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Thread: What Motivates You?

  1. #81
    charger69's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by < > View Post
    I forgot what thread we're in, shit

    What motivates me? - just being able. . . . Had my gallbladder feelin aight this am, ate, went to the pool - right there, straight folded in a pretzel. . . . .Did my own form of gallbladder flush when I got home < man, these aren't no joke

    I don't wanna lose my gallbladder as long as possible. . . .Every time I hit ER for it, it's already too late - most stones are passed, they hit me with a saline & morphine drip & send me on my way

    So yeah, fuck

    This age shit. . . . But, at least I made it this far intact "mostly"

    Fuck, many don't even get the chance

    Hey BMP, I wanna see your old ass recover - I like seeing good shit, the bad is getting old. . . . Def sounds like you got your ass handed to you. . . . And, I do agree that sometimes a shot to the dome doesn't sound so bad compared to what we're going through, health wise at least - that's for sure
    You guys are an inspiración!!!

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  2. #82
    < <Samson> >'s Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by charger69 View Post
    You guys are an inspiración!!!

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    Shit, you’re not far of any actually - behind

    Fuck, none of this was a concern a decade ago

  3. #83
    paulzane's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by < <Samson> > View Post
    Shit, you’re not far of any actually - behind

    Fuck, none of this was a concern a decade ago
    Yes serves some horrendous curve balls sometimes!

  4. #84
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    Quote Originally Posted by BuzzardMarinePumper View Post
    OK the break down
    1) My palate has changed I eat almost all veggies and meat almost makes me sick
    2) I drick Twisted Tea instead of beer
    3) Weight is up about 20 lbs from before due to lack of exercise
    4) I am at the 6 mth recovery mark and a little ahead of normal schedule
    5) I can still screw 2 x's a dy but she has to get on top - feels like my belly is coming loose
    6) 1st week back in the girly gym - that is what amde me thimg of you guys ,lol
    7) very little leg strength , working on that daily
    8) Little to no cardio
    9) getting hig daily off green
    10) Also getting high of killer Jinitrophen HGH make muscles without even lifting I swear
    11) I can take a dump & pee nonreal
    13) I cannot lift 35lbs from the grounf to standing
    14) Good news is they say at 1 year I sould be close to normal ...... stil 6 more mths at 1/2 a man will be hard
    15) I still consider eating a 9mm from time to time bit that is not new been considering that since I was a young Marine
    16) I have to say I have put one round in a 357 and spun the cylinder and pulled the plug and God did not take me so I am over that and no longer have any desire to end life and want to live .- no mind this is an open forum , but I bet many of you guys have little respect for many females - and once in a while after many bad ones . My sweetie stood by me and even wiped my butt I owe it to her to be normal again . I even gave her a ring .... She is keeper and I thought all women were .... well never mind once in a blue moon you find a good one .....I have

    Just a parting shot ! FYI Your mind is in control and will make you do more thanyou are willing to do ! So whenlifting mind control is as important as nutrition
    First off, Glad to hear you are doing better.

    Its amazing how quick you can loose weight, especially muscle mass. I remember when I ruptured L5/S1 I lost about 30 lbs in 2 weeks and couldnt even sit on the commode for 30 seconds without passing out in pain. 1st time in my life I had chicken legs. Took well over 1yr to even come close to what you would call recovered and have had about a dozen setbacks since then.

    Never give up, never surrender.

  5. #85
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    Quote Originally Posted by lovbyts View Post
    First off, Glad to hear you are doing better.

    Its amazing how quick you can loose weight, especially muscle mass. I remember when I ruptured L5/S1 I lost about 30 lbs in 2 weeks and couldnt even sit on the commode for 30 seconds without passing out in pain. 1st time in my life I had chicken legs. Took well over 1yr to even come close to what you would call recovered and have had about a dozen setbacks since then.

    Never give up, never surrender.

