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  1. #81
    < <Samson> >'s Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by NYbeastMode
    How much were you benching in the pic on the right? How much can you bench now? That's a big difference.
    In the before pic I barely pushed 185 once. Now I warm up with 185 & rep 275 fairly well. But, I'm not a big benching guy. I stick with dumbbells, hit 125's x5 last cycle.

    Quote Originally Posted by BigMan65
    you said substance abuse, just curious* what substance? (* since certain ones can greatly affect the physique in different ways) if you'd rather not say that cool, i understand. you might say i also had a little substance abuse for a while, depending on how you look at it.
    It's not something I'd like to admit on an open forum. It never actually got to a point where it effected my lifting. Maybe help shed some fat, but at the same time take a negative toll on my mental state quite a bit. On the positive note, I have not relapsed - negative, is that I still get fairly severe nightly anxiety.

    Me now @ 207 flat
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  2. #82
    NACH3's Avatar
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    Looking solid brother! I'd like to see those arms pumped! Lol

  3. #83
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    207 lbs, you should be ashamed of yourself you fat piggy.

    Looking good. You must be doing something right.

  4. #84
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    Diet & diet, with a side of more diet

    I don't eat anything processed any more. The most is maybe some coffee creamer or a flavored Greek yogurt, or maybe a protein bar every once in a while.

  5. #85
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    Yup I hear you, Ive just never been disciplined enough to do it especially now I have someone cooking for me most of the time who just doesnt really care also. I eat a lot better when I'm not at home, when I'm at work but it's still not as good as it should be and Ive NEVER counted calories or watched macros.

    Kudos to you for having the willpower to do it.

  6. #86
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    I don't count either

    But, I figure to myself I have to - No other way to be better than the next guy

  7. #87
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    Quote Originally Posted by < <Samson> > View Post
    In the before pic I barely pushed 185 once. Now I warm up with 185 & rep 275 fairly well. But, I'm not a big benching guy. I stick with dumbbells, hit 125's x5 last cycle.

    What do you mean you hit 125's x5 ? You can curl 125lbs with each arm? I love the bench more than anything. The most I curled was a 8.8 mustang rear end without the brake calipers it weighs like 175lbs.. other than that I never curled really but now I'm dying to lift anything I can.
    Last edited by NYbeastMode; 03-09-2015 at 09:55 PM.

  8. #88
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    On the incline bench, sorry - I don't have too much time to type shit on here lately.

  9. #89
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    I have been doing db's the past couple workouts and did 3 sets with the 125's on flat bench today for 5-4-2 with a drop at 95's. I hope I can hang on to some of this poer after the cycle is over and I go on a trt cruise.

  10. #90
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    Yeah, I'm still alive - feel a little fatter than I'd like to be considering the season. I'm up about 5 pounds of water. Running 300mg of Sust & 250mg of Deca every 5 days. Nothing special, just holding myself together considering what I do most of the day.
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  11. #91
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    Still getting leaner slowly. I'm thinking it's more like 9% or so.

    A sign of veins on the other side of my arms has to be a good thing.
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    Last edited by < <Samson> >; 06-20-2015 at 09:35 AM.

  12. #92
    MR-FQ320's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by < <Samson> >
    Still getting leaner slowly. I'm thinking it's more like 9% or so. A sign of veins on the other side of my arms has to be a good thing.
    Is that thing accurate

  13. #93
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    Quote Originally Posted by MR-FQ320 View Post
    Is that thing accurate
    Nah, I always add about 2%+

    There was a guy on here a long ass time ago who used it then did a dexa or a bod pod and it came back about 2% higher than the digital caliper.

  14. #94
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    Lookin good brother! I'd say single digits as well (8-9%) on lower side imo(delts and arms are poppin - abs look lean(good bricks)...

    Well done, shit considering what your doing im surprised your up in weight;water or not)!

  15. #95
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    Nah, I'm not doing the city water shit any more

    I still work outside, but for myself again - It's nothing like cracking open asphalt & digging down 6-15'

    So now I can focus a bit more on my juicing. Still holding at 208 - I really want to see 212-215 & a tad leaner than now. But, I am just not willing to go any heavier into gear or other alternatives(GH or Slin)

    Now, I am back on my usual summer combo - mast, test & tren ace

    Just got done with 3 weeks of drol - since I just get all of these damn orals for free < we all like free orals

    Kinda contemplating jumping on Winni for the last few weeks of cycle in a month or so.

