Last week was a deload week and we are back on schedule as of today. My arm is feeling good, breathing is good, strength is good and technique is improving day by day. I can now do Double Unders if I do one Single Under in between. Progress! :-) My goal of 2018 was well thought through I think as that is exactly the kind of time a slow learner like myself needs.
Today's training:
1. Snatch
60%/3 - 30kg
65%/3 - 40kg
(70%/3)3 - 50kg/60kg
2. Snatch Pull
(85%/3)4 - 80kg
3. Back Squat
(65%/8)3 - 120kg
4. Gymnastics Conditioning
6 sets of 4 unbroken chest-to-bar
Rest 1 minute between sets
5. Conditioning
45 SU
15 Power Cleans - 60kg
45 SU
15 T2B
Had a bit of heavy breathing this morning that disappeared during the training. Ordered a high-quality air purifier that should hopefully help.
1. Conditioning
"Freedom Sauce"
21 Overhead Squats - bar weight
21 Over-the-Erg Burpees
Max Calorie Row
Rest 3:00
18 Overhead Squats - 30kg
18 Over-the-Erg Burpees
Max Calorie Row
Rest 3:00
15 Overhead Squats - 40kg
15 Over-the-Erg Burpees
Max Calorie Row
Rest 3:00
12 Overhead Squats - 50kg
12 Over-the-Erg Burpees
Max Calorie Row
NOTE: I should have 100% used heavier weights in the OHS.
2.Gymnastics Conditioning
6 sets of 6 unbroken Strict HSPU
Rest 1 minute between sets
3. Conditioning
3 RFT:
20 Calorie Bike
Nice workout today and I started this morning with a long stretch and warm-up. Made a huge difference. I am starting to nail down the perfect warm-up but of course, that is a work in progress, always!
1. Clean & Jerk
60%/3+1 - 50kg
65%/3+1 - 60kg
(70%/3+1)4 - 70kg
2. Clean Pulls
(85%/3)4 - 90kg
3. Front Squat
(65%/5)4 - 95kg
4. Conditioning
"Fixed Linda"
For time:
Deadlifts - 120kg
Bench - 90kg
Squat Clean - 50kg
Finally back after 9 days sickness. Did feel almost 100% today. I have changed my diet to a Ketogenic Diet as I need to drop some weight before the end of February. I am already in Ketosis and my new method for getting there made this transition super simple.
1. Snatch
60%/3 - 30kg
65%/3 - 40kg
70%/3 - 50kg
75%/3 - 50kg
(80%/3)2 - 60kg
2. Snatch Pull
95%/3)4 - 80kg
3. Back Squat
70%/8 - 110kg
75%/8 - 120kg
80%/8 - 130kg
4. Gymnastics Conditioning
5 sets of 6 unbroken muscle-ups
5. Conditioning
21 Wallballs - 9kg
18 Hang Power Snatches - 35kg
15 Bar Facing Burpees
12 C2B PU
The body could clearly feel the workout from yesterday, not bad but you could tell I had not trained for 9-days. A pretty short session today but conditioning is starting to feel better. Still keeping weights a bit too low and I'll need to increase that a bit in the next workout that is similar to this one.
1. Conditioning
"Wise Men"
Macho Man - 40kg
Rest 3:00
Macho Man - 50kg
Rest 3:00
Macho Man - 60kg
*1 Macho Man Complex = 3 Power Cleans, 3 Front Squats, 3 Push Jerks
NOTE: Should have started at 50kg or even 60kg in the first round.
2. Gymnastics Conditioning
6 sets of 9 unbroken Strict HSPU
3. Conditioning
9 Rounds rowing:
1:40 on, :20 off
Rest 2:00 after Round 5Last edited by tarmyg; 12-06-2016 at 02:08 AM.
Another day another workout :-) Somewhat easy load today but felt overall very good!
1. Clean & Jerk
60%/3+1 - 40kg
65%/3+1 - 50kg
70%/3+1 - 60kg
75%/3+1 - 60kg
(80%/3+1)2 - 80kg
NOTE: Not sure why I all of a sudden could do 80kg CJ but it felt easy. My technique must have gotten super improved.
