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Thread: Cylon357's Super Cool Covid 2020 Weight loss comp log!

  1. #841
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    Quote Originally Posted by wango View Post
    Enjoy. I’ll live vicariously through your adventure.
    C'mon, man, join us on the dark side.

    We got the good foods!
    Last edited by Cylon357; 02-07-2023 at 09:05 PM.
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  2. #842
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    Alright, squat day to start week 3! Yee Haw!

    Barbell squats kicked things off. I was shooting for 3x10 with my previous 15 rep breathing set weight, with 90 seconds between sets. So, up tempo, but not TOO up tempo. BTW, that is 90 seconds from the time I rack the weight from the previous set to the time I am actually doing the first rep of the next set, not 90 seconds between walking out and back in to the rack. Just clarifiying for those that actually might give a f. I know that is VERY small population...

    Anyhow, I got 2x10 and then 1x8. Could I have gotten those last two reps? Maybe, but the low back was dialoging with me hard. I was huffing and puffing too, so it might have been pushing it anyhow, but I didn't want to get sloppy on those last two reps and mess up my back.

    So of course, and I mean OF COURSE, I did 3x8 seated good mornings, to let the low back know that a) I hear you and b) we gonna get you stronger! Kept it light (135) and focused on form and feel.

    Barbell calf raises came next, 3x25 off a block.

    Leg extensions and leg curl super sets followed, 3x12 on both.

    That wrapped the weights, I think. Well, actually I did do two 30 second sets of farmers carries with 185 or so, but that was mostly to get those weights outside for workouts later in the week.

    I did cardio that consisted of 4 minutes running on the treadmill, with 1 minute rest between rounds. 4 rounds, so 16 minutes total work. 2 of those rounds had 2 intervals as well, I hit "peak heart rate, slow your roll" a couple of times.

    3/4 mile walk to warm up, 1 mile to cool down and all is good in Cylon Town tonight, peeps!
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  3. #843
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    Bench day, people!

    But being week 3, I dialed back the volume. Like WAY back.

    Barbell bench to open, 1x4 with my heavy work weight, 1x10 with my previous work weight.

    Wide grip bench, 2x10.

    Skull crushers 2x12, super setted with triceps dip off the bench, feet in a chair, 2x10. That really targeted the inner head of the triceps.

    Curl bar curls 3x10

    That was it

    3/4 mile walk to warm up, 1 mile to cool down.

    And so it goes at Lake Woebegone...

  4. #844
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    Dead lift day. Yes, dead lifts!

    I did only do 4 sets, and kept them relatively light, but it was good.

    Barbell rows followed 3x10

    Hip thrusters off the bag, 3x12

    Barbell calf raises, 3x30

    3x15 kettlebell swings to finish the weights.

    It has been a bit cool here, but I was able to get in the 3/4 mile warmup walk and about a half mile to cool down. Friggin' wind was the issue today, very bitey.

    Now watching the Super Bowl. I thought Rhianna kind of phoned it in at half time, but I never really care for the half time show anyhow. I'm here for the FOOTBALL!!!!
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  5. #845
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    Overhead press day to wrap week 4. Woo Hoo!

    I had nothing in me for overhead presses, probably in large part because I was working out at lunch and mistimed my meals. You know how some people like making mistakes so much they keep doing it? That's me and mistiming meals...

    But I still got some stuff done!

    Overhead presses, 3x8-10 with a slightly lighter weight. My shoulders really have been sore lately, so eh, I will take it.

    Did some pushups, 4x10 off of the handles.

    French press, 3x10. I really don't feel that exercise too much, I'm probably doing it wrong.

    Dumbbell curls, 3x10. Tricep kickbacks 1x10 for a finisher, with 1x10 triceps dips.

    A puny, 30 minute work out, but it beats nothing.

    Oh, I forgot to mention my met-con. Yeah, that's what I'm calling it now instead of HIIT. Metabolic Conditioning is probably more accurate, but IDK, man. I'm just making it up as I go along.

