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Thread: Test E First Cycle Log!!!

  1. #201
    Reed's Avatar
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    Shhhhhh you have mail

  2. #202
    wukillabee's Avatar
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    Smile Week 10 Day 1

    Unfortunately today will be the first day of the first week of no more gear. Had to stop cycle for reasons i won't explain. Still, had a good 9 week cycle though. Sucks it was only 9 weeks cus even last week i was still noticing good gains coming and im sure more would have came too. Oh well, i got my feet wet and will plan better for my future cycles. At least i know my body responds really well to test with little to no sides. Today i did chest/calfs/cardio:
    Incline Barbell Bench Press:
    135 x 20
    185 x 12
    255 x 4 (First time i think and repped it pretty well for 4 solid reps!)
    255 x 4
    225 x 6 drop set to 135 x 8
    Decline Barbell Bench Press:
    135 x 15
    185 x 10
    225 x 4
    225 x 4
    Hammer Strength Machine Decline Press
    225 x 12 super set to:
    Dips with bodyweight for 12 reps
    225 x 10 super set to:
    Dips with bodyweight for 10 reps
    Incline Dumbell flys:
    30 x 12 superset to:
    Flat Dumbell flys 30 x 12
    Incline Dumbell flys:
    45 x 10 superset to:
    Flat Dumbell flys 45 x 8

    Seated Calf Raises:
    90 x 15 regular position superset to:
    90 x 15 toes pointed outwards and heels almost touching
    140 x 12 regular position superset to:
    140 x 8 toes pointed outwards and heels almost touching
    Standing Calf Raises:
    200 x 10
    240 x 8
    240 x 8

    Finished with 15 minutes of cardio on the treadmill. Felt i still had a strong workout with tons of energy cus the test of course is still in me and still lookin solid as hell. Can really tell ive gained some size while losing a noticable amount of fat all over making me look more cut/ripped. Sad i had to end the cycle early but not everything always works out perfect. Was gonna get Cellmass/No Explode to compliment my pct to help keep gains so i guess i gotta put my order in soon now. Also got clen im gonna use during pct to help burn fat and gonna use it 2 weeks on and 1 week off with that 1 week off with benadryl. I know i can run it straight while using benadryl but no rush since my next cycle isn't till january and i have a ton of clen and time. Want to say thanks to everyone who has supported me throughout this first cycle. Still planning on keeping this log going through pct for you guys so stay tuned, im not goin anywhere. Thanks!

  3. #203
    40plusnewbie is offline Senior Member
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    Nice way to tough it out bro! Hope things resolve themselves. And cudos to your dedication to continuing the log through pcp despite stopping the cycle early.

    p.s. All you guys workout routines put mine ( and what will be mine even when i get my ass in gear) to shame. I can't move the weights you guys do or hit muscle groups with the # of sets you guys do, not to mention that it's a struggle to do even 2 muscle groups per workout sessioin unless one of those is abs. I guess that's what you get if you let yourself go for 20 years and only decide to start living healthy at age 40. It's definitely an inpiration to me to read all the workout routines like yours though bro and I hope to build myself up to what are considered more typical workout routines. Right now 6 sets per muscle group and that's it.

    Oh well, we all start from different places and like I said I get a lot of motivation from this site and logs like yours bro! l love this site!

    It's really cool too to read all the logs and stuff that all you youger guys are doing on a regular basis to stay in shape. I'm only getting on board at mid life (age 40) so I have to un-do a lot of neglect over the past 2 decades.

    Keep up the good work and looking forward to reading about your next cycle!

  4. #204
    3dbigrigs's Avatar
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    dude I know all about stopping a cycle early. but now 3 weeks into PCT and my workouts are going great. I am so interested to know why you are stopping so PM me or I will die. lol

  5. #205
    wukillabee's Avatar
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    Smile Week 10 Day 3

    Missed yesterday so today did back/abs/cardio. Still felt strong even though i havent had a shot in about 6 days.