2. Front Squat
70%/5 - 80kg
(75%/5)3 - 90kg
3. Conditioning
1500m Row
50 Calorie Bike
1500m Row
12-07-2016, 09:46 AM #407
how's the arm treating you?
looks like you are killing it man!
what was this new thing you did to get into ketosis?
Arm is about 80-90% I would say.
I eat unlimited amounts of food while getting into Ketosis before making any reductions. Made the transition super simple from a diet perspective. I would be lying if I said living in southern India and eating low-carb was easy as they are 80% vegetarians in this part of the country.
Thanks for checking in also, really feel like things are turning around at the moment and like always, the sun will go up tomorrow no matter what I do so might as well rise with it.
Rest day so I visited my old gym and did some chest isolation exercises.
Very short on time today so training was not as intense as it needed to be. Got most of it done though. Missed back squat today, 3x8.
1. Snatch
65%/3 - 30kg
70%/3 - 35kg
75%/3 - 40kg
80%/2 - 45kg
85%/1 - 50kg
90%/1 - 60kg
(80%/1)3 - 50kg
2. Clean & Jerk
65%/2+1 - 40kg
70%/2+1 - 45kg
75%/2+1 - 50kg
80%/2 - 60kg
85%/1 - 70kg
90%/1 - 80kg
(80%/1)3 - 70kg
3. Conditioning
12 Box Jumps (30/24")
9 Power Snatch (135/95#)
6 C2B + 3 Ring Dips
4. Conditioning
5 RFT:
20-16-12-8-4 Throw 20# ball behind you as far as possible
50' Handstand Walk with guide
20-16-12-8-4 Pistols
50' Handstand Walk with guide
Pretty decent day today and we are about 3-months away from competition time. This year (2017) is a pure test year for me and it will be super interesting so see how I stack up against others in the masters class here in India.
1. Power Snatch
(65%/2)3 - 60kg
NOTE: That is really more like 90% of what I can do but it gets too easy otherwise as it is not strength that is missing but technique.
2. Snatch Pull
(75%/3)3 - 90kg
3. Overhead Squat
(65%/3)3 - 60kg
NOTE: Almost my nemesis this darn movement as I am stiff like a plank. But, managed to pull off this weight without falling forward which is a huge feat for me.
4. Conditioning
For time:
30 Box Jumps (30/24")
30 C2B Pull-ups
30 KB Swings (2/1.5 Pood)
30 Front Squats (135/95#)
30 T2B
30 Push Press (135/95#)
30 Deadlifts (135/95#)
30 Wallballs (30/20#)
30 Bar Facing Burpees
30 Double-unders
TIME: ~34 minutes
Quick workout today during our scheduled deload week! Feels like we just had one but I trust this guy and his programming so no issues there :-)
1. Conditioning
"The Chief"
5 Rounds:
3 Power Snatch - 60kg
6 Push-ups
9 Air Squats
*Rest 1:00 after each round
12-13-2016, 11:27 AM #413
man you are tearing it up
making me feel like i dont do shit!
Still deloading until the end of this week. Today was pretty heavy only due to one exercise, rope climbs. My arms are simply too weak compared to body weight which is something I'll have to work on. I pushed through, though.
1. Power Clean
(65%/2)3 - 80kg
NOTE: 80kg is pretty much max for me with my technique right now but going lower makes this not a useful workout.
2. Clean Pull
(75%/3)3 - 90kg
3. Back Squat
(65%/2)3 - 110kg
4. Conditioning
For Time:
5 Legless Rope Climbs
25 Cal Assault Bike
Rest 2:00
4 Legless Rope Climbs
20 Cal Assault Bike
Rest 1:30
3 Legless Rope Climbs
15 Cal Assault Bike
Rest 1:00
2 Legless Rope Climbs
10 Cal Assault Bike
Rest :30 seconds
1 Legless Rope Climbs
5 Cal Assault Bike
NOTE: Scaled down and used regular rope climbs.