    6 2 minutes rounds of tire hammer swings, 1 minute rest between rounds. Actually, one round was shadow boxing, but my heart rate stayed up and hit peak a time or two in all. And my fitbit says I burned 200 calories just in that 18 minutes. It's a win!

    1/2 mile walk to warm up, same to cool down.

    Now to enjoy the deload week!
    Last edited by Cylon357; 02-14-2023 at 07:49 PM.
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  6. #846
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    I said WHOOOOOO!

    Welcome back to the log that never ends! Just when I thought I was out, they pulled me back in!

    Also, I'm kind of like herpes. Right around the time you think "oh cool it's gone", I'm like "Hellllllllo Baaaaaby!" #SammyHagar #VanHalenHelloBaby


    Just a walk / jog on Monday, but today, Brothers and Sisters, today was Squat Day, the most sacred of gym days.

    But it is a deload week, so I took it easy. Just squats, calf raises with the linebacker squat attachment, and pullups.

    1 mile walk to warm up, 2 at the end for LISS and to cool down.

    Life is good, y'all!
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  7. #847
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    Its been a legit deload week.

    Hit the bench day on Wednesday, kept it light and short'ish.

    Nothing yesterday, and just got bloods today, so took it easy, too.

    Back and shoulders tomorrow, before the week 1 starts on Monday.
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  8. #848
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    Monday, Day 1, Week 1.

    Otherwise known as Squat day, woo hoo!

    Squats to start, Jack and Jill! Barbell squats 4 life!

    2 work sets, with my previous 15 rep weight, just 11 and 9 this time. Dropped weight and did 2x8 with a narrow stance. The low back continues to be a problem, not injured, just dialoging as the reps get higher. Gotta do something about that at some point.

    Set up the line backer squat thing and did 2 sets forward facing, one set back facing, all 8 rep sets.

    Barbell rows for the back and because the low back was like "the fuck ever, dude, I'm all warmed up". 2x8, 1x6 with higher weight.

    3x20 barbell calf raises off a block.

    Leg extension and leg curl super sets, 2x10-12 each. Wrapped the weights.

    3/4 mile walk to warm up, then at the end for MISSy intervals, did 1minute intervals alternating a jog and walk. Then about 1/2 mile walk to cool down.

    That's it brothers and sisters!
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  9. #849
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    Bench day, oh my brother, TESTIFY!!

    Maybe I should say "TESTOSTERONE !!", not testify....

    Barbell bench to start, 3x6 work sets. I slept like absolute doggie doo last night, and I was working out at lunch,so I wasn't feeling it, but I got it done.

    3x8-10 dips,varying width, no weight.

    2x8 narrow grip bench super setted with 2x10 ez curl bar curls.

    2x10 skull crushers super setted with 2x10 dumbbell curls.

    2x12 flyes to wrap it.

    Like I said, I felt like crapola but still got something done.

    1/2 mile walk to warm up, 3/4 to cool down.

    BTW, I JUST added low dose primo to my trt, starting at 50mg per week. Mostly to serve as a fancy AI but also to see how I like it and if it does what I want from it. Results to follow...
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  10. #850
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    Alright, baby, Deadlift day!

    Yeah, Jack and Jill, D E A D L I F T S!

    Been a minute since I even got remotely heavy, and my 20th century self might say "oy, that ain't heavy!" I would say to my 20th Century self "Buy all the Amazon stock you can and go to work for them! Don't sell until 201X!" or something like that.

    Anyhow, I said something about deadlifts...

    3 warm up sets, 3 work sets with the loops. They are interesting. They pretty much take your grip out of the equation. Anyhow, 3x6 for warm ups, 3x5 for work sets.

    Pullups, 3x6 followed. No weight, but its all good.

    Landmine rows, 4x8. I struggle to get just the right position, but once I do, man, light it up!

    Calf raises, 3x30.

    Hip thrusters off the heavy bag, 3x10.

    3/4 mile walk to warm up, 1 and 1/4 to cool down, though a half mile of that was a legit jog.

    Chilling now, woo hoo!