    Thank you ! Believe it or not this is an inspiration coming from you . After 6 mth I am barly walking like an 80 year old man . To all you young bucks that think 61 is old I was 6ft 235lbs and wore a 33 in waist jeans and looked unnatural for 59 just 2 year oga and that is whyI know I will be one BA MFer at 62 .6mths post Coma is a Mfer but i can walk to the beach and shop and walk in a girly gym so I take baby steps

    Yes I have set backs also . About a mth ago I was taking my 100 yard walk on the beach ( Post recovery thanks to Fiancé ) I absolutely though I was going to have a stroke or heart attack I could not breath or catch my breath ... my o2 level was 82 ( I carry an o2 meter and pulse rate finger monitor at all times )and I could not look up and breath a clasped on my butt on the beach . I rested a few and caught me breath and my breath to the point that I was not huffing and puffing like I had ran a marathon . My Gf was going to help me up from the sitting on my ass position and the 1st try did not work the 2nd try we both strained very hard and i felt my dick string tear and I mean 2 different tears ! I could barely walk with her assistance but my stubborn ass made it back to our RV . The next day was hell and as I was getting out of the shower she freaked out ....I had a blue and red and brown bruise on my inner thigh bigger than a softball and I hurt sitting walking and standing . So Yes sir I know set backs and I am grateful to God for simple things .....even going to the mail box ....Sad but when I came home 6 mths ago I coud not feed myself with a spoon
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  6. #86
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fluidic Kimbo View Post
    I visited a guy in ICU who had drank a load of hand sanitizer to get drunk off the alcohol content in it.

    He was breathing by himself, but he was in a coma and had a feeding tube down his throat. He had not been responsive until I came in to visit him, and so I started chanting beside him and then all the sudden he started to move; he arched his back forward and clenched his hands and it looked like he was trying to sit up in the bed. He definitely could hear me and was reacting to my voice.
    Hey I do not mean this in a bad way ! But when I read some of your comment I thought what a heartless DA .... But then I looked at you about me profile and you are on 19. Me being 61 it would be normal for me to wonder what a grown ass man would make such arsine comments . But go in peace young brother you are a normal abnormal 19 year old with 8 more years before you will be close to a grown ass man lol , you are a bit unique

  7. #87
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    I agree, baby steps. After my back surgery I had to learn to walk all over again. I could not even stand flat footed and raise my heals off the floor for probably a month or more. I knew it was either keep going and trying or give up and live in a wheel chair. That was not an option for me.

    BTW your woman sounds great. I was single at the time so no one to do the wiping for me. I spare you the gory details but you learn to get creative when you can only lay on the ground 24/7 for 2 weeks. In a way Im thankful I wasnt with anyone at the time.

    haha I know all about bruises on the inner thigh. Ive been myself up most every way imaginable over the years. dumb sh*t (me). Believe it or not this was from jet-skiing. You aren't supposed to plant the handle pole into your thigh. lol

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  8. #88
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    Quote Originally Posted by lovbyts View Post
    I agree, baby steps. After my back surgery I had to learn to walk all over again. I could not even stand flat footed and raise my heals off the floor for probably a month or more. I knew it was either keep going and trying or give up and live in a wheel chair. That was not an option for me.

    BTW your woman sounds great. I was single at the time so no one to do the wiping for me. I spare you the gory details but you learn to get creative when you can only lay on the ground 24/7 for 2 weeks. In a way Im thankful I wasnt with anyone at the time.

    haha I know all about bruises on the inner thigh. Ive been myself up most every way imaginable over the years. dumb sh*t (me). Believe it or not this was from jet-skiing. You aren't supposed to plant the handle pole into your thigh. lol

    Click image for larger version. 

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    damn man that looks like it would have hurt ? I think I would attempt to avoid that in the future

  9. #89
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    Quote Originally Posted by BuzzardMarinePumper View Post
    damn man that looks like it would have hurt ? I think I would attempt to avoid that in the future
    It was funny because I knew it was going to be bad and started taking pictures right away and then every 2-3 hours and posted them. The first couple of hours people said I was a pvssy and it wasnt bad. After about 6 hrs people started saying I should go see a doctor. lol

  10. #90
    < <Samson> >'s Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BuzzardMarinePumper View Post
    Hey I do not mean this in a bad way ! But when I read some of your comment I thought what a heartless DA .... But then I looked at you about me profile and you are on 19. Me being 61 it would be normal for me to wonder what a grown ass man would make such arsine comments . But go in peace young brother you are a normal abnormal 19 year old with 8 more years before you will be close to a grown ass man lol , you are a bit unique
    He’s not 19

    He really is a full on psychopathic weirdo - it is what it is, I guess

    I’d say ban his ip, but considering how his/those kinda folk work - he’d just swap it & start another account

    Reading that “guy’s” comments 99% of the time makes me feel normal - and, boy do I do weird shit

    Then the other 1% is disturbing, when I actually agree with him

    I’m not entirely quite sure why he trolls this place. Loneliness, I suppose - because no one elsewhere would acknowledge anything that freak of nature types up.

