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Thread: *What's life about*

  1. #201
    ppwc1985's Avatar
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    And like BG and 405 said, ask for it. But just remember god works on his timeline not yours.

  2. #202
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    Quote Originally Posted by ppwc1985 View Post
    Marcus i found my faith in the bible and seeing and knowing he is working in my life. The bible is an amazing book and if you study it scripture for scripture you will be amazed. As far as bad things happening i look at it like this, all good things come from God all bad things come from satan. And like mr. FQ said the lorg works in mysterious ways. I was were you are now, but i was on the other side of the fence. I did not believe in God, i also always asked where did he come from. We as simple minded humans will never know all the mysterious of God. There are so many things in the bible that you can't explain away, ITS not a therory like most of science. How could something in a book written 1000s of years before come true to the exact thing. The perdictions of just jesus alone numbers in the hundreds. They tell of his birth, life, death, and ressurection. I mean they perdicted that he would be born to a virgin, when he would be babtized and start his ministy. Just about his death there were perdictions about how he would die, that not one single bone would be broken. That he would be pierced in his side, that the guards would bet over his garments. All these things were wrote 1000s years before, can you explain that? My faith is based on the word of God, and yes i know the way it is written that it can be hard to understand, But with him guiding me, and a great teacher i found the truth. I studied other christian faiths, but the one i think is the closes to the bible is the one i stuck with, and even though i use my own mind i still fall short of their beliefs. But i look at the bible ans what Jesus himself says, we all fall short. We are human and we born into sin. I can't save myself through nothin that i do, I am saved through Jesus my savior. Marcus the reason you are even asking these questions is because the holy spirt is trying to work on you. Thats a good thing, I hope these words help, but i will definatly ask him to help you see the light either way. I'm not here to judge anyone, I only have myself to answer to him for. Each man WILL kneel before him and answer his questions. ou asked if i had a daughter that bad things happened to would my faith hold. the answer is most definatly, cause without him to lean on i wouldn't make it through. But i know if something bad like that happened it sure wasn't God that was the cause of it. Yes he lets thing happen, but that in itself is another story. But to make it quick cause i don't want to preach. The best way to explain it is to say God is love, if he forced us than thats not love. Well its the same in heaven, but satan looked at himself and thought he should be in charge. He was the Numero uno angel, he was the leader. But his pride caused him to think he deserved more. Now God created him so the ? is why not just destroy him. Well the problem with that is all the other angels plus the other worlds he created was watching. If he had just struck him down than do you think the others would have continued serving him in love or fear. God knows all and he loves so he had no choice but to let it play out and thats what is happening now. Its hard to have faith in something you don't see,touch, smell, feel, and hear but with the Bible i am able too. So good luck in your search for your truth, but like lunk said just believe.
    Well said !! Over 2000 years and still going stronger and stronger !Like you said, its hard to believe until you study the bible. ITS ALL THERE.

    Disclaimer-BG is presenting fictitious opinions and does in no way encourage nor condone the use of any illegal substances.
    The information discussed is strictly for entertainment purposes only.

    Everything was impossible until somebody did it!

    I've got 99 problems......but my squat/dead ain't one !!

    It doesnt matter how good looking she is, some where, some one is tired of her shit.

    Light travels faster then sound. This is why some people appear bright until you hear them speak.

    Great place to start researching !

  3. #203
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    Quote Originally Posted by BG View Post
    How do I know its God and Jesus doing these things for me. Because my whole life I could not do them myself. MY WHOLE LIFE I TRIED. You remember when I wasnt going to use gear anymore, Ive been struggling with my demons for ever. How do I know it wasnt just good fortune? I never had anything go way for a very long time. Since becoming faithful, things have turned around, as long as I keep my faith and dont get angry things end up working out for the best. The lord blesses me for my faithfulness. Ive seen doctors, psych, tried anti-depressants....nothing worked. Theres no definite answer Marcus, you have to try it, live it, to understand how having faith can give you strength. You cant sit here with a closed mind and think there will be an answer, you have to want to see it, want to be it. When you become part of the body of Christ you inherit a family, a brother and reunited with your true father...creator. You learn your life isnt about the material things, what people think of you. Life isnt about you. Its about everyone else, you help those who are need and they should help you when in need. Why should we live in excess when so many others have nothing. Our government programs us to want more and more, its a natural human quality to desire, they exploit it. It keeps us busy and spending money which allows them to remain in power. Its always been a struggle for power.

