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  1. #1
    Panzerfaust's Avatar
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    Goodbye Europe and Sovereign Nations

    You will be missed....and it all came about without a single shot fired. My god what an extremely effective scheme to destroy a culture and soveriegn nation. They have the "people" believing this garbage "Diversity"..."Don't be racist".."Accept this culture"...they have everyone so afraid to be "racist" that they spend all their time kissing immigrant ass while forgetting their own culture. Face it, America simply no longer has a culture and will follow the same route as Europe.
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  2. #2
    Kratos's Avatar
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    and...what do you want us to do about it?

  3. #3
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    Vegas, bitches!!!

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by BgMc31 View Post
    already ahead of you, got some tonight

  5. #5
    eliteforce is offline Member
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    Lets cut the crap here, this isn't about "spreading the gospel" , the issue is that Europe should continue to be a white country, it's is the the area where white people come from, white people 'homeland' theres nothing racist about that,

    the reason muslim birthrates are so high is because continued western/zionist oppression of that region keeps their economies depressed and their culture backwards ..muslim birthrates are in line with other peoples who are in poverty.. European nations should restrict immigration from africa and asia and instead of spending their money on occupying Afghanistan-they should issue credits to their people to have kids..and invest their money in their own countries, not in the middle east; and they should drop their support for zionism in the form of trade benefits and political support..

    i know your going to say i'm jew bashing and i'm always against the jews..but lets face it-we would not have this mess in that region if israel had not been created by the west after world war 2-thus creating an endless injustice and war without end..

  6. #6
    BgMc31's Avatar
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    Vegas, bitches!!!
    ^^^So Africa should stay black, Asia should stay Asian, India should stay Asian...etc., etc., right? What should the America's stay? There wasn't a problem with Europeans expanding their 'culture', right? But now that European 'culture' is 'threatened', it's a problem?

    While I see your point, this isn't the problem of caused by Jews. It's a problem caused by Europeans themselves. Jew isn't an race, it's a culture and religion. Jews come in many colors and hail from many different countries. The same can be said for Muslims.

  7. #7
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    lol this is one of the most retarded videos i've ever wasted 7 minutes on (and i've seen my new haircut over 15 times)

    None of what that guy is saying is true or sourced at all. Except that isalm will be the dominant religion in 5 or 7 years. Cool. Good for them. They even did it without any crusades or wars.

    Anyways, what the hell does the video want us to do?? Start killing muslim babies??

    Oh man, this shit is so stupid..

  8. #8
    eliteforce is offline Member
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    If a European politician like Haider of Austria says he want's too stop immigration to protect their unique race and culture he is labeled a racist, but you don't see Japan or China, or Korea, allowing massive numbers of Africans and Arabs and Asians into their countries and giving them residency or allowing such massive numbers of foreigners into their countries that they become a large percentage of the population.. but the zionists don't even allow the Palestinians into their own country, a country they are indigenous to, and the ones that are in the country are herded into bantustans like Gaza and the ones in the westbank because Israel is a Jewish State.. and then these European countries support the zionists and boycot the UN racism conference.

    Can you imagine if all those muslims in europe were kept in segregated areas, behind barbed wire, and they were only allowed out of these impoverished areas- with dirty water and backed up sewage, on a day pass so they can work sweeping the floor somewhere for white people before they are forced back into their cages? and even then it's difficult to get one of these work permits and the punishment for not returning on time is severe.. They would say the europenas were a bunch on Nazi's.. but it's ok for the zionists to do that-with alot of western support!

    I feel that Europenas try to compensate for their direct and indirect oppression of the arabs and muslims by having this warped sense of we fked over these people and their countries by supporting the zionists and killing the iraqis and afghans everyday(both offshoots of the zionist movement) and so lets be nice and let them all come here

  9. #9
    IM708's Avatar
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    I hate all religious threads...hate mongering bullshit intertwined into all of them.

