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10-20-2022, 12:39 PM #761
Another super easy full body workout to wrap up deload week.
Nothing of interest to report there.
BUT I did order some stuff for the rack.
6 ft of 1.5 inch ID black plumbing pipe
Landmine attachment that connects to the rack upright
Linebacker landmine attachment
The last two are self explanatory, but the first one might need a bit of 'splaining.
My goal is to use the pipe as a pivot point for landmine work when I want it to be higher, like if I want to do calf raises or overhead presses.
Eh, you know what? I will take some pics over the weekend. That will be a lot easier for all of us!
Oh yeah, had ground turkey tacos tonight. DAAAAMMMMNNNNN that is some good stuff!
I will post up action pics later, but for now, here is the pic of the iron pipe in place as a pivot for landmine work, with the idea that the barbell coming out of it can rest on a barbell laid across the front uprights of the rack. Well, actually, I will probably use the front barbell as a fail safe position and use jhooks as the starting point.
Eh, better pics will make it more clear. I did paint all but the last foot of each end with rustoleum primer, then with plastidip. I MIGHT use this as a fat barbell, but we will see.
Squat day, Jack, to kick off the next 3 week cycle!
Jack and Jill went up the hill...
Ah dammit, sorry! My mind wandered for a minute. Where was I?
Oh yeah, squat day!
Barbell squats to start it off. I eventually worked up a little heavier than I have been going, just a little heavier, and kept it at 5 reps. I moved down to my previous 11 rep weight and hit that for 10... that was all in the tank for today. 6 total sets, maybe 50 total reps.
Barbell rows for the back. I really like doing those after either dead lifts or squats as the low back is already ready to go. 3x10 for the win.
Then I tried to setup the thing-a-ma-bob with the pipe pictured above. Short story: gonna need to monkey with it a bit. Did not use today, but it is coming.
Did calf raises, just grabbed a couple of 60s and did calf raises off the block. 3x20'ish or so.
Leg extensions semi-super setted with leg curls 4 sets of each, progressively heavier 8 to 15 reps.
Hip thrusters off the bag, 3x10 with a little heavier weight.
No HIIT, but I did jog a half mile, walk 2 minutes, then jog another half for something resembling LISS (though I did hit peak heart rate towards the end, so maybe not entirely LISSy either).
Now, chilling and The Wife is making some shrimp penne pasta, very much like the chicken version she made last week.
I WOULD watch football, but I think tonight's game will be... not good.
But life IS good, y'all!
Bench day today!
Barbell bench is my jam right now, went a little heavier than last week. Did my 10 rep weight for 5 as a warmup, then went up some more and hit a triple. A nice, solid triple, none of that "oh, damn I arched my back so far I'm doing decline bench press on a flat bench!!" stuff. Then dropped to my previous 5 weight and got a good 8.
Dips, no weight, but a variety of grips. 5x8-10
Dumbbell overhead press, 3x8. My shoulders were a bit fatigued from the bench and dips, though they weren't the primary targets.
Skull crushers super setted with bicep curls, 3x12-15 on the skull crushers, 3x10-12 on the curls.
3/4 mile walk to warm up, same to cool down. I did LISS yesterday (2mile fasted walk).
Tomorrow is an off day, but I may sneak in some LISS. I have deadlift / back day Thursday, and probably HIIT after that, so maybe tomorrow should be just a complete off day.
Back day, girls and boys!
Was not feeling it. I mistimed my meals but eh, I got in there and got some stuff done.
Deadlifts, just 3 sets to warm things up.
Then I set up the landmine thing and did like a total of ten sets of rows. That was "fun".
Moved to front squats, 3x6 with light weight. Also did 3x6 pullups.
3x15 kettlebell swings just to get the heart rate up.
3/4 mile walk to warm up, same for LISS and cool down.
Food, shower, football now.
BTW, this is one of the new landmine setup dealies I got. This one bolts to the rack and was on sale, so I struck. There is a knob on the bottom to hold the barbell in place. I will probably remount it so that the knob is on top, because I always get "righty tighty, lefty loosey" messed up unless I'm looking straight at the nut / knob in question.