As always on Thursdays, I go to my old gym and do some chest and arms isolation movements. My arms exercises have a very specific purpose, being able to climb a peg board and improve rope climbs but as my arms still can not do pure bicep movements I am inventing ways around that that worked well today. Will take a few months to improve the strength to where it needs to be.
12-15-2016, 05:38 AM #416
Took yesterday off. My body was simply not up for it, completely worn out. Today I was back at it however and it was a fairly heavy conditioning session.
1. Gymnastics Conditioning
Muscle-up practice
2. Conditioning
For time:
1 Round of Eva
2 Rounds of Kelly
1 Round of Eva
1 Round Eva = 800m Run, 30 KB Swings (32/24kg), 30 Pull-ups
1 Round Kelly: 400m Run, 30 Box Jumps (24/20"), 30 Wallballs (20/14#)
Deload week done and we are back into full swing again. Must admit it is hard to follow the "recommended" weights so the decision to use 2017 as a test year is looking very smart right now. Considering there are many gymnastics movements I can not do yet that is something I got over a year to get right. The next few weeks are high volume and mid-to-high intensity weightlifting, with some heavy pulls and squat waves. It’s likely to get a little interesting.
1. Power Snatch
60%/3 - 30kg
65%/3 - 40kg
70%/3 - 50kg
(75%/3)3 - 60kg
2. Snatch Pull
(100%/3)4 - 80kg
3. Back Squat
75%/5 - 120kg
80%/1 - 130kg
75%/5 - 120kg
83%/1 - 135kg
75%/5 - 120kg
85%/1 - 140kg
NOTE: Technically I keep round this up. Keep adding super small 1kg weights back and forth on the bar makes zero sense to me!
4. Gymnastics Conditioning
6 strict Musle ups
12 strict c2b
18 strict pull ups
NOTE: Most of this is simply practice for me, not a chance I am doing strict MU at this stage.
5. Conditioning
With a running clock
at the 0:00
Squat Cleans - 60kg
Strict Ring Dips
at the 10:00
Power Cleans - 70kg
Strict Ring Dips
at the 20:00
9-7-5 reps
Hang Squat cleans - 70kg
Strict Ring Dips
12-19-2016, 06:55 PM #419
Damn, that's is some work right there!!!
Today working out felt really good. Kept a good pace and conditioning seems to improve at a slow but steady speed.
1. Row Conditioning
9 Rounds:
1:40 on, :20 off
*Rest 2 min rest after round 5
NOTE: Distance 4033m
2. Bike Conditioning
7 Rounds:
20 Cals
Rest :40 between efforts
3. Run Conditioning
5 Rounds:
Rest 1:00 between efforts
4. Conditioning
3 Rounds:
500 Meter Row
12 Push Jerks - 70kg
15 T2B
Another workout that felt great and this after running a boot camp for the Police this morning. Conditioning is 100% increasing :-)
1. Power Clean + Power Jerk
60%/2+1 - 60kg
70%/2+1 - 70kg
(75%/2+1)3 - 75kg
2. Clean Pull
(100%/3)4 - 100kg
3. Front Squat
75%/3 - 85kg
80%/1 - 90kg
75%/3 - 85kg
83%/1 - 95kg
75%/3 - 85kg
85%/1 - 100kg
NOTE: This is to light. Need to test one RM.
4. Conditioning
75 SU Buy-In
15 Deadlifts - 100kg
15 Bar Facing Burpees
Rest 3:00
75 SU Buy-in
10 Deadlifts - 120kg
10 Bar Facing Burpees
Rest 3:00
75 SU Buy-in
5 Deadlifts - 140kg
5 Bar Facing Burpees
5. Gymnastics Conditioning
EMOM 12:
Odd: 20 GHDSU
Even: 10 Strict HSPU
Today's workout. The load, seen over a week, is somewhat high, so my nutrition needs to be fine tuned over the next 60-days to be optimal for the Open at the end of February. It really should be optimal already, but this is, of course, a never-ending quest for perfection. I also failed one of my back squat lifts today, and that is another sign my nutrition needs improvement.