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by eliteforce View Post
    Lets cut the crap here, this isn't about "spreading the gospel" , the issue is that Europe should continue to be a white country, it's is the the area where white people come from, white people 'homeland' theres nothing racist about that,

    the reason muslim birthrates are so high is because continued western/zionist oppression of that region keeps their economies depressed and their culture backwards ..muslim birthrates are in line with other peoples who are in poverty.. European nations should restrict immigration from africa and asia and instead of spending their money on occupying Afghanistan-they should issue credits to their people to have kids..and invest their money in their own countries, not in the middle east; and they should drop their support for zionism in the form of trade benefits and political support..

    i know your going to say i'm jew bashing and i'm always against the jews..but lets face it-we would not have this mess in that region if israel had not been created by the west after world war 2-thus creating an endless injustice and war without end..
    blah blah blah, muslim problems caused by the west blah blah blah Israel. Blah blah, the west should do this or that, blah zionism.

    This wasn't a thread about Israel, it was a video about demographic changes. Don't you ever get tired of being angry about Israel?

    Lets be clear here, Zionism is another word for Jewish Immigration to Palestine. Correct? You can use evil words like colonism, or zionism...but the bottom line is it was Jews moving to where they felt they could have a better life. When there became a large number of Jewish immigrants to the point they could take over, Arab riots began, and murder of Jews, villages sacked by bandits and opressive laws.
    So, how should Europe and the US greet Muslims? Nobody is suggesting in this way. Jews fought back and didn't get the land by being nice or anything...but why should the west treat Muslim immigrants better than they treat large numbers of immigrants from another land? Maybe we shouldn't, but we do.

    "continued western/zionist oppression of that region keeps their economies depressed and their culture backwards"
    How? explain this statement...because we are yet to hand over the keys to Israel (not that it isn't unavoidable when we can't afford to defend it anymore) they must have a backwards culture and keep the people of their own countries poor? Afghanistan brought trouble on itself so don't bring that crap up, maybe Iraq is another story.

    You're just itching for another Israel thread, lets just not do that.

  11. #11
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    The meak will inherit the earth Muirlo, what else is there to say. (not saying the Muslim religon makes people meak). Educated people don't hump, it's simple...they focus on career goals and building a life, and sometimes don't have kids at all. Our society nurtures the weak and helpless, gives little incentive or further benifit to genetic superiority (as far as numerical passing on of offspring), with modern medicine every gentically inferior peice of crap lives. Where you have the largest numbers of uneducated is where people pop out babies like popcorn. Reverse evoloution at it's finest.

    I think we've got 1 maybe 2 generations left before the earth becomes a total shithole anyway from overpopulation, lack of resources, shitty enviroment, political and demographic hole dug under an outhouse full of loose stool. Enjoy, you were born just in time before it got real nasty.

    Even if 99% of the population gets knocked out by some type of plague, they'll still have technology, fire, weapons and so on. The next repopulation will be much quicker than this one, which took place over 10's of thousands of years. It will be a weeker race that repopulates than this one. Humans are evolutionarily fvct.
    Last edited by Kratos; 05-06-2009 at 09:41 AM.

  12. #12
    countrybhoy's Avatar
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    it is time white people stood up for themselves . if you are white 25-40 work and are christian you have less rights than any other set of people . they worked harder put more into the country take less out but are treated like sh1t

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by countrybhoy View Post
    it is time white people stood up for themselves . if you are white 25-40 work and are christian you have less rights than any other set of people . they worked harder put more into the country take less out but are treated like sh1t
    and what action are you suggesting?
    no politician can get elected on a pro white people platform

    so what do we got? the KKK and guns
    lets not go there

    I would argue slaves put just as much into this country and did a huge service to America even if it was against their will. Slavery fueled the economy for people to have time to go to school, think, and provided somewhat of a mini renasance in America where great thinkers could emerge and bring forward new technology rather than work in manuel labor. European immigrants were a powerful workforce as well, but it was do or die, with no social benifits to fall back on then.