    Whatever, spices this place up - we kinda need it since this place now is mostly a ghost town

    It could really bug you out reading his trash sometimes - if you look at it wrong

    Anyways, who cares - apparently no one else aside from here. Lol

    Good to hear your intact - seriously, old buzzard - I wanna see you recover. . . Recovery is a tricky bitch. You wanna push, but you don’t know if you should - yet, you don’t wanna become even close to sedentary. . . Try your best to get yourself together man.

    My motivation - is back today, since I seem to be shitting solid once again - having to be close to a crapper really dampens your plans, ya kno

    But, like I said - in my eyes bud, you done made it - 61 & still chugging - may, I be so “lucky”

    Sounds like your recovery is doing better than you make it sound - you can fuck, you can walk & you can piss/shit on your own < stuff really starts to suck & fast when you lose any of those abilities.

    Follow MD orders + a tad more. . . I wanna see a 60+ old recover < now, that shit to me is inspirational

  11. #91
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    Yes, Fluidic is a special type of special.

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  12. #92
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    Quote Originally Posted by BuzzardMarinePumper View Post
    Thank you ! Believe it or not this is an inspiration coming from you . After 6 mth I am barly walking like an 80 year old man . To all you young bucks that think 61 is old I was 6ft 235lbs and wore a 33 in waist jeans and looked unnatural for 59 just 2 year oga and that is whyI know I will be one BA MFer at 62 .6mths post Coma is a Mfer but i can walk to the beach and shop and walk in a girly gym so I take baby steps

    Yes I have set backs also . About a mth ago I was taking my 100 yard walk on the beach ( Post recovery thanks to Fiancé ) I absolutely though I was going to have a stroke or heart attack I could not breath or catch my breath ... my o2 level was 82 ( I carry an o2 meter and pulse rate finger monitor at all times )and I could not look up and breath a clasped on my butt on the beach . I rested a few and caught me breath and my breath to the point that I was not huffing and puffing like I had ran a marathon . My Gf was going to help me up from the sitting on my ass position and the 1st try did not work the 2nd try we both strained very hard and i felt my dick string tear and I mean 2 different tears ! I could barely walk with her assistance but my stubborn ass made it back to our RV . The next day was hell and as I was getting out of the shower she freaked out ....I had a blue and red and brown bruise on my inner thigh bigger than a softball and I hurt sitting walking and standing . So Yes sir I know set backs and I am grateful to God for simple things .....even going to the mail box ....Sad but when I came home 6 mths ago I coud not feed myself with a spoon
    I’ve treated / performed therapy for some really f’d up things that left me ready to cry myself. Buzz, it sounds like you are recovering slowly, but steadily. Being 63 myself and walking like an old man is a tough pill to swallow. Someone here made a crack about Biden’s walking and I took it personally, because it’s how I look, particularly if I can’t see my feet because of a mask. Balance losses are getting more common. I’m lucky I haven’t fractured anything with the tumbles I’ve had, but my time is coming. Currently looking to purchase a recumbent tricycle.

    Yet we push forward or we will rust and crumble. You’ve got this buddy.

  13. #93
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    Quote Originally Posted by wango View Post
    I’ve treated / performed therapy for some really f’d up things that left me ready to cry myself. Buzz, it sounds like you are recovering slowly, but steadily. Being 63 myself and walking like an old man is a tough pill to swallow. Someone here made a crack about Biden’s walking and I took it personally, because it’s how I look, particularly if I can’t see my feet because of a mask. Balance losses are getting more common. I’m lucky I haven’t fractured anything with the tumbles I’ve had, but my time is coming. Currently looking to purchase a recumbent tricycle.