1. Snatch
65%/4 - 30kg
70%/4 - 40kg
75%/4 - 45kg
80%/3 - 50kg
(85%/3)2 - 50kg
2. Clean & Jerk
65%/3+1 - 50kg
70%/3+1 - 60kg
75%/3+1 - 70kg
80%/3+1 - 70kg
(85%/3+1)2 - 75kg
3. Back Squat
78%/4 - 125kg
83%/1 - 135kg
78%/4 - 125kg
86%/1 - 140kg
78%/4 - 125kg
88%/1 - 145kg (Failed this lift)
4. Conditioning
EMOM 18:
Min 1: 20 Cal Bike
Min 2: 10 chin-ups
Min 3: AMRAP Throw 9kg behind as far as possibleLast edited by tarmyg; 12-23-2016 at 04:25 AM.
Well, we are in the holiday season so training is quite sporadic, to say the least. Will not be fully back until January 4 as school is back on at that time.
Today was crazy heavy for me. Had a hard time with the last round but pushed through. I skipped rope climbs, again, as arms keep messing up when I do them. Not sure how to ever train that stuff but it is what it is.
1. Hang Clean
60%/3 - 60kg
65%/3 - 70kg
(70%/3)3 - 75kg
2. Clean Pull
(105%/3)4 - 100kg
NOTE: Need weight increase
3. Jerks
60%/3 - 65kg
70%/3 - 70kg
75%/3 - 75kg
(80%/3)2 - 80kg
4. Front Squat
78%/3 - 80kg
83%/1 - 90kg
78%/3 - 80kg
85%/1 - 95kg
78%/3 - 80kg
87%/1 - 100kg
NOTE: Keep forgetting to add more weights here, way to light!
5. Conditioning
"Tri Sprint Intervals"
6 Rounds of:
30/20 Calorie Row
20/15 Calorie Assault Bike
AMRAP of 10m Shuttles in remaining time
Rest 4 mins between rounds
NOTE: Added 40kg on the sled. Shuttles each round: 4,3,3,2,2,3
6. Conditioning
Power Snatch - 43kg
Wallballs - 9kg
Today was arms-hurting-like-f*^(&k day. Damn, could not get a snatch above my head without agonizing pain. Quit after trying for about 30-minutes straight to get warm enough but it was simply not going to happen today. Nothing wrong with my legs however so I decided to run a 30-minute squat challenge.
Today's workout:
30-minutes, 10 reps every 3 minutes.
Back Squat - 100kg (220 lb)
Easy peasy Japanese
Today was the first day back at CrossFit and the workout was, as far as I can remember, the heaviest I have done thus far. Completely over the top to be honest. In the last WoD, I only did one round to wait and then finish it at home because I had nothing left in me, nothing! Not only that, the time to complete this monster was a good 4h. I mean, that is somewhat crazy right? Let me start with a nutrition update:
Nutrition update:
I have to cut some fat before the CrossFit Open starts in 7 weeks. Nothing crazy but it would be good to be a bit lighter as it makes the gymnastic movements much easier. I am for the first time ever using T3 to cut. After some feedback from numbere in another thread, it is clear T4 do nothing for me. If T3 is also not helping I am going to spend some serious time on blood tests and these compounds to see what is happening. I am keeping this pretty simple in terms of macros and calories. Total calories in a day are ~2,620 and of that, I have 260g of carbs, 100g of fat, and 170g of protein.
