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  1. #241
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bio-boosted View Post
    Neither demands much in the way of questioning, and both are logically and intellectually bankrupt.

    Quote Originally Posted by BJJ View Post
    My advice is always the same, get in touch with theology.

  2. #242
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    Quote Originally Posted by BJJ View Post
    Study 20 years theology and come across readings unavailable to the mass of people located in the Vatican's Library.
    Then, you would not tell me what you quoted, man!
    Ahh, your killing blow. "I know summit you don't".. pfft

    Not good enough my friend. And, I am sorry, I am beginning to doubt your claimed education in this topic, the 20 years and the private revelation within those sacred walls.
    This has the smell of Christian Apologetics to me.

  3. #243
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bio-boosted View Post
    Ahh, your killing blow. "I know summit you don't".. pfft The problem here is not what I've come across, the point is you speak about a topic just showing you no nothing about.
    Go to the first university close to you, find the theology class and ask the first professor you meet if RELIGION = GOD.
    Don't go away then, wait for the answer!

    Not good enough my friend. And, I am sorry, I am beginning to doubt your claimed education in this topic, the 20 years and the private revelation within those sacred walls.
    This has the smell of Christian Apologetics to me. ?. Do you know what that mean? Mine is of course, a rhetoric question!

    However, doubt whatever you want.
    Religion is a thing, God is something else!

  4. #244
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    Quote Originally Posted by BJJ View Post
    However, doubt whatever you want.
    Religion is a thing, God is something else!


  5. #245
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    Rhetoric question? How smug!

    This Doctorate in Mathematics and 20 years in Theology should have moulded you into an obviously intelligent and very articulate man, yet your use of "haha i win" smilies and random accusations that I don't know what I am talking about, or that you are upset and want to be left to believe in god in peace, lead me to one conclusion.
    You are bull sh!tting.
    I don't claim to know everything, i'm in a debate with an opinion. You on the other hand seem over and above all else. When on the back foot you say, "i'm a Deist, I can do god AND science me lol". Then as well you have this touching penchant to apply these 'killer lulz' of yours like, "you're talking about a topic you know nothing about, but i've a degree I have.."
    Go back to page 2, reread your posts. Can you smell the dogma? I can, despite your sugary covering of Deism.
    And for god's sake, will you stop that, god doesn't = religion! We get your (view) point.
    I was close to calling you, poe. However all I see is thinly veiled apologetics married with a fairy tale dream world. Which, of course, you are entitled to live in.

  6. #246
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    This is also the last time I shall bother responding to you on this thread. Before I get dragged into ad hominem.

  7. #247
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    Quote Originally Posted by BJJ View Post
    You make it very simple but I do agree.
    Quote Originally Posted by BJJ View Post

    Those who created religion did it to control others and govern the world.
    Those who still dance for the rain to come are just ignorant people who did not have the chance to study and still behave as their own ancestors did.
    Quote Originally Posted by BJJ View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by BJJ View Post
    Do Agree
    Quote Originally Posted by BJJ View Post
    Either do I.
    Quote Originally Posted by BJJ View Post
    That is religion man, don't mess up.
    As already stated previously in another thread, religions were made by men to control and dominate others.
    God does not have anything to do with that.
    To believe in God you are not bound to take into account also a religion.
    You might be a simple deist.
    Quote Originally Posted by BJJ View Post
    No oblivion is waiting for you after your death. Knowledge is waiting!
    Again, you mess up God and religions.
    Quote Originally Posted by BJJ View Post
    It's a long reply to be done and I have to go dinner now... my wife is calling me up. Once back I shall reply since I do like the subject discussed very much indeed.
    Quote Originally Posted by BJJ View Post
    I believe you need to read a book, which I am going to find by tomorrow to give you the author and title.
    Quote Originally Posted by BJJ View Post
    I couldn't say it in a better way!
    Quote Originally Posted by BJJ View Post
    Sure you can, being a deist!
    I would advise you to study a bit of theology.
    Quote Originally Posted by BJJ View Post
    Perfectly Agree.
    Quote Originally Posted by BJJ View Post
    This is it, hope you did not read it already.
    Personally, having studied myself the topics, I agree with many ideas reported and in general I would say it should be read by everybody in school to open everyone's mind.

    The Book Your Church Doesn't Want You to Read
    by Tim C. Leedom
    Quote Originally Posted by BJJ View Post
    science & faith in god
    Quote Originally Posted by BJJ View Post
    For your info I have a degree in theology, taken in Rome with private access to the Vatican's Library.
    Deism was part of an exam to be taken in order to finish my studying as well as philosophy, etymology, epistemology, and others doctrines.
    This just for your info.

    Regarding the use of a dictionary, in this forum so far I didn't need it but I guess you did it in order to reply to my message.