    Last year I was on my final straw, about to give up on my marriage, quit my job and get a little place and life a selfish life. I was sitting on a bench, head down just thinking. One of my training partners came in and asked what was wrong. So I told him. He said to me "You need some faith in your life. Jesus will take the anger/pain out of your heart and replace it with peace/love." Now Im sitting there thinking, Im not so sure about that, but I will give it a try. The first 4 times I went buddy, I thought the Pastor was talking directly to me, I was in udder shock. I was doing everything wrong. Pride, selfishness, entitlement, all the things I held onto dearly was what was bringing me down. I had no faith in people, most everyone I knew were liars, cheaters just no good. After meeting people at my church I realized there was a whole different world out there, that life could be good. I actually had a chance.
    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300 View Post
    i seriously doubt it. as a matter of fact id probably want to kill the guy. just because im a christian doesnt mean i dont sin, nor does it mean i dont want to do bad things sometimes. it only means i recognize my sinfulness and acknowledge i need christ to make me right with God..
    Quote Originally Posted by BG View Post
    Like I said above, you cant explain faith, you cant explain the strength/love/peace that our creator and savior give us. You have to see it, feel it and live it. It takes a good church also, I wouldnt go near a RC church. My pastor goes up with a button up and jeans on. His son does tithe prayer with a Yankee hat on. Its different, Im blessed that its interesting. Faith isnt about going to church, its about what you do when you leave. Do you live the life god wanted, helping others, being a good person, role model, husband , father. Thats what it about. People need to leave the church thing behind, its about being the body of Christ. Living in spirit, not in the flesh.
    Thank you guys very much for your input

  4. #204
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    Quote Originally Posted by --->>405<<--- View Post
    IMO u cant believe "just in case".. it doesnt work like that. God sees your heart, and true belief is not an insurance policy. we dont get by god on technicalities.

    to answer ur question about the gang rape, marcus, God allows things to happen in this world as a product of sin. sin entered the world and terrible things happen as a result.
    Kinda meant as a joke...

  5. #205
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    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300 View Post
    Thank you very much finally an answer, I was struggling for anyone to answer me straight,
    anyway I can work with this now,
    lunk lets go a bit deeper on this if you don't mind. This kind of situation happens everyday to other families who are god loving and even more cruel situation happen so why still have belief all because its not happened to you but it as to others?
    After some poking you learned what I did to put food on the table. Obviosly I have seen many tragedies in my time. Murder, rape, assault, name it. is difficult to not question ALOT. Yet some how I still manage to obviously believe or why would I question why god would allow such evil or what is his intent during such horrible moments. Somehow...deep rooted, there is still a belief. It doesnt stop me from being angry or doesnt stop me from sin. It does however sometimes cause me to stop and try to be a better person and be stronger than the situation.

  6. #206
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    Quote Originally Posted by BG
    Normal Rehabs have a 13-20% success rate. My church is affiliated with one that adds religion to it, it has a 75% success rate. Faith. I hope to work there soon.
    Wow them are some staggering statistics BG
    This is quite hard for me as the town I live in was the most godless town in emgland for quite some time so meeting people with strong views like some of you gents on here really opens my eyes.

  7. #207
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    Is there anyone reading this and thinks there is no god? And is on the side of science

  8. #208
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    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300
    Is there anyone reading this and thinks there is no god?
    I respect the views of others but I personally can't believe there is a single being responsible for everything in existence.
    Wars are mostly religious and cost many many lives. From the crusades up to today so many lives lost in the name of a higher being.

  9. #209
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    No problem buddy, anytime. Its hard typing it, its something you need to hear and feel in person. But Ill tell others, you want to instill good values into your children, take them to church, I recommend Assembly Of God.

    Disclaimer-BG is presenting fictitious opinions and does in no way encourage nor condone the use of any illegal substances.
    The information discussed is strictly for entertainment purposes only.

    Everything was impossible until somebody did it!

    I've got 99 problems......but my squat/dead ain't one !!

    It doesnt matter how good looking she is, some where, some one is tired of her shit.

    Light travels faster then sound. This is why some people appear bright until you hear them speak.

