Took a rest day yesterday except for running a Boot Camp in the morning. Not super heavy but I could feel the Boot Camp workout and decided I needed to rest. Today the body still did not feel 100% but good enough to push through.
1: Clean Barbell Cycling: 4 minutes of:
-Position work with an empty barbell.
*For this new movement, take an empty barbell and for 4 minutes, just work positions with the mindset of slow is smooth, smooth is fast. For example, go from you start position, to below the knee, to the hang/above the knee, to mid-thigh, to down, to finish, to muscle clean, to front squat, to Sots press, stand, high hang, down, then repeat in any order or fashion. There is a difference in going through the motions, versus feeling the positions. “Feel” each position for at least 1 full second before moving to the next.
2: Muscle clean – Work up to a max single for the day.
NOTE:It’s in this movements especially I realize how far one has to go. Only got up to 90kg on this. Just keep on grinding and it will come!
3: Power clean + clean and jerk: 10 rounds – every 2 minutes, complete:-1x power clean + 1x clean and split jerk (Work up to a max for the day. No misses so keep it light, fast and crisp).
NOTE:For this one, I did an EMOM for 20 minutes and set the weight at a light 50kg to get more practice on this movement.
Work Capacity:
Every 90 seconds, perform:
-10x single leg squats, alternating.NOTE:Used green band to pull this one off.
-10x hang power clean (135#/95#)
-max rep strict pull-up
08-14-2016, 05:09 PM #322
Nicely done
I've been taking on your approach in regards to training. I'm sore as hell!
08-15-2016, 05:10 PM #323
This approach is suiting u well!
Been resting for two days as India celebrated independence day yesterday and things were in general closed and time with family felt more important! This rest did me real well though as today's leg day was fairly intense. I was able to rep 309lb (140kg) while doing back squats. My max has gone up to 160kg (~350lb). Super stoked about leg development right now. Just like GGR said, this training seems to work very well for me and I feel very excited about going there every single day.
Today's workout
1) Back squat:
65%x 8 reps @ 100kg
75%x 6 reps @ 112kg
85%x 4 reps @ 130kg
90%x 4 reps @ 140kg
*Rest 10 minutes, then:
2) Front squat:
70%x 5 reps @ 90kg
80%x 4 reps @ 95kg
85%x 3 reps @ 100kg
90%x 3 reps @ 105kg
Core: 3 rounds, not for time:
-10x Turkish Get Ups, 5R/5L (16-24kg KB/8-20kg KB)
-90-second GHD back extension hold (Hold for 90 second when your body is parallel to the floor, face down)
-5x Overhead medball toss (Medium weight. For these you will squat down, grab a medball and toss it as high and far behind you as possible).
-10x reverse hypers (Heavy)
Chest (At old gym):
Supine Bench
Decline dumbbell press
Incline Smith Machine
08-16-2016, 09:46 AM #325
nice workout bud
i have some front squats penciled in for today. been a while since i have last done them so i will focus on form.
keep on inspiring!
08-17-2016, 09:46 AM #326
i need some help with front squats. my wrist cannot take bending like that, it hurts on regular back squats.
i saw someone using some straps in a youtube channel and also the crossed arms, so may have to try that. the current gym does not have a squat rack so i am currently cleaning the weight to my chest and going from there. gym does have a smith machine but don't think front squats can be done on it.
I had this problem before I saw that PT guy who got me sorted out. I use a pretty wide "grip" which has helped. Before that I did just what you said, literally put in on my shoulders with arms just crossed. I have also started stretching my wrists in both the morning and in the evening. It has taken some time but I am starting to loosen up a bit.
Fell a bit behind today so I spent 10-15 minutes working on Snatch using just a barbell and then added 10kg of weight. The form is still extremely poor but just keep grinding it. Loved the work capacity as it involved jumping on a 40in (101.6cm) box.