    So long...
    Quote Originally Posted by BJJ View Post
    Perchè ho studiato la teologia ed ho capito che le religioni sono una bufala, un inganno dei forti per soggiogare il popolo.
    Quote Originally Posted by BJJ View Post
    I rely on science but still I believe there is a Supreme Being.
    Why this bothers you so much. After all it is just my thought!
    Quote Originally Posted by BJJ View Post
    You keep quoting things which are not part of my life.
    I rely on science so, how could I be sceptic?
    Quote Originally Posted by BJJ View Post
    Tell him!
    I just answered his question but did say nothing new.
    Quote Originally Posted by BJJ View Post
    I am ONLY looking for friends but I understood is not so easy.
    Quote Originally Posted by BJJ View Post
    Historical evidences report the domination of one man on another not correlated to any economy.
    At the beginning there was no economy at all. The prehistoric needed to rule others to get their females and food to keep begetting children and feed them.
    Then, with our evolution we started to develop other reasons to control and dominate the others. Nowadays some does it for economical reason (well actually many) but the propulsive push is stll genetic and come from very very far away, from our own origins.
    Quote Originally Posted by BJJ View Post
    I believe in a Supreme Being and in life after death.
    Specifically, I think one becomes incarnate to achieve what previously decided. In this dimension we are on our own because it would make no sense being helped by God.
    Only a few of us can achieve the final result, the others (the majority) keep coming back till they understand. In this dimension there is no destiny already written but the science of the "caos" dominates everything.
    Talking about the humans evolution on this planet, I believe Darwin's theory is not correct. It was made to hide the truth which I belive is concealed in the Area.. .
    Life developed because being brought and then helped in going ahead with "infusion" of others civilizations.
    Quote Originally Posted by BJJ View Post

    DEISM (doctrine that accepts the existence of a God as the cause of the world on the basis only reason, denying the need of revelation and providence and not recognizing constraints of dogmas.)

    Deism has nothing to do with religions. Religions give you a life-conduct to follow and make you blind on many other topics. They were alla created to dominate and those who are still dominating want to keep it that way.

    Thinking that there is a Supreme Being does not go necessarily toward the religions thought. I have studied many years theology and have my own idea on this dimension and on the other.

    Specifically, I think one becomes incarnate to achieve what previously decided. In this dimension we are on our own because it would make no sense being helped by God.
    Only a few of us can achieve the final result, the others (the majority) keep coming back till they understand. In this dimension there is no destiny already written but the science of the "caos" dominates everything.
    Talking about the humans evolution on this planet, I believe Darwin's theory is not correct. It was made to hide the truth which I belive is concealed in the Area.. (in N.v.d.).
    Life developed because being brought on Hearth and then helped in going ahead with "infusion" of others civilizations.
    But still, among the whole of the universes and dimensions we have to discover yet, I believe there is a Supreme Being.
    Quote Originally Posted by BJJ View Post
    We can rely on sciences as much as we want, we can rely on religions as much as we want, we can study our a.. off as much as we want but the real evidence will be waiting till the end of our own lifes... and see?
    Quote Originally Posted by BJJ View Post
    I agree. Perhaps I was not able to express myself in the right way but your last sentence, which I would undersign, does not go against deism theory.

    Regarding: "You might not believe that Darwins Theory is correct, but his theories that looked into Red Queen Theory, Divergent Evolution was ground breaking stuff that is still to be disproved today.", it was already disproven a few years ago, 2006 to the mass of people while others already knew it. If then, you have had the chance to visit the Vatican's Library, you could be one of those to know it already.
    It is off the theory, now almost certainty, that the birth of life on earth entries from space. researchers of Goddard space flight center have found traces of glycine, one of the 20 amino acids ordinary, in the debris left by Comet wild 2, collected in 2006 by the mission Stardust of NASA. Some of the chemical compounds that gave rise to life on our planet, may be therefore arrived from space, for example through the impact of a meteorite with the earth's surface, or "carried physically to create the life". Identifying the glycine, we now know that the comets may have led amino acids on earth contributing to the elements that have given rise to life itself. This theory is not new in scientific circles.
    Quote Originally Posted by BJJ View Post
    Then, are you really enjoying what you have got now?
    Quote Originally Posted by BJJ View Post
    I believe he keeps a gun under is pillow not surely because he is afraid of darkness!
    Quote Originally Posted by BJJ View Post
    I am too.
    So, we are both happy, I would quote!
    Quote Originally Posted by BJJ View Post

    Quote Originally Posted by BJJ View Post
    I have no anwer to that question if not only my point of view, but I figure out something from your words... you have a thinking brain! I would put my hand on fire since I am sure there is a space-time continuum...

    ...and to those who have previously written "there is nothing after death" I want to ask: what are you wasting your time for in your life? you spend most of your time working like everyone else, I guess, to then what? just disappear!
    Why don't you go plundering a bank and live freely in happines surrounded by robobabes and lamborghini... the rest of your life?

