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Thread: What Motivates You?

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    JaneDoe is offline Banned
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    What Motivates You?

    We all have our own story as to how we found ourselves addicted to lifting weights. Whether you were always mesmerized by action heros and wanted to look like the stars you saw filling up the screen with muscle (back in the day, of course, as today any real musculature is considered “too much”) or perhaps you simply thought it would help you attract the opposite sex. Some people find themselves grossly out of shape and through the process of losing weight and trying to become a healthier person in general they slowly start to find themselves gravitating towards the muscle building efforts and then it takes over.

    It’s very common to hear people talk about their beginnings in bodybuilding being rooted in a childhood being bullied or at least feeling insecure due to appearance or just not fitting in. It’s almost as if they pile on slabs of muscle as some kind of meat shield to protect them from the judgement of other people, in hopes that they will show the world how strong they can be and how powerful they can become. While this is certainly a healthier alternative to feeling sorry yourself and harboring inner loathing or even worse turning to other addictions, some could argue it is just a defense mechanism and doesn’t address the real problem at it’s core.

    What motivates you? Is every rep and every set an attempt for revenge on someone in your life who treated you poorly? I think this is more common that we openly discuss, and even if it is not the driving force behind your entire dedication to building your ideal physique I believe more people fall on this for motivation than are willing to admit, at least to some degree. There is certainly an underlying “I’ll show them” theme to a lot of bodybuilders stories. Even when asked a lot of bodybuilders will deny that it is based in their ego or insecurity, or desire to prove a point – And then when discussing why they got started the story becomes a lot more clear.

    Now of course, not every bodybuilder is out for redemption. Many come from an athletic background and either found limited success in the sport of their choice or became more infatuated with the training in the gym required for their sport than the sport itself. These guys tend to be the more genetically gifted ones who bodybuilding because they are good at it more so than feel that burning necessity to do it.

    What makes YOU punish yourself on a daily basis day after day, week after week, month in and month out? For myself it was never viewed as an athletic endeavour, or healthy method of competition. It was an absolute disgust with mediocrity or lack of progress. I think most serious bodybuilders have some level of disdain for moderation and fitting in, or doing anything to the normal standards of society. Every day that I do the things I know I need to do to improve is a good day, and conversely if I even miss one notch in the plan for the day it can’t help but feel like a failure.

    If you are never satisfied with even your best effort and always feel you could be doing more, you are not alone in the world of bodybuilding. This mindset can be your best friend but also your worst enemy, so try to enjoy the journey during the process of never being satisfied.

    Last edited by JaneDoe; 01-02-2020 at 11:48 PM.
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  2. #2
    KINGKONG's Avatar
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    What Motivates You?

    Honestly don’t know?could be a number of things the gym makes me feel excellent after a really hard workout!all those chemicals in my brain making me feel lovely and naturally..I love drowning out everything and listening to music and forcing myself past failure.its therapy really..relieves stress and anxiety, gives me confidence and I think skinny people look weak..My father had a weight set always growing up..I’ve never had the best genetics far from it, but I could always outwork the neighborhood this point in my life it’s about love of bodybuilding and the positive effects weights and clean eating have on my health..getting up in the morning to workout had kept me from drinking ,drugs and staying up all night doing things I shouldn’’s the love of it has built character In’s not a hobby it’s a lifestyle..
    I guess to summarize I always liked Kai Greene quote in generation iron “it was the single most therapeutic choice for me” or something similar lol
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    Last edited by KINGKONG; 01-02-2020 at 06:53 PM.
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    I competed in 1988 and had no idea what I was doing. I thought diet was starving yourself. I placed 2 nd and said fuck this. I can’t live like this. It was good 1 time.
    Fast forward 23 years...: I continued lifting, but I was overweight and the Dr threatened me with a BP pill everyday if I didn’t get my act together. I checked my BMI and it said that I was obese. That changed everything.... no one is going to classify me as obese. I tried to lose weight and to no availI. I knew I needed a goal was to get on stage in bodybuilding. I went from 240 to 165 in 9 months and competed naturally. No AAS. I placed 2nd and that was it. I competed in Mexico and AAS is legal so I had a decision, do I continue and take AAS or stop. Naturally there was no way I could compete with the enhanced people. I decided to take AAS.
    It is a challenge against myself. How good can I get?
    It started out for health reasons and turned out that mediocrity was not acceptable. People need to see me and look at me knowing the time and effort that I put forth. I am better than mediocre and I am going to probe it. Originally I did not want to go any higher level of competition, but now IFBB is where I am headed. No one will work harder than me. I will show the younger generation what can be done if you put your mind to it. You are your own biggest weakness. Suck it up and push hard. I am proving you can do whatever you put your mind to...... and I am one stubborn son of a bitch.
    Tell me I can’t do something and I will prove you wrong.

