Quote Originally Posted by Gallowmere View Post
Yeap yeap. Posted in the TRT forum with screens of complete panel.

Test levels of a castrate 80 year old, low E2, low DHEA, and low T3. It seems fucked up, because I have precisely none of the symptoms that most people seem to complain about.

I mean yeah, I feel like I should be further along given my training volume and nutrition, but I wasn’t expecting what I got back, that’s for sure.
Woah! Get on TRT bro. With those test levels you are barely functioning. Curious to see what they are if you retest them.

I do not mean to offend and I truly believe your diet and training is good, but your lifts are far behind. I had natty test levels of 375 when 28 and now got on TRT at 29, my T was 300 with some manipulation hehe. I didn't feel the low T until I was on cycle and many issues like recovery and needing excessive sleep went away and I decided to go for it. I never had low libido either.