    Close Grip Chin:
    12 reps
    Wide Grip Chin:
    10 reps
    Close Grip Chin:
    8 reps
    Wide Grip Chin:
    6 reps

    T-Bar Rows:
    135 x 15
    225 x 8
    240 x 6
    240 x 6

    Circuit Training Here w/ No Rest Between:
    Hammer Pulldown Under Hand Grip Machine:
    80 x 10 reps (80lbs on one side/arm at a time)
    Lat Pulldown Machine Wide Grip:
    165 x 10 reps
    Standing Lat Pulldown Machine Straight Arm:
    60lbs x 10 reps

    Row Machine:
    110 x 15
    140 x 10
    160 x 8
    160 x 8

    Kinda had a quick workout but still felt swole afterwards and hard as hell! Getting used to more higher intensity training methods since they're the best for pct to help keep your gains and my pct starts in a week. After my pct and things are back on track then ima workout as i did on cycle with more strength/size training. Pct training is all about high intensity with of course still heavy weights but more focus on high intensity.

  6. #206
    wukillabee's Avatar
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    Smile Week 10 Day 4

    Today did just delts cus i was in a hurry, got class an in hour and still gotta eat and shower! Had a very strong workout none the less but can feel the test slowly coming out of my system, tears.

    Smith Machine Seated Military Press (only counted the plates, not the bar):
    90 x 15
    140 x 12
    180 x 8
    210 x 6
    210 x 6
    Barbel Behind The Back Shrugs:
    135 x 15
    225 x 12
    315 x 8
    315 x 8
    Standing EZ-Curl Bar Upright Rows
    65 x 15
    105 x 10
    125 x 8
    125 x 6
    Standing Dumbell Flys:
    20 x 15
    30 x 12
    45 x 8
    50 x 6
    50 x 6 Super Set to 40 x 6 Super Set to 30 x 6
    Bent Over Cable Rear Flys (Franko Columbo Style, Best for definition!):
    20 x 15
    30 x 8
    30 x 8 Super Set to dumbell bent over fly: 35 x 8

    Thats it for today. Gotta rush now to eat and shower before class, hate bein in a fuc*in rush! Overall, felt very strong today still and size is still the same, havent lost a pound yet and dont plan on it. Gonna start my pct in about 10 days so we'll see how that goes. Should be fine since i have plenty of pct gear to run and gonna keep my appetite up and my training strong. I dont think ill lose much or any of my gains since i really never bloated on cycle but gained more quality size and definition. I can see a big difference in my physique from before cycle till now and very very pleased. Cant imagine what ima look like after my second cycle, omg!

  7. #207
    Reed's Avatar
    Reed is offline AR's Pitbull ~Vet~
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    Not gonna answer my PM fool. You ARE a va jay jay

  8. #208
    wukillabee's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Reed500 View Post
    Not gonna answer my PM fool. You ARE a va jay jay
    I just answered your question for the second time you pu$$y! Check ur damn pm's. When u doin ur cycle?

  9. #209
    wukillabee's Avatar
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    Week 10 day 6

    Today i just did legs/arms to finish up for this week. Only been 1 week of the test and already feelin it, sucks. Today my strength/size/pump are all still the same as on cycle but losing that intensity and stamina in the gym which sucks.

    Super Set/Pre-Exhaust:
    Lying Leg Curls
    60 x 15
    Seated Leg Extensions:
    90 x 15
    Lying Leg Curls:
    80 x 10
    Seated Leg Extensions:
    120 x 12
    Lying Leg Curls:
    100 x 10
    Seated Leg Extensions:
    160 x 10
    Lying Leg Curls:
    100 x 8
    Seated Leg Extensions:
    185 x 8 (Getting stronger on these)

    Leg Press Machine:
    270 x 15
    360 x 12
    450 x 10
    500 x 8
    500 x 6

    Hack Squat Machine:
    90 x 15
    180 x 6 (Felt some sharp pains in my lower back here so stopped)

    Standing Leg Curls One Legged:
    30 x 15
    40 x 12
    50 x 10

    Arms was more of a circuit training so no need to log em.