Overhead press day yesterday, boo-ya!
Barbell over head press started things off, after warm ups, did 8, 6, 4 on my work weight. TBH, I was really just looking to get 1x8 out of it, so the 6 and 4 rep sets were bonuses. Dropped weight and did another 8 to 10 reps with that.
Dips were next, ended up doing no weight, but 5x8 to 10 with various grips. Worked in a couple of sets of pushups off the handles during those dips, 15 reps each set.
Shrugs were next, 3x15. Nothing special there.
Tricep pushdowns 3x15, super setted with dumbbell curls, 3x10.
Kept the cable setup and did 3x10 reverse delt flyes, super setted with dumbbell lateral raises, 3x10 as well.
2 sets of cable flyes finished out the weights, 10 reps each.
HIIT (and yeah, I'm going to go ahead and call it HIIT today) consisted of:
2 minutes hammer swings on the tire
1 minute rest
2 minutes shadow boxing
1 minute rest
2 minutes hammer swings
1 minute rest
2 minute run
1 minute rest
2 rounds of that, so a total of 8 work rounds (16 minutes). 16 minutes doesn't sound like much, but damn, my heart rate was peaking a time or two.
3/4 mile walk to warm up, 3/4 mile to cool down and life was good.
Had a party last night (not a Halloween party), had some good steaks, pasta, salads and a bunch of stuff. Slept until 11am and feeling fine now.
F*cked that diet up, but it's all good, Jack! Life is a marathon, not a sprint, despite our aversion to cardio.
10-30-2022, 11:02 AM #769
Slept till 11 ?!? Damn, one hell of a party!
Hell yeah it’s a marathon, YOLO!
Squat day tonight, on Halloween. Oooh Scarey BOO!
Barbell squat, kept it moderate, 10, 8, 6 for my work sets.
3! 3 work sets of squats ha ha ha! #TheCount
Damn, that's the wrong vampire. Or maybe the right one, IDK.
Then I set up the bad mamma jamma you see below.
I did 3 sets of front facing squats, then a couple of rear facing hack squats, then like 3 sets of calf raises. The calf raises were fire, ladies and germs!
Pulled off the linebacker squat thing and did land mine rows, 3x10 with a narrow grip, then added an attachment on the end and did one arm rows, 1x10 each side.
Leg curls, 2x10, then leg extensions, 1x12. Did that twice, so 4 sets of curls, 2 sets of extensions. Rationale being that the quads are probably beat up pretty good, while the hammies could use the extra attention.
3/4 mile walk to warm up, no cool down or HIIT today. I was wiped.
This is the thing that will cause me (that sweet) pain. I just need to get used to it, and figure out how to secure it well.
I turned the light out a 1am and had consumed... not a large quantity of alcohol, but not a small amount, either. Maybe the equivalent of 3 mixed drinks, so my sleep wasn't perfect, but it seemed to really get good around 4am and I slept like a log.
According the the fitbit, I burned a little over 3k calories on Saturday, what with the HIIT, walking, weights etc. I normally burn about 2800 on days that I do weights and HIIT together, so that was a particularly strenuous day!
11-01-2022, 08:42 AM #772
Bench day, Jack-a-lopes!
And Jill-a-lopes, too, I suppose. Though lets be real: the Jill-a-lope is even more elusive than the Jack-a-lope. Still, better safe than sorry...
Work sets were 2x8 with my previous 10 rep weight. That's ok, I probably could have got 10 and then been done. I'll take the extra reps.
Did some close grip bench presses super setted with tricep kickbacks, 2 sets each, 2x8 on the close grip, 2x10 (each arm) on the kickbacks. Eh, I gave them a shot.
Setup the cable for sort of a chest high pull to do reverse delt flyes and calbe flyes. 3x10 of each I think.
Moved to the landmine setup and did one arm shoulder presses, 2x8 each arm.
Can't remember what else there was. 3/4 mile walk to warm up, 3/4 mile to cool down and as LISS.
I took yesterday off, just because I was feeling bleah, but made up for it today with the postponed back day.