    Great place to start researching !

  10. #210
    --->>405<<---'s Avatar
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    marcus i have been giving it some thought and i know u asked me how i knew it was god who delivered me from addiction. apparently my answer was not what u were looking for. i wonder what exactly were u looking for??

  11. #211
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    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300 View Post
    Is there anyone reading this and thinks there is no god? And is on the side of science
    100% atheist... I'm astounded that in 2013, people reject science or ignore it in favor of religion. I've had debates with people who flat out say that they don't believe in evolution and then say some remark about how they don't believe we are related to monkeys. They don't even understand the theory. Then they try to use the bible to back up their beliefs while not understanding that quotes from the bible are nothing close to proof.

    I respect that people believe in a higher power but just don't try to push it on me or my kids. I've never had a real debate with a christian because they have no arguments for god other than personal experiences. They can't try to argue against science because they know nothing about what they are arguing against. Extraordinary claims require extraordinary proof. I minored in biology in college and once you have a full understanding of how the earth was formed and how life evolved (and is evolving), it makes perfect sense.

    I get why people needed religion during the dark ages. Life was short and miserable for most. You had to have something to make life better - an afterlife. I look at the world for what it is and realize that all we have is each other and it's important to me to be as good of a person as I can be.

    I watched Joel Osteen this morning. Wow, what a fantastic speaker and he really teaches people how to live well. I'm totally in favor of the majority of the lessons that the bible teaches but I absolutely can't believe the stories of the bible or believe in god.

    I'm curious to know why god killed so many people in the stories of the bible and why the bible discusses rape, slavery and murder. To me, I easily put god in the same category as santa clause, the easter bunny and the tooth fairy. I struggle to understand how a grown man can truly believe. Most cherry pick the good stories of the bible and ignore the dark stuff in there.

  12. #212
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    Jwp thanks for your view. I do have some questions for you if you don't mind answering but I'm going to have to do a little bit of research first because so I'll get back to you as soon as I can. And anyone else can answer if they like.

  13. #213
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    Quote Originally Posted by --->>405<<--- View Post
    marcus i have been giving it some thought and i know u asked me how i knew it was god who delivered me from addiction. apparently my answer was not what u were looking for. i wonder what exactly were u looking for??
    I was looking for answer's to all the questions I asked you and you didn't answer any of them .

  14. #214
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    Quote Originally Posted by BG View Post
    No problem buddy, anytime. Its hard typing it, its something you need to hear and feel in person. But Ill tell others, you want to instill good values into your children, take them to church, I recommend Assembly Of God.
    Thanks bg you did help and I'll get back to you soon on a few things soon

  15. #215
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    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300
    Is there anyone reading this and thinks there is no god? And is on the side of science
    Me, I'm totally sceptical of a god, OK a clever bloke called Jesus walked this earth, I don't think we can deny that, but the Holy Spirit and the holy trinity ?

    Morally the the bible is a good teacher but it is scientifically incorrect.

    I once went as deep as this with a Muslim, and I questioned all he believes in, and his final answer was this - " Faith is like love, you can't prove it, you just believe in it, you feel it you know it's there buy can't explain it"

  16. #216
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    Imagine this if you will, a computer simulation game of a population of AI characters, that YOU created, and these characters had a soul and a brain and self awareness, would you be there god ? What if the human race were in a simulation, it seems real to us right? It might seem real for th AI characters but does it mean that is actually real ? That's matrix theory anyway.

  17. #217
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    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300 View Post
    I was looking for answer's to all the questions I asked you and you didn't answer any of them .
    Maybe i missed the questions, what were they?

  18. #218
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    Quote Originally Posted by MR-FQ320 View Post
    Me, I'm totally sceptical of a god, OK a clever bloke called Jesus walked this earth, I don't think we can deny that, but the Holy Spirit and the holy trinity ?

    Morally the the bible is a good teacher but it is scientifically incorrect.

    I once went as deep as this with a Muslim, and I questioned all he believes in, and his final answer was this - " Faith is like love, you can't prove it, you just believe in it, you feel it you know it's there buy can't explain it"
    Can u quote what exactly u find scientifically incorrect in the bible??

  19. #219
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    Quote Originally Posted by --->>405<<---
    Can u quote what exactly u find scientifically incorrect in the bible??