  10. #210
    wukillabee's Avatar
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    Smile Week 11 Day 3

    Had to take the last few days off to get some school and other things takin care of. Today i did chest/tris/calfs to make up for the extra days off the gym. Tomorrow also will be day 14 of me being off cycle so i will start my pct tomorrow night before bed and will continue taking my pct everynight before bed. Since my cycle was really on 8-9 weeks and i really dont feel shut down at all and my strength is still high, i think ima just run my pct like this:
    L-Dex @ 1mg Weeks 1-3
    Nolva/Clomid @ 20/50 Weeks 1-4
    This way if theres any rebound effect (which im sure there wont be) ill have the serms for an extra week to be safe. Also after pct im thinking of doing letro for 2-4 weeks (however long it takes to see a difference) to see if that helps with my puffy nips that ive had since a child. Its weird cus when my nips or normal or not stimulated they look puffy, when theyre cold or stimulated then they are small and look normal like how they should all the time so i dont know. If this doesnt work then ima cut real good for this summer coming up and maybe having a low bf% will get rid of it. If not then at least ive tried all avenues and will eventually get surgery done, hopefully wont have to go this route but knowing my luck, who knows. Anyways:
    Incline Dumbell Flys:
    30 x 15
    45 x 12
    65 x 8
    65 x 8
    Incline Bench Press:
    135 x 15
    185 x 10
    225 x 6
    225 x 6
    Decline Hammer Strength Machine:
    180 x 15 SuperSet to Bodyweight dips for 10 reps
    230 x 10 SuperSet to Bodyweight dips for 10 reps
    270 x 8 SuperSet to Bodyweight dips for 10 reps
    270 x 6 SuperSet to Bodywieght dips for 10 reps
    Seated Bench Press Pulley Machine:
    135 x 15
    180 x 10
    220 x 6 DropSet to 180 x 4 DropSet to 135 x 8
    Lying Skull Crushers with E-Z Curl Bar:
    75 x 10
    95 x 6 (Wasn't feelin it and was gettin kinda sore in my elbows so moved on)
    Bent Over Cable Kick Backs:
    25 x 12 SuperSet to Seated Calf Raises 90 x 15 SuperSet to Toes Out Heels In for another 15 reps
    35 x 10 SuperSet to Seated Calf Raises 120 x 12 SuperSet to Toes Out Heels In for another 12 reps
    40 x 8 SuperSet to Seated Calf Raises 120 x 12 SuperSet to Toes Out Heels In for another 12 reps
    Cable Angle Bar Press Downs:
    100 x 15 SuperSet to Seated Calf Raises 140 x 8 SuperSet to Toes Out Heels In for another 8 reps
    130 x 12 SuperSet to Seated Calf Raises 140 x 10 SuperSet to Toes Out Heels In for another 10 reps

    By the end of my workout my chest and arms felt pumped as hell and sore too. Calfs are my real laggin muscle group since forever so been training them twice a week for about 6 months now tryin all kinds of routines and exercises to bring em up. Slowly but surely theyre growin but can't catch up at all to my other body parts which sucks but oh well.

    Oh yeah, on Sunday i started liquid clen and plan on taking it 2 weeks on 1 week off and on that week off taking benadryl 50mg before bed. I know people say you can run clen for 6+ weeks straight if you take benadryl every 3rd week but im real sensitive to clen so that week off should help. Gonna do this for about 2-3 of these cycles (2 on 1 off) to help burn fat while on pct and even off pct. Started sunday at 40mcg, monday 40mcg, tuesday 60mcg and today 60mcg. What sucks with my schedule and since you cant take clen before working out is that i have to take it all in one dose at around 2pm. Thats the soonest i can take clen so i dont want to take a second dose round 5pm and be up to who knows when. Took 60mcg yesterday at 2pm and went fine, get really shaky hands though which looks kinda crazy. First few days my heart jumped up by nothing like that now thank god. Gonna boost up the dose accordingly. So far so good.

  11. #211
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    After Pics

    Gonna try to take some pics tomorrow night after work since tomorrow is officially my first day of pct. Ill repost the others together so you guys can help me compare before cycle, 6 weeks into cycle, first day of pct, then when i finish pct at week 4 i plan on posting another set for comparision.

  12. #212
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    Week 1 Day 1 First Day of PCT!