Deadlifts started us off, really just to warm things up. 4 total sets, kept it light, 6, 6, 5, 5. I've never been a fan of high rep deadlifts, the sloppy form that comes as you get tired has some potentially dire consequences, IMO.
Moved to barbell rows, 10, 6, 6, 8. The 6 rep sets were with a bit heavier weight than I normally use. And I have said many times that I love deadlifts followed by barbell rows, so I was a happy camper.
Setup the cable deal and did lat pull downs, 4x12. Two sets with a wide handle, 2 sets with a narrow handle. I was really feeling it in the lats, with the rows and the pull downs. I WANT TO BE SORE!!!
Did 3x6 front squats, then 3x30 calf raises. That was it for the weights.
LISS/MISS consisted of 2 minute runs, 1 minute rest for 8 rounds. I got to run outside, so that was cool. About 3/4 mile walk to cool down.
Now fixing to cook some salmon and other stuff. Should be tasty!
Overhead press day. I have gotten to where I do not like doing back to back weight workouts, but this let me get back on track, schedule wise.
Over head press to start, 3x8 work sets.
Skull crushers super setted with ez curl bar curs, 3x12 on crushers, 3x10-12 on the curls.
Trifecta of lateral raisers, rear delt raises, and dumbbell flyes. 3x10 of each.
3 sets of hammer swings to be something like HIIT, but I was beat from yesterday, so that was all I had today.
About 2 mile walk for LISS to wrap things.
Squat day to kick off week 3, by your command.
The F? By MY COMMAND, mf'er!
Work sets were 12, 9, 6 with the same weight that I did 10, 8, 6 with the week before. I call it progress.
And holy guacamole, man-bat, the word for those sets, with the weight I chose is "breathing squats". Yeah, that's two words but you get the point. MAAAANNNNNNNNN, huffing and puffing don't describe it. It was a toss up if my CV system would give up before the muscle did, and it was too close to call.
So, of course, I'm shooting for 1x20 with that weight by the end of January, MAYBE end of December, but we will see. Somethin' broke in my head, I reckon.
Did some various grip pull ups and chin ups 5x6 total. Between sets, I worked on setting up the linebacker squat dilly-o and kept slack time to a minimum.
Did 3x6 linebacker squats facing forward, followed by 3x30 calf raises off the block with the same setup. I imagine that I would have more in me IF I didn't kill myself with squats before hand, but eh, that's how I roll, Jaques!
Setup the bench and did 4x10-12 on leg extensions, super setted with 4x10-12 leg curls. REALLY focused on feeling the curls. Probably going to be all locked up by Wednesday, but that is part of This Thing We Do.
Because apparently my brain REALLY don't work right, I did 2x20 kettle bell swings. At this point, I was well past concern about puking, so I decided to just do it. "Just Do It"... hey, that's pretty cool. Someone should make that a catch phrase or ad slogan or something.
I got in almost a mile walk to warm up, but did not get my cool down walk because of Nicole bringing the rain. That bitch, you know she is just a real unt-kay. Like Ian wasn't bad enough, that uck-fay ut-nay. Anyhow, it's just as well, I guess. I did not need the LISS as I was huffing and puffing during the workout, and my shirt was soaked.
I did get my yoga stretches in, though, so that my reduce some of the Fred Sanford'ing that is surely coming my way. I mean, I can dream, right? I know I'm probably going be all stiff legged, gotta sort of slide onto the toilet to poop, type of sore, but goals, amiright??
Th th th th th that's all, folks!Last edited by Cylon357; 11-08-2022 at 08:56 PM.
Bench day, dudes and dudettes!
Started with barbell bench, worked up to 3, 2, 9, 6. 3, 9 and 6 rep sets were with the same weight, the 3 repper being a warm up. 2 repper was a bit more weight than I have been doing and even a year ago was my 1 rep max. So, progress!
Dips were next. 8, 8, 5, 10. No weight on sets 1 and 4, 25 on set 2, and 50 on set 3. I really wanted 6 on that set, but got to the bottom on 5 and was like nope. I'll take it all the same!