Complete 3 rounds for max reps:
-30 seconds hang squat snatch (60% 1 RM snatch)
-60 seconds rest
-30 seconds strict handstand push-up (If you hit muscle failure, stay inverted and perform shoulder taps)
-2 minutes rest
Work Capacity:
Complete the following for time:
-30x DB snatch, alternating 20kg
-10x box jump over 40in
-20x DB snatch, alternating 24kg
-20x box jump over 30in
-10x DB snatch, alternating 24kg
-30x box jump over 24in
Worked triceps and biceps at my old gym.
08-17-2016, 12:22 PM #329Originally Posted by tarmyg
Had a nice workout today, legs felt a bit tired but that usually happens around this time of the week. Got a 3-day vacation trip starting tomorrow so no training until Monday. Should have a rower as Crossfit starting next week so I can add in all those missed rowing workouts that should have been there for the last 4-weeks :-)
1) Back squat:
65%x 6 reps 100kg
75%x 6 reps 115kg
80%x 6 rep x 2 sets 120kg
*Rest 10 minutes, then:
2) Front squat:
60%x 5 reps 90kg
65%x 5 reps 95kg
70%x 5 reps x 2 sets 105kg
For max reps:
-Tabata Wallballs 20# ball
-Rest 4 minutes
-Tabata ball slams 20# ball
08-18-2016, 09:41 AM #331
love rowing and miss it!
Have a great time on your vacation, you deserve some down time!
Awesome workout today. Felt like I was on fire pulling this off today. Super stoked about testing 1RM next week in back squats. Hopefully, will hit 160kg+. I was finally able to start doing the conditioning that they have been calling for and rowing was such fun! Had a great three-day vacation with my wife and daughter just relaxing in a wildlife park in South India seeing Elephants and other wild animals just roaming around, very cool.
Today's workout:
1) Back squat:
70%x 6 reps, 105kg
80%x 6 reps, 120kg
90%x 3 reps, 135kg
95%x 3 reps, 145kg
*Rest 10 minutes, then:
2) Front squat:
65%x 5 reps, 90kg
75%x 5 reps, 95kg
80%x 4 reps x 2 sets, 100kg
3 rounds, not for time:
-20x Medball GHD sit ups (20#/14#)
-60 second weighted plank (AHAP), added plates on back:
Round 1: 40kg
Round 2: 40kg
Round 3: 30kg
-5x Overhead medball toss (Medium weight. For these you will squat down, grab a medball and toss it as high and far behind you as possible).
-10x barbell GHD back extensions (AHAP but solid form)
Conditioning (Week 5/day1):
Complete 5 rounds of:
-1500m row (2:12-2:16/500m pace)
-Rest as needed
Round 1: 6.30
Round 2: 6.23
Round 3: 6.13
Round 4: 5.58
Round 5: 6.26
The body always feels so fried on my second day and then comes back on Wednesday. Today was no different, everything felt heavy but energy levels was at least high.
1: Clean complex: 10 rounds- Every 2 minutes, complete:
-1x power clean + 1x hang clean (Work up to a medium-heavy 1+1 for the day)
Still maxing this out at 70kg, just very poor technique!
2: Complete 3 rounds for max reps:
-30-second max rep power clean (60% 1 RM clean)
-60-seconds rest
-30-second max rep shoulder to overhead (Same weight used for power clean)
-2 minutes rest
Used only 50kg on this one.
Work Capacity:
“CF Mainsite WOD” Complete 21-19-15-12-9-6-3 reps for time of:
-DB burpee + hang squat clean + thruster (2x 35#/2x 25#)
-Pull up
Loved this one as it really got me to push hard.
08-24-2016, 07:14 AM #334
Woke up at 5am after almost no sleep at all today heading down to another part of the city to run a Police Boot Camp. That ended up being my only training for today as I simply could not move almost. Body aching, tired and yawning my way through some meetings. Super stoked about some professional developments that are going really well wich is something we have worked on for a while.
