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Thread: Cylon357's Super Cool Covid 2020 Weight loss comp log!

  1. #1161
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    And just as a useless bit of information (like anything in this thread has actually ever been useful), here is the same content as tiktok, just on the tube
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  2. #1162
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    So yesterday was an official off day yay!

    Today I got up and did the treadmill / climber thing.

    Tonight, maybe nothing. We will see.
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  3. #1163
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    Easy legs and back today for deload week.

    Leg extensions and leg curls, 4x15 each

    Lat pulldowns, 4x8

    Hyper extensions 3x12

    I've got almost 12k steps in on the day, all is good here!
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  4. #1164
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    I'm back, you animals!

    Squat day, 7 total sets, 4 work sets.

    Pullups, 3x8

    Calf raises, 3x25

    Leg extensions and leg curls, 3x15 and 3x12

    I did one set of Bulgarian split squats for each leg, mainly just seeing how they felt and maybe will use them in later work outs. At first, I was like "uh, which leg is this supposed to work?" but THEN, I started feeling it and was like ok, this could be a good addition.

    1 mile legit slog in the rain, 11:40 pace.

    All good here, y'all!
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  5. #1165
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    Bitch day, benches!!

    Wait, that's not right... Whatever

    Barbell bench to start, wasn't really feeling it. Felt kind of puny, but got 2x3 on what should have been 2x6

    Dips are where things picked up, tho. 1x12 to start... Seriously, I was like WTF is this? That was easy. 2x8 with the 25 pound plate, then 1x10 with no weight but a varied grip.

    Skull crushers, 3x15, super setted with dumbbell curls, 3x12

    Lateral raises, 3x10.

    The various walks I have done today, including pre and post work out, have me at 12k steps and 5+ miles. I will take it!
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  6. #1166
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    Oh, and I am also "Fred Sanford'ing" a little bit today, so I call Monday's squat workout gtg!
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  7. #1167
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    Back day.

    Started with deadlifts, kept it light,but did 5x5 with one minute between sets. Uptempo but lighter weight, to test the low back and get some sweat going.

    Barbell rows, alternated with pull-ups, 3x10 and 3x8 respectively.

    Setup the landmine thing around shoulder height and did calf raises off the block, 3x25

    1 mile walk to warm up, 1.5 for cool down and life is good!
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  8. #1168
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    Shoulder workout Saturday, before the games began

    Barbell overhead press, 4 work sets.

    Shrugs, 4x10-15

    Cable flyes, 3x15, super setted with reverse cable laterals, 3x12.

    Dumbbell curls, 3x12, super setted with pushdowns 3x15.

    Dumbbell laterals, 3x10, wrapped the day.

    Got some football on tap today!
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  9. #1169
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    Squat day, shifted out one day because my low back was sore yesterday.

    I've decided to start focusing on lighter training, higher reps and all that. The body is suggesting it, and has been for some years, so ok FINE, knees, elbows and low back, you f*cking win!


    Squat, 3 real work sets, 8, 10, 8, less than one minute between sets. I did then drop weight and do both a wide stance set and a narrow stance set, both 8 reps.

    Pull-ups, 3x8, no weight today. After that 3x10, I guess?

    Split squats, 2x10 for each leg. Gonna have to work on my balance.

    Leg extensions and leg curls, 3x15 and 3x12.

    1 mile walk to warm up, 1 to cool down and I'm at 12500 steps on the day.

    I'll do either a jog or the treadmill / climber combo tomorrow morning

    What's that Joe Walsh said? Oh yeah:

    "Life's been good to me so far!"
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  10. #1170
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    Fasted cardio this morning.

    3/4 mile walk, 1.5 mile jog 11:30 pace, 3/4 mile walk and I'm done for the day!
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  11. #1171
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cylon357 View Post
    Squat day, shifted out one day because my low back was sore yesterday.

    I've decided to start focusing on lighter training, higher reps and all that. The body is suggesting it, and has been for some years, so ok FINE, knees, elbows and low back, you f*cking win!


    Squat, 3 real work sets, 8, 10, 8, less than one minute between sets. I did then drop weight and do both a wide stance set and a narrow stance set, both 8 reps.

    Pull-ups, 3x8, no weight today. After that 3x10, I guess?

    Split squats, 2x10 for each leg. Gonna have to work on my balance.

    Leg extensions and leg curls, 3x15 and 3x12.

    1 mile walk to warm up, 1 to cool down and I'm at 12500 steps on the day.

