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Thread: Cowboys Accountability Log

  1. #721
    Cowboymike's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Obs View Post
    I dont socialize well either boss.

    Its not fear or anxiety its just that I have seen peoples shit in large groups and I want no part of it.

    I have a political face and a work face.
    I prefer the work face.
    No way I would ever use the political face if I didnt have to.

    Every time I give normies a chance to be friends they wind up doing something spiteful. I don't forgive that. Then it turns into who is willing to go the distance with the spite and I am already cleaning up blood before they decide how far they will go and who the hell needs that shit?
    I totally get that.. I think for me as well there’s the I don’t want to put any effort any more into building new relationships with strangers in real life... because unless it’s maybe someone at the gym or looks like they at least go to the gym or has a bunch of scars on their body, chances are it’s going to build a friendship/relationship with someone else who I don’t have anything in common with... I bond through common interests.. let’s go to the bull rider practice arena and watch. Let’s go surf. Let’s go to the gym. Let’s cut loose last second and go camp a night in the woods... let’s talk body building, health, bro science, just life shit... let’s eat bbq and discover better ways to make our food taste better lol...

    That’s what makes it so simple in the forums. We already are able to bond over common interests. Personalities mashing together is just secondary... but it’s not the same in real life... we all already have our space here and we can come and go as we please. We can respond when we are able. Not really obligated or there’s no real set expectations..

    So it’s having to put in more work to meet new people to try to find the common ground in which to build... it’s a lot of work imo... and I hate wasting time. Im tired of making friends who are only temporary and not in for the long haul anyway. I have my handful who are. We are like family. Pick up where we left off no matter how much time goes by. No riffs, no resentments, just able to exist and everyone be totally fine with each other...

    Some days I want to put in the work and meet new people... most other days I just don’t want to put in the effort..

    But like you I have my hats I can wear and no one would be the wiser.
    Obs, Capebuffalo and Family_guy like this.

  2. #722
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    Quote Originally Posted by Proximal View Post
    Passed on a retirement party tonight (the wife was "thrilled" going alone).

    You are a better man than I am.
    Lol man I hate it though I catch myself looking at fire sprinkler piping more than tubing in to what they are saying...
    Obs and Proximal like this.

  3. #723
    Cowboymike's Avatar
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    Day 352

    Upon wake up:
    50mg Metoprolol
    500mg L-Tyrosine
    1 serving liquid Turmeric
    3iu HGH

    Meal 1
    Calories: 804
    Jamaican jerked chicken hash
    3 farm fresh eggs
    1 slice extra large sourdough toast

    Meal 2
    Calories: 729
    1/3lb cheese burger

    Meal 3
    Calories: 840
    3 slices pepperoni pizza

    Meal 4
    Calories: 520
    24 red apple slices
    4tbsp jiffy peanut butter

    Plus Vitamins: NAC, Tudca, Tumeric, Cinnamon, Vit D3/E/C, Iron, iodine, calcium, magnesium, Alaskan fish oil, saw palmetto, potassium, S-glutathione, zinc, organ defender

    Cheat day today... I did not hold back... I of course feel like complete shit though lol... my body is not happy with my food choices today and I’m reminded as to why I don’t like this everyday... so bloated it’s insane

    Woke up and hit some fasted cardio before I started my day... then pretty much ruined that lol.. got my errands ran and chores complete... thinking of heading off tomorrow to go feel how cold the river is... maybe...

    Daily gratitude item:
    Grateful to have gas in my insured vehicle so I can go anywhere I want and not have to walk to get there...

    10:00pm will be
    50mg metoprolol
    1 - 5-HTP Plus
    500mg L-Tyrosine
    100mcg T4 liquid

    Total water consumed until now:
    1.25 gallons

    Total Calories and Macros today
    Calories: 2,893
    Protein: 146
    Carbs: 283
    Fiber: 26
    Sugar: 63
    Fat: 134

    Fasted Cardio
    45min elliptical
    Family_guy and Obs like this.

  4. #724
    Proximal is offline Banned
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    Cheeseburger & pizza?


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  5. #725
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    Quote Originally Posted by Proximal View Post
    Cheeseburger & pizza?


    I paid dearly for it... I’ll rethink cheat day back into a meal only and just throw pancakes into the mix lol... my entire body has been paying for those poor food choices...
    Proximal and Obs like this.

  6. #726
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    Day 353

    Upon wake up:
    50mg Metoprolol
    500mg L-Tyrosine
    1 serving liquid Turmeric
    2iu HGH (2iu @ 330pm)

    Meal 1
    Calories: 664
    Jamaican jerked chicken hash
    3 farm fresh eggs

    Meal 2
    Calories: 485
    1 serving whey concentrate, Unflavored
    1 serving whey concentrate, Chocolate
    4tbsp pbfit powdered peanut butter
    1 cup organic coconut milk unsweetened
    1 cup organic almond milk unsweetened

    Meal 3
    Calories: 220
    2cups creamy corn and roasted red pepper soup

    Meal 4
    Calories: 520
    24 red apple slices
    4tbsp jiffy peanut butter

    Meal 5
    Calories: 837
    4 cups mixed salad
    2 chicken enchiladas
    1 cup chili

    Plus Vitamins: NAC, Tudca, Tumeric, Cinnamon, Vit D3/E/C, Iron, iodine, calcium, magnesium, Alaskan fish oil, saw palmetto, potassium, S-glutathione, zinc, organ defender

    Sun rises a little earlier than I expected.. I would literally need to start at 330ish am to hike to my normal watch the sunrise spot... which means I’d have to be up by 130 to leave my house by 230... not going to fit my schedule lol.. so I just got an easy quickie hike in and headed home for some left overs... took it easy today and finished up loose ends on chores from yesterday and then headed off to hang out with the kiddos at my adopted sisters house. They sure have a way to take over my brain and I’m no longer stuck thinking about my shit. They slam me right into the present, into the here and now in an instant... funny how that works and how much life is just simple and good when focused on the now.

    Ready for the week, bring it on..

    Got my sleep doctor and study from after work until Tuesday morning. I’m sure I’ll have time to come log at least ;0)

    Daily gratitude item:
    Grateful for the days when I get to spend time in little tyke land with my adopted nieces... life becomes so simple and meaningful by simply hearing them laughing and enjoying their moments...

    10:00pm will be
    50mg metoprolol
    1 - 5-HTP Plus
    500mg L-Tyrosine
    100mcg T4 liquid

    Total water consumed until now:
    1.50 gallons

    Total Calories and Macros today
    Calories: 2,726
    Protein: 187
    Carbs: 276
    Fiber: 44
    Sugar: 106
    Fat: 107

    No gym today
    Family_guy, Obs and Old Duffer like this.

  7. #727
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    Day 354

    Upon wake up:
    50mg Metoprolol
    500mg L-Tyrosine
    1 serving liquid Turmeric
    3iu HGH
    125mg TestC
    50mg NPP
    12.5mg Aromasin
    .25 caber

    Don’t have time to input the food for macros... but I’m getting fat... time to put a stop to my over eating..