    Since going cold turkey sober(aside from a drink on occasions) I just been into more sauce & lifting. Just damn anxiety bugs here & there. But, fvck all the additives - Haven't even touched a Xanax in months.
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  16. #96
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    Quote Originally Posted by < <Samson> > View Post
    Nah, I'm not doing the city water shit any more

    I still work outside, but for myself again - It's nothing like cracking open asphalt & digging down 6-15'

    So now I can focus a bit more on my juicing. Still holding at 208 - I really want to see 212-215 & a tad leaner than now. But, I am just not willing to go any heavier into gear or other alternatives(GH or Slin)

    Now, I am back on my usual summer combo - mast, test & tren ace

    Just got done with 3 weeks of drol - since I just get all of these damn orals for free < we all like free orals

    Kinda contemplating jumping on Winni for the last few weeks of cycle in a month or so.

    Since going cold turkey sober(aside from a drink on occasions) I just been into more sauce & lifting. Just damn anxiety bugs here & there. But, fvck all the additives - Haven't even touched a Xanax in months.

    That's great to hear, my man! I have anxiety and it's a biatch!

    I won't do slin, GH(RX only),

    Good to be working for yourself again huh! and yes we all love free oral(s)!!!

    Also, despite the joint pain I love winny(makes me strong and can cut on it)

  17. #97
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    Quote Originally Posted by NACH3
    I won't do slin, GH(RX only)
    I feel that, fvck slin. I am not trying to go pro here at any costs or anything. So, fvck that

    As far as GH, the whole generic GH turmoil is just too annoying. Even the Rx types are being faked. . . . I feel like I just don't need it, not now at least.
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  18. #98
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    You're looking great brothers.

  19. #99
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    Thank you sir

    Now, if these damn abs would grow like my shoulders or arms

    Daum genetix

  20. #100
    SEOINAGE's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by < <Samson> > View Post
    Nah, I always add about 2%+

    There was a guy on here a long ass time ago who used it then did a dexa or a bod pod and it came back about 2% higher than the digital caliper.
    My bod pod came back 2.5% higher than skin calipers done by an experienced professional last time. My bod pod gets inflated from having a large beard as well. If I shave, always have a lower bf percentage, or I shave to show off my skinny face?

    Looking good Samson.
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  21. #101
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    199 after an extreme fasting
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  22. #102
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    Quote Originally Posted by < <Samson> > View Post
    199 after an extreme fasting
    To still hold that size is outstanding after losing what 10lbs

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    Looking tighter whilst still looking just as big if not bigger because more lines showing...Good shit

  24. #104
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    Funny shit to me is how weight is irrelevant to size. When I started I thought I had to push 220+ to look big.

    Shit, if I was this lean & 220 I'd be fvcking huge

    Thanks y'all, it's cool shit for sure

  25. #105
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    Haven't measured my arms for a while. 18.5+" on a decent pump.

    Leanest yet, as far as I can tell
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  26. #106
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    Quote Originally Posted by < <Samson> > View Post
    Haven't measured my arms for a while. 18.5+" on a decent pump.

    Leanest yet, as far as I can tell
    Holy crap. Thats a vascular as fk forearm.

  27. #107
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    Looking tip top Samson

  28. #108
    Joco71 is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by < <Samson> > View Post
    199 after an extreme fasting
    Looking big and lean my man great job!!

  29. #109
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    If your goal is physique, I would think that all you need to do is work the legs for definition and concentrate on drying out.
    Its hard to tell from pics but it looks as if your abs are holding fat above the muscle layer? As was asked by Back in Black are you doing weighted abs? I would look at that to see if you can get them to pop more.

    By the way major props on your physique, IMHO you already have PLENTY of size in your chest arms etc. for physique comp, I would just focus on definition on the legs, some shoulder work and maybe weighted abs along with continuing on the path you have been (fat loss) as you seem plenty big and muscular to compete already.

  30. #110
    dfarre is offline Banned
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    I'm no expert but you probably would be 185 or so pounds at contest condition.

  31. #111
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    I say bodybuilding bro and for a few reasons only: They choose physique winners on more genetics than they choose bodybuilders...A bodybuilder can through hard word, discipline and dedication can overcome some bad genetics by making other parts dominant and stronger..they can do things like coming in heavy if their genetics make them have trouble looking dry and shredded to win in that category...Only so much you can do with physique if you do not have a small waist and good ab genetics..Which it seems like you have average waist genetics and bad ab genetics..But you have a GREAT BUILD for a bodybuilder imo and good size on your arms and good vascularity/developed delts..Just my 2 cents on the matter but i'm sure you'd do fine in physique

  32. #112
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    Competition is not my current goal at all. It just doesn't fit me, from the prep to the lifestyle. I like BS'n way too much & I don't see a significant reward for myself from competing.

