our gym yelled at me once.....and i was like....that's what this here platform is for.....and i will drop the weight when i'm doing 585 and 495 for 3-5.....and she's like....well use the 'bumper' weights.....I always use one in the middle.....and i'm like....umm you only have 6....not enough weight...sry.
    Your such a tough guy, i wish i could be like you.

  32. #72
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dizz28 View Post
    Some old guy ruins my "psych" for a lift so I'm gonna act like a child and leave it there for some other person that has nothing to do with your shitty day to clean up... F'in brilliant
    Quote Originally Posted by jimmyinkedup View Post
    ^^^ oh brother .....*shaking my head* no wonder you never get laid dont have a clue.... *L*....
    He acted llike a freaking child.....
    Quote Originally Posted by DSM4Life View Post
    No its the next person that comes by that has to clean up HIS mess. What its a woman wanting to use the bar ?

    Your such a tough guy, i wish i could be like you.
    you have all been added to the "DEFINITELY NOT HARDCORE" list....good day to you

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    ^^ if hardcore = acting like asshole ...... like in this case cool with that

  34. #74
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    Quote Originally Posted by RuhlFreak55 View Post
    you have all been added to the "DEFINITELY NOT HARDCORE" list....good day to you
    And your still on the "Definitely doesn't use his brain" list.

  35. #75
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    Quote Originally Posted by jimmyinkedup View Post
    ^^ if hardcore = acting like asshole ...... like in this case cool with that
    i hit a kid with a dumbbell the day before yesterday when i told him twice he needed to move and he didn't and i was going for a set....what you think about that??

  36. #76
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    Quote Originally Posted by RuhlFreak55 View Post
    i hit a kid with a dumbbell the day before yesterday when i told him twice he needed to move and he didn't and i was going for a set....what you think about that??
    Just like you said, you hit a kid. Again a tough guy. Try that with a real man and you'll be eating that DB.

  37. #77
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    Quote Originally Posted by DSM4Life View Post
    And your still on the "Definitely doesn't use his brain" list.
    and yet i'm a genius studying astrophysics....

  38. #78
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    Quote Originally Posted by DSM4Life View Post
    Just like you said, you hit a kid. Again a tough guy. Try that with a real man and you'll be eating that DB.
    ummm a real 'man' would have enough gym etiquette to not be so retarded

  39. #79
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    Quote Originally Posted by RuhlFreak55 View Post
    i hit a kid with a dumbbell the day before yesterday when i told him twice he needed to move and he didn't and i was going for a set....what you think about that??
    i think if i saw you do that - id have intimidated the hell out of you....then you would have received the ass beating of a life time bro....thats all ill say....

  40. #80
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    No its the next person that comes by that has to clean up HIS mess. What its a woman wanting to use the bar ?
    I'm pretty sure the 3 employees working there had to clean it up...which was the whole point of me leaving it be an asshole.

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