    Meal 1
    1 choc brownie protein bar
    1 choc chip cookie dough protein bar

    Meal 2
    Calories: 485
    1 serving whey concentrate, Unflavored
    1 serving whey concentrate, Chocolate
    4tbsp pbfit powdered peanut butter
    1 cup organic coconut milk unsweetened
    1 cup organic almond milk unsweetened

    Meal 3
    2 choc chip cookie dough protein bar

    Meal 4
    24 red apple slices
    2 chic brownie protein bar

    Meal 5
    2 cups cottage cheese
    2 choc chip cookie dough protein bar

    Meal 6
    2 choc ensure drinks

    Plus Vitamins: NAC, Tudca, Tumeric, Cinnamon, Vit D3/E/C, Iron, iodine, calcium, magnesium, Alaskan fish oil, saw palmetto, potassium, S-glutathione, zinc, organ defender

    I bounced around the day like a dang ping pong ball... up to the border of the state.. down to the inner city to take the test... finished quicker than anticipated so I took the other test... finished that one with 30min left to spare... said screw it and took the underground test.. pass pass and pass... here’s my $120 now make me an official license card please ;0) I’m actually pretty proud of myself... despite it is stuff I should know because it’s my trade... but that was over 1500 pages of installation, maintenance and service code I had to study to pass these bad boys... I worked my ass off for over a week and now I officially hold more licenses than any other foreman at my company ;0) Theres only 2 more I can even get. I’m going to get them just to get them. I grew up in this industry. The last 2 are a cakewalk. I save the easiest for last always. Even on my jobs.

    Anyway jammed to finish the rest of my work, then dentist appointment, then my car battery dies, so I get that handled, now all wired up for my sleep study...
    Looking forward to a much less hectic day tomorrow ;0)

    Daily gratitude item:
    Grateful to have the ability to listen to my instincts. That I can trust myself enough to listen.

    10:00pm will be
    Some narcotic sleeping pill they’re going to give me I guess

    Total water consumed until now:
    1.75 gallons

    Total Calories and Macros today

    No time today
    No gym today

  8. #728
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    Congrats on the licensing
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  9. #729
    Proximal is offline Banned
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    Second ^^^^ that.
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  10. #730
    Family_guy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cowboymike View Post
    Day 354

    Upon wake up:
    50mg Metoprolol
    500mg L-Tyrosine
    1 serving liquid Turmeric
    3iu HGH
    125mg TestC
    50mg NPP
    12.5mg Aromasin
    .25 caber

    Don’t have time to input the food for macros... but I’m getting fat... time to put a stop to my over eating..

    Meal 1
    1 choc brownie protein bar
    1 choc chip cookie dough protein bar

    Meal 2
    Calories: 485
    1 serving whey concentrate, Unflavored
    1 serving whey concentrate, Chocolate
    4tbsp pbfit powdered peanut butter
    1 cup organic coconut milk unsweetened
    1 cup organic almond milk unsweetened

    Meal 3
    2 choc chip cookie dough protein bar

    Meal 4
    24 red apple slices
    2 chic brownie protein bar

    Meal 5
    2 cups cottage cheese
    2 choc chip cookie dough protein bar

    Meal 6
    2 choc ensure drinks

    Plus Vitamins: NAC, Tudca, Tumeric, Cinnamon, Vit D3/E/C, Iron, iodine, calcium, magnesium, Alaskan fish oil, saw palmetto, potassium, S-glutathione, zinc, organ defender

    I bounced around the day like a dang ping pong ball... up to the border of the state.. down to the inner city to take the test... finished quicker than anticipated so I took the other test... finished that one with 30min left to spare... said screw it and took the underground test.. pass pass and pass... here’s my $120 now make me an official license card please ;0) I’m actually pretty proud of myself... despite it is stuff I should know because it’s my trade... but that was over 1500 pages of installation, maintenance and service code I had to study to pass these bad boys... I worked my ass off for over a week and now I officially hold more licenses than any other foreman at my company ;0) Theres only 2 more I can even get. I’m going to get them just to get them. I grew up in this industry. The last 2 are a cakewalk. I save the easiest for last always. Even on my jobs.

    Anyway jammed to finish the rest of my work, then dentist appointment, then my car battery dies, so I get that handled, now all wired up for my sleep study...
    Looking forward to a much less hectic day tomorrow ;0)

    Daily gratitude item:
    Grateful to have the ability to listen to my instincts. That I can trust myself enough to listen.

    10:00pm will be
    Some narcotic sleeping pill they’re going to give me I guess

    Total water consumed until now:
    1.75 gallons

    Total Calories and Macros today

    No time today
    No gym today
    Great job on the license cowboy! That’s awesome dude.

    Where do you get your unflavored whey concentrate? I’ve never even heard of such a thing
    Cowboymike and Obs like this.

  11. #731
    GearHeaded is offline BANNED
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cowboymike View Post

    I bounced around the day like a dang ping pong ball... up to the border of the state.. down to the inner city to take the test... finished quicker than anticipated so I took the other test... finished that one with 30min left to spare... said screw it and took the underground test.. pass pass and pass... here’s my $120 now make me an official license card please ;0) I’m actually pretty proud of myself... despite it is stuff I should know because it’s my trade... but that was over 1500 pages of installation, maintenance and service code I had to study to pass these bad boys... I worked my ass off for over a week and now I officially hold more licenses than any other foreman at my company ;0) Theres only 2 more I can even get. I’m going to get them just to get them. I grew up in this industry. The last 2 are a cakewalk. I save the easiest for last always. Even on my jobs.

    what seems like a different lifetime ago I was a pretty good Pipefitter and Boiler man myself (commercial hvac jobs mainly).. so we got something somewhat in common. ran my own company for 18 years. total respect for guys like you that work hard blue collar jobs and skilled trade jobs and still make it to the gym, train hard, and stick to your meal plans. its not easy to do.

    I would never be able to put on size spending 10 hours a day installing boilers and laying pipe all day (I have no clue how the hell Obs got so big doing the job he does as well,, hard ass work to work all day hard labor and still be able to grow)
    KennyJ, Old Duffer, Obs and 2 others like this.

  12. #732
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    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    what seems like a different lifetime ago I was a pretty good Pipefitter and Boiler man myself (commercial hvac jobs mainly).. so we got something somewhat in common. ran my own company for 18 years. total respect for guys like you that work hard blue collar jobs and skilled trade jobs and still make it to the gym, train hard, and stick to your meal plans. its not easy to do.

    I would never be able to put on size spending 10 hours a day installing boilers and laying pipe all day (I have no clue how the hell Obs got so big doing the job he does as well,, hard ass work to work all day hard labor and still be able to grow)
    I hit a wall. Weighed myself at 230 with a fullbelly.
    Feel depressed. Work keeps pushing harder as it gets hotter. Pissed at this barrier feel like a little bitch, want to runaway and join the circus.
    Cowboymike and Old Duffer like this.

  13. #733
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    Cowboys Accountability Log

    Quote Originally Posted by Family_guy View Post
    Great job on the license cowboy! That’s awesome dude.
    Quote Originally Posted by Proximal View Post
    Second ^^^^ that.
    Quote Originally Posted by Obs View Post
    Congrats on the licensing
    Thank you guys ;0)
    Obs and KennyJ like this.

  14. #734
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    Quote Originally Posted by Family_guy View Post
    Great job on the license cowboy! That’s awesome dude.

    Where do you get your unflavored whey concentrate? I’ve never even heard of such a thing
    I actually have to buy it from amazon... nutricost makes it... i love it.
    Obs and Family_guy like this.

  15. #735
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    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    what seems like a different lifetime ago I was a pretty good Pipefitter and Boiler man myself (commercial hvac jobs mainly).. so we got something somewhat in common. ran my own company for 18 years. total respect for guys like you that work hard blue collar jobs and skilled trade jobs and still make it to the gym, train hard, and stick to your meal plans. its not easy to do.