    Yet we push forward or we will rust and crumble. You’ve got this buddy.
    Hey I got a new wrinkle for you/yall ! I went to the Dr yesterday for a 1 week follow up and I have a boil in my butt crack , huge ! Top side of exit hole thank goodness ! He looked yesterday and after his previous comments of he did not like the color of the fluids coming from the boil . ...... Now thinks melanoma so did a very panful biopsy . I got 28 percs .

    At 61 and still pushing with all I got and 3 hours a day in the gym 2017 . Get this

    1. 1999 -tried to catch a PWC trailers tongue and snapped my bicep tendon

    2. 2001 Had to have orthoscopic on left shoulder

    3. 2002 I was ran over by a truck . Broke both clavicles , crushed the bottom half of right scapula , cracked the top half in 2 places , broke all my ribs (all some in 2 places) cracked my left hip , bruised my spline and split my liver .

    4. 2004 left hip replacement

    5. 2004 to 2018 had over 25 blood clots and 5 hit my lungs

    6. 2017 right hip replaced and found out I had Prostrate Cancer (No treatment after all I have had if PC gets me then God's will)

    7. 2018 left knee replaced

    8. 2018 started have injections in my right ankle

    9. L5 vertebrate and sub ? Spine started treatment and 2019 started epidural injections in my back

    10. 2020 kink in my bowels and in a coma ( finally) about kicked my ass but I am still going and been in the gym 2 days this week and not like the other old farts lifting girl size weights

    11. Now a damn boil on my butt and may be melanoma cancer will know in 2 weeks

    12. VA has assigned me to a shrink and he asked me what my attitude was like and I said I love life and God loves me , I am at peace with the world ! He asked me about the God loves me part and I said he must he is trying everything possible to break me and we are still buddies . The shrinks wants to seem me again in 3 weeks and asked me if I had thoughts of hamming myself ? I asked him if he was crazy and replied the powers that be are doing plenty of that with no help from me . Now let me hear all young me bitch about your infirmities and are still in the gym after all this ? It is called a crazy ass Marine and adapt and over come ! I can do anything !

    Let's Rock & Roll ! Lock and Load !
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  14. #94
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    Quote Originally Posted by BuzzardMarinePumper View Post
    Hey I do not mean this in a bad way ! But when I read some of your comment I thought what a heartless DA .... But then I looked at you about me profile and you are on 19. Me being 61 it would be normal for me to wonder what a grown ass man would make such arsine comments . But go in peace young brother you are a normal abnormal 19 year old with 8 more years before you will be close to a grown ass man lol , you are a bit unique
    Honestly I don't know why you took that as badly as you did.

    You mentioned comas, and so I mentioned a past experience of mine involving a coma. Didn't mean to sound heartless -- in fact I was very emotional at the time; I remember driving to the hospital and was nearly bursting into tears. I had to try keep my composure when I reached the ICU, but that actually wasn't difficult to do because my state of shock was bigger than my state of upset.

    I'm in my 30's by the way.

  15. #95
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    Quote Originally Posted by < <Samson> > View Post
    He really is a full on psychopathic weirdo
    I don't want people reading this and getting the wrong idea about me.

    I don't have paedophilic urges, and and I only ever harm people in acts of retaliation.

    So I'm not Ted-Bundy-psycho... I'm more like Talented-Mr-Ripley-psycho -- it's a much lower pay grade.

    And there's a certain beauty in nuerodiversity.

  16. #96
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    Quote Originally Posted by BuzzardMarinePumper View Post
    Hey I got a new wrinkle for you/yall ! I went to the Dr yesterday for a 1 week follow up and I have a boil in my butt crack , huge ! Top side of exit hole thank goodness ! He looked yesterday and after his previous comments of he did not like the color of the fluids coming from the boil . ...... Now thinks melanoma so did a very panful biopsy . I got 28 percs .

    At 61 and still pushing with all I got and 3 hours a day in the gym 2017 . Get this

    1. 1999 -tried to catch a PWC trailers tongue and snapped my bicep tendon

    2. 2001 Had to have orthoscopic on left shoulder

    3. 2002 I was ran over by a truck . Broke both clavicles , crushed the bottom half of right scapula , cracked the top half in 2 places , broke all my ribs (all some in 2 places) cracked my left hip , bruised my spline and split my liver .