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    You can't do it charger.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Obs View Post
    You can't do it charger.
    You are just like me mother fucker!

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    What Motivates You?

    Quote Originally Posted by charger69 View Post
    You are just like me mother fucker!

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    He’s younger and he’s got a non black face, face and a southern drawl
    Much different

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    Last edited by KINGKONG; 01-03-2020 at 08:57 AM.
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  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by charger69 View Post
    You are just like me mother fucker!

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    You cant do it.
    You dont even smoke!

  8. #8
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    I do it because I love hearing other people say dumb shit like:

    "oh... its nice that you can workout so much, but I'm more concerned with being a good family man. And besides, I have a job... and kids... and a goldfish, and.... no time... and [insert some "injury from high school football]... and..and..and... must be nice to not have those obligations...excuse, excuse, excuse".

    I just nod and say, "wow, that must be very challenging" and move on. Look at Charger and many other older guys on this board... we all have other things to be doing, but none of us are making excuses. I have sole custody of 3 kids, a needy (but perfect) girlfriend, a fairly aggressive job, a rambunctious dog that needs walking, and I'm heavily invested in school activities with my kids. I'm at the gym at 11pm, or 5 am, or over my lunch break because that's just what it takes. No BS excuses.

    Don't think I'm judging those people, I'm not. I could care less what they choose to do with their time, but I would have much more respect for them if they would just be honest and say "I just don't want to", fair enough, go be happy. I totally respect that. I'd rather be fly fishing in the mountains too.

    But all of their excuses motivate me because I'm able to prove to myself that I can do all the things I need to do, plus this. That I'm capable of so much more if I focus and tap into whatever it is that makes people so much more than we believe we're capable of being.

    Good thread,
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    Because i want to be the biggest and strongest motherfucker in the gym that day. Workin on it....having more time would definitely help tho. Most of the competitors in my gym are divorced and live by themselves and i do see that fitting this lifestyle. Bodybuilding is a very selfish cold sport when you really get into it. It just is. But thats what it takes if you wanna be the best. The kids come first , then there is the home upkeep, vehicles, wife (eyeroll) so ya i dont have as much free time as the other cats do in there. They can take more gear also and dont fear of going off on their family bc they dont have. Im fighting a battle with myself . I havent been eating and am already down 3 lbs... even on gear its tough sometimes but im pushing through some how and some way
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  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cuz View Post
    Because i want to be the biggest and strongest motherfucker in the gym that day.

    I'm the biggest in my gym every day. Then again, I train alone in my basement so......
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  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by kelkel View Post
    I'm the biggest in my gym every day. Then again, I train alone in my basement so......
    I feel similar jerking off.

  12. #12
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    Goddam Kel and Obs ... you bastards make me Laugh!
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  13. #13
    Proximal is offline Banned
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    I wake up in the morning and see my reflection in the mirror. Yup, that does it.
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    My motivation comes form a career failure with a background of binge eating, drinking, followed by strict deprivation, a sense of self-pity and a sprinke of unrequited love. I always had a sportive background, but I wasn't good at it due to my vices. Later I dropped out of ph.d. for being short on money and felt a sense of loss of purpose. That's the point in which I went down the juice road. If I'm not a doctor in my field, and not the life partner of whom I want, I might as well be the badassest woman I ever met and make the best with the resources I have.

    My life changed for the better. After seeing all the fuss about micros around here I stopped eating shitfood. And I didn't touch a ml of alcohol in over 4 months, not even during holidays, due to alch's anti anabolic effect. Gym keeps me full of energy, unlike vices. It's also helping me destress after work, and keeps me motivated too because I need cash for my hobby. So much win-win here.

    This bullying thing never shaped me. Since childhood I got my share of it for being robust, and a tomboy. I had a large pelvic girdle and thick legs, still do, and got criticized for it both at school and in the family. I'm not going to conform to their standrads though. For them it's a dissapoitment that their girl isn't deer-legged and fragile and girly, for me it's: hey, it can hold more muscle, let's fill this frame with *awesome*.
    Last edited by sv.elia; 01-04-2020 at 04:41 AM.
    “The thing women have yet to learn is nobody gives you power. You just take it. ” - Roseanne Barr

  15. #15
    KINGKONG's Avatar
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    What Motivates You?