    I would never be able to put on size spending 10 hours a day installing boilers and laying pipe all day (I have no clue how the hell Obs got so big doing the job he does as well,, hard ass work to work all day hard labor and still be able to grow)
    Hell yeah brother! Pipefitters a pipefitter. You know it is ;0)

    That’s what’s weird though for me... if I eat 3k calories a day, with full 8-10hour work day, with gym time... I gain bf back so quick... but I’ve never been really big either though muscle-wise...

    Brother Born is not of this world...
    Obs and Family_guy like this.

  16. #736
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    Quote Originally Posted by Obs View Post
    I hit a wall. Weighed myself at 230 with a fullbelly.
    Feel depressed. Work keeps pushing harder as it gets hotter. Pissed at this barrier feel like a little bitch, want to runaway and join the circus.
    Glad to hear business picked up, sorry to hear you’re mentally paying for it though... I’m sure your water is drained and anything muscle will bounce right on back... if you joined the circus, you must get me a midget!

  17. #737
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    I will get you a midget like no other.
    I will get you a midget so short it cant hand you a beer; which i just ran out of.
    Switching to vodka.

    Should I have used a semicolon there? I dont know and that pisses me off.
    Old Duffer, KennyJ and Cowboymike like this.

  18. #738
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    Quote Originally Posted by Obs View Post
    I will get you a midget like no other.
    I will get you a midget so short it cant hand you a beer; which i just ran out of.
    Switching to vodka.

    Should I have used a semicolon there? I dont know and that pisses me off.
    You’re the author... you can use any punctuation you damn well please ;0)
    Obs likes this.

  19. #739
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    Day 356

    Upon wake up:
    500mg L-Tyrosine
    1 serving liquid Turmeric
    2iu HGH (2iu pre-workout)
    50mg NPP
    12.5mg Aromasin


    Meal 1
    Calories: 501
    1 serving whey concentrate, Unflavored
    1 serving whey concentrate, Chocolate
    4tbsp pbfit powdered peanut butter
    1 cup organic coconut milk unsweetened
    1 cup organic almond milk unsweetened
    8oz organic Aloe Vera juice

    Meal 2
    Calories: 400
    2 choc chip cookie dough protein bar

    Meal 3
    Calories: 330
    24 red apple slices
    2 tbsp peanut butter

    Meal 4
    Calories: 260
    8oz chopped boneless skinless chicken thigh

    Meal 5
    Calories: 380
    2 choc brownie protein bar

    Meal 6
    Calories: 500
    1 chicken burger patty
    4 slices bacon
    1 farm fresh egg
    1 slice pepper jack

    Meal 7
    Calories: 485
    1 serving whey concentrate, Unflavored
    1 serving whey concentrate, Chocolate
    4tbsp pbfit powdered peanut butter
    1 cup organic coconut milk unsweetened
    1 cup organic almond milk unsweetened

    Plus Vitamins: NAC, Tudca, Tumeric, Cinnamon, Vit D3/E/C, Iron, iodine, calcium, magnesium, Alaskan fish oil, saw palmetto, potassium, S-glutathione, zinc, organ defender

    Got the day handled today. Met with a fire Marshall for a few hydrants to flow test for the county. He was cool AF, haven’t met this guy before. It’ll be good to have a guy like this in my corner. He’s by the book like I like, but he’s open to hearing options and the reasoning behind the thinking... because book or no book, the authority having jurisdiction, has the final say..

    It felt good hauling the gear around and getting a workout on. I realized how out of shape I’ve gotten in such a short time... how aggravating is that? We work our asses off and can lose our ground in just 4-5 weeks time lol.. moral of the story, gotta stay consistent. Maintain it or lose it.

    Got to the gym. Felt great. Went ahead and bumped up the weight to test things out. Stuck to the movements I know don’t hurt my stomach. Still gotta stay good for just a little while longer.

    I’m ready to blast off again. Time to put together the game plan and get my ass in gear to prepare ;0)

    Hope everyone’s had a kick ass day today and having a rocking badass week so far!

    Daily gratitude item:
    Grateful for my shoes, boots and workout shoes... grateful that I’m in a place today in life that I can afford such luxuries. I realize how much I have taken this for granted and haven’t really given this much thought until now.

    10:00pm will be
    50mg metoprolol
    1 - 5-HTP Plus
    500mg L-Tyrosine
    100mcg T4 liquid

    Total water consumed until now:
    2.25 gallons

    Total Calories and Macros today
    Calories: 2,856
    Protein: 315
    Carbs: 113
    Fiber: 86
    Sugar: 54
    Fat: 118

    All slow and controlled with flex n squeeze

    Cable flys:
    6 sets @
    80lbs x 25reps

    6 sets @
    80lbs x 25 reps

    6 sets @
    80 lbs x 25 reps

    5 sets @
    50lbs x 25 reps

    Decline dumbbell flys
    4 sets @
    35 lbs x 25 reps

    Decline champagnes
    4 sets @
    50lbs x 25 reps

    Decline dumbbell press
    4 sets @
    35 lbs x 25 reps

    Took me an hour and 25 min though to complete... I gotta step it up
    Proximal, Obs, Old Duffer and 1 others like this.

  20. #740
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cowboymike View Post
    Day 356

    Upon wake up:
    500mg L-Tyrosine
    1 serving liquid Turmeric
    2iu HGH (2iu pre-workout)
    50mg NPP
    12.5mg Aromasin


    Meal 1
    Calories: 501
    1 serving whey concentrate, Unflavored
    1 serving whey concentrate, Chocolate
    4tbsp pbfit powdered peanut butter
    1 cup organic coconut milk unsweetened
    1 cup organic almond milk unsweetened
    8oz organic Aloe Vera juice

    Meal 2
    Calories: 400
    2 choc chip cookie dough protein bar

    Meal 3
    Calories: 330
    24 red apple slices
    2 tbsp peanut butter

    Meal 4
    Calories: 260
    8oz chopped boneless skinless chicken thigh

    Meal 5
    Calories: 380
    2 choc brownie protein bar

    Meal 6
    Calories: 500
    1 chicken burger patty
    4 slices bacon
    1 farm fresh egg
    1 slice pepper jack

    Meal 7
    Calories: 485
    1 serving whey concentrate, Unflavored
    1 serving whey concentrate, Chocolate
    4tbsp pbfit powdered peanut butter
    1 cup organic coconut milk unsweetened
    1 cup organic almond milk unsweetened

    Plus Vitamins: NAC, Tudca, Tumeric, Cinnamon, Vit D3/E/C, Iron, iodine, calcium, magnesium, Alaskan fish oil, saw palmetto, potassium, S-glutathione, zinc, organ defender

    Got the day handled today. Met with a fire Marshall for a few hydrants to flow test for the county. He was cool AF, haven’t met this guy before. It’ll be good to have a guy like this in my corner. He’s by the book like I like, but he’s open to hearing options and the reasoning behind the thinking... because book or no book, the authority having jurisdiction, has the final say..

    It felt good hauling the gear around and getting a workout on. I realized how out of shape I’ve gotten in such a short time... how aggravating is that? We work our asses off and can lose our ground in just 4-5 weeks time lol.. moral of the story, gotta stay consistent. Maintain it or lose it.

    Got to the gym. Felt great. Went ahead and bumped up the weight to test things out. Stuck to the movements I know don’t hurt my stomach. Still gotta stay good for just a little while longer.

    I’m ready to blast off again. Time to put together the game plan and get my ass in gear to prepare ;0)

    Hope everyone’s had a kick ass day today and having a rocking badass week so far!

    Daily gratitude item:
    Grateful for my shoes, boots and workout shoes... grateful that I’m in a place today in life that I can afford such luxuries. I realize how much I have taken this for granted and haven’t really given this much thought until now.