Todays workout:
1. Snatch
65%/3 - 30kg
70%/3 - 40kg
75%/3 - 45kg
80%/2 - 50kg
(85%/1)2 - 55kg
90%/1 - 60kg
2. Clean & Jerk
65%/3+1 - 60kg
70%/3+1 - 65kg
75%/3+1 - 70kg
80%/2+1 - 75kg
(85%/1)2 - 80kg
90%/1 - 85kg - failed attempt
3. Back Squat
82%/4 - 130kg
86%/1 - 135kg
82%/4 - 130kg
89%/1 - 145kg
82%/4 - 130kg
92%/1 - 150kg - failed attempt
4. Gymnastics Conditioning
:10 L-Sit + 10 Pistols (5/side)
5. Conditioning
Power Snatch - 60kg
Bike for Calories
Power Snatch - 60kg
Bike for Calories
NOTE: Totaled 38 snatches and ~85 calories on the bike
6. Conditioning
7 Man Makers* - 25kg
7 Medball throw behind - 9kg
7 Chest to bar
*1 Man Maker = Burpee with dumbbells to overhead, no jump required
7. Burner Conditioning
15 Burpees
50 Double-unders
Today the training included a bunch of running that I skipped. No way my body would be able to handle the prescribed load today so I lowered the weights on most things. Was still plenty heavy considering yesterday's session. At least I got through the whole workout in ~90 minutes.
1. Barbell Conditioning
5 Clean and Jerks - 40kg
4 Clean and Jerks - 50kg
3 Clean and Jerks - 60kg
2 Clean and Jerks - 70kg
3x1 Clean and Jerk - 80kg
NOTE: Tried a few attempts on 90kg, was not going to happen. I got it in me but there is a complete mental block. As an example, prescribed CJ was 140kg today, I mean, really!
2. Conditioning
For time:
30 Hang Squat Cleans - 40kg
30 Thrusters - 40kg
30 Box Jumps Overs - 24"
30 Overhead Squats - 40kg
30 C2B Pull-ups
3. Burner Conditioning
Bike for Cals
This message I got in today's email could not have been more Welcome! :-)
**This is a scheduled deload week**
1. Snatch
60%/2 - 40kg
65%/2 - 45kg
70%/2 - 50kg
2. Snatch Pull
(80%/3)3 - 80kg
3. Back Squat
(65%/3)3 - 110kg
4. Gymnastics Conditioning
For time:
50 Strict C2B Pull-ups
5. Conditioning
30 Wallballs - 9kg
20 Power Snatch - 35kg
5 Jump-to-bar Muscle-ups
Did not perform as well as I could have today. Not sure why but still feel like I have a lot of potential left as far as conditioning go. Contacted a well respected coaching company that I will use after CrossFit Open is over this year. Would be a dumb idea to change things at this very moment.
1. Conditioning
15 minutes on Assult Bike
2. Conditioning
1 Deadlift - 140kg
10 T2B
15 Barbell Burpees
NOTE: Only got 6 rounds + 7 reps. Really should be able to do much more.
3. Gymnastics Conditioning
For time:
50 Strict HSPU
Felt pretty tired and torn up today. Not sure why but workout suffered a bit. Mostly in terms of effort. Could have done way better.
1. Snatch
60%/1 - 40kg
65%/1 - 45kg
70%/1 - 50kg
(75%/1)3 - 50kg
2. Clean & Jerk
65%/1 - 50kg
70%/1 - 60kg
(75%/1)3 - 70kg
3. Back Squat
(70%/3)3 - 115kg
4. Big Clean Complex
6 Sets of the following Complex :
High Hang Squat Clean + Hang Squat Clean + Squat Clean + Push Press - 50kg
High Hang Squat Clean + Hang Squat Clean + Squat Clean + Push Jerk - 50kg
High Hang Squat Clean + Hang Squat Clean + Squat Clean + Split Jerk - 50kg
One set consists of all 12 reps. Try not to drop the bar during the entire set; if you must drop after the overhead movements, it’s allowed – just be quick to get back on the bar. Rest as needed between sets and try to increase weight after each set.
5. Conditioning
Min 1: 50' Overhead Walking Lunge - 43kg
Min 2: Max Muscle-ups in :40
Min 3: 50 Double-unders
NOTE: Since I can not do Muscle-ups or Unbroken DU I simply used that time to practice.
Back at it today. The shoulder's felt extremely weak today for some reason, funny how this stuff seems completely unpredictable. I had not trained since Friday so shoulders really should not have been this tired but doing the Thrusters today was almost impossible. My first suspicious is nutrition as I am eating at a slight deficit.