Skull crushers, super setted with ezcurl bar curls, 3x8-10 each. I did add some weight on sets 2 and 3 for some variety and additional stimuli, it seemed to work well.
Dumbbell laterals to finish, 2x10.
MISSy HIIT or HIITy MISS or just plain MISS was 8 rounds of 2 minutes shadow boxing, with footwork, 1 minute rest between rounds. I did not hit peak heart rate, but stayed about equally in fat burn and cardio zones.
3/4 mile walk to warm up, same to cool down and for LISS.
BTW, Nicole has taken her a** on down the road. Good riddance to that itch-bay!
Back day today woo hoo!
Did pullups and chinups to start, 2x8 with palms facing at 45 degrees, medium width, 2x6 narrow parallel grip, then at the end of the work out 2x6 wide parallel grip. No weight, but I'm trying to get back to doing 10 easy before adding weight in again.
Did reverse hypers and hypers with no weight, 3x10 each. This was to warm the low back for....
Barbell rows! 2x10 light to warm up, 2x10 medium weight work sets. I really focused on pulling the arms back and getting full muscle involvement.
Shifted gears to 3x6 light front squats, then rigged up the line backer setup to do calf raises, 3 sets, 30, 25, 20 because the calves were fired up!
Tried something a little new to me: standing single arm cable pull downs. I was feeling it, oddly, like in the middle part of the back, towards the spine. Anyhow, 2x10 each side. Did face pulls, 2x10 and that wrapped the weights (except for those last two sets of chins mentioned previously).
3/4 mile walk to warm up, a good fast paced 2 mile walk for LISS at the end.
Tomorrow brings HIIT after over head press day to wrap week 3. Will I survive? Stay tuned to find out!
Over head press day, amigos!
Barbell OP started things out. I got sets of 4 and 3 with my previous 2 to 3 rep max.
Went straight to dumbbell curls, 4x10, supered with pushdowns, 4x12.
Dumbbell laterals with the 20s, 3x10, focusing on feel.
Cable reverse delt work, 2x10, supered with cable flyes, 2x10. Wrapped with dumbbell flyes, 2x10.
About to walk a bit for LISS. No HIIT today, but maybe I will sneak in a session in the deload week, which starts now!
Aww, yeah! It's Saturday night and Cylon is BACK!!!
Squat day to kick off week 1 of the new 3 week cycle.
I got 14, 10, and 6 for my work sets with my previous 12 rep weight. Will I get 20 by the end of the year? IDK, probably not but maybe. Not being negative, just looking at the data. Anything after the 14 rep set was gravy, anyhow, but I'm counting it all.
Chin-ups medium / narrow grip palms facing me at a 45 degree angle, 2x8, then wide grip neutral hand position, 2x6.
Barbell calf raises, 30, 25, 25 off a block.
Leg extensions and leg curls, 3x10-15 on the extensions, 3x10-12 on the curls. I went heavier on the curls to keep the hamstrings awake and so they wouldn't feel so neglected.
Seems like I am missing an exercise, because I had right at an hour in the workout. No dawdling between sets either, so maybe I am forgetting something, or maybe time flies when you are inflicting self pain.
MISS with intervals
3 minutes run on treadmill
1 minute rest
3 minutes on the climber
1 minute rest
3 rounds so 18 total work minutes. I did intervals on all but the first set. My normal jog / run speed is 6 miles an hour (10:00 pace) but my intervals were at 8 miles an hour (7:30 pace) and 9 miles an hour (6:40 pace), maybe a total of six intervals, only one at the fastest pace. I did interval work on the climber, but it doesn't really tell me much. I can tell by my effort, breathing and sweat. Anyhow, I didn't die in any of this, though I did hit peak heart rate a time or two during the intervals.
3/4 mile walk to warm up, 1/2 mile to cool down. The Wife put together some turkey burgers (yeah, we like that Costco ground turkey) and I cooked them on the grill. Man, good damn stuff!