    10:00pm will be
    50mg metoprolol
    1 - 5-HTP Plus
    500mg L-Tyrosine
    100mcg T4 liquid

    Total water consumed until now:
    2.25 gallons

    Total Calories and Macros today
    Calories: 2,856
    Protein: 315
    Carbs: 113
    Fiber: 86
    Sugar: 54
    Fat: 118

    All slow and controlled with flex n squeeze

    Cable flys:
    6 sets @
    80lbs x 25reps

    6 sets @
    80lbs x 25 reps

    6 sets @
    80 lbs x 25 reps

    5 sets @
    50lbs x 25 reps

    Decline dumbbell flys
    4 sets @
    35 lbs x 25 reps

    Decline champagnes
    4 sets @
    50lbs x 25 reps

    Decline dumbbell press
    4 sets @
    35 lbs x 25 reps

    Took me an hour and 25 min though to complete... I gotta step it up
    Word to the wise... Never use a cordless impact on the bottom flange for mueller hydrants or extension risers. I have snapped several lol

    Like the gratitude item as always.

    I have installed a few hundred hydrants.
    Hated leveling them but damn I was good at it.
    Me and boss alone would do four in a day sometimes on new install.

    Meanwhile a crew of four jagoffs would get one done.
    I always built them to the line "tee" outside the hole and set them all at once with a trackhoe.

    Other idiots were scared of fkin up on measurements and piece by piece put them together in the trench.

    I never had a leak on new install of any water main.
    We were the first crew to leave a job in Gladstone without a leak in 13 years. We repeated that on every job including KC ductile iron. I was eccentric.

    Btw the milwakee fuel 1/2 inch bushless impact with 5.0 lithiulm ion batteries is the greatest impact I ever found for that work.

    They would run a 5 gallon bucket of bolts to 180ft lb or higher with less than two batteries. I soaked them in sandy and muddy water every day and put them up wet and they would not die. Miracle machine.

    I was better at that job than any employed position I ever had. They should have paid me in pussy and gear bonuses.
    Family_guy and Cowboymike like this.

  21. #741
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    Quote Originally Posted by Obs View Post
    Word to the wise... Never use a cordless impact on the bottom flange for mueller hydrants or extension risers. I have snapped several lol

    Like the gratitude item as always.

    I have installed a few hundred hydrants.
    Hated leveling them but damn I was good at it.
    Me and boss alone would do four in a day sometimes on new install.

    Meanwhile a crew of four jagoffs would get one done.
    I always built them to the line "tee" outside the hole and set them all at once with a trackhoe.

    Other idiots were scared of fkin up on measurements and piece by piece put them together in the trench.

    I never had a leak on new install of any water main.
    We were the first crew to leave a job in Gladstone without a leak in 13 years. We repeated that on every job including KC ductile iron. I was eccentric.

    Btw the milwakee fuel 1/2 inch bushless impact with 5.0 lithiulm ion batteries is the greatest impact I ever found for that work.

    They would run a 5 gallon bucket of bolts to 180ft lb or higher with less than two batteries. I soaked them in sandy and muddy water every day and put them up wet and they would not die. Miracle machine.

    I was better at that job than any employed position I ever had. They should have paid me in pussy and gear bonuses.
    Lol @ busting flanges... I swear we are from the same cloth lol... I’ve yet to get to tap into an under ground main to either feed a hydrant or even feed a new building for the fire riser I install... out here only the city is allowed to touch the mains... so they tap them, stub them up and then I get to take over. Every tap has to have a gate valve after it. Which obviously I don’t mind since I gotta install after lol... but I end up putting 2 os&y valves with a dang double check back flow between in the fire vault, then a butterfly valve on the inside of the building on the riser itself... then over to their required gate valve after the tap... it’s crazy.. one effin line...

    I couldn’t imagine running a line up from the underground tap that you had to level lol... that pipe is seriously the heaviest friggin pipe known to man... I can’t lift a 10’ stick by myself... I tried and thought I was going to blow out my butthole lol... it’s my goal though... just to show the others who’s the mule of the bunch lol

    I’ve actually and seriously was just eyeballing the Milwaukee!! Today at the shop!! I’m so tired of the dewalts.. I break 2 a year easy... just through simple concrete I have to drill my anchors into...
    Obs and Family_guy like this.

  22. #742
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    Day 357

    Upon wake up:
    500mg L-Tyrosine
    1 serving liquid Turmeric
    2iu HGH (2iu pre-workout)


    Meal 1
    Calories: 501
    1 serving whey concentrate, Unflavored
    1 serving whey concentrate, Chocolate
    4tbsp pbfit powdered peanut butter
    1 cup organic coconut milk unsweetened
    1 cup organic almond milk unsweetened
    8oz organic Aloe Vera juice

    Meal 2
    Calories: 400
    2 choc chip cookie dough protein bar

    Meal 3
    Calories: 540
    24 red apple slices
    2 cups cottage cheese

    Meal 4
    Calories: 670
    5 farm fresh eggs
    4 pepper jack cheese slices
    5tbsp cholula

    Meal 5
    Calories: 500
    1 chicken burger patty
    4 slices bacon
    1 farm fresh egg
    1 slice pepper jack

    Meal 6
    Calories: 485
    1 serving whey concentrate, Unflavored
    1 serving whey concentrate, Chocolate
    4tbsp pbfit powdered peanut butter
    1 cup organic coconut milk unsweetened
    1 cup organic almond milk unsweetened

    Plus Vitamins: NAC, Tudca, Tumeric, Cinnamon, Vit D3/E/C, Iron, iodine, calcium, magnesium, Alaskan fish oil, saw palmetto, potassium, S-glutathione, zinc, organ defender

    Another ass kicking day in the books. Flying high and on top of my game. I swear the ability to go to the gym directly affects my mental well being... I need that escape so much. I did not realize just how much though... how I feel this week compared to just 2 weeks ago, night and day difference..

    Hammered through my day, then got in some shoulders and back and allowed myself to up the weight. I feel amazing. I feel worn out. But I feel friggin amazing. I’m amazed at the human body and it’s intricate design. It’s healing capabilities and every tiny thing that goes into its functioning... just plain wow man..

    Daily gratitude item:
    Today I’m grateful for the fact I can eat the type of food I want to eat. That I’m not forced to eat garbage due to financial restrictions. That I get to choose.

    10:00pm will be
    0.5mg ropinirole
    50mg metoprolol
    1 - 5-HTP Plus
    500mg L-Tyrosine
    100mcg T4 liquid

    Total water consumed until now:
    2.25 gallons

    Total Calories and Macros today
    Calories: 3,096
    Protein: 320
    Carbs: 123
    Fiber: 54
    Sugar: 67
    Fat: 144

    All slow and controlled with flex n squeeze

    Warm up superset style, 1 rep each movement per round, 5-8 rounds per set.
    Dumbbell: lateral raise, front raise, front to high, front to mid, front to low
    3 sets @
    10lbs x 8 rounds
    3 sets @
    20lbs x 5 rounds

    Seated cable rows
    3 sets @
    40lbs x 50 reps
    3 sets @
    120lbs x 15 reps

    Vbar pulldown
    5 sets @
    120lbs x 12 reps

    Wide grip lat pull down
    3 sets @
    120lbs x 12 reps

    Underhand pulldown
    3 sets @
    80 lbs x 15 reps

    Cable upright rows
    3 sets @
    80lbs x 15 reps

    Back flys on machine
    3 sets @
    120lbs x 15 reps

    Shoulder press machine
    3 sets @
    100lbs x 15 reps

    Bent over rear delt raise
    3 sets @
    20lbs x 8 reps

    Cable Straight arm push downs
    3 sets @
    80lbs x 12 reps

    And I’m fuggin toastadoodle... this will be painful tomorrow lol
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  23. #743
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cowboymike View Post
    Lol @ busting flanges... I swear we are from the same cloth lol... I’ve yet to get to tap into an under ground main to either feed a hydrant or even feed a new building for the fire riser I install... out here only the city is allowed to touch the mains... so they tap them, stub them up and then I get to take over. Every tap has to have a gate valve after it. Which obviously I don’t mind since I gotta install after lol... but I end up putting 2 os&y valves with a dang double check back flow between in the fire vault, then a butterfly valve on the inside of the building on the riser itself... then over to their required gate valve after the tap... it’s crazy.. one effin line...