    White people may go the way of the dodo, but you and I will be gone by then and there is nothing you can do about it.

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kratos View Post
    and what action are you suggesting?
    no politician can get elected on a pro white people platform

    so what do we got? the KKK and guns
    lets not go there

    I would argue slaves put just as much into this country and did a huge service to America even if it was against their will. Slavery fueled the economy for people to have time to go to school, think, and provided somewhat of a mini renasance in America where great thinkers could emerge and bring forward new technology rather than work in manuel labor. European immigrants were a powerful workforce as well, but it was do or die, with no social benifits to fall back on then.

    White people may go the way of the dodo, but you and I will be gone by then and there is nothing you can do about it.

    Ummmm.. slaves were bought from blacks that enslaved them, whites did not send over an army to capture and bring them back..

    One tribe raiding and enslaving the blacks to be sold to the merchant ships..

    history.. the truth be told..
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  15. #15
    Iron_Pig's Avatar
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    What about The american Indian ?

  16. #16
    countrybhoy's Avatar
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    what about the poor over taxed white man

  17. #17
    Panzerfaust's Avatar
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    Wow..i'm shocked. I found another example from that pile of shit called "Britain"

    Go there and scroll down a bit and click on "Banned from Britain"...

    Jacqui Smith is a ****ing stupid **** and is one of the people helping to destroy the country. Her little speech there is ****ing pathetic "To individuals who abuse our standards and values to undermine our way of life..they are not welcome here".

    Ok, so Sharia law is part of Britains way of life? Hordes of Muslim immigration continues to spiral out of control. And that is ok?

    Good ****ing god...there is no hope for Europe. America is literally the last stand and it is almost as far gone.
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  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by spywizard View Post
    Ummmm.. slaves were bought from blacks that enslaved them, whites did not send over an army to capture and bring them back..

    One tribe raiding and enslaving the blacks to be sold to the merchant ships..

    history.. the truth be told..
    ummm...highlight when I said otherwise
    I was just stating they were valuable in building America as we know it. And, just saying it wasn't a whites only show.

  19. #19
    countrybhoy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by muriloninja View Post
    Wow..i'm shocked. I found another example from that pile of shit called "Britain"

    Go there and scroll down a bit and click on "Banned from Britain"...

    Jacqui Smith is a ****ing stupid **** and is one of the people helping to destroy the country. Her little speech there is ****ing pathetic "To individuals who abuse our standards and values to undermine our way of life..they are not welcome here".

    Ok, so Sharia law is part of Britains way of life? Hordes of Muslim immigration continues to spiral out of control. And that is ok?

    Good ****ing god...there is no hope for Europe. America is literally the last stand and it is almost as far gone.

    try living here m8 . if i say anything against these people i am a racist . but hell they can say and do as they please . political correctness my arse . political murder of my birth rights of christian values or any white culture left .

  20. #20
    Bio-boosted's Avatar
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    90 sec vid and very educational.
    It all ebbs n flows, methinks. Nothing that some folk fear (radical islam etc) will last the journey. Check out the Ottoman Empire near the end of history, just as it looks like Europe will be overrun... they die. Thanks partly to Bismark lol

  21. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by Iron_Pig View Post
    What about The american Indian ?
    They're doing fine, I gave them a few hundred dollars at the casino the other day lol

    but seriously their way of life couldn't go on forever with the world population exploding. I'm sorry but that's just the way it goes. Someone would have claimed this rich farm land sooner or later and they were in no position to defend it. At least we let a lot of them live and give them special rights and stuff. It's not fair, but it could be worse.

  22. #22
    Panzerfaust's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Iron_Pig View Post
    What about The american Indian ?

    Apparently they are of no importance to History, only the Blacks and Jews have been shit on. /sarcasm

    The bottom line is this, everyone has been shit on at one time or another. I didn't create this thread for racial comments but to make people aware of how Europe is being destroyed.