I also had blood work done on Friday. This would be about 6 weeks on just 125mg Test C from Pharmacom and 750-800iu hcg per week. No creams, no orals, just those two things. About 3 weeks ago, the libido was kicking, but kind of tamed down a bit lately. Still good, just not "I'm gonna f*ck a hole in the wall!" type. I suspected the E has come up a bit much, BUT today got partial results. Hematocrit and hemoglobin both are slightly over range, so blood donation is in my near future. I will post up more in the HRT when I get the blood work in completely.
Bench day.
Barbell bench. Worked up to 3 work sets of 8, 6 and 4 with my current working weight. I got 9 reps the week before, maybe I had it in me again, but I did do the additional 2 sets, so I more than made up the volume. Dropped weight and did 2 wide grip sets, 8 reps each.
Kept the weight the same and did 2x8 narrow grip, super setted with dumbbell curls, 2x12. Then did skull crushers, 2x10, super setted with ezcurl bar curls, 2x8.
Did 3 sets of light overhead presses with the dumbbells, 12 reps each. Side laterals with the same weight, 2x10, then finally dumbbell flyes, 2x10.
About 3/4 mile walk to warm up, almost 2 miles at the end for LISS. No HIIT tonight, but I am playing some LISS followed by some shadow boxing tomorrow, lets see how it plays out.
Got in some LISS and MISS today with a walk run combo, 1 minute walk, 2 minutes run. 6 rounds of that. Next up, and I mean right up, was 3 rounds of 2 minutes shadow boxing, 1 minute between rounds.
Nothing fancy but got the heart rate up.
Back day today!
Not deadlift, back day.
Started with pulldowns 6x12. 2 sets wide grip, 2 sets medium parallel grip, 2 sets narrow grip.
Went to landmine rows, 6x10 to 12. I really started feeling it when I dropped the weight and focused on squeezing the lats back. Dropped weight and did one set each side of one arm rows.
Front squat, 3x6 to 10. I did one light 10 rep set, then 2 heavier 6 rep sets.
Barbell calf raises off the block, 30, 25, 25. Fire!
Setup the low cable deal and did standing rows from the low pulley, 3x10, with the medium parallel grip bar. Not sure I like those, but let me get back to you tomorrow.
3/4 mile walk to warm up, same to cool down! Had a turkey burger (goddang, those things are tasty), not chilling.
BTW, still waiting on the rest of my blood work to come in. I think that little bit of mast I was running doinked my liver numbers a bit, but I retest with the doc in about 6 weeks. Taking some oral glutathione and tudca to see if I can get those back in line. Anyhow, for the first time since starting H/TRT, my SHBG was mid range (30). I will post that up too... I am betting that my testosterone numbers come in high, but we will see.
Life is good!
Overhead press day, peeps! "Peeps" as in people, not peeps as in those marshmallow candy things. But you know what, don't let me tell you how to identify. If you feel like a small, yellow, squishy sugar based candy, you be you!
Barbell overhead press to start things. You know, I KNOW this lesson, but sometimes I need to be reminded: if you want to lift heavy, don't dick around with too many warm up sets. I got my warmups in, then instead of doing ANOTHER semi work set, jumped straight to my target weight for the day.
In other words, quit flirting with the weights and get to work!
Anyhow, I got 2x6 with the weight that I had been getting 4 and 5 reps with. First set of 6 was good, solid reps, doable but definitely challenging. Second set of 6 was a bit more challenging and not quite as tight a form. Still much better than what we see a lot of times, but I like to keep form nice and clean.
Dropped down to a lighter weight for a couple of sets of 10 to get some reps in.
Moved to dips, but man was not feeling it today. I actually faltered on one of the sets and nearly fell forward. On to other things...
Shrugs, loaded up the kettle bells with as much as they would take (60lbs each) and did sets of 20, 18, 18, 15. The first and last set were conventional reps, normal speed up and down. The 2 sets of 18 were 6 normal speed, 6 fast but clean, then 6 slow with a 2 second hold at the top. That was toasty.
Did skull crushers, super setted with dumbbell curls. 3x12 of skull crushers, 3x12 dumbbell curls.
45 minutes, short, sweet and intense at times.
