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  1. Day 1 - or is it day 62 perhaps?

    by , 07-22-2013 at 06:03 AM (An honest journey)
    Dear reader,

    On May 21 of this year I started a cutting session and today it have been 62 days since I started. After some hard realizations I came to the conclusion that a restart was needed. This was more a mental thing than anything else. Looking back at where I started 62 days ago and where I am now there is some significant progress. Is it amazing progress? Not by any standard but I will take any progress compared to the opposite option any day of the week. Updates here on this ...
  2. New week, new diet, new goal

    by , 07-19-2013 at 04:21 AM (An honest journey)
    Dear muscle fanatic friends,

    Got some good advice in a few threads in how to best approach my illusion about what my body actually should look like. I settled on some advice from krugerr who said I might consider doing something that is in the middle of the estimates that were found in the Member Pictures section and what the guys who measured me locally found. This means I am setting my current BF at 17% and calculating my Macros from that. I needed a few days of the diet to sort of ...
  3. Reality check - how to take bad pictures

    by , 07-18-2013 at 02:03 AM (An honest journey)
    Dear reader,

    The other day I wanted some feedback on what my potential body fat could be and posted some pictures in the 'Member Pictures' section - - and feedback I got (Also from my wife who told me I am NEVER again allowed to post pictures of myself without her approval). My calipers showed 10.5% - 11% but looking at myself in the mirror something seemed off. The guys posting some ...
  4. Awakening - what a difference

    by , 07-15-2013 at 06:53 AM (An honest journey)
    Hi guys,

    I simply had to make an entry today after feeling awake again after stopping the use of ketotifen. I assumed this did not have much impact on me but I was very wrong. I took my last dose on Saturday and today Monday I feel like I am about to bounce off the walls. There is an absolutely incredible difference in how I am feeling. Makes me question the use of ketotifen instead of cycling Clenbuterol. One thing I will test as soon as I have a chance is to take this stack 1h before ...
  5. Last week of cutting

    by , 07-14-2013 at 10:39 AM (An honest journey)
    Dear reader,

    This will be the last cutting week as I have hit just about 10.5% body fat and that is, IMO, enough at this time. My bulk that starts in a week will be a bit different. It's not that I have come up with a new genius plan that no one ever thought of before it is much simpler. I have a photo shoot in September and I need gains just enough to look hard and ripped but if I pump 500ml Test-E each week I'll blow up like a rookie roster. I need to look hard with enough gains to ...
    Tags: clen, cutting, keto
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