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  1. #241
    lawstudent007's Avatar
    lawstudent007 is offline Female Member
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    Jan 2009
    TOP, you had me crackin

  2. #242
    Booz's Avatar
    Booz is offline AR-Elite Hall of Famer
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    E London,no SOURCES given
    slightly bucking the trend here................
    whilst i dont agree with the amount of weapons Duece has i do strongly agree that we all should have the right to protect our homes and family from intruders with watever force is nesessary................
    and i also will say if i found an intruder in my home i would have no hesitation to kill him and dump the fvcker in the street......................

    Remember.............for us to help you you need to help us....................stats and exp.........

    Source checks and Ugl's to be kept to PM's
    dont ask for source checks unless you have 100 posts/and 45 days minimum as a participating member.........

    Booz.. a long-standing member of the AR Police:

    sorry but absolutely no sources will be checked at this present time....

  3. #243
    The Deuce's Avatar
    The Deuce is offline Anabolic Member
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    Nov 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by lawstudent007 View Post
    I know this is gang up on Deuce week, but come on, give it a rest already. if a part of the thinking of any one of us were scrutinized to eveyone on the board, we'd all be considered "extreme" or "obsessive" or "strange". Under a microscope, even the most sane person looks crazy. It's like a catch 22 psych evaluation (i.e. Movie called Changeling w/ Angie Jolie). It's easy to see the spec in the eye of another, and not as eacy to see your own.

    On a side note: Thinking of scenarios is NOT crazy, maybe a bit obsessive (which is healthy), but not crazy. Has noone heard of the "How to survive...etc." shows and books? LOL. I'm a young female with non-violent upbringing and not traumatic experieces in my past. Yet, since I was a teenager, I've always thought of "what if" scenario ranging from what I'd do to save myself & loved ones if:

    • I accidently drove into a lake
    • if an impending car accident were to occur (how I would maneuver my car to avoid it)
    • if my car was hijacked and I was put in the trunk (I have certain tools in my trunk)
    • If I'm attacked by an alligator (I'm fr FL, lol)
    • If I'm attacked by a baby shark (again, I'm fr FL, lol.)
    • If a man attackes me in the streets
    • If a fire broke out in a bldg I was in
    • if a flash flood occurred-what I'd grab first, etc(even own an emergency life raft--Again, FL)
    • Is someone with a gun were to come in to the current office or public place I'm in--what's best spot to hide or sneak out of (I always make sure I know a few exits or any place I'm in)
    • If my apt bldg were to catch on fire (I even have that portable rope ladder thing)
    • If an intruder were to break into my house (I have "weapons" all over just in case I have to run to one of the other rooms).

    I just think of the best course of action that would save my life and provide the least harm. You might even call me paranoid , but the fact is that I'm quite normal and there are many people that think the same way I do. We all have different personalities and thought processes, and everyone has their quirks.

    Anyhow, all I'm saying is "live and let live. It's easy to point at one person and dissect something that is natuarally "easy to hate"'s like ganging up on the child molester/killer or Enron execs--Yeah, its's accepted and easy becasue most people think they're bad. So now there's this image of Deuce as a gun fanatic, race war preparer, redneck NRA member that probably doesn't like anything non-white (typical stereotypes). I'm NOT saying that's what he is. These are just common associations/generalizations many people make when they are confronted with what they perceive to be a 'scary' "weapon zealot"

    Relax, have a beer, pump out a load or two*, smoke some grass, chew some tobacco, or shoot up some of that "stuff"...whatever's your poison--just do it and quit being so judgemental (this is an AAS forum)! :

    * Those who know me, know I had 2 add that in there

    D*mn this is a fvcing long post--see what you guys made me do!
    Wow, thank you for that.. That just made you probably one of the coolest people in my book ... I agreed with EVERYTHING you said. I am just stunned that you actually took the time out to type something of this nature in defense of me.. Thank you !!

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