    I'll do either a jog or the treadmill / climber combo tomorrow morning

    What's that Joe Walsh said? Oh yeah:

    "Life's been good to me so far!"
    If you go to failure, maybe shorten the rest between sets, the intensity will still be adequate for muscle growth. You toss in supersets and drop sets, those muscles will be bitching plenty.
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  12. #1172
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    Bench day

    Still wasn't feeling it, probably missing the mast, but got er done anyhow

    2x3 then 2x8 lower weight barbell bench

    3x10 incline barbell bench.

    3x12 curls supered with 3x15 pushdowns.

    There was something else, though I did kind of wrap it up early.

    12k steps total so far.
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  13. #1173
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    Saturday had a weight workout at the YMCA, yay!

    Started with pull ups, 3x8, I think.

    Did pulldowns, 3x8 with this oddball sort of angled, almost a rock climbing shaped handle that really lit up the lats and biceps. Painfully so, almost!

    Moved on to low cable rows, 3x8.

    Did leg presses next, 4x20, really focused on feel and varied the foot placement throughout.

    Barbell row, 1x8, 2x5, 1x8. By this point, I was starting to feel tired.

    Calf raises off the leg press (because some c*nty little teen gym bros were doing super light weight bench in the smith machine), 3x40.

    15 minutes in the sauna.

    Some walking, some other stuff, all good yesterday!

    I have an overhead press workout coming today!
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  14. #1174
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    NFL Conference Championship predictions!
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  15. #1175
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    Sunday overhead press day

    Barbell over head press, 4 work sets, 8, 6, 6, 10

    Trap bar shrugs, 4x 10to15

    Ezcurl bar curls, 3x12, super setted with skull crushers, 3x 15

    That MIGHT have been it, but there was some walking too

    Exciting football day, disappointed in the Ravens but otherwise a good day!
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  16. #1176
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    Squat day today (Tuesday)

    So screwed up my meals today I had no oomph, and my low back is cussing me out... fuck, man, this getting old shit sucks

    I did get 3x8 work sets of barbell squats in

    4 total sets of chinups, 2 wide grip, 8 and 6, then 2 narrow 45 degree grip 6 and 8. The 8s were with no weight, the 6s with 25 pounds.

    Barbell calf raises, 3x30

    Leg extensions 3x15 super setted with leg curls, 3x12

    No real warm up walk, BUT we have taken in a stray until the humane society can come get her. Young, maybe 1 or 2 year old husky, pretty dog. Wandered up last night while we unloading groceries like "hey, glad you're home!" The neighbors kept her in their backyard last night, we kept her on the lanai in a kennel today, walking her every couple of hours. Lets see how she does overnight.

    Anyhow, I did get in several short walks with her and The Wife and I just finished up the last one around 11pm. Almost 13k steps on the day. Fingers crossed...
    Last edited by Cylon357; 01-31-2024 at 11:52 AM.
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  17. #1177
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    Oh and post workout meal was 3 scrambled eggs with some shredded cheddar, splash of milk, and just a nudge of hot sauce. Mix all that together, cook it up and nom nom nom!
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  18. #1178
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    Bench workout, feeling much better today!

    Barbell bench, 3 work sets, 8, 6, 6.

    Incline barbell bench, 8, 2, 8, 10. That 2 was at 185, which I did for like 6 with masteron in play. Just wasn't happening today, but that's alright, I had a nice pump in the frontal delts when it was all said and done.

    Dumbbell curls, 3x12 to 15, sandwiching a tricep superset of pushdowns 2x15 moving right into overhead cable extensions, 2x12

    Cable flyes 2x15, cable reverse flyes, 2x15 and 3x8 to 10 Dumbbell laterals wrapped it up.

    Sitting at 12.5k steps so far, maybe I make it to 13k, probably not though

    One arm pump after it all. I'm no Cuz, but I will take it!

    Cylon357's Super Cool Covid 2020 Weight loss comp log!-20240201_193028.jpg
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  19. #1179
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    And on a lighter note, I have a spotter now. She isn't very good at it, but is a sweetheart all the same.

    We have a Jack and Jill setup at the house, 2 bedrooms that share a bathroom. Anyhow, the weight room is in the Jack (I guess) and the Jill is a guest bedroom. So my spotter walks into the weight room, scampers through the bathroom, then parks herself on the guest bed. She has been doing it consistently for about 3 weeks now... maybe she just enjoys the music choices I make.

    Anyhow, this is her. She comes right on out when the workout is done.