    Ah, also probably going to drop the primo for a bit. My prostate is acting up, and I really should run just TRT of 140mg Test C, 25 mg proviron , and 800'ish iu HCG for a few months, just to let things get good and settled.
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  11. #851
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    Overhead press day today (Saturday)

    Barbell overhead press, 4 work sets, 5 to 8 reps each.

    Elevated pushups were next, 3x15

    Barbell shrugs, 3x10. Those were tough given that I dead lifted yesterday, but it's all good.

    Tricep pushdowns super setted with dumbbell curls, 3x15 pushdowns, 3x10 curls.

    Dumbbell laterals super setted with reverse cable flyes, 3x10 each. Was really feeling the cable flyes.

    3/4 mile walk to warm up, same to cool down, then some seared tuna, woo hoo!
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  12. #852
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    Yesterday (Monday) was squat day. Giggity giggity!

    Barbell squat, 3x10 work sets, with my previous 15 rep grind 'em out weight. Kept the rest period down to less than 2 minutes between sets.

    Dropped weight and did 2x6-8 front squats.

    Barbell rows, 3x10.

    Barbell calf raises, 3x30.

    Leg extension and leg curl super set, 3x10-12 each.

    Jogged 1 full mile outside for MISS. I'm calling it MISS, not LISS, because I hit peak heart rate a time or two, and stayed in the cardio zone after that.

    About 1 mile more walk to cool down and for some legit LISS.

    Slept like a rock last night. Working your a** off with the weights does that to me...
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  13. #853
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    Slept like total garbage last night. Maximum suck-a-tude, but I think I saw where @Cuz had the same issue. Maybe it is just that time of year.

    Still got an OK bench workout in, though just the basics. I have switched back to a four day a week routine for now, the eod thing was a little difficult to keep up with and time well.

    I'm just running my scripted 140mg test c per week, 800 or so iu hcg ,and 25mg peoviron daily. Man, I liked mast a LOT... maybe after my physical in July, I will do my first real blast, maybe 200 to 300 test, 100mg masteron . We will see.

    Life is good, brothers and sisters!
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  14. #854
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cylon357 View Post
    Slept like total garbage last night. Maximum suck-a-tude, but I think I saw where @Cuz had the same issue. Maybe it is just that time of year.

    Still got an OK bench workout in, though just the basics. I have switched back to a four day a week routine for now, the eod thing was a little difficult to keep up with and time well.

    I'm just running my scripted 140mg test c per week, 800 or so iu hcg ,and 25mg peoviron daily. Man, I liked mast a LOT... maybe after my physical in July, I will do my first real blast, maybe 200 to 300 test, 100mg masteron . We will see.

    Life is good, brothers and sisters!
    My dreams this week were like hallucinations & not necessarily good ones. Maybe there’s something in the cosmos going on . . .
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  15. #855
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    Dead lift / back day today.

    Dead lifts 3x5 work sets.

    4x6 pullups, 2 wide parallel grip, 2 narrower with grip facing me at an angle.

    Hip thrusters 2x10 off the heavy bag

    Standing good mornings, just the bar, 2x10

    Barbell calf raises, 3x30. FIRE!

    Just for the hack of it, I did 2x6 narrow grip pullups to round things out.

    3/4 mile walk to warm up, nothing to cool down.

    Everything is cope here tonight!

  16. #856
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    Quote Originally Posted by wango View Post
    My dreams this week were like hallucinations & not necessarily good ones. Maybe there’s something in the cosmos going on . . .
    Somethings up, because I had a weird ass dream last night, though I did sleep well.

    In the dream, I'm at a party drinking with some buddies. We are about to go talk to some ladies, and as we start walking over...

    Cut to me waking up in bed, staggering into the living room of the house where I grew up. My buddies are there and are all like "damn, man, you were on fire last night!" and "tell us man, did you score with BOTH of those hot chicks??!?"

    And I was like "fuck man, I blacked out"

    I got black out drunk. In MY dream. May have done some incredible shit, and had way more carnal fun than a man can expect to (without spending a few $$, cause with enough $, it's pretty easy to make that happen), yet the only time I have ever been black out drunk in my damn near 55 years is In. That. Dream.