    Most I'd ever consider is some sort of fitness modeling shit, but again - that's just far out there for me

    185 sounds damn near spot on, if I wanted to dry out for physique. But, even when I got to 199 I felt like straight shit.

    Yeah, my mid section is so so at best - I do quite a bit of ab workouts, all weighted - aside from some planks every once in a while. My waist is right around 32-33" when I'm all deflated.

    Only competition I have now is myself

  33. #113
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    Biggest & leanest so far. Sitting at 209-210

    Waist is 33" flat now, bi's are 18.5"+

    But, still no 6 pack. Just flat stomach with some ab definition when I flex.
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  34. #114
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    Quote Originally Posted by < <Samson> > View Post
    Biggest & leanest so far. Sitting at 209-210

    Waist is 33" flat now, bi's are 18.5"+

    But, still no 6 pack. Just flat stomach with some ab definition when I flex.
    Nice arm shot! Good size, too! Look great man.... You got some shouldas brother!

    On the stomach issue - I have the same problem - although my waist is about a 31"max but I too, don't have the definition I nearly want - do your sides(obliques & serratus pop more so than your bricks)?? That's the problem im having! I also had 5 ventral hernia repairs where they cut thru my abdominal wall - im hoping I can bring them together more...

  35. #115
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    Looking good man. Big a** arms!! I'm newer to the forum but I think I read in another thread that you use to be pretty big (overweight)? Curious to know what you use to weight cause you look great man would never guess you were outta shape a day in your life. I use to be huge myself so I know the struggle of tightening the stomach up.

  36. #116
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    My abdominal wall seems solid is fvck - which is def a good thing. But, I just don't have the six pack separation that some do.

    I have seen this on other guys too - even at low Bf% they don't show true ab separation.

    Shit, I was pretty daum fat twice. Once when I when I was about 22. I got up to about 225 of straight fat with no muscle base - barely benching 135. Then I got way fat on my first cycle. I wanted to grow as fast as possible. That wasn't the best idea since I got to 245 pounds and 30% Bf.

    Sides look great - abs, well - not so much
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  37. #117
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    Quote Originally Posted by < <Samson> >
    My abdominal wall seems solid is fvck - which is def a good thing. But, I just don't have the six pack separation that some do. I have seen this on other guys too - even at low Bf% they don't show true ab separation. Shit, I was pretty daum fat twice. Once when I when I was about 22. I got up to about 225 of straight fat with no muscle base - barely benching 135. Then I got way fat on my first cycle. I wanted to grow as fast as possible. That wasn't the best idea since I got to 245 pounds and 30% Bf. Sides look great - abs, well - not so much
    Yeah they do! And nice vase! i was the same way. When I first started was 350 to 360 lbs (granted being 6'8) was fat as fuk! And was benching 135 for 3 or 4. It was awful. You look good man keep killing it. Do you do a lot of ab work to try to thicken them up a bit? If you've said earlier sorry i probably missed it.

  38. #118
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    I try to stick to doing abs every workout or at least every other workout. But, I guess not as much as I can. I do just one exercise with four sets.

    Ah, the ol' vase - Missed that one - Lmao

  39. #119
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    Quote Originally Posted by < <Samson> > View Post
    My abdominal wall seems solid is fvck - which is def a good thing. But, I just don't have the six pack separation that some do.

    I have seen this on other guys too - even at low Bf% they don't show true ab separation.

    Shit, I was pretty daum fat twice. Once when I when I was about 22. I got up to about 225 of straight fat with no muscle base - barely benching 135. Then I got way fat on my first cycle. I wanted to grow as fast as possible. That wasn't the best idea since I got to 245 pounds and 30% Bf.

    Sides look great - abs, well - not so much
    I agree that 6pcks are much more genetic... As you mentioned I've been in the single digits(nothing crazy 8-9%) but I did not have the separation hat most do w/they're bricks - my obliques/serratus pop much more...

    You try suppersetting say 3-4 weightless exercises back to back to back to back then repeat(3-4x) hitting lower upper obliques whole transverse abdominals...

    Damn it - never satisfied :/

  40. #120
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    Quote Originally Posted by NACH3 View Post
    I agree that 6pcks are much more genetic... As you mentioned I've been in the single digits(nothing crazy 8-9%) but I did not have the separation hat most do w/they're bricks - my obliques/serratus pop much more...

    You try suppersetting say 3-4 weightless exercises back to back to back to back then repeat(3-4x) hitting lower upper obliques whole transverse abdominals...

    Damn it - never satisfied :/
    Same issue here (except my BF is not that low), but then I just look at every other torso muscle and then I'm ready to move on with my life.

    Abs piss me off.
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