    Gonna take all my pct gear before bed so for now on ima title everything starting this as week 1 day 1 of pct to make it all eaiser. Today did back/bis/abs/cardio:
    Narrow Grip Chin Up 10 reps
    Wide Grip Chin Up 8 reps
    Narrow Grip Chin up 8 reps
    Wide Grip Chin up 6 reps

    T-Bar Rows Old School Style:
    135 x 15
    180 x 12
    225 x 6
    225 x 6 (Getting a little weaker here, did 20-25lbs more on cycle)

    Hammer Pull Down Machine:
    140 x 12
    190 x 10
    240 x 6
    240 x 4 Drop Set to 190 x 4 Drop Set to 140 x 6

    Seated Overhead Cable Side Pull (Workout my buddy made up for lats)
    90 x 12 each arm
    100 x 10 each arm
    110 x 8 each arm

    Seated Row Machine:
    110 x 15
    130 x 8
    130 x 8 Drop Set to 110 x 6 Drop Set to 90 x 8

    Hyper Extensions w/ body weight only:
    10 reps, 10 reps, 10 reps.

    Hammer Strength Preacher Curl:
    45 x 15
    70 x 8
    80 x 6 Drop Set to 70 x 4 Drop Set to 60 x 6 Drop Set to 45 x 8

    Dumbell Hammers:
    30 x 15
    45 x 10
    55 x 8
    55 x 8

    Cable Machine 21's at 70lbs 1 set

    4 sets of abs then 20min of treadmill. Overall had a decent workout and still had a great pump and felt solid. Noticed a lot of my lifts my strength has kinda gone down but still a little higher than before cycle so thats cool. Gonna start pct tonight so maybe that will help kick things up, we'll see.

  13. #213
    trenerefic85 is offline Beware of my advice
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    It looks like you got gyno man.

  14. #214
    Deltasaurus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by trenerefic85 View Post
    It looks like you got gyno man.
    nice 2nd post LOL

  15. #215
    ChickenNKumara is offline New Member
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    I havent seen any post cycle pics - any chance of seeing some? How did things end up - did you keep your gains?

  16. #216
    Kale is offline ~ Vet~ I like Thai Girls
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    Quote Originally Posted by A2thej2008 View Post
    nice 2nd post LOL
    Its ok, the muppet has had the appropriate warning added as his title !!!

  17. #217
    bigp87 is offline Junior Member
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    I too would like to see some Post cycle pictures... :-)

  18. #218
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    excellent log

  19. #219
    stpete is offline Banned
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    Been a few weeks now. Get back in the gym and on this site bro.

  20. #220
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    lovbyts is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Nice log but pics?

  21. #221
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    This Is The End

    Quote Originally Posted by stpete View Post
    Been a few weeks now. Get back in the gym and on this site bro.
    Damn, didnt know anyone was payin attention to tis log anymore so i stopped recording. Ive kept most my gains and lost a little bf as well so pleased with a wack 8 week cycle of test e. Not much to brag about and no post pics but look the same as last set of pics on here. I hae about 2 days left of pct then im done. Already been feeling back to normal and my natural test bein back on. Since i dont have medical i cant really afford to get blood work done but by listening to my body i feel pretty damn normal, sex drive too! Im already preparing for my second cycle which will be second to none. Ill keep it a surprise until the time comes, hopefully late january. Im gonna get all my gear and on cycle meds ahead of time for now on so this problem never happens again, live and learn i guess. Only thing ive lost is the crazy motivation for the gym, stamina in the gym, and some strength. My strength is higher then before i started though so i havent lost it all. Today was back/bis/abs but just wasnt feelin it. Lot of personal sh*t goin on right now and school so its been pretty damn hard but tryin to stay focused. Didnt know i had so many on lookers. Oh and for the gyno guy, my nips have been like this since i was like 8yrs old or as far back as i can remember so i dont think its gyno at all. Its not hard and no tissue there, just seems like extra skin or fat but when theyre cold they look normal like how they should look 24/7. I aint worried bout it and getting my bf down low im sure will help. Thank you everyone for stayin on board here but im afraid ima end this thread now. Stay tuned for my cycle hopefully in late january, will have another detaled log for that one. Stpete, u got my emal homie, hit me up sometime.

  22. #222
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    y did u stop the cycle early

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