  20. #220
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    Quote Originally Posted by MR-FQ320 View Post
    LOL.. ok.. which part? where it says God created the world in 6 days?

  21. #221
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    Lets start with the first line first verse, God createsthe earth and the heavens - no he didn't - a hell of a lot happened before the earth was created.

    3. Let there be light and there was

    Yes the whole 6 days.

    16 God made two great lights--the greater light to govern the day and the lesser light to govern the night. He also made the stars.

  22. #222
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    idk about god..

    but there is a heaven and a hell

    and you don't have to be dead to visit either...

  23. #223
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    I also have a problem with most of the Sunday school stories actually, the parting of the Red Sea , Noah is a real sticking point - this storie has been doing the rounds thousands of years before Jesus walked this land.

  24. #224
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    Quote Originally Posted by MR-FQ320 View Post
    Lets start with the first line first verse, God createsthe earth and the heavens - no he didn't - a hell of a lot happened before the earth was created.

    3. Let there be light and there was

    Yes the whole 6 days.

    16 God made two great lights--the greater light to govern the day and the lesser light to govern the night. He also made the stars.
    well what all happened before God created the heavens and the earth ?

    also where did all the planets and stars come from? how were they formed? im a bit curious? also where did space come from? the actual universe..??

  25. #225
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    Mark 16:16 Whoever believes and is baptized will be saved, but whoever does not believe will be condemned.

  26. #226
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    Quote Originally Posted by --->>405<<---

    well what all happened before God created the heavens and the earth ?

    also where did all the planets and stars come from? how were they formed? im a bit curious? also where did space come from? the actual universe..??
    I feel you have a well versed reply for what I'm about to say lol but here goes anyway.

    Ok so the Big Bang theory is made up of three parts, the singularity, the expansion and the cooling, the second two have been proven, granted the singularity point has not been been proven YET, just reverse engineer the universe and it leads us to a singularity.

    Are you going to say a god made this singularity happen, I would be really interested to hear this from your perspective.

    So scientists think everything came out of either nothing or a single "piece" of pure energy, are you going to say this is what genesis is referring to ? It still didn't happen in six days.

  27. #227
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    Just to lighten this
    sickipedia says Jesus was truly a miracle worker finding friends called Matthew , mark, Luke and John in the Middle East

  28. #228
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    hey pal it really wasnt a loaded question i know nothing about the big bang other than they say the universe came from nothing. i was wondering what scientific proof there was for the beginning of space? where did we get space?

    assuming there was nothing before space, no space that is.. where did space come from? also where did the planets come from?

    but first i think we need to establish exactly where space itself came from?

  29. #229
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    The Hebrew word "yom" is translated as day in Genesis. Just as our word "day" can have different meanings based on its context, so can the word "yom". For example, in the Old Testament "yom" is translated to mean a 24 hour day 1109 times. It means a long, long period of time--such as an age--about nine times.

  30. #230
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    Quote Originally Posted by panntastic View Post
    Just to lighten this
    sickipedia says Jesus was truly a miracle worker finding friends called Matthew , mark, Luke and John in the Middle East
    hey its a serious issue for sure. when it comes to beliefs we are very strongly attached to them. i think some emotion comes into play. i know it does with me. but i do remember what it was like before i became a believer.

    i respect where yall are coming from. i cant expect u or anyone else to value what i value simply because i value it!

  31. #231
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    Quote Originally Posted by --->>405<<---

    hey its a serious issue for sure. when it comes to beliefs we are very strongly attached to them. i think some emotion comes into play. i know it does with me. but i do remember what it was like before i became a believer.

    i respect where yall are coming from. i cant expect u or anyone else to value what i value simply because i value it!
    I really didn't mean to offend anyone 405 that wasn't the reason for me posting that
    I do apologise sincerely if I did

  32. #232
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    Quote Originally Posted by Capebuffalo View Post
    The Hebrew word "yom" is translated as day in Genesis. Just as our word "day" can have different meanings based on its context, so can the word "yom". For example, in the Old Testament "yom" is translated to mean a 24 hour day 1109 times. It means a long, long period of time--such as an age--about nine times.
    yes we can get into the hebrew translation. day for when God created the universe and all is a 24hr period. it is separated by evenings.. it is a literal 6 day creation. obviously there are different people who believe different things, but i believe and am taught by a very well educated pastor with a Phd that the universe was created in 6 literal days..