    4. 2004 left hip replacement

    5. 2004 to 2018 had over 25 blood clots and 5 hit my lungs

    6. 2017 right hip replaced and found out I had Prostrate Cancer (No treatment after all I have had if PC gets me then God's will)

    7. 2018 left knee replaced

    8. 2018 started have injections in my right ankle

    9. L5 vertebrate and sub ? Spine started treatment and 2019 started epidural injections in my back

    10. 2020 kink in my bowels and in a coma ( finally) about kicked my ass but I am still going and been in the gym 2 days this week and not like the other old farts lifting girl size weights

    11. Now a damn boil on my butt and may be melanoma cancer will know in 2 weeks

    12. VA has assigned me to a shrink and he asked me what my attitude was like and I said I love life and God loves me , I am at peace with the world ! He asked me about the God loves me part and I said he must he is trying everything possible to break me and we are still buddies . The shrinks wants to seem me again in 3 weeks and asked me if I had thoughts of hamming myself ? I asked him if he was crazy and replied the powers that be are doing plenty of that with no help from me . Now let me hear all young me bitch about your infirmities and are still in the gym after all this ? It is called a crazy ass Marine and adapt and over come ! I can do anything !

    Let's Rock & Roll ! Lock and Load !
    I was just implying I’ve treated too much crap that you can’t recover from and that person knows it. F’n strokes where their spouse left them because of it, amputations that had fiancé’s leave, traumatic brain injuries where teens are little more than in a vegetative state and you gradually see the amount of visitors dwindle. I mean epic mind f**k type of s**t. With that said, I’m sure with you serving, you have seen more tragedies than all of us here put together. I’m ashamed of myself for not doing volunteer work with the VA. But now that I’m officially retired, maybe it’s time.

    Nice resume of injuries there Buzz. Got to tell you, I’d get both of my hips replaced again before I’d want a boil on my butt-crack, seriously. You being the warrior you are shows loud and clear! Twice in the gym this week, lifting again - hell f’n yes! Knowing you, you’ll be putting me to shame in no time at all, so I better get hustling! Thanks for that kick in the pants!

  17. #97
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    I don’t even read 90% of what FuidicWeirdo writes - I don’t have that much time for nonsense-usually

    Jesus! BMP - you’re something inspirational x100 to the 4th power

    Just wow!

    I agree with the attitude of “why cause self harm, when it’s done for me” < same shit here bud - fuck it, do the best we can & just keep going - no need to make it easy

  18. #98
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    Quote Originally Posted by wango View Post
    I was just implying I’ve treated too much crap that you can’t recover from and that person knows it. F’n strokes where their spouse left them because of it, amputations that had fiancé’s leave, traumatic brain injuries where teens are little more than in a vegetative state and you gradually see the amount of visitors dwindle. I mean epic mind f**k type of s**t. With that said, I’m sure with you serving, you have seen more tragedies than all of us here put together. I’m ashamed of myself for not doing volunteer work with the VA. But now that I’m officially retired, maybe it’s time.

    Nice resume of injuries there Buzz. Got to tell you, I’d get both of my hips replaced again before I’d want a boil on my butt-crack, seriously. You being the warrior you are shows loud and clear! Twice in the gym this week, lifting again - hell f’n yes! Knowing you, you’ll be putting me to shame in no time at all, so I better get hustling! Thanks for that kick in the pants!
    Damn, that's some shit. I would rather die than live with brain damage from a stroke. I have seen some stuff on TV of teenagers with traumatic brain injuries recovering - it's awful...

    How long did your hip replacement take to heal and were you able to get back to 100% mobility after? I've seen cases when people get them and go back to squatting and whatnot, and others that never walk right after. My dad (59) just got one side done. He's about 3 weeks into recovery and limping around and using the cane off and on.


    Much respect to everyone who went through shit and came out on top.

  19. #99
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    You really never know how much shit you can take, until it’s handed to you and you have no choice, but to go through it

    Having to tho, def make you feel & be quite different

  20. #100
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    11. Now a damn boil on my butt and may be melanoma cancer will know in 2 weeks

    Best of luck with that .....We'll be praying for you Buzz!!!
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  21. #101
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    Quote Originally Posted by Test Monsterone View Post
    Damn, that's some shit. I would rather die than live with brain damage from a stroke. I have seen some stuff on TV of teenagers with traumatic brain injuries recovering - it's awful...