    I couldn’t imagine running a line up from the underground tap that you had to level lol... that pipe is seriously the heaviest friggin pipe known to man... I can’t lift a 10’ stick by myself... I tried and thought I was going to blow out my butthole lol... it’s my goal though... just to show the others who’s the mule of the bunch lol

    I’ve actually and seriously was just eyeballing the Milwaukee!! Today at the shop!! I’m so tired of the dewalts.. I break 2 a year easy... just through simple concrete I have to drill my anchors into...
    What are those super heavy pipes made of?
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  24. #744
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cowboymike View Post
    Lol @ busting flanges... I swear we are from the same cloth lol... I’ve yet to get to tap into an under ground main to either feed a hydrant or even feed a new building for the fire riser I install... out here only the city is allowed to touch the mains... so they tap them, stub them up and then I get to take over. Every tap has to have a gate valve after it. Which obviously I don’t mind since I gotta install after lol... but I end up putting 2 os&y valves with a dang double check back flow between in the fire vault, then a butterfly valve on the inside of the building on the riser itself... then over to their required gate valve after the tap... it’s crazy.. one effin line...

    I couldn’t imagine running a line up from the underground tap that you had to level lol... that pipe is seriously the heaviest friggin pipe known to man... I can’t lift a 10’ stick by myself... I tried and thought I was going to blow out my butthole lol... it’s my goal though... just to show the others who’s the mule of the bunch lol

    I’ve actually and seriously was just eyeballing the Milwaukee!! Today at the shop!! I’m so tired of the dewalts.. I break 2 a year easy... just through simple concrete I have to drill my anchors into...,prmr:1,cs:1

    Get three 5.0 batterys. They hold charge twice as long as the standard 4.0's and they have a lot more ass.

    We put these things through hell turning buckets of 1-1/4" t-bolts every day.

    I would have water blowing out the cooling vents in the sude and they just would not quit.

    Only one that broke we snapped the chuck off of so that tells you how powerful they are.

    No dewalt can touch them.
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  25. #745
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    Quote Originally Posted by Family_guy View Post
    What are those super heavy pipes made of?
    Some ductile iron and some poly.

    A 20' stick of 6" dia concrete lined ductile iron weighs 440-480lbs
    There is a huge variance because it is crudely made.
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  26. #746
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    I screwed my back up lifting an 8 inch diameter 20 foot stick of c-900 poly.

    Only about 250 lbs.
    I lifted it without stiffening my core.

    That was.... 8 years ago.
    Still the very reason I cant deadlift
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  27. #747
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    Quote Originally Posted by Obs View Post
    I screwed my back up lifting an 8 inch diameter 20 foot stick of c-900 poly.

    Only about 250 lbs.
    I lifted it without stiffening my core.

    That was.... 8 years ago.
    Still the very reason I cant deadlift
    Lol I call them the black sticks of death.. luckily I only have to deal with 6”

    I’m going to submit the drill request to my boss ;0) it’s worth the price in the long run
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  28. #748
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cowboymike View Post
    Lol I call them the black sticks of death.. luckily I only have to deal with 6”

    I’m going to submit the drill request to my boss ;0) it’s worth the price in the long run
    Be certain to get the quick charger with a fan.
    They are amazing too.
    We set up a power inverter on our truck for it.
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  29. #749
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    Day 358

    Upon wake up:
    500mg L-Tyrosine
    1 serving liquid Turmeric
    2iu HGH (2iu pre-workout)
    125mg TestC
    50mg NPP
    12.5mg Aromasin


    Meal 1
    Calories: 501
    1 serving whey concentrate, Unflavored
    1 serving whey concentrate, Chocolate
    4tbsp pbfit powdered peanut butter
    1 cup organic coconut milk unsweetened
    1 cup organic almond milk unsweetened
    8oz organic Aloe Vera juice

    Meal 2
    Calories: 400
    2 choc chip cookie dough protein bar

    Meal 3
    Calories: 400
    2 cups cottage cheese

    Meal 4
    Calories: 350
    5 farm fresh eggs
    5tbsp cholula

    Meal 5
    Calories: 500
    1 chicken burger patty
    4 slices bacon
    1 farm fresh egg
    1 slice pepper jack

    Meal 6
    Calories: 485
    1 serving whey concentrate, Unflavored
    1 serving whey concentrate, Chocolate
    4tbsp pbfit powdered peanut butter
    1 cup organic coconut milk unsweetened
    1 cup organic almond milk unsweetened

    Plus Vitamins: NAC, Tudca, Tumeric, Cinnamon, Vit D3/E/C, Iron, iodine, calcium, magnesium, Alaskan fish oil, saw palmetto, potassium, S-glutathione, zinc, organ defender

    I was above my game today... installed a whole house on my own. I do t get to do a lot of residential. But thanks to my light duty I got to do it today! Man doing plastic is easy work! Lol cut n glue. I can carry 210ft of pipe with one arm and on my shoulder lol.. it felt good to be productive though.. that house was booked for 3 days to install.. doneskis one day... I cant believe they charge 14k for that... now pay me my $175 after taxes lmao, good lawdy... what a profit margin huh?

    Felt good up n down the ladders all day. Decided to go ahead with legs today. I was going to wait until tomorrow... glad I didnt. It felt so good though that I may have over did things... Im much weaker though now... that was disappointing... but Ill get it back... my legs are betraying me now when I try to walk... they just kind of buckle under me.. like Im one of those old school toys where you press in the bottom and the figurine on top just kind of folds up all limp, then you release the bottom and it goes back to rigid and upright lol... I feel fan-fuggin-tastic... so glad BGT shared that video of the dude and his saying people were doing the incline leg press machine wrong.. I had no idea that you could hit both hams and quads on that machine!!! It’s a whole new world for me!!! Yippee!!!

    Daily gratitude item:
    Grateful to be able to use the restroom on my own. That I have a functioning system that allows things to happen as is designed. Without bags, assistance or any problems.