HIIT was
2 minutes hammer swings on the tire
1 minute rest
2 minutes hammer swings on the tire
1 minute rest
2 minutes jog
1 minute rest
3 "super rounds(?)" of that, so total of 12 minutes with the hammer, 6 minutes with the jogging. Still, that hammer thing... Dang, huffin' and puffin'.
1/2 mile walk to warm up, same to cool down.
Went to some friends house for Thanksgiving. Ate too much, but not too too much. Also, did not drink. My AST was slightly elevated on my recent blood work (almost certainly due to Masteron use) so I don't want to stress the liver unnecessarily right now. And ugh, let me tell you about this oral glutathione liquid that I am using right now.... smells like.... damn, man, I don't even know how to describe it. Kind of rotten eggs meet kombucha. It does not TASTE that bad, surprisingly, but that may be because the smell preps you for worse. Also, I took the full dose (4ml) yesterday.... about 4 hours later when I pooped, it smelled exactly like the glutathione. Like damn, that was fast.
TMI? Sure why not?
Please enjoy the rest of turkey genocide day aka Thanksgiving!
Saturday Saturday Saturday Saturday Saturday Night's all right!
For a good squat workout that is!
Barbell squats started the day. Eh, let me just save the drama for yo' mama. I got 15 reps on my previous 14 rep weight. Jimminy Christmas poop on a poodle, I said this before, but it bears repeating. I think the issue is cardio vascular, not leg strength related. I felt like there might be another rep or two in the muscle, but man man man, I was huffing and puffing and heaving and weaving. Actually, I wasn't weaving until I finished the set, but I needed something to rhyme with heaving. Anyhow, I broke the set up into sort of subsets of 5 reps each. Do 5 reps, take an extra couple of breaths, do 5 more. The first 5 like that went fine. The second 5... well, I got to 3 reps of that before I was taking that extra couple of breaths... After about 11 total reps, it was pretty much extra breaths on every rep. But I did it.
Because I'm sometimes dumber than a box of minerally deficient dirt, I went for another set of 10, got 8. I'll take that, too. BTW, the rest time between the 15 repper and the 8 repper was the length of AC/DCs "Who Made Who?" plus about 30 seconds. Just rando things I noticed...
I moved to barbell calf raises off the block, 3x25. Dropped some weight (and the barbell) and did barbell rows, 3x10 with a real focus on pulling back the arms and shoulder blades. I hope to feel that, say on Monday.
Leg extensions and leg curls, 3x12 on extensions, 4x10 on the curls.
3/4 mile walk to warm up, about 1.5 miles to cool down. Grilled some burgers (ground round), had some fries (cheat night!!!) and also trying to get my iron levels up fast so I don't have to drive to the donation center and turn around and drive right back...
All in all though, I have nothing to complain about!
Bench day, beaches!
Yes, you! You are all a bunch of sexy beaches!
Started with barbell bench, eventually got to my current "challenge" / work weight. Wasn't sure what I wanted to do... I had been going for 8 to 9 reps, but I was a little iffy about these EFFING STAB WOUNDS ON MY ARMS!!!!!! so, I kept the weight the same but did 3 sets of 6. Felt good, probably had a rep or two more in that first set, about 6 on the second one, and had to push for the last rep on the third set. It would be nice to have a spotter, but eh, it is what it is. Good feeling in the pecs, so I will take it.
Dropped weight and did two sets of narrow grip, focusing on keeping the elbows in closer to target the triceps more. Seemed to work but felt a little awkward.
On to dips, 3x8. I really wasn't feeling it tonight, but soldiered through.
Though not by much, I must admit.
3x12 pushdowns super setted with 3x10 dumbbell curls and that was pretty much it. No LISS or HIIT today, though I will get in a brisk walk in the morning. Well, I did do my warm up walk of about 3/4 mile, so I will count it.
All good in the hood, G!
Back day tonight, but I am hustling and bustling trying to get stuff done, so I kept it short.
Pull ups, 4x6.
Light deadlifts, 2x6.
Landmine rows, 4x8 to 10.
Front squats, light, 2x8.
Calf raises, 2x20.
That was it, other than a 3/4 mile warm up walk. I travel tomorrow, then will be doing overhead press day from somewhere in West Tennessee! I will tell you all about it!