    I tell you why you don't to that, because within yourself you know there is something else, you know it cannot be just like that, like a period after a sentence more or less long; and this unconscious thought makes you be a "good" person after all!
    Think about...
    Quote Originally Posted by BJJ View Post
    Those are necessary and make the difference among men.
    Quote Originally Posted by BJJ View Post
    You cannot just quote something like that.
    You must explain it.
    Quote Originally Posted by BJJ View Post
    To "Flagg" and "Undercover":

    So tell me, you did not answer the question I asked?
    Where's your Lambo and the robobabes?
    I don't know you but I believe you are normal people who go to work, grow up a family taking care of your girl-friends/wifes, kids and so on...

    If I was really sure, within myself, there is nothing beyond, FIRST, I would not make a family! SECOND, I would try to enjoy and be happy without caring about any other, simply because there is NOTHING after.

    I await...
    Quote Originally Posted by BJJ View Post
    "The Bible wont tell you about DNA"

    "Go do some research on Biology and Cell Biology"
    Researches will not declare there is not God but only release information, what so far we understood, on how the life developed.
    Quote Originally Posted by Flagg View Post
    I have another question for you BJJ. Does the God you believe in, have physical or biological properties? How would you define the Supreme Being?
    Quote Originally Posted by BJJ View Post
    It is better an ugly truth that a wonderful lie.
    This is the way I have chosen to live on.
    Quote Originally Posted by BJJ View Post
    I cannot define the Supreme Being, a human mind is not able to do that, I believe.
    Otherwise, after all, it would not be Supreme if one was able to define it.
    Quote Originally Posted by BJJ View Post
    Bible is a romance made for those who does not or cannot ask questions.
    Quote Originally Posted by BJJ View Post
    Study 20 years theology and come across readings unavailable to the mass of people located in the Vatican's Library.
    Then, you would not tell me what you quoted, man!
    Quote Originally Posted by BJJ View Post
    study theology first then write about something you seem to ignore...
    Quote Originally Posted by BJJ View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by BJJ View Post
    My advice is always the same, get in touch with theology.
    Quote Originally Posted by BJJ View Post
    However, doubt whatever you want.
    Religion is a thing, God is something else!
    Quote Originally Posted by Bio-boosted View Post
    Rhetoric question? How smug!

    This Doctorate in Mathematics and 20 years in Theology should have moulded you into an obviously intelligent and very articulate man, yet your use of "haha i win" smilies and random accusations that I don't know what I am talking about, or that you are upset and want to be left to believe in god in peace, lead me to one conclusion.
    You are bull sh!tting.
    I don't claim to know everything, i'm in a debate with an opinion. You on the other hand seem over and above all else. When on the back foot you say, "i'm a Deist, I can do god AND science me lol". Then as well you have this touching penchant to apply these 'killer lulz' of yours like, "you're talking about a topic you know nothing about, but i've a degree I have.."
    Go back to page 2, reread your posts. Can you smell the dogma? I can, despite your sugary covering of Deism.
    And for god's sake, will you stop that, god doesn't = religion! We get your (view) point.
    I was close to calling you, poe. However all I see is thinly veiled apologetics married with a fairy tale dream world. Which, of course, you are entitled to live in.
    Above, all of my answers in this thread. You should read them all carefully and check out yours!

    I do not feel to be the person you described.
    I was the one ready to develop and articulate conversations but I received in exchange just accusations, offences and in many cases only "no sense" replies.

    I never meant to teach anything to anyone but since I have a personal knowledge on this topic and since this is a thread named "I wanna debate God thread", it came out naturally for me to tell you who I am in order to let you know you are not dealing with a kid or an uneducated person (in this topic at least).
    So, perhaps it bothers you so much I believe in God and somewhere up there you also admit it and might be you are against me whatever I say because I know what I am talking about, but read carefully, I never said I was right, I have just expressed my opinion conforted by many years of studying. And if I gave you the idea I was here to teach, it's because I realized that almost no-one in here knows theology, religion history, so it was hard to deal with.
    This is a fact man, either you know a topic or you do not!
    Do you know the differences between Biblical Theology and Systematic Theology? Senofane and the Presocratic Theology? and the Negative Theology? I could continue... and this does not mean I am arrogant or I am above you. But unless you know the answers to the previous written questions, yes man, I speak about a topic which I know and you do show me to know it only in a superficial way. This is a fact.

    Regarding the smiles and so on, I just started to use them like everyone else is doing. At the very first beginning I was very formal to all but as said I just received kicks in my a.., so I decided to change behaviour but I never used a bad word against anyone or being bad-mannered against nobody.
    Can you quote the same?

    So long.

  8. #248
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bio-boosted View Post
    This is also the last time I shall bother responding to you on this thread. Before I get dragged into ad hominem.
    did you see me writing...?

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