    10:00pm will be
    0.5mg ropinirole
    50mg metoprolol
    1 - 5-HTP Plus
    500mg L-Tyrosine
    100mcg T4 liquid

    Total water consumed until now:
    1.75 gallons

    Total Calories and Macros today
    Calories: 2,636
    Protein: 304
    Carbs: 81
    Fiber: 48
    Sugar: 37
    Fat: 116

    Incline leg press:
    For Quads- feet up high
    1 set @
    90lbs x 50 reps
    3 sets @
    630lbs x 12 reps
    3 sets @
    540lbs x 12 reps
    3 sets @
    450lbs x 15 reps
    3 drop sets @
    360lbs x 15 reps
    270lbs x 15 reps
    180lbs x 6 reps
    90lbs x 4 reps

    For hamstrings and glutes- feet down low
    4 sets @
    450lbs x 6 reps
    4 sets @
    360lbs x 10 reps
    4 sets drop sets @
    270lbs x 10 reps
    180lbs x 10 reps
    90lbs x 10 reps

    Leg Extensions
    5 sets @
    100lbs x 10 reps

    Leg Curls
    5 sets @
    150lbs x 6 reps

    And my legs are effin jello... I was on fire though... I didnt want to stop... but my legs are giving out on me just trying to walk... trying to step off a curb proved difficult as well lol
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  30. #750
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    They better pay you like four guys
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  31. #751
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    Quote Originally Posted by Obs View Post
    They better pay you like four guys
    Yeah they definitely don’t lol... but that’s ok.. I’m going to soak all this in until the feds are off my back... then it’ll all be worth it... it’s like when I was just starting out in a real life.. rock bottom and willing to do anything.. I was paid 10bucks an hour and swung a sledge, dug those ditches, paid the day labor I picked up from Home Depot for the boss more money each day than I got paid... but I learned everything from light electrical, to tiling, masonry, plastering and stucco, back yard remodeling, room additions, countertops, resurfacing cabinetry, woodworking, plumbing etc.... which later made me a living working for myself for quite a few years... making pretty damn good money... that’s what I feel like this is.. training to bigger and better things ;0)
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  32. #752
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    Day 359

    Upon wake up:
    500mg L-Tyrosine
    1 serving liquid Turmeric
    2iu HGH (2iu @ 5pm)
    12.5mg Aromasin


    Meal 1
    Calories: 501
    1 serving whey concentrate, Unflavored
    1 serving whey concentrate, Chocolate
    4tbsp pbfit powdered peanut butter
    1 cup organic coconut milk unsweetened
    1 cup organic almond milk unsweetened
    8oz organic Aloe Vera juice

    Meal 2
    Calories: 788
    Spanish omelette with ground beef
    Sour cream
    English muffin

    Meal 3
    Calories: 530
    Southern fried chicken sandwich

    Meals 4&5
    Calories: 1,040
    1 serving whey concentrate, Unflavored
    1 serving whey concentrate, Chocolate
    4tbsp pbfit powdered peanut butter
    3 cup organic almond milk unsweetened
    2 cup frozen peaches
    1 cup frozen strawberry
    1 cup frozen pineapple chunks

    Plus Vitamins: NAC, Tudca, Tumeric, Cinnamon, Vit D3/E/C, Iron, iodine, calcium, magnesium, Alaskan fish oil, saw palmetto, potassium, S-glutathione, zinc, organ defender

    Crazy day today running errands and doing chores... treated myself to a nice breakfast and then a bomb ass chicken sandwich with cactus, bacon, grilled onions... yummm

    I’ve been waddling around like a stiff legged penguin... I don’t ever recall being this sore in my entire life... my whole body is just painfully sore.. feels fantastic!

    Hope everyone’s having a kick ass weekend so far!

    Daily gratitude item:
    Grateful to have made a decision 15 years ago to stop being a extremely violent, lowlife scumbag piece of shit, poisoning my brain and body with toxic liquids and chemicals

    10:00pm will be
    0.5mg ropinirole
    50mg metoprolol
    1 - 5-HTP Plus
    500mg L-Tyrosine
    100mcg T4 liquid

    Total water consumed until now:
    1.50 gallons

    Total Calories and Macros today
    Calories: 2,859
    Protein: 251
    Carbs: 211
    Fiber: 35
    Sugar: 70
    Fat: 115

    No gym today. My entire body is smoked.
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  33. #753
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    Great accomplishments
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  34. #754
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    Cowboys Accountability Log

    Day 360

    Upon wake up:
    500mg L-Tyrosine
    1 serving liquid Turmeric
    2iu HGH (2iu pre-workout)


    Meal 1
    Calories: 376
    1 serving whey concentrate, Unflavored
    1 serving whey concentrate, Chocolate
    1 cup organic almond milk unsweetened
    8oz organic Aloe Vera juice

    Meal 2
    Calories: 460
    3 farm fresh eggs
    2oz country pork sausage
    1 slice habanero cheese

    Meals 3&4
    Calories: 980
    1 serving whey concentrate, Unflavored
    1 serving whey concentrate, Chocolate
    4tbsp pbfit powdered peanut butter
    3 cup organic almond milk unsweetened
    2 cup frozen peaches
    1 cup frozen strawberry
    1 cup frozen pineapple chunks

    Meal 5
    Calories: 778
    1 beer brautworst
    1 French roll
    1 cup grilled onions, peppers, mushrooms
    1 tbsp avocado oil mayo

    Plus Vitamins: NAC, Tudca, Tumeric, Cinnamon, Vit D3/E/C, Iron, iodine, calcium, magnesium, Alaskan fish oil, saw palmetto, potassium, S-glutathione, zinc, organ defender

    Took it easy today. Sun was shining and I decided to get out of the house. Just a short drive to a nearby trailhead. Easy little hike in and a nice full river to kick off my boots and dip my feet in until the cold snow runoff becomes too much and I pull them out to warm in the sun.. bugs are out now unfortunately. But it was still cool.

    My legs are still toast. Unbelievable how much so lol.. gotta give platelets tomorrow so itll be gym start on no restrictions starting Tuesday anyway ;0) finally made it to the end of this road!

    Already plotted and planned my bulk. Im already eating the calories lol.. Ill go ahead and kick things off the 17th. I gotta go get bloods done for trt doc anyway the 15th as well as the hgh separate testing Ill be doing on same morning.

    Im a little hesitant and fearful of putting on too much fluff.. but it is what it is I guess. Gotta fluff to grow right? Obviously my many many attempts to lean bulk hasnt doesnt work. So going to finally listen and just go for gold. Ignore the fluff. Cut it back down on the back end. See what happens ;0)

    Daily gratitude item:
    Grateful to be able to go into the forest and find quietness. That my mind is now trained to turn off and be present and in the moment. Only thoughts are of what my senses are inputting from my surroundings. No words in my thoughts. Just registering sensations... its probably one of the weirdest things I experience. Its like listening to your body communicate with itself without the pollution of voice speaking words in my thoughts... I dont know how to explain it. But its pretty friggin cool I think... weird, but cool.

    10:00pm will be
    0.5mg ropinirole
    50mg metoprolol
    1 - 5-HTP Plus
    500mg L-Tyrosine
    100mcg T4 liquid

    Total water consumed until now:
    1.50 gallons

    Total Calories and Macros today
    Calories: 2,594
    Protein: 242
    Carbs: 172
    Fiber: 28
    Sugar: 73
    Fat: 109

    6 miles easy paced hiking. Not a lot of elevation change.
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  35. #755
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    Cowboys Accountability Log

    Day 361

    Upon wake up:
    500mg L-Tyrosine
    1 serving liquid Turmeric
    2iu HGH (2iu @7pm)
    12.5mg Aromasin


    Meal 1
    Calories: 376
    1 serving whey concentrate, Unflavored
    1 serving whey concentrate, Chocolate
    1 cup organic almond milk unsweetened
    8oz organic Aloe Vera juice

    Meal 2
    Calories: 460
    3 farm fresh eggs
    2oz country pork sausage
    1 slice habanero cheese

    Meals 3
    Calories: 540
    2 cups cottage cheese
    24 red apple slices

    Meal 4
    Calories: 400
    2 choc chip cookie dough protein bar

    Meal 5
    Calories: 380
    2 choc brownie protein bar

    Meal 6
    Calories: 330
    1 serving whey concentrate, Unflavored
    1 serving whey concentrate, Chocolate
    1 cup organic almond milk unsweetened

    Plus Vitamins: NAC, Tudca, Tumeric, Cinnamon, Vit D3/E/C, Iron, iodine, calcium, magnesium, Alaskan fish oil, saw palmetto, potassium, S-glutathione, zinc, organ defender

    Crazy busy day. Kept me out of the gym as I was back to back in appointments and platelet donations to phone calls... now just trying to unwind to prepare for some bed time... good day though. The summers already showing up it appears. About to break heat records all week I guess... warm up that river brother sun. So I can put my feet in without feeling like they’re going to snap off lol..