    Cylon357's Super Cool Covid 2020 Weight loss comp log!-20240201_185249.jpg
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  20. #1180
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cylon357 View Post
    And on a lighter note, I have a spotter now. She isn't very good at it, but is a sweetheart all the same.

    We have a Jack and Jill setup at the house, 2 bedrooms that share a bathroom. Anyhow, the weight room is in the Jack (I guess) and the Jill is a guest bedroom. So my spotter walks into the weight room, scampers through the bathroom, then parks herself on the guest bed. She has been doing it consistently for about 3 weeks now... maybe she just enjoys the music choices I make.

    Anyhow, this is her. She comes right on out when the workout is done.

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	20240201_185249.jpg 
Views:	46 
Size:	390.1 KB 
ID:	182931
    Great spotter!
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  21. #1181
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    Saturday back workout, Jack!

    Chinups, 8 sets total. 1 of those was with 45 pounds, narrow 45 degree grip, 5 reps on that. 2 sets, one wide one narrow, 8 reps each, no weight. Remainder of the sets were 6 reppers with 25 pounds, assorted grips.

    Trap bar deadlifts, 5 total sets, 8, 8, 6, 6, 6. That's a different exercise, man. But fun anyhow.

    Barbell rows, 4 sets all 10 reps. Assorted grips on this too.

    3x30 calf raises

    1.25 mile slog, 12:00 mile pace. Some walking, 10k steps total on the day.

    Life is good!
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  22. #1182
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    Quote Originally Posted by wango View Post
    Great spotter!
    She is a sweetheart but in reality, a horrible spotter. That's our "former feral" who is absolutely, unequivocally, much to The Wife's occasional irritation, Daddy's Little Girl �� She comes in there to be close to her human!
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  23. #1183
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cylon357 View Post
    She is a sweetheart but in reality, a horrible spotter. That's our "former feral" who is absolutely, unequivocally, much to The Wife's occasional irritation, Daddy's Little Girl �� She comes in there to be close to her human!
    My wife’s been volunteering at a cat shelter for many months & convinced me it was time. We adopted / rescued 2 girls (sisters) recently. They are both “Velcro Cats”, which neither of us have a problem with. They are however, indoor only.
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  24. #1184
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    Sunday workout to wrap week 3 and head into deload.

    Overhead press, like 10 sets, 6 to 12 reps.

    Other than some walking, that was it.

    Need this deload, and it starts now!
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  25. #1185
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    Today I did a late lunch thing and did the treadmill / climber interval thing, 16 total work minutes (total of 8 2 minute rounds with 30 seconds between rounds).

    3/4 mile walk before and 3/4 mile after. Probably going to hit the weights tomorrow, though it may end up being a kettle bell kind of day, we will see!
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  26. #1186
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    Some quick observations...

    I just did an injection with a 28g needle instead of my regular 27g. I might have just found a good spot, but it seemed easier and less annoying than usual with the 27s. I inject slowly anyhow, so I didn't notice it taking any longer.

    I'm using some KPV peptide, along with some TB-500 and BPC-157. KPV is supposed to be essentially an anti-inflammatory peptide, really just trying it out. My hemis haven't been acting up quite as bad as they can, maybe that is related, or maybe the deload week is helping.

    Ace Labs HCG seems legit so far. Plumps the boys up fast at the same dose as my Zydec, and pumps them up more. It is possible the Zydec is old (expires later this year) and / or that the Ace is overdosed, but I'm only speculating.

    I will say that the guy at Ace did say that HCG is usually too concentrated to test just by drawing from the vial and putting directly on a pregnancy test. He recommended reconstituting, then drawing 500iu (I think) and putting that in 3ml of bacstat. Blend that, then test from that. When I followed that procedure with his product, it has worked. I haven't tried it with any other.

    Just rando word for the day...
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  27. #1187
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    Saturday squat workout to start week 1!

    Easing into it because I basically haven-t touched a weight for 6 days... deload / sme-load!

    Barbell squat, 3x10 light work sets.

    Setup the landmine rig and did hack squats, 3x10, then calf raises, 3x25.

    Barbell rows, 2x10, super setted with chinups, 2x6

    Super light leg extensions, 2x20, super setted with super light leg curls, 2x15

    1 mile jog, 11:30 pace.

    Normal walks throughout the day to get me to just shy of 13k on the day total, and that's it for Saturday!
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  28. #1188
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    Sunday bench workout (will normally be Monday for this 4 weeks, but tomorrow is wonky and this is just starting off easy)

    Dumbbell bench, with the handles I talked about on tiktok / youtube, 3x8 work sets.