1. Snatch
60%/1 - 35kg
70%/1 - 40kg
75%/1 - 45kg
80%/1 - 50kg
85%/1 - 55kg
90%/1 - 60kg
(80%1)2 - 50kg
NOTE: Took 5 damn tries to get the damn 60kg snatch up. Yeah, something weird going on.
2. Snatch Pull
95%/3 - 95kg
(100%/3)4 - 100kg
3. Front Squat
60%/3 - 80kg
70%/3 - 85kg
75%/3 - 90kg
80%/3 - 95kg
(85%/3)4 - 100kg
4. Conditioning
"The Seven"
7 Handstand push-ups
7 Thruster - 63kg
7 Deadlift - 107kg
7 Burpees
7 Kettlebell swings, 2 pood (32kg)
7 Pull-ups
Truly great conditioning session today. Felt overall in decent shape.
1. Conditioning
30 Power Cleans - 60kg
30 Wallballs - 9kg
30 Calorie Row
TIME: 25.50
2. Burner Conditioning
10 1-Arm DB Snatch - 30kg
10 Box Jump-overs - 24"
TIME: 10.19
Great workout again but I am going to need some feedback on how to improve conditioning over the next year. Being far from a pro in that department I have contacted some knowledgeable people that can help me out.
1. Clean & Jerk
60%/2 - 60kg
65%/2 - 65kg
70%/2 - 70kg
2. Clean Pull
(80%/3)3 - 90kg
3. Front Squat
(65%/3)3 - 90kg
4. Stamina Conditioning
Odd: 6 TTB + 6 OHS - 45kg
Even: 6 TTB + 6 Thrusters - 45kg
5. Row
4000m Row at a slow pace. About 700 calories/hour pace
Technically Rest day but did some isolation work on the chest and arms.
Misread the training today so could not time my conditioning correctly. Started to use an online tool to compare myself (and get a reality check) with others to see how well I stack up thus far. Fair to say I am quite a bit behind :-) Good news is my double-unders are finally starting to come along.
1. Snatch
60%/2 - 35kg
70%/2 - 40kg
75%/2 - 45kg
80%/2 - 50kg
(85%/2)2 - 55kg
(90%/1)2 - 60kg
2. Clean & Jerk
60%/2+1 - 40kg
70%/2+1 - 50kg
75%/2+1 - 55kg
80%/2+1 - 60kg
(85%/2+1)2 - 65kg
(90%/1)2 - 70kg
3. Front Squat
60%/2 - 70kg
70%/2 - 80kg
75%/2 - 90kg
80%/2 - 100kg
(85%/2)2 - 110kg
4. Conditioning
21-15-9 OHS - 40kg
21-15-9 C2B Pull-ups
21-15-9 Power Snatch - 40kg
21-15-9 Over-the-Bar Burpees
Rotated Snatches today. That's it :-) Should have done more but felt a bit off so held back.
Another day feeling a bit off. Felt like I could not give 100%. Got through most of it but still should have done better.
1. Snatch
60%/1 - 30kg
70%/1 - 35kg
75%/1 - 40kg
80%/1 - 40kg
85%/1 - 0kg
90%/1 - 0kg
95%/1 - 0kg
80%/1 - 0kg
85%/1 - 0kg
95%/1 - 0kg
NOTE: Right shoulder hurt so was hard to get the snatches up.
2. Snatch Pull
100%/3 - 90kg
(105%/2)3 - 95kg
3. Front Squat
60%/3 - 70kg
70%/3 - 70kg
75%/3 - 80kg
80%/3 - 80kg
85%/2 - 90kg
(90%/1)3 - 100kg
4. Gymnastics Conditioning
6x6 Muscle-ups
Rest 1:00 between sets
5. Conditioning
Wallballs - 9kg
C2B Pull-ups
Thrusters - 43kg
Box Jumps - 24"
Kettlebell Swings - 24kg
Been on a calorie deficit (350kcal under maintenance) for 3-weeks today and except for some obvious stop in strength gains, it feels super easy doing this right now. Here are the current stats:
Start, 1-4-2017: 87.7kg (193.3lb)
Now, 1-24-2017: 82.3kg (181.4lb)
Total loss: 5.4kg (11.9lb)
My normal maintenance is ~2850.