12-01-2022, 10:10 AM #789
Over head press day.
Really wasn't exceptional as I was tired from travel and sleeping in a strange place.
Still I did get something done, and something is better than nothing.
Standard op workout for me, nothing really to report.
This was my first time in a commercial gym in 3 years. It was nice having access to all the machines.
Oh, and apparently, short shorts are back in style with young (but legal) ladies. Like damn, I have underwear that is less revealing. That said, I'm not complaining...
12-02-2022, 03:52 PM #792
Squat day today, on the road in Northern Mississippi, woo!
Went to a local YMCA. Nice setup and not busy. Did my 15 rep weight for 2 sets of 10, les than 90 seconds between sets. I forgot my knee sleeves and haven't slept well, but I got those two good work sets, then a couple of sets of front squats.
Did 3x5 pull-ups. Man, I have been sleeping like kah kah..
Finally did some leg presses, 3x10, lightish and varied foot placement. Did a couple of sets of calf raises on the leg press, that was noice!
Did some machine extensions, 3x12, followed by 3x10 leg curls. Did some abductors and adductors, 2x10 each super light.
Wrapped with standing smith machine calf raises, 3x15. The fire, man!
Hit the treadmill for about a half mile to warm-up, nothing flowing to cool down, though I got some LISS in this morning on an easy "walk the dogs" walk.
All good in this hood!
First full day back in Central Florida and bench day was good!
Barbell bench, 2x8, 1x6 work sets with my 3x6 weight from a week ago. Man, at the beginning of the year, this was a 3 rep weight, so I am quite pleased.
Note, however, that these weights are DISMAL, compared to my 20th century (that is, when I was a young man) weights. Eh, it is what it is!
Dropped weight, then did 2x8 wide grip. Used the same weight for 2x8 narrow grip bench, super setted with ez-curl bar curls, 2x10. Moved to skull crushers, 2x15, super setted with 2x12 dumbbell curls.
Did 2x15 dumbbell flyes, super setted with lateral raises, 2x10.
3/4 mile walk to warm up, 2 miles for LISS at the end.
Fun times!
Well, I guess the deload week starts early. Doc said "Bronchitis" take some antibiotics, prednisone, and cough syrup. Actually waiting on those.
Pisses me off because A) I'm sick and being all "cough cough hack oh look at that green blob" and B) I just got some new figure 8 lifting straps. They came in yesterday, and yesterday was supposed to be back day. So perfect timing on B, shitty timing on A. Whenever I do my next back work (probably 10 days out or so, depending) I will test those out. They seem cool so far, and look like they will get set quick.
12-09-2022, 05:54 PM #797
That's the plan!
I'm slowly on the upward trend at the moment. The doc screwed up sending my prescription in, so it may be Monday morning before I get it, BUT I happened to have some prednisone and doxycycline in my stash. It worked out OK for now, but the doc will MOST DEFINITELY be getting an earful on Monday.
Planning on going to see Lewis Black in concert tonight... Wait, is "concert" the right term for a comedy show? IDK, but whatever it is, as long as I feel well enough, I will be there! Masked up, I guess, but planning on being there all the same.
Just an easy 1.5 mile walk tonight. Still have a little hacky cough, not too bad and getting better each day. I will probably lift weights super light tomorrow and see how things go from there.
T-t-t-t-hat's all, folks!
Ok uck-fay uts-nay, Big Daddy Cylon is back!
Well, not quite, but I did get a workout in today. Light and easy. Squats, chin ups, calf work, leg curls, bicep curls. That was it weight wise. 37 minutes and kept it nicely light. It is deload week anyhow, I GUESS (the bronchitis was like "aww mf'er, it's deload week for sure!"). But I am improving and hope that by next week I can get back at it properly.
I did do 3/4 mile warm up walk, with about 1.5 miles for LISS at the end. Somehow, I'm sitting at almost 11k steps, so I guess I am improving.
Just had some chicken, mixed veg and rice, and about to chill with The Wife for the rest of the night.
All-ay is-ay ood-gay!
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