Today's workout:
100 Jumping Jacks
25 Burpees
25 Push Forwards
25 Dive Bomber Push-ups
100 Lunges
30 Second Push-up Plank
30 Mountain Climbers
40 Second Push-up Plank
40 Mountain Climbers
6x60 Second Elbow Planks
Another day another workout. Legs are so heavily worked on right now that it will blow my mind if my 1RM have no gone up testing it next week. I still have not been able to wrap my head around the fact that this is something I should have done years ago regarding training. I stop by Marcus300 HIT thread from time to time and seeing people in there work their ass off is very inspiring and at the same time they have found what works for them, and that is my point. If you found what works for you regarding food and training, do not change it. For me, CrossFit in combination with a "good food" diet where I eat enough protein and just fill up the rest seems to work very well.
Today's workout:
1) Back squat:
75%x 4 reps, 115kg
80%x 4 reps x 3 sets, 120kg
*Rest 10 minutes, then:
2) Front squat:
60%x 5 reps, 80kg
65%x 5 reps, 85kg
70%x 5 reps x 2 sets, 90kg
At 70% effort, complete 20-15-10-5 reps of:
-Strict toes to bar
-barbell back extensions, 20kg plate used
Conditioning (Week 5/day2):
Complete 4 rounds of:
-500m row (1:48-1:52/500m pace)
-Rest as needed
Went into to train pretty late today and ended up doing the Strenght and WOD that the gym posted. Was pretty fun doing it in a group anyways compared to always doing it solo.
EMOM - 10-minutes
3 x Deadlifts, 110kg
Conditioning, for time:
900m Run
3 rounds of:
20 KB Snatches, 20kg
15 Pushups
10 Pull-ups
Core, for time:
50 Situps
30 Hollow-rocks
4 x 30 seconds 20kg Planks
08-26-2016, 10:25 AM #338Originally Posted by tarmyg
08-26-2016, 11:06 AM #339
Correct me if I'm wrong but from what i researched about Tren . And not that I never cycled in my life.. But i read that it's for like a month pre or post intense competitions, fights etc. to get the aggression to push further and just for pure strength...so wouldn't dosing Tren for a year straight be a not so wise choice....I'm just gaining Intel here with questions. By no means am I insulting you. Thanks
Not sure what you are referring to but I am not running tren for one year straight. Tren do not agree with me so I am no longer running it.
BOOM!!! New Back Squat 1RM at 160kg (350lb). Full disclosure, it was one ugly lift but damn it I got it up. Cramped up in calfs and even my jaw felt tired afterward. Haha, awesomeness! Finished of the rest of the workout pretty tired but happy. Ran a Police Boot Camp in the morning at 6.30 am before my own workout.
25 Jumping Jacks
25 Lunges
50 Pushups
50 Push presses
50 High pulls
Blast (no rest between sets):
Air squats
Pushup Plank
Mountain Climbers
Strength (Week 7/Day 1):
1) Back squat:
70%x 5 reps, 105kg
80%x 5 reps, 120kg
85%x 2 reps, 130kg
90%x 3 reps, 140kg
100%x 1 reps, 160kg (BOOYA!!!)
*Rest 10 minutes, then:
2) Front squat:
70%x 4 reps, 80kg
75%x 4 reps, 80kg
80%x 4 reps, 80kg
85%x 4 reps, 80kg
3 rounds, not for time:
-10x Eccentric GHD sit ups (5 seconds down, then explode up)
-60 L-Sit
-20x Standing barbell Russian Twist, 10R/10L (AHAP)
-8x Good morning (Medium – Heavyweight)
Conditioning (Week 6/day1):
Complete 5 rounds of:
-1,250m row (2:08-2:10/500m pace)
2 minutes rest between rounds
08-29-2016, 03:33 AM #342
Tuesday and I am feeling extraordinarily tired so will have that checked.