  33. #233
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    Quote Originally Posted by panntastic View Post
    I really didn't mean to offend anyone 405 that wasn't the reason for me posting that
    I do apologise sincerely if I did
    no u didnt offend me i was just saying it is a serious issue but i respect the fact that my view is in the minority. i know this, the bible teaches it. i expect it.. thats all i was trying to say. i understand what its like to not believe and be skeptical or even downright opposed to the bible and everyone who professes it. i was like that my whole life until 2008..

  34. #234
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    Lets try this...God has no need to have been created, since He exists either outside time (where cause and effect do not operate) or within multiple dimensions of time (such that there is no beginning of God's plane of time). Hence God is eternal, having never been created. Although it is possible that the universe itself is eternal, eliminating the need for its creation, observational evidence contradicts this hypothesis, since the universe began to exist a finite ~13.7 billion years ago. The only possible escape for the atheist is the invention of a kind of super universe, which can never be confirmed experimentally (hence it is metaphysical in nature, and not scientific).

  35. #235
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    My apologies 405, I just assumed that you would have had a previous similar discussion, I agree with all your questions and they do need answering, although space as we know it now is only the voids between matter and dark matter.

  36. #236
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    Quote Originally Posted by MR-FQ320 View Post
    My apologies 405, I just assumed that you would have had a previous similar discussion, I agree with all your questions and they do need answering, although space as we know it now is only the voids between matter and dark matter.
    yes me and TR touched on it a bit awhile back, but i dont think we got into my questions regarding space per se.

    while space may be what u say "the void between matter and dark matter" isnt it still "something"?? i mean it is a vastness. where did this vastness come from? what was there before the vastness? wouldnt there have had to have been a "nothingness" as in the absence of space?

    if so, where did space come from?

    if not, where did space come from?

  37. #237
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    id also like to note i have done some looking online for the scientific answer to my question: where does space and/or the universe come from? it appears from what im reading that no one knows.

    is this the case? are the scientists who claim to require absolute proof for everything unable to answer the very first most fundamental question that should be the foundation for their position???

    how can this be???
    Last edited by --->>405<<---; 04-08-2013 at 04:16 PM.

  38. #238
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    Quote Originally Posted by Capebuffalo View Post
    Lets try this...God has no need to have been created, since He exists either outside time (where cause and effect do not operate) or within multiple dimensions of time (such that there is no beginning of God's plane of time). Hence God is eternal, having never been created. Although it is possible that the universe itself is eternal, eliminating the need for its creation, observational evidence contradicts this hypothesis, since the universe began to exist a finite ~13.7 billion years ago. The only possible escape for the atheist is the invention of a kind of super universe, which can never be confirmed experimentally (hence it is metaphysical in nature, and not scientific).
    So the website that you copied and pasted this from is saying that since we can't prove it (yet) with science, it must be god?

  39. #239
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    Quote Originally Posted by JWP806 View Post
    So the website that you copied and pasted this from is saying that since we can't prove it (yet) with science, it must be god?
    Precisely. That is my belief in it why it was created by God
    Last edited by Capebuffalo; 04-08-2013 at 08:31 AM.

  40. #240
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    Quote Originally Posted by --->>405<<--- View Post
    here is something i stumbled onto while browsing where space came from. i googled "does einstein become a christian?" and was led here:

    id also like to note i have done some looking online for the scientific answer to my question: where does space and/or the universe come from? it appears from what im reading that no one knows.

    is this the case? are the scientists who claim to require absolute proof for everything unable to answer the very first most fundamental question that should be the foundation for their position???

    how can this be???
    Einstein rejected a personal god but said there must be some kind of creator. That does not mean it's the christian god. Why couldn't it be one of the other 1000s of gods who man has created throughout time?

    As far as the origin of space or the universe, it's, without a doubt, one of the most difficult questions to answer. Like you said, they require absolute proof and there is currently not any. I don't think that means we need to declare that since science has not yet proven it, we will just believe that god created this entire universe (in which humans can only live on one planet and would die leaving it's atmosphere). What do will happen when/if there is absolute proof for where the space or the universe came from?

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