    Incline barbell bench, 2x10, 1x6 (just ran out of gas on that last one)

    Skull crushers, 3x15 super setted with dumbbell curls, 3x15.

    I worked around the yard today, pressure washed the lanai, got on the roof and blew out the gutters, and a few other things, so before I even started my workout, I had 10k steps in. But, it is an easy starting week, so all good!

    Edit to add: sitting at 14k+ steps now, that includes the pre and post workout walks. Settling in for the Super Bowl now, and I do not expect many more steps today!
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  29. #1189
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cylon357 View Post
    Sunday bench workout (will normally be Monday for this 4 weeks, but tomorrow is wonky and this is just starting off easy)

    Dumbbell bench, with the handles I talked about on tiktok / youtube, 3x8 work sets.

    Incline barbell bench, 2x10, 1x6 (just ran out of gas on that last one)

    Skull crushers, 3x15 super setted with dumbbell curls, 3x15.

    I worked around the yard today, pressure washed the lanai, got on the roof and blew out the gutters, and a few other things, so before I even started my workout, I had 10k steps in. But, it is an easy starting week, so all good!

    Edit to add: sitting at 14k+ steps now, that includes the pre and post workout walks. Settling in for the Super Bowl now, and I do not expect many more steps today!
    Made it to 15,500 steps. Kept running backing and forth to the grill, etc. I should sleep well tonight ��
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  30. #1190
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    2.5 mile walk this morning, fasted. Tomorrow is a scheduled off day. All is good!
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    Alright fart knockers, where everybody at??

    Combo back and shoulder day to wrap an easy week 1.

    4x8 pull ups, various grips. No weight today.

    Setup the landmine attachment and did landmine rows, 4x12-15. It always takes me a set or two to find the groove, but when I do, Light. It. Up!

    Moved the landmine attachment higher in the rack and did shoulder presses, 4x12.

    Swapped out ends on the barbell and did 4x25 calf raises.

    3/4 mile walk to warm up, 1 for LISS and to cool down. 13k steps on the day total.

    I added a wee bit of mast back, and brought my test down. 125 Test C 50 Mast P per week for a couple of weeks, then probably go to Mast E, maybe as high as 1 to 1 on the Test Mast. My goal is to try out a bit, and bring down this maybe imaginary gyno lump, then cruise on like 100 Test and 50 primo (the primo just being along because it controls estrogen and is "generally safe").

    Everything is cool in Cylon Town tonight!
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  32. #1192
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    Squat workout tonight for start of week 2.

    I did front squats tonight. The body is finally telling me "too much", so I guess I'm going to listen. FINALLY.

    Nothing less than 6 reps for the main exercises going forward, 8-12 for accessory work. Gonna focus on lighter weights for a bit.

    Anyhow, front squats. 2x6, 1x10 for work sets.

    Chinups, 3x6 to 8

    Rear foot elevated split squats, 3x10 each leg. Balance is still a challenge but I think I will like them.

    Barbell calf raises 3x30

    Leg curl and leg extensions, 3x10-15 super setted.

    3x15 kettle bell swings

    3/4 mile walk to warm up, 3/4 mile to cool down, sitting a little over 10k steps on the day.
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    2 mile fasted walk Tuesday morning, with a few shorter walks thrown in later in the day.

    I've got that "Fred Sanford Feeling" in my quads from Mondays squats, so that's all good!
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    Wednesday Bench workout in the books!

    Dumbbell bench, 3x6 work sets, then dropped weight and got another 6 for my final set.

    Incline barbell bench press, was supposed to be 3x10, but got 2x10 and then 1x5. Just ran out of gas there.

    Dips 4x6-8, no weight today. The triceps were painfully swollen before I started dips, so I did something right / wrong with the benching.

    Tricep pushdowns, 3x12, super setted with 3x12 dumbbell curls.

    3x12 cable flyes, super setted with 3x12, cable reverse laterals.

    Walk to warm up, 1 mile to cool down. Sitting at 12k+ steps on the day.

    Feeling good!
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    Thursday was a planned off day and it was needed!

    Friday was back day, giggity giggity!

    Deadlifts started me off, but I kept them light, really just to warm up the back and body. 4x6-8

    Barbell rows, 3x10, super setted with pullups, 3x6-8. Lats were fried!

    Setup up the hip thrust pad and did that, 3x10, relatively light weight. Just trying to figure out how to do those with this setup.