    How long did your hip replacement take to heal and were you able to get back to 100% mobility after? I've seen cases when people get them and go back to squatting and whatnot, and others that never walk right after. My dad (59) just got one side done. He's about 3 weeks into recovery and limping around and using the cane off and on.


    Much respect to everyone who went through shit and came out on top.
    As Buzz said in the beginning, he has his wife and to have that support is so incredible and helps so much. To tackle some stuff on your own has got to be horrific. And kids, f-me; I gave up working pediatrics after the kid in the car accident with the brain injury. To my last day at school, I would preach to my kids about driving safe, not drinking & driving and wearing a damn seatbelt. Please don’t say, but you know the population that I work with, those kids are maniacs behind the wheel. I think the region that I teach at may lead the state with auto accidents involving teen drivers.

    At this day and age the hips and knees should go pretty well with relatively little problems.

    I was never really flexible, but got all my mobility back. Still though, you don’t want to overstretch it or do some crazy yoga poses. I think I finally got off a cane completely around the 3rd or fourth week. Being that I’ve seen so many patients try to rush the process and hurt themselves, I deliberately slowed the pace for both of the replacements and probably did far less than I could, but overall my hips never felt better & I never suffered issues. Hell, I’ve had some nasty falls and got in a motorcycle accident and still the hips came through without a hitch. The shoulder has to be done in a few years & that one has me worried about gym-life after that procedure.

    I think Ron Coleman had problems with his, but I bet the guy returned to doing way too much, way too soon.

    I try to not exceed my body weight when I actually bother to do leg presses & haven’t squatted since my 30’s, so that is not a concern. I may try to do deadlifts again, but with a hex bar. The key is trying to make these last a lifetime because sometimes replacing the replacement doesn’t go as well. With that said, I’ve known people that resumed running and skiing.

  22. #102
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    Quote Originally Posted by Test Monsterone View Post
    Damn, that's some shit. I would rather die than live with brain damage from a stroke. I have seen some stuff on TV of teenagers with traumatic brain injuries recovering - it's awful...

    How long did your hip replacement take to heal and were you able to get back to 100% mobility after? I've seen cases when people get them and go back to squatting and whatnot, and others that never walk right after. My dad (59) just got one side done. He's about 3 weeks into recovery and limping around and using the cane off and on.


    Much respect to everyone who went through shit and came out on top.

    Everyone is different . But for me I would say my latest hip replacement was the easiest to bounce back from . Hips are a cake walk Shoulders are the MFer and not sure my knee will ever be 100% but I can live with restricted range of motion . Yup Shoulder is the worst then Knee and then Hips most painful and with the hips possibly the only one that I was able to push harder and heal faster the rest are all a slow go . Not that any of these are a walk in the park .

    All the rest are just trauma recovery except coma and all I can say is it kicked my ass and still is ! If I am lifting steady at the 1 year mark I will be happy . Well pain meds kicking my ass and bad so GN all and gota shower and get ready for phone sex with my baby . she is in KY .

    GN all . Chat more later , can't hold eyes open and fingers fall asleep on the keys .......... Peace out until later . lol , Just fell outta my chair so time for bed alone and hope I can complete phone adventure
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  23. #103
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    Quote Originally Posted by < <Samson> > View Post
    I don’t even read 90% of what FuidicWeirdo writes - I don’t have that much time for nonsense-usually

    Jesus! BMP - you’re something inspirational x100 to the 4th power

    Just wow!

    I agree with the attitude of “why cause self harm, when it’s done for me” < same shit here bud - fuck it, do the best we can & just keep going - no need to make it easy
    His about me stuff says 19 if he is over 29 and saying stuff like he does ; one FKD up man that needs a gut check along with a brain scan . Not funney or near normal for an adult ????????????
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  24. #104
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    Quote Originally Posted by BuzzardMarinePumper View Post
    Everyone is different . But for me I would say my latest hip replacement was the easiest to bounce back from . Hips are a cake walk Shoulders are the MFer and not sure my knee will ever be 100% but I can live with restricted range of motion . Yup Shoulder is the worst then Knee and then Hips most painful and with the hips possibly the only one that I was able to push harder and heal faster the rest are all a slow go . Not that any of these are a walk in the park .

