Quote Originally Posted by LOCUST View Post
hey bro, i totally understand what your saying, i can assure u the pics arent a good rep of the actual day,

This is my reasoning, this is my second show, my 1st i was prepped by one of the uk's best guys, (i paid money too) he loaded me traditionally 3 days, sodium load/deplete, water taper etc, aldcatone, and i came in as flat as a witches tit, still took second, but was not happy. as 2 days later i looked like i would have took the overall.

i have prepped myself this time, im bigger more lean, generally alot better off, its a learning curve, id love tohave the knowledge to get it bang on but i dont, kindly people like mike can help us out and ican getr somewhere, as with all i need to find what works for me, this is just one chance, next time i may try something different, how do we learn things if we dont try ?

Yes, I agree with you here. I hope whatever you do works out exceptionally well and you kick ass. I'm just giving you another outlook on it. I tried that method for almost every show I've done, diuretics, no diuretics, water drop, water load, shitload, no shitload, etc etc.

I will tell you this though, listen to Mike this year. When your prepping you need to trust in the guy helping you and listen to that guy exclusively. Getting advice from everybody will only frustrate you and over complicate things, just my opinion. Good luck with the shitload, and hope u kick ass at your show!