    I have this sudden desire to go fishing... I don’t know how really... but figure a cheap Walmart pole and some bait.. get my license there too... if I catch something great... if I don’t, I can always roll into a fasting/meditation day/night in the Forest. Pretty weird though. I’m not one who thinks about this kind of stuff lol...

    Tomorrow I’m fully released from light duty and have full gym clearance with the exception of going crazy on deadlifts of squats... which i don’t do anyway.. yet... 3 full months before I’m released fully for anything and everything... but gtg tomorrow on rebuilding what I’ve lost.

    I ordered some BPC for the elbow... and that already landed... Ace doesn’t screw around lol... I was literally like how dafuq? Did he fly it over personally or what?!? Excited to start that tonight.

    Daily gratitude item:
    Grateful to get to have the chance to experience true friendship. Where time between talking doesn’t matter, we can pick up where we left off as if it was only a day gone past, no expectations or resentments over petty shit. Just pure unfiltered, unconditional love towards another. No judgements, no heartburn. Just pure joy when I hear their voice...

    10:00pm will be
    0.5mg ropinirole
    50mg metoprolol
    1 - 5-HTP Plus
    500mg L-Tyrosine
    100mcg T4 liquid
    500mcg BPC-157

    Total water consumed until now:
    2.25 gallons

    Total Calories and Macros today
    Calories: 2,486
    Protein: 274
    Carbs: 103
    Fiber: 71
    Sugar: 55
    Fat: 100

    Last edited by Cowboymike; 06-11-2019 at 09:25 PM.
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  36. #756
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    Cowboys Accountability Log

    Day 362

    Upon wake up:
    500mg L-Tyrosine
    1 serving liquid Turmeric
    2iu HGH (2iu pre-workout)
    125mg TestC
    50mg NPP
    12.5mg Aromasin
    500mcg BPC-157


    Meal 1
    Calories: 376
    1 serving whey concentrate, Unflavored
    1 serving whey concentrate, Chocolate
    1 cup organic almond milk unsweetened
    8oz organic Aloe Vera juice

    Meal 2
    Calories: 460
    3 farm fresh eggs
    2oz country pork sausage
    1 slice habanero cheese

    Meals 3
    Calories: 540
    2 cups cottage cheese
    24 red apple slices

    Meal 4
    Calories: 600
    3 choc chip cookie dough protein bar

    Meal 5
    Calories: 380
    2 choc brownie protein bar

    Meal 6
    Calories: 330
    1 serving whey concentrate, Unflavored
    1 serving whey concentrate, Chocolate
    2 cup organic almond milk unsweetened

    Meal 7
    Calories: 180
    1 1/2 jalapeño and chicken sausage
    1 cup grilled peppers and onions

    Plus Vitamins: NAC, Tudca, Tumeric, Cinnamon, Vit D3/E/C, Iron, iodine, calcium, magnesium, Alaskan fish oil, saw palmetto, potassium, S-glutathione, zinc, organ defender

    Kicked ass today at work again. Last day of light duty and I went above and beyond to hammer home all projects entrusted upon me in the warehouse. The shop Forman is trying to talk me into coming in house full time. I couldn’t do it though. I need to be in new places all the time to constantly switch things up. It’s how my brain is wired. My adhd would destroy me in an idle setting... I’m unmedicated and have been for a long time.. I learned how to somewhat manage it.. avoiding things like that is the ticket. He’s also a little difficult to deal with but I’ve dealt with guys like him all my life so he doesn’t get under my skin and his abrasive ways affect me in no way at all. He’s a good dude under the the frustrations he holds onto. Super smart, has an engineer kind of mind... if I was his boss I’d be having him doing designing and fabrication. He has the brain for it. Guys like him need to be challenged daily. Or they get bored and resentful causing them to become abrasive and rude lol..

    No more light duty... and my debut job is going to be on the coast tomorrow! Thank god, we are in this crazy heat wave right now. So I’ll be working hard but at least I get to smell the ocean air and feel the breeze off of the water on my face... I miss the ocean so much. This summer I’m going to the coast a lot. Zero fuks given ;0)

    Hit my sleep doc appointment and getting a sleep machine... doc told me that I’m going to get big AF after I’m sleeping right lmao!! He said to wait and see... so we shall see. I think he just sensed my not being very happy about it. Knew how to get me perked up lol... I guess the study showed me as stopping breathing 22 times an hour and my blood oxygen dipping to low 80’s... which is quite an improvement from my past sleep studies actually... so I guess there’s a silver lining if I can’t be happy about not being fully resolved from my issues.. I just want to give my body the proper sleep it needs to heal and grow... that’s my main objective. If I have to wear an air snorkel, then so be it. I’m not fighting it. For now lol... I may get a second opinion though afterwards... this doc stated that my other sleep issues WILL most likely be resolved with preventing the apnea part... I’m highly suspect of this statement though.. I’ve had some pretty accredited specialist state otherwise... but hey, let’s try one thing at a time right?

    Hit the gym and put in some arms... man I got some ground to cover to recover. But I’m putting my head down and I’m ready to fight, scratch and claw my way back up and excel past my old PR’s. Effin elbow is really bugging me. Praying the bpc does it’s magic ;0)

    Daily gratitude item:
    Grateful that today I show up and give 100% of me in everything I do. Work, gym, home and with life. That I’m learning discipline and consistently striving to better myself in all areas of life. I’m finally maturing! Its only taken 42 years! Lol

    10:00pm will be
    0.5mg ropinirole
    50mg metoprolol
    1 - 5-HTP Plus
    500mg L-Tyrosine
    100mcg T4 liquid
    500mcg BPC-157

    Total water consumed until now:
    2.50 gallons

    Total Calories and Macros today
    Calories: 2,866
    Protein: 312
    Carbs: 120
    Fiber: 87
    Sugar: 62
    Fat: 116

    Stand up dumbbell curls
    1 set @
    22.5lbs x 50 reps

    4 sets @
    50lbs x 10 reps

    3 sets @
    40lbs x 10 reps

    3 sets @
    30lbs x 10 reps

    Hammer curls
    4 sets @
    30lbs x 15 reps

    Cross body hammer curls
    3 sets @
    25lbs x 15 reps

    Cable curls
    4 sets @
    60lbs x 10 reps

    Reverse curls
    4 sets @
    40lbs x 10 reps

    Cable straight bar push downs
    4 sets @
    100lbs x 15 reps

    Cable rope push downs
    4 sets @
    100lbs x 15 reps

    Cable tricep extensions
    4 sets @
    80lbs x 15 reps

    Reverse cable push downs
    3 sets @
    60lbs x 15 reps
    Last edited by Cowboymike; 06-11-2019 at 09:26 PM.
    Old Duffer and Obs like this.