    Barbell calf raises 3x30

    One mile jog, but I had to do it in spurts, 1/2 mile first, then about a minute walk, then 1/4 mile, same minute, then finally the last 1/4 mile. Cardiovascular system was not the problem, I was having some pain in my ankle and knee, though after showering and hitting them both with the diclofenac gel, they are feeling better.

    All is good here!

  36. #1196
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cylon357 View Post
    Thursday was a planned off day and it was needed!

    Friday was back day, giggity giggity!

    Deadlifts started me off, but I kept them light, really just to warm up the back and body. 4x6-8

    Barbell rows, 3x10, super setted with pullups, 3x6-8. Lats were fried!

    Setup up the hip thrust pad and did that, 3x10, relatively light weight. Just trying to figure out how to do those with this setup.

    Barbell calf raises 3x30

    One mile jog, but I had to do it in spurts, 1/2 mile first, then about a minute walk, then 1/4 mile, same minute, then finally the last 1/4 mile. Cardiovascular system was not the problem, I was having some pain in my ankle and knee, though after showering and hitting them both with the diclofenac gel, they are feeling better.

    All is good here!
    Last summer I tried jogging for just about 7-8 feet. It seriously took my back about 5 days to loosen up again.
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  37. #1197
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    Saturday workout at the YMCA, oh yeah!

    Barbell overhead press, 3x5 work sets.

    Dumbbell shrugs, worked up to 3x10-12 with the 100 lb dumbbells.

    Dips 2 warm up sets, then 2x8 with 25, 1x8 with 45, 1x8 with no weight but feeling it!

    Cable flyes, 4x8 to 10. I wanted to hurt myself.

    Close grip bench, 3x10, super setted with skull crushers, 3x12-15.

    Ezcurl bar curls, 2x10, then light dbell curls, 2x 10.

    2x10 dumbbell laterals, REALLY focusing on feel, and wrapped with 2x10 machine rear delt flyes.

    Hit the sauna for 15 minutes, thought I might fall out but did not, so I call that good.

    All groovy here, Jack!
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  38. #1198
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    Squat workout to start week 3.

    Front squats, actually, 6, 8, and 8 for work sets.

    Setup the landmine row thing and did landmine rows (duh). 5 total sets maybe, really focusing on firing and stretching out the lats.

    Kept the landmine row setup and thought "hey, I could try belt squats!". Swapped out some stuff, gave it a go. The first set ended up pinching my belly fat between the chain link and the belt itself and hurt like a murf, that's gonna bruise, but I got it straightened out and did a set of 10, I think. Second set, I put a pad between my belly and the chain and got a legit set of 8 good ones. Kept it light, as this is my first time doing the exercise. Maybe I will work those in here and there.

    Leg extensions, leg curls, 3x15 on extensions, 14, 12 and 8 on the curls.

    Legit 1 mile walk to LISS it and cool down after, with the 3/4 mile stroll with The Wife to warm up.

    Also, the DIY rowing platform got me when I was finishing the first set of belt squats. I couldn't get down low enough to free myself, and... well, I basically ending up scraping myself. I thought "well, shit, that is going to bleed" and sure enough.

    Still finished out the workout, cleaned it up later, all good.

    Pic because posts are always better with pics!

    Cylon357's Super Cool Covid 2020 Weight loss comp log!-cyshinscrape.jpg
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  39. #1199
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    I got in a 1.5 mile walk this morning, fasted, right after waking up.

    Then at lunch, I got a 3/4mile walk with The Wife, a 1 mile jogand another 1/2 mile walk to cool down.

    Evidently, I am becoming a cardio monster.

    Sitting at 9600 steps so far today, will get my 11k / 5 mile workout day goal pretty easy, I believe.

    All is good!
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  40. #1200
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    OK actually, I got to 14k steps / 6 miles on the day. Gonna sleep well tonight.

    Side bar: The Wife and I went out for dinner to a nice place we hadn't been before. I happened to see "Jim Beam Orange Whisky" on their drink menu. This got me excited, because I'm thinking that would.... well, here is how it went:

    Me (to the waiter): "This might sound crazy, but I'm thinking Whisky and Coke with this JB Orange whisky"
    Waiter: "Actually, that sounds pretty good. Let me get that in!"
    Me: "Cool!"
    Waiter: "We only have Pepsi... Is that OK?"
    Me: "nnnnnnnooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!"

    Why don't you just die, Pepsi? The drinks are Whisky and Coke, Rum and Coke, etc, not Pepsi!

    But we still had a good dinner.

    And 14k steps!
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