    Hell, we have people on here from the UK, they should be able to say a few words on this. Its their backyard afterall.
    ***No source checks!!!***

  23. #23
    Bio-boosted's Avatar
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    90 sec vid and very educational.
    It all ebbs n flows, methinks. Nothing that some folk fear (radical islam etc) will last the journey. Check out the Ottoman Empire near the end of history, just as it looks like Europe will be overrun... they die. Thanks partly to Bismark lol

  24. #24
    countrybhoy's Avatar
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    read this . and this is not racist it just facts .

    Race, Crime and Justice in America
    The Color
    New Century Foundation
    Oakton, VA 22124

    Second, Expanded Edition
    Major Findings
    • Police and the justice system are not biased against minorities.
    Crime Rates
    • Blacks are seven times more likely than people of other races to commit murder,
    and eight times more likely to commit robbery.
    • When blacks commit crimes of violence, they are nearly three times more likely
    than non-blacks to use a gun, and more than twice as likely to use a knife.
    • Hispanics commit violent crimes at roughly three times the white rate, and
    Asians commit violent crimes at about one quarter the white rate.
    • The single
    best indicator of violent crime levels in an area is the percentage of
    the population that is black and Hispanic.
    Interracial Crime
    • Of the nearly 770,000 violent interracial crimes committed every year involving
    blacks and whites, blacks commit 85 percent and whites commit 15 percent.
    • Blacks commit more violent crime against whites than against blacks. Fortyfive
    percent of their victims are white, 43 percent are black, and 10 percent are
    Hispanic. When whites commit violent crime, only three percent of their victims are
    • Blacks are an estimated 39 times more likely to commit a violent crime against
    a white than vice versa, and 136 times more likely to commit robbery.
    • Blacks are 2.25 times more likely to commit officially-designated hate crimes
    against whites than vice versa.
    • Only 10 percent of youth gang members are white.
    • Hispanics are 19 times more likely than whites to be members of youth gangs.
    Blacks are 15 times more likely, and Asians are nine times more likely.
    • Between 1980 and 2003 the US incarceration rate more than tripled, from 139
    to 482 per 100,000, and the number of prisoners increased from 320,000 to 1.39
    • Blacks are seven times more likely to be in prison than whites. Hispanics are
    three times more likely

  25. #25
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    Oh christ, over taxed, get use to it slick, you think for one fvcking minute that It will ever change. We as a country spend more money over sea's than we do here at home.That sir is why we are over taxed, it is we sir the people white, black, brown, red, green, blue. Our tax dollars go to bail out greeady car company's bank's and who ever the hell else need's fvcking hand out.So over taxed white man we are all in the shit soup grab a bowl and eat up.

  26. #26
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    Have Any one of you been over in Eroupe ?

    Quote Originally Posted by muriloninja View Post
    Apparently they are of no importance to History, only the Blacks and Jews have been shit on. /sarcasm

    The bottom line is this, everyone has been shit on at one time or another. I didn't create this thread for racial comments but to make people aware of how Europe is being destroyed.

    Hell, we have people on here from the UK, they should be able to say a few words on this. Its their backyard afterall.

  27. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by Iron_Pig View Post
    Oh christ, over taxed, get use to it slick, you think for one fvcking minute that It will ever change. We as a country spend more money over sea's than we do here at home.That sir is why we are over taxed, it is we sir the people white, black, brown, red, green, blue. Our tax dollars go to bail out greeady car company's bank's and who ever the hell else need's fvcking hand out.So over taxed white man we are all in the shit soup grab a bowl and eat up.

    yea and keeping these people in jail then keeping them on welfare . like ive said before this is or used to be a white christain country time to make it that way again . not asking you to agree dont really care if you do .

  28. #28
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    Your birth right as Christian and what is that, the right to pass judgment on other's NO MAN SHALL PASS JUDGEMENT ON ME, let me guess some Hispanic took your low paying job at BK because he will work and you feel it is beneath you??
    Quote Originally Posted by countrybhoy View Post
    try living here m8 . if i say anything against these people i am a racist . but hell they can say and do as they please . political correctness my arse . political murder of my birth rights of christian values or any white culture left .