1: Tempo 3-position snatch:
10 rounds- Every 2 minutes, complete:
-1x tempo high hang snatch + 1x hang snatch + 1x snatch (Work up to a max 1+1+1 for the day)
2: Perform the following until you complete a total of 50 handstand push ups:
-Min 1 = 5x squat snatch (60% 1 RM Snatch)
-Min 2 = Rest rest
-Min 3 = max rep strict handstand push-up
Work Capacity:
Complete the following for time:
-10x thruster, 50kg
-40x Knees to elbow
-8x thruster, 50kg
-30x toes to bar
-6x thruster, 50kg
-20x strict toes to bar
-4x thruster, 50kg
-10x medball/weighted toes to bar (14#/8#)
-2x thruster, 50kg
08-30-2016, 09:35 AM #344
I take that back. I confused Tren with Halotestin ...my bad.
08-30-2016, 10:09 AM #345
Did not post yesterday but ran a Boot Camp for the Police and after that went home and crashed in bed for 1h before starting the workday. Got some cool news as we will start to train the Anti-terrorist people in mid-September. Starting with 20 out of the 175 men squad. We will bring them up to international standard in terms of fitness. Their main thing is agility, scaling walls and such. Pretty psyched about this one :-)
Today's squats felt super easy after one extra day's rest. Still working on bringing up those front squats in terms of weight.
1) Back squat:
70%x 4 reps, 112kg
75%x 4 reps, 120kg
80%x 4 reps, 128kg
85%x 4 reps, 135kg
*Rest 10 minutes, then:
2) Front squat:
60%x 5 reps, 85kg
65%x 5 reps, 90kg
70%x 5 reps x 2 sets, 95kg
For time:
-100m 1-arm OH KB carry, right arm, 24kg
-100m 2-arm farmers carry, 24kg
-100m 1-arm OH KB carry, left arm, 24kg
-100m 2-arm farmers carry, 24kg
*For the 1-arm OH carries, the “resting” arm will hold the 2nd KB in the front rack position. You will have 2 KB with you the entire 400 meters.
Conditioning (Week 6/day2):
Complete 4 rounds of:
-750m row (1:52-1:56/500m pace)
Back in the box this morning after fighting some fatigue like syndromes last week. Seems to be getting better so I felt pretty refreshed today. I started having a problem in the right arm muscle (It is a different spot from what they worked on in my physio) so doing Clean and Jerk became Power Clean and Jerk. Got to head back to get that problem squared away. The second big update is a switch in the programming. I moved from the weightlifting focus over to a competition focused program to get more training on handstand walks, muscle-ups and other gymnastic related movements.
Today's training:
1. Clean and Jerk
5x3 Clean and Jerk at 75% - no TnG, 60kg
Used a crappy 60kg on this one, the arm is to injured to be used in this manner.
2. Back Squat
3RM Box Squat with bands and/or chains, 200kg
3. Front Squat
5x5 Front Squat at 75% across, 80kg
4. Strength Conditioning
5 rounds NOT for time of:
Max Push Press, Bodyweight, 70kg, 60kg
Max Strict TTB
* No rest between movements, 3-minute rest between rounds
Awesome day training today as there were two other people there doing the same and it was easier to push harder. Pushed as hard as I could but conditioning has far to go before I am even close to ready. Some months before the CrossFit Open 17 starts which is just a practice run as I am targeting CrossFit Open 18.
1. Conditioning
With a running clock...
15 Cal Rowing
21 DL (115/80)
Rest 5:00
10 Cal Rowing
15 FS (115/80)
Rest 5:00
5 Cal Rowing
9 Thrusters (115/80)
2. Run
5x500m Run on TF, 2 min rest
3. Midline
4 Rounds of:
Another heavy day! Up at 5am for a Police Boot Camp and after that my own training. Will be nice with a rest day tomorrow if that is on schedule because legs feel absolutely fried!!!
Police Boot Camp:
100 Jumping Jacks
Workout, 5 rounds, 1 min rest:
10 Pushups
20 Shoulder-ups
30 Push presses
HIIT, 2 rounds, no rest:
10 Burpees
15 Mountain Climbers
30s Pushup Plank
Elbow planking, five 1 min rounds, 15s rest
Crossfit workout:
1. Snatch
5x3 Used empty bar only.