I have added one stat in my training since I started using Beyond The Whiteboard where I can see (assuming people are not lying) how well I stack up against others. I am looking pretty pathetic right now but this is a marathon and not a sprint so taking that with ease.
Today's workout
1. Conditioning
21 Deadlifts - 70kg
21 Over-the-Erg Burpees
Max Cal Row in time remaining
Rest 3:00
18 Deadlifts - 85kg
18 Over-the-Erg Burpees
Max Cal Row in time remaining
Rest 3:00
15 Deadlifts - 105kg
15 Over-the-Erg Burpees
Max Cal Row in time remaining
Rest 3:00
12 Deadlifts - 125kg
12 Over-the-Erg Burpees
Max Cal Row in time remaining
NOTE: Total - 181 reps (Whiteboard leader - 271 reps)
2. Stamina Conditioning
Odd: 50 Double-unders
Even: 12 Kipping HSPULast edited by tarmyg; 01-24-2017 at 10:29 AM.
Feel like I found a secret nobody knows about in terms of burning fat and doing it easily, CrossFit :-) I know how it sounds but ever since I started this journey 220 days ago I can eat very differently and still be lean. It is quite remarkable for me. The HIIT training also helps in deterring hunger. All those days of counting and going fucking crazy seem like such a waste now when I just could have done this.
1. Clean & Jerk
60%/1 - 45kg
70%/1 - 50kg
75%/1 - 55kg
80%/1 - 60kg
85%/1 - 65kg
90%/1 - 70kg
80%/1 - 60kg
85%/1 - 65kg
95%/1 - 75kg
2. Clean Pull
100%/3 - 100kg
(105%/2)3 - 105kg
3. Back Squat
60%/2 - 100kg
70%/2 - 110kg
75%/2 - 120kg
80%/2 - 130kg
85%/2 - 135kg (1 rep)
(90%/1)3 - 140kg (fail)
NOTE: Leg strength has gone down considerably even though the calorie deficit is not that large.
4. Gymnastics Conditioning
5 T2B
5 C2B
5 Bar MU
Rest 1:00 between sets
NOTE: Time - 8 minutes 40 seconds
5. Conditioning
80 Wallballs - 9kg
60 Calorie Row
40 1-Arm DB Snatch - 30kg
20 OHS - 60kg
10 Ring MU
NOTE: Total - 221 reps (Whiteboard leader - 311 reps)
Missed posting yesterday.
1. Snatch
60%/2 - 30kg
70%/2 - 35kg
75%/2 - 40kg
80%/2 - 45kg
85%/1 - 50kg
90%/1 - 50kg
95%/1 - 50kg
2. Clean & Jerk
60%/2+1 - 45kg
70%/2+1 - 50kg
75%/2+1 - 55kg
80%/2+1 - 60kg
85%/1 - 65kg
90%/1 - 70kg
95%/1 - 75kg
3. Back Squat
60%/2 - 100kg
70%/2 - 110kg
75%/2 - 120kg
80%/2 - 125kg
85%/2 - 130kg
90%/1 - 135kg
95%/1 - 140kg
4. Gymnastics Conditioning
5x12 Unbroken Kipping HSPU
Rest as needed
5. Conditioning
Ascending Ladder for 8 Minutes:
3 Clean & Jerks (155/105#)
3 Over-the-Bar Burpees
6/6, 9/9...
NOTE: Total reps - 22 (Whiteboard leader: 101)
Great session today. Fried me pretty well :-)
1. Conditioning
9 CJ - 50kg (Scaled, was supposed to be 63kg)
15 T2B
21 Calorie Row
Rest 2:00 between rounds
NOTE: Total time - 51 mins 47 secs. No posts on leader found.
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First Test-E cycle in 10 years