    All the rest are just trauma recovery except coma and all I can say is it kicked my ass and still is ! If I am lifting steady at the 1 year mark I will be happy . Well pain meds kicking my ass and bad so GN all and gota shower and get ready for phone sex with my baby . she is in KY .

    GN all . Chat more later , can't hold eyes open and fingers fall asleep on the keys .......... Peace out until later . lol , Just fell outta my chair so time for bed alone and hope I can complete phone adventure
    I never would have thought hips are the easier recovery. I have heard that shoulders are a bitch. Not looking forward to that. My right shoulder was messed up for 2 years and now it’s bearable with moderate weight, but still feels weird, like it’s not smooth in there.

    You have a good outlook, but I guess you have no choice but to move onward. We can never be reminded enough about sacrifice and perseverance with stories like yours.
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  25. #105
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    Quote Originally Posted by Test Monsterone View Post
    I never would have thought hips are the easier recovery. I have heard that shoulders are a bitch. Not looking forward to that. My right shoulder was messed up for 2 years and now it’s bearable with moderate weight, but still feels weird, like it’s not smooth in there.
    I dislocated my shoulder coming off a motorbike about 7 years ago, I also fractured the head of the humerus as I hit the ground. It's fine now but it makes a sort of raspy sound as it rotates in my shoulder joint. I've been considering going to have it checked just to see if I'm heading toward arthritis when I'm older. Who would I have check it? Physiotherapist? Chiropractor? Or just an X-ray at a doctor's office?

  26. #106
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fluidic Kimbo View Post
    I dislocated my shoulder coming off a motorbike about 7 years ago

    That would be when you were 12 right?!

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    Quote Originally Posted by Fluidic Kimbo View Post
    I dislocated my shoulder coming off a motorbike about 7 years ago, I also fractured the head of the humerus as I hit the ground. It's fine now but it makes a sort of raspy sound as it rotates in my shoulder joint. I've been considering going to have it checked just to see if I'm heading toward arthritis when I'm older. Who would I have check it? Physiotherapist? Chiropractor? Or just an X-ray at a doctor's office?
    I would highly recommend a very well referenced shrink for any and all conditions you may have . If you are jkn around , so am I . If your comments are really you views of life I would say get your emotional meds adjusted and increased . Are you in a half way house program or allowed to roam the streets freely ?
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  28. #108
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    Quote Originally Posted by BuzzardMarinePumper View Post
    I would highly recommend a very well referenced shrink for any and all conditions you may have . If you are jkn around , so am I . If your comments are really you views of life I would say get your emotional meds adjusted and increased . Are you in a half way house program or allowed to roam the streets freely ?
    I haven't gone through my medical/psychiatric record with a fine tooth comb... but I'm pretty sure I've never taken bodybuilding as far as a severe bowel injury. I did the severe liver injury thing for a while and learned from it, but I didn't do anything as 'kinky' as you did.

  29. #109
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fluidic Kimbo View Post
    I dislocated my shoulder coming off a motorbike about 7 years ago, I also fractured the head of the humerus as I hit the ground. It's fine now but it makes a sort of raspy sound as it rotates in my shoulder joint. I've been considering going to have it checked just to see if I'm heading toward arthritis when I'm older. Who would I have check it? Physiotherapist? Chiropractor? Or just an X-ray at a doctor's office?
    If you fractured the true head, that is the rounded cartilage covered region that forms part of the joint - that usually will turn arthritic because cartilage never heals. If the dislocation was bad enough, you still likely have shoulder instability (the shoulder joint is loose) and that will speed up the process & can cause other issues as well (like labrum tears or rotator cuff tears).

    Orthopedic physician that specializes in shoulders is best and a good physical therapist that knows their shoulders.

    An x-Ray for bone & cartilage issues, MRI for the labrum and rotator cuff.