2. Barbell Cycling
10-8-6-4-2 unbroken Hang Power Cleans for time, 60kg
3. Conditioning
50 WB
50 DU
40 BJ
40 TTB
30 CTB
30 Burpees
20 Cleans, 40kg
20 Jerks, 40kg
10 Snatches, empty bar
10 Ring MU
Ended after snatches, did not get to MU
4. Gymnastics Conditioning
10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 of:
Strict C2B Pull ups, used blue band
Strict Ring Dips, used a GHD and dipped between pins
Pistols, green band between poles
Luckily got a day's rest yesterday! Needed it badly and considering what was on today's schedule not sure I would have gotten through it otherwise.
Today's workout:
1. Front Squat
8x3 at 80%, across, 100kg
2. Power Clean
5x3 at 75% - No TnG, 70kg
3. Conditioning
Overhead Squat, 30kg (Anyone who sees me doing OHS will laugh as I am so stiff I can not get down with heavy weights.)
400 Meter 10kg vest run
4. Conditioning
4 Rounds of:
15 Calorie Ski Erg
50' Double KB OH Walking Lunge, 1.5/1-pood
10 KB Snatches
Kept things simple today.
EMOM - 60 minutes:
Even minute - Calorie Row, 10kcal
Odd minute - Burpees - 10
Only got 40 minutes in, a bit of a disappointment but I'll improve!
Today's load was pretty intense. I felt very strong though which will come in handy when we start the Police Commando training. Got an appointment with Dr. Kannan tomorrow to look at my right lower arm. If he fixes this problem as fast as the previous one I'll be mighty impressed.
Today's workout:
1. Clean and Jerk
5x3 Squat Clean and Jerk at 80% - no TnG, 60kg
2. Back Squat
3RM Back Squat with bands and/or chains, this is now 150kg
3. Front Squat
5x5 Front Squat at 80% across, 100kg
4. Strength Conditioning
5 rounds NOT for time of:*
Max Rep Bench Press, Bodyweight, 80kg
Max Strict Pull-ups
No rest between movements, 3-minute rest between rounds
5. Strength Accessory
Complete 3 Supersets of:
A. 8 Single-Leg Front Rack Step ups (8/side before switching), 20kg KB held in front.
B. 8-12 Glute Ham Raises
* Rest 1-2 minutes between rounds.
6. Strength Accessory
Complete 3 Supersets of:
A. 10-15 Strict Dumbbell Shoulder Press
B. 20-30 Overhead Banded Tricep Extensions
* Rest 1-2 minutes between rounds.
7. Strength Accessory
Cross Over Symmetry Iron Scap Protocol
-if you don't have X-over symmetry - buy it - and today do 100 band pull a partsLast edited by tarmyg; 09-12-2016 at 08:38 AM.
09-12-2016, 09:05 AM #353
damn T, you are really getting after it!
Facing some riots int the city at this time to my Drs appointment got canceled. Was not 100% today so workout was pretty slow and I just all around tired.
1. Conditioning
With a running clock...
750m Row Buy-In...In remaining time complete AMRAP:
9 Hang Sq Cln (95/65), 25 DU
Rest 5:00
500m Row Buy-In...In remaining time complete AMRAP:
9 Hang Sq Cln (135/95), 25 DU
Rest 5:00
250m Row Buy-In...In remaining time complete AMRAP:
9 Hang Sq Cln (185/65), 25 DU
2. Midline
50 Hip Extensions
120 Second D-Ball Hold, 150/100 (Bear Hug Style)
35 Hip Extensions
90 Second D-Ball Hold, 150/100 (Bear Hug Style)
20 Hip Extensions
60 Second D-Ball Hold 150/100 (Bear Hug Style)
The tiredness I have been experiencing have subsided dramatically. Last week was so bad I could not train but since I spent it on vacation in Goa on a beach it really did not matter much. Today my body is starting to feel close to 100% even though the right arm is still bothering me and I got a new appointment on September 27th. Today's workout was pretty heavy but it felt all around good.