    Quote Originally Posted by sv.elia View Post
    My motivation comes form a career failure with a background of binge eating, drinking, followed by strict deprivation, a sense of self-pity and a sprinke of unrequited love. I always had a sportive background, but I wasn't good at it due to my vices. *.

    Excellent story, you coulda just moped and sat around being sad about your poor luck and got fat..instead your crushing found your therapy in gym it seems ,and it helped you take charge of you ..When a person gets stuck with physical limitations, financial limitations, break ups, bullying , whatever the conflict is.. I figure you have two choices
    1 let everyone watch you fail, and Pity you abs lose respect for you
    2 or use that anger, poverty, girlfriend that cheated ..whatever , and use that to drive you.
    To it’s difference between between success and failure,I can’t do failure and from sounds of it ,neither could you! used to use guys in gym to harness my rage ..thinking about them fucking my girl ,or thinking of a guy with a gun to my head saying ,one more or I’ll shoot could get me the mental state to get 100 percent outta my body(considering variables).sounds silly, but I assume alot the guys that have been into weights for awhile, know what iam talking about..this isn’t just for the gym.,it’s for life..use all the negative emotions to push through tough times and let it drive you..make those ppl who turned their Backs or fucked You over in any way regret their actions..or at least shit on them with a perfect body and a new Porsche and a new girl who is perfect
    Triumph through adversity to me is difference between winners and losers
    Easy choice win
    Rant over

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    Last edited by KINGKONG; 01-04-2020 at 08:27 AM.
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  16. #16
    Fluidic Kimbo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sv.elia View Post
    Gym keeps me full of energy, unlike vices. It's also helping me destress after work, and keeps me motivated too because I need cash for my hobby. So much win-win here.

    I still think you should try a Buddhist meditation retreat, maybe try 3 days the first time. This one is in Romania:

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by KINGKONG View Post
    Excellent story, you coulda just moped and sat around being sad about your poor luck and got fat..instead your crushing found your therapy in gym it seems ,and it helped you take charge of you ..When a person gets stuck with physical limitations, financial limitations, break ups, bullying , whatever the conflict is.. I figure you have two choices
    1 let everyone watch you fail, and Pity you abs lose respect for you
    2 or use that anger, poverty, girlfriend that cheated ..whatever , and use that to drive you.
    To it’s difference between between success and failure,I can’t do failure and from sounds of it ,neither could you! used to use guys in gym to harness my rage ..thinking about them fucking my girl ,or thinking of a guy with a gun to my head saying ,one more or I’ll shoot could get me the mental state to get 100 percent outta my body(considering variables).sounds silly, but I assume alot the guys that have been into weights for awhile, know what iam talking about..this isn’t just for the gym.,it’s for life..use all the negative emotions to push through tough times and let it drive you..make those ppl who turned their Backs or fucked You over in any way regret their actions..or at least shit on them with a perfect body and a new Porsche and a new girl who is perfect
    Triumph through adversity to me is difference between winners and losers
    Easy choice win
    Rant over

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    KK is talking about the girlfriend that cheated???? Someone stole his username . LOL

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    Quote Originally Posted by sv.elia View Post
    ...a large pelvic girdle and thick legs....
    Ah.... If only I had a nickel for every time someone described me that way...

    Great reply, and kuddos to you for overcoming such obstacles!

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    What Motivates You?

    Quote Originally Posted by charger69 View Post
    KK is talking about the girlfriend that cheated???? Someone stole his username . LOL

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    You got me!!love her sooo much lol
    Iam over it, I’ll step over her body to the next phase..
    It’s great motivation to get pretty as possible then you shove it..humble like , in their faces..

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    Last edited by KINGKONG; 01-04-2020 at 02:07 PM.
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    You people are awesome

    Quote Originally Posted by Fluidic Cameron View Post

    I still think you should try a Buddhist meditation retreat, maybe try 3 days the first time. This one is in Romania:
    I do meditate, it's only that I can't leave work for that long. But this is a good thing, I can practice stillness in the middle of chaos.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Obs View Post
    I feel similar jerking off.

    Please stay out of my basement....
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    Quote Originally Posted by kelkel View Post
    Please stay out of my basement....
    I wouldn't risk a blow to my ego like that.

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    My motivation comes from the challenge.

    When we're younger, we might get in to this because of trying to get more chicks or because we're playing other sports. But none of that lasts. Hell, there are a lot of people that go to the gym when they're middle aged, because they want to lose weight. And that might get them through the door, but it'll fade and they won't stay.

    It's really those who enjoy the never-ending challenge to push themselves to new limits that stick around with this.