    If it’s grinding (raspy) you kind of need to avoid the motions that contributes the most to that, because that isn’t helping the issue.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Fluidic Kimbo View Post
    I haven't gone through my medical/psychiatric record with a fine tooth comb... but I'm pretty sure I've never taken bodybuilding as far as a severe bowel injury. I did the severe liver injury thing for a while and learned from it, but I didn't do anything as 'kinky' as you did.
    Well see there my younger than I youthful mental patient . You now have goal to attempt to achieve that a true grown ass man has and survived . So there is still a sliver of hope for you and I am glad you admire me and hope to achieve only some of the limits I have pushed . So young mental grasshopper pay attention and there is a slim chance you could learn from my life learned lessons and not just parts of a Pokémon coloring books you remember coloring in when on one of your spa visits to regain your grip or to touch base with reality As far as kinky goes your mind cannot fathom the things I have explored as far as kinky goes ........ they are on a back burner right now but as soon as possible I will be back in the saddle and doing casting calls for pure KINKY that does not involve entering through any of my exits
    Last edited by BuzzardMarinePumper; 06-02-2021 at 12:15 PM. Reason: update facts :)

  31. #111
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    Quote Originally Posted by BuzzardMarinePumper View Post
    Well see there my younger than I youthful mental patient . You know have goal to attempt to achieve that a true grown ass man has and survived . So there is still a sliver of hope for you and I am glad you admire me and hope to achieve only some of the limits I have pushed . So young mental grasshopper pay attention and there is a slim chance you could learn from my life learned lessons and not just parts of a Pokémon coloring books you remember coloring in when on one of your spa visits to regain your grip or to touch base with reality
    Trying to do the yoga lotus pose on the toilet while defecating is how you kinked your bowel. I'll make a demonstrative video at some point.

    The human bowel will only kink if you try to force a yoga pose while in the process of fecal defecation.

  32. #112
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fluidic Kimbo View Post
    Trying to do the yoga lotus pose on the toilet while defecating is how you kinked your bowel. I'll make a demonstrative video at some point.

    The human bowel will only kink if you try to force a yoga pose while in the process of fecal defecation.
    To think I thought I would get a pass on this one and no one would know how this happened . You must Have seen this before with one of your mates

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    I forgot the memo ! DO not feed the trolls LMBO !
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  34. #114
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    Quote Originally Posted by BuzzardMarinePumper View Post
    LMBO !
    Laughing my bowel out?

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    Quote Originally Posted by Fluidic Kimbo View Post
    Laughing my bowel out?

    How does a senior or older member get a new name ? Did I miss something while I was away on vacation ? I bet we have messed with one another before .......... I just have a new tolerance level than a year ago or 2012 when I joined . PM me and tell me who you used to be . See it takes a lot to bother me I am more mature and really mellow from good drugs from the Dr I forgot who that was that posted all the Asian cartoons

  36. #116
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    Quote Originally Posted by Test Monsterone View Post
    I never would have thought hips are the easier recovery. I have heard that shoulders are a bitch. Not looking forward to that. My right shoulder was messed up for 2 years and now it’s bearable with moderate weight, but still feels weird, like it’s not smooth in there.

    You have a good outlook, but I guess you have no choice but to move onward. We can never be reminded enough about sacrifice and perseverance with stories like yours.
    Don't neglect it, TM. If it doesn't feel right, it probably isn't. Address it early, IMHO.
    There are 3 loves in my life: my wife, my English mastiffs, and my weightlifting....Man, my wife gets really pissed when I get the 3 confused...
    A minimum of 100 posts and 45 days membership required for source checks. Source checks are performed at my discretion.

  37. #117
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    Quote Originally Posted by BuzzardMarinePumper View Post
    I forgot the memo ! DO not feed the trolls LMBO !


    It’s funny to me at least, that people’s shit is so lame they actually troll

    Again - makes me feel normal af


  38. #118
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    Quote Originally Posted by BuzzardMarinePumper View Post
    I just have a new tolerance level than a year ago or 2012 when I joined . See it takes a lot to bother me I am more mature and really mellow from good drugs from the Dr . . . .
    I always heard that all of you Marines are chilled, mellow and tolerant Buzz. Hey, get me some of those good drugs from your doc please?

  39. #119
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    Quote Originally Posted by wango View Post
    I always heard that all of you Marines are chilled, mellow and tolerant Buzz. Hey, get me some of those good drugs from your doc please?

    lol , no true words have ever been spoken . A US Marine no better friend no worse enemy .

  40. #120
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    ^ I wish I could just delete posts made by this weirdo

    Anyone wanna gimme admin privileges, I’ll gladly do it
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