  29. #29
    *RAGE*'s Avatar
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    You want to save tax money drug test people on walfare, you will save 1 billion a week.

  30. #30
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    I don't think it's lost on Europeans muirlo, in what direction the demographics are changing. I've cited this as a major problem before undermining the economic stability of Europe. And also how the imigrants are draining the socalist goverment of benifits...they shake their fist at it, but what can they do?

    For every one person who's frustrated for the direction things are going, you've got a citizen with sympathy (what you'd call a bleeding heart liberal in America). Then you've got the rising Islamic population with voting rights. So, what options are there, rather then spreading hate towards Muslim immigrants? It's going to go the way it's going to go at this point.

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    Welfear getting votes one Junkie at a time

    Quote Originally Posted by prone2rage View Post
    You want to save tax money drug test people on walfare, you will save 1 billion a week.

  32. #32
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    Quote Originally Posted by prone2rage View Post
    You want to save tax money drug test people on walfare, you will save 1 billion a week.
    360 billion a year
    pft, that won't make a dent at the rate we spend

    I have a much more radical vision then that for welfare.

  33. #33
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    Germany,France,Italy,spain allowed this to happen as it was cheap labour. An now they are paying for it. We did the same thing here in the states i.e you do not pay me enought to do that job. So some guy from a third world country will come here and do it.

  34. #34
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    Quote Originally Posted by Iron_Pig View Post
    Germany,France,Italy,spain allowed this to happen as it was cheap labour. An now they are paying for it. We did the same thing here in the states i.e you do not pay me enought to do that job. So some guy from a third world country will come here and do it.
    it's short sighted, once people get here they become "americanized" and lazy. Once they are all legal only 5 years or so goes by before the immigrants who have been here longer teach them all the tricks.

  35. #35
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kratos View Post
    it's short sighted, once people get here they become "americanized" and lazy. Once they are all legal only 5 years or so goes by before the immigrants who have been here longer teach them all the tricks.

    i for sure agree with that observation..
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    call me racist or crazy, but I'd rather raise my white kids and see my grandchildren inheriting a latino dominant society than an Islamic one. It's just further away from my own values than I'd like to see the country go in some forms and has shown the potential for what I would call an ugly society.

  37. #37
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    I will agree, But it is our government that allow's this. New voter's as they see it.

    Quote Originally Posted by Kratos View Post
    it's short sighted, once people get here they become "americanized" and lazy. Once they are all legal only 5 years or so goes by before the immigrants who have been here longer teach them all the tricks.

  38. #38
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    Your not racist, You see the writing on the wall, The people in the government that allow this. Amnisty for the illeagle's, the ploitico's see this because main stream america is tired of this. Nacy Pelosi is a prime person on this subject. Because her husban is a big employer of Hispanic people.

  39. #39
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    Quote Originally Posted by spywizard View Post
    Ummmm.. slaves were bought from blacks that enslaved them, whites did not send over an army to capture and bring them back..

    One tribe raiding and enslaving the blacks to be sold to the merchant ships..

    history.. the truth be told..
    You're history is a bit foggy Spy!!! Your above statement isn't totally accurate and you know it.

  40. #40
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    Quote Originally Posted by BgMc31 View Post
    You're history is a bit foggy Spy!!! Your above statement isn't totally accurate and you know it.
    Didn't want to go into that as it wasn't really imortant to this thread. But, some were criminals, some slaves were the result of war. Some independent slave merchants did in fact stage raids on unprotected African villages and kidnap and enslave Africans. Most professional slave traders, however, set up bases along the west African coast where they purchased slaves from Africans in exchange for firearms and other goods. Even if Africans did the capturing, the slave traders were taking advantage of their poverty. Demand was the cause of slavery anyway. So....moving on.

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