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    I've wanted to look good and have big muscles since I was a toddler. I remember being at my dad's friend's apartment when we were visiting and he had like a 15 or 20 lb hex dumbbell on the floor, and I kept pushing it around and looking at it - and I thought, I am going to be a strong muscular man when I'm older.

    Now I do it because it keeps me going. I can have a shit day, but lifting always somehow levels me out. Every now and then someone will say something complimentary and that picks me up a bit.
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    Shoveling snow for my neighbor. It’s just the right thing to do whether they appreciate it or not.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Capebuffalo View Post
    Fucking my neighbor’s wife. It’s just the right thing to do whether they appreciate it or not.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cuz View Post
    You don’t know my neighbors. Lol
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    Quote Originally Posted by Capebuffalo View Post
    Shoveling snow for my neighbor. It’s just the right thing to do whether they appreciate it or not.
    Apparently I’m a Nazi now. Go figure.

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    Getting bigger than Cape!

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    I forgot how much I have missed this site. Been laughing so hard the MRS came in and asked "WFT are you doing"? Missed you fuckers. You guys give me motivation.

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    Daum, it’s been over a year

    ^I kinda miss her^

    What motivates me - well, my ability to look like this post a hemorrhage is enough
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    Quote Originally Posted by < > View Post
    Daum, it’s been over a year

    ^I kinda miss her^

    What motivates me - well, my ability to look like this post a hemorrhage is enough
    Amen brother!!!

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    Quote Originally Posted by charger69 View Post
    Amen brother!!!

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    So, everyone around me says “take it easy” - I said I’ll take a few days off from the gym. After yesterday, I feel more tired than a heavy gym day - I covered the city 3x, from shop to shop, from call to another call - fuck, my gumming feels more like rest than a full day of my work.

  35. #35
    Oliver47 is offline Junior Member
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    What motivates me is my social circle and to do list which I write down every day.

    I only set 3 things to do well each day. They are tiny things, such as taking the rubbish out, reading one article and cooking a meal. For instance today, I wrote an essay (though partially I used help of ), took the rubbish out and changed the lightbulb thats been bothering me and the order of my bathroom cabinet. I don't have hundreds of things to do but by doing 3 tiny things a day, I do more things than most people do in a month.
    Last edited by Oliver47; 05-21-2021 at 06:34 AM.

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    I take back my original post. It was too generic and typical.

    Here's what motivates me. Ever go to the gym and not give it everything you have? Ever go bowling and after getting 11 strikes in a row you leave that last pin left? Ever go golfing and have a day where you just didn't play at your best level (I dont' mean necessarily your best score)? It really doesn't matter what the thing is I'm doing, what motivates me is going home and that feeling of disgust in myself. I know I could've done better and I didn't. And this will also bother me while I'm trying to sleep. I have to go back out there and redeem myself to myself.

    I hold myself to a standard that I don't hold others to.

  37. #37
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    Quote Originally Posted by Honkey_Kong View Post
    I hold myself to a standard that I don't hold others to.
    You have a lot in common with people who kill themselves.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Fluidic Kimbo View Post
    You have a lot in common with people who kill themselves.
    Why are you so obsessed with death?

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    Quote Originally Posted by Honkey_Kong View Post
    Why are you so obsessed with death?
    I was actually watching a monologue recently of a retired police officer who said that he was 'over-precautious about mortality'.

    This past year has been the year of death for me. I had another friend die 5 days ago. He has no known surviving relatives so we are waiting for the police to release his remains to us. I said we should get shovels and dig his grave together.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Honkey_Kong View Post
    I take back my original post. It was too generic and typical.

    Here's what motivates me. Ever go to the gym and not give it everything you have? Ever go bowling and after getting 11 strikes in a row you leave that last pin left? Ever go golfing and have a day where you just didn't play at your best level (I dont' mean necessarily your best score)? It really doesn't matter what the thing is I'm doing, what motivates me is going home and that feeling of disgust in myself. I know I could've done better and I didn't. And this will also bother me while I'm trying to sleep. I have to go back out there and redeem myself to myself.

    I hold myself to a standard that I don't hold others to.
    Dude, I am the worst at losing. I played mini golf with my new girl last year while on cycle and I was about to break someone's neck. I was sweating like a pig, hittin the ball way too hard, and my girl is all hitting hole-in-ones. I get uncontrollable anger on DHB, I swear.

    But I definitely relate to what you're saying. I'm the same way. I've been often told "you're too hard on yourself." If I win at something, I don't feel anything. If I lose, I feel shame and anger.

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