  37. #757
    Cowboymike's Avatar
    Cowboymike is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Sep 2018
    Rain Forest

    Cowboys Accountability Log

    Day 363

    Upon wake up:
    500mg L-Tyrosine
    1 serving liquid Turmeric
    2iu HGH (2iu pre-workout)
    12.5mg Aromasin
    500mcg BPC-157


    Meal 1
    Calories: 376
    1 serving whey concentrate, Unflavored
    1 serving whey concentrate, Chocolate
    1 cup organic almond milk unsweetened
    8oz organic Aloe Vera juice

    Meal 2
    Calories: 450
    Home made sausage egg and cheese mcmuffin

    Meals 3
    Calories: 450
    Home made sausage egg and cheese mcmuffin

    Meal 4
    Calories: 400
    2 cups cottage cheese

    Meal 5
    Calories: 600
    2 choc chip cookie dough protein bar

    Meal 6
    Calories: 330
    1 serving whey concentrate, Unflavored
    1 serving whey concentrate, Chocolate
    2 cup organic almond milk unsweetened

    Meal 7
    Calories: 570
    3 choc brownie protein bar

    Plus Vitamins: NAC, Tudca, Tumeric, Cinnamon, Vit D3/E/C, Iron, iodine, calcium, magnesium, Alaskan fish oil, saw palmetto, potassium, S-glutathione, zinc, organ defender

    Good day today indeed. Perfect temp at the coast. The job was challenging but just enough to not be too much...

    Got er done a bit late and was rushed to drive home and get my booty in the gym. Chest day today. Just plugging away. Not getting down on myself. Putting in the work, going to scooch my way forward if need be ;0)

    Happy hump day everyone!!

    Daily gratitude item:
    Grateful my elbow has already improved dramatically. That there was a solution outside of these money hungry rip off doctors sending me on a wild goose chase at the expense of my suffering... grateful to have gotten to spend the day working at the beach. It was perfect out. I should have brought my surfboard and bought a new wetsuit to handle this cold water...
    waves were just turned on all day.. lines and lines and lines

    10:00pm will be
    0.5mg ropinirole
    50mg metoprolol
    1 - 5-HTP Plus
    500mg L-Tyrosine
    100mcg T4 liquid
    500mcg BPC-157

    Total water consumed until now:
    2.50 gallons

    Total Calories and Macros today
    Calories: 3,176
    Protein: 325
    Carbs: 133
    Fiber: 102
    Sugar: 30
    Fat: 134

    (everything slow and controlled with a flee at end of movement and keeping tension each rep)

    Cable flys
    Warm up
    1 set @
    20lbs x 50 reps
    6 sets @
    50lbs x 15 reps
    1 set @
    Drop set
    50lbs x 15 reps
    40lbs x 10 reps
    30lbs x 10 reps
    20lbs x 8 reps
    10lbs x 8 reps

    6 sets @
    50lbs x 15 reps
    1 set @
    Drop set
    50lbs x 15 reps
    40lbs x 10 reps
    30lbs x 10 reps
    20lbs x 8 reps
    10lbs x 8 reps

    6 sets @
    50lbs x 15 reps
    1 set @
    Drop set
    50lbs x 15 reps
    40lbs x 10 reps
    30lbs x 10 reps
    20lbs x 8 reps
    10lbs x 8 reps

    Champagne Press
    4 sets @
    50lbs x 10 reps

    Dumbbell press w/ twist-super set w/Svend press
    4 sets @
    35lbs x 12 reps,
    10lb plate x 25 reps

    Chest press machine
    5 sets @
    Setting 10 x 12 reps
    Last edited by Cowboymike; 06-12-2019 at 10:37 PM.
    Family_guy, Obs and Proximal like this.

  38. #758
    Family_guy's Avatar
    Family_guy is offline Senior Member
    Join Date
    Nov 2018
    The gym
    Quote Originally Posted by Cowboymike View Post
    Day 363

    Upon wake up:
    500mg L-Tyrosine
    1 serving liquid Turmeric
    2iu HGH (2iu pre-workout)
    12.5mg Aromasin
    500mcg BPC-157


    Meal 1
    Calories: 376
    1 serving whey concentrate, Unflavored
    1 serving whey concentrate, Chocolate
    1 cup organic almond milk unsweetened
    8oz organic Aloe Vera juice

    Meal 2
    Calories: 450
    Home made sausage egg and cheese mcmuffin

    Meals 3
    Calories: 450
    Home made sausage egg and cheese mcmuffin

    Meal 4
    Calories: 400
    2 cups cottage cheese

    Meal 5
    Calories: 600
    2 choc chip cookie dough protein bar

    Meal 6
    Calories: 330
    1 serving whey concentrate, Unflavored
    1 serving whey concentrate, Chocolate
    2 cup organic almond milk unsweetened

    Meal 7
    Calories: 570
    3 choc brownie protein bar

    Plus Vitamins: NAC, Tudca, Tumeric, Cinnamon, Vit D3/E/C, Iron, iodine, calcium, magnesium, Alaskan fish oil, saw palmetto, potassium, S-glutathione, zinc, organ defender

    Good day today indeed. Perfect temp at the coast. The job was challenging but just enough to not be too much...

    Got er done a bit late and was rushed to drive home and get my booty in the gym. Chest day today. Just plugging away. Not getting down on myself. Putting in the work, going to scooch my way forward if need be ;0)

    Happy hump day everyone!!

    Daily gratitude item:
    Grateful my elbow has already improved dramatically. That there was a solution outside of these money hungry rip off doctors sending me on a wild goose chase at the expense of my suffering... grateful to have gotten to spend the day working at the beach. It was perfect out. I should have brought my surfboard and bought a new wetsuit to handle this cold water...
    waves were just turned on all day.. lines and lines and lines

    10:00pm will be
    0.5mg ropinirole
    50mg metoprolol
    1 - 5-HTP Plus
    500mg L-Tyrosine
    100mcg T4 liquid
    500mcg BPC-157

    Total water consumed until now:
    2.50 gallons

    Total Calories and Macros today
    Calories: 3,176
    Protein: 325
    Carbs: 133
    Fiber: 102
    Sugar: 30
    Fat: 134

    (everything slow and controlled with a flee at end of movement and keeping tension each rep)

    Cable flys
    Warm up
    1 set @
    20lbs x 50 reps
    6 sets @
    50lbs x 15 reps
    1 set @
    Drop set
    50lbs x 15 reps
    40lbs x 10 reps
    30lbs x 10 reps
    20lbs x 8 reps
    10lbs x 8 reps

    6 sets @
    50lbs x 15 reps
    1 set @
    Drop set
    50lbs x 15 reps
    40lbs x 10 reps
    30lbs x 10 reps
    20lbs x 8 reps
    10lbs x 8 reps

    6 sets @
    50lbs x 15 reps
    1 set @
    Drop set
    50lbs x 15 reps
    40lbs x 10 reps
    30lbs x 10 reps
    20lbs x 8 reps
    10lbs x 8 reps

    Champagne Press
    4 sets @
    50lbs x 10 reps

    Dumbbell press w/ twist-super set w/Svend press
    4 sets @
    35lbs x 12 reps,
    10lb plate x 25 reps

    Chest press machine
    5 sets @
    Setting 10 x 12 reps
    Wow what a beautiful pic
    Cowboymike likes this.

  39. #759
    Proximal is offline Banned
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    Sep 2015
    Not here.
    Exactly ^^^ !
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  40. #760
    Cowboymike's Avatar
    Cowboymike is offline Knowledgeable Member
    Join Date
    Sep 2018
    Rain Forest
    Quote Originally Posted by Family_guy View Post
    Wow what a beautiful pic
    I could sit out on that porch in the rocking chair as long as that suns a shining... the Pacific North West has some of the most beautiful coastline.... it can be the most dangerous too though... I love the ocean. It takes me to a whole other existence. I can’t even explain what I mean by that either lol.
    Family_guy likes this.

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