1. Snatch
5x3 Squat Snatch at 75% - no TnG
As always, 30kg, to try and perfect form. Should be able to start increasing this in a few weeks I hope.
2. Squat
3RM Front Squat
60kg, 70kg, 80kg, 90kg, 100kg
3. Back Squat
4x7 @ 70% across
4. Strength Conditioning
5 rounds NOT for time of:*
Max reps of unbroken Power Cleans, Bodyweight, 3 reps at 80kg, this is where my right arm kills me.
Max reps of unbroken Strict HSPU, 18, 13, 8, 5, 4
No rest between movements, 3-minute rest between rounds
5. Strength Accessory
Complete 3 Supersets of:
A. 8 Bulgarian split Squats (8/side before switching )
B. 8-12 Good Mornings
* Rest 1-2 minutes between rounds.
6. Strength Accessory
Complete 3 Supersets of:
A. 10-15 Dumbbell Bench Press
B. 20-30 Banded Tricep Push Downs
* Rest 1-2 minutes between rounds.
7. Strength Accessory
Cross Over Symmetry Iron Scap Protocol
Took a good 2h 15m to finish this workout.Last edited by tarmyg; 09-20-2016 at 02:09 AM.
Another day another workout. The increase in how many Wall Balls (i.e I did all WB in a row today with no pause) I can now pull off is for me a VERY good sign of the how my conditioning is getting better. Going to be fun to run through the CrossFit Open in 2017, which is my test run for 2018. Got some good inspiration from others working out at the same time as me. Always helps me push harder when not going solo when it comes to conditioning in particular.
1. Conditioning
With a running clock...
50 WB Buy-In
12 DL 80kg, 12 Barbell Burpees
... Rest 5:00 ...
35 WB Buy-In
9 DL 100kg, 9 Barbell Burpees
... Rest 5:00...
20 WB Buy-In
6 DL 120kg, 6 Barbell Burpees
2. Run Conditioning
1-2-3-4-5-6 mins on Tire Flips, rest 1/2 the time
3. Odd Object Conditioning
5 RFT:
5 OH Press, 70kg
7 Bar MU
4. Midline
5 supersets:
15 Weighted Hip Extensions
09-20-2016, 09:30 AM #357
Today is was pretty heavy and as I have gained weight but arms have not caught up so legless rope climbs became a big NO NO :-) Well, there is a time and place for everything and right now I am just going to trust the process! Another Police Boot Camp in the morning and then my own training!
Morning Boot Camp
5 Rounds with 45s rest in between of
15 Squat Thrusters
15 Lunges (15 on each leg)
15 Air Squats
4 rounds with no rest
10s Push-up plank
10 Mountain Climbers on each leg
5 rounds with 20s rest in between
1min Elbow Plank
Cool Down
My own workout:
1. Clean and Jerk*
A. 1x3 at 60%,
B. 1x3 at 70%,
C. 3x3 at 75%
*All reps are drop from the top
2. Pull Work
4 sets of 5 Clean Pulls at 85%
3. Front Squat:
A. 1x3 at 75%,
B. 1x1 at 80%,
C. 1x3 at 75%
D. 1x1 at 85%
4. Conditioning
1 Round:
800 Meter Row
160 Single-Unders, 21 HPC (135/95)
2 Rounds:
400 Meter Row
80 Single-Unders, 15 HPC (135/95)
3 Rounds:
200 Meter Row
40 Single-Unders, 9 HPC (135/95)
5. Gymnastics Conditioning
3 mins of max rep Legless Rope Climbs
2 mins of max rep Ring Muscle ups
1 min of max Strict HSPU
3 mins of max rep Rope Climbs
2 mins of max rep Bar Muscle ups
1 min of max kipping HSPULast edited by tarmyg; 09-21-2016 at 07:39 AM.
09-21-2016, 07:55 AM #359
Man on fire!
Rest day today so headed out to the old gym and worked the chest some using my old routine!
Today's workout:
Supine Bench Press
Decline dumbbell press
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First Test-E cycle in 10 years