    So yeah, must be something going around...
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  17. #857
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    Overhead press day!

    1x8, 2x6, 1x8 for work sets.

    4 sets of unweighted dips, 10 to 12 reps each.

    Skull crushers, 3x12 to 15 reps, super setted with dumbbell curls, 1x12 then 2x8 with heavier weight.

    2 sets of incline presses 10 reps each, then a set of incline flyes for 10 reps, followed by 2x10 flat flyes.

    3/4 mile walk to warm up, 2+ for LISS at the end, now chilling

  18. #858
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    So I missed Monday because I slept like sh!t Sunday night, and ended up pushing Squat Day to Wednesday.

    And week 3 is upon us...

    Barbell squats, 3x8 with 60 seconds between sets. This was with my previous 15 rep grind weight.

    Barbell calf raises, 3x25 off a block.

    Pullups, 4x6 varying grips.

    That was all for the weights, BUT...

    I did intervals on the tread mill. 3 minute fast jog pace, the 4x30second intervals with 30 seconds fast jog pace in between, followed by 3 minute fast jog "to cool down". Slept damn fine that night!

  19. #859
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    Today was Bench Day.

    Slept like pure and I mean pure dog sh!t last night. Technically, once I went to sleep, I slept pretty well, but it was almost 3am by the time that happened. I turned out the light at midnight and tossed and turned for about 90 minutes, then got a raging boner. Like hey that's cool but also goddangit there is no way I'm sleeping with this. The Wife would have killed me if I woke her, so I spent the next 30 minutes in the loo "taking matters into my own hands" so to speak.

    TMI, you say? Damn, homie, we all adults here. You want the matinee show, the one safe for kiddies? Nah, not here

    I think last night's craptacular sleep was due to taking my test injection later in the afternoon. I KNOW that should not make a difference, but it seems to pretty consistently.


    Remember how I said "Bench Day" up there? Never have I been so literal...

    Bench press, barbell, 3x6 work sets. Total of 25 minutes and I was done. Part of that seems to be the nature of Week 3, part of it is because I slept so bad last night.

    3/4 mile walk to warm up, 2.25 for LISS at the end.

    Done for the day.
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  20. #860
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cylon357 View Post
    Somethings up, because I had a weird ass dream last night, though I did sleep well.

    In the dream, I'm at a party drinking with some buddies. We are about to go talk to some ladies, and as we start walking over...

    Cut to me waking up in bed, staggering into the living room of the house where I grew up. My buddies are there and are all like "damn, man, you were on fire last night!" and "tell us man, did you score with BOTH of those hot chicks??!?"

    And I was like "fuck man, I blacked out"

    I got black out drunk. In MY dream. May have done some incredible shit, and had way more carnal fun than a man can expect to (without spending a few $$, cause with enough $, it's pretty easy to make that happen), yet the only time I have ever been black out drunk in my damn near 55 years is In. That. Dream.

    So yeah, must be something going around...
    Don’t know how mind can come up with some of the stuff I dream at night. Mushrooms are gaining traction out here & a couple of my older (60’s) friends swear by them at very low doses. I’m tempted, but wonder how much more bizarre my dreams will be.
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  21. #861
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    Dead lift AND overhead press day all in one!

    Kind of to make up for Friday, and also to get me back on track. This is officially the end of week 3.

    Dead lifts to start, 3x5 for work sets. Did barbell rows 3x10 next, really focusing on getting the elbows back. Lights up the lats!

    Overhead press 3x5 with my "heavy" work set weight.

    Barbell shrugs 2x10. Dang but my ding dong gets in the way. Gotta pull a "Buffalo Bill" from "Silence of the Lambs" and tuck the sack (and donger) back, I guess.

    Barbell calf raises, 3x30.

    Skull crushers 2x15 super setted with ez curl bar curls, 2x10.

    HIIT / Met Con consisted of
    3 2 minute rounds of hammer swings
    3 2 minute rounds of running / jogging

    1 minute between each round. About a half mile walk at the end to cool down. All is good in this hood, y'all!

  22. #862
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    So this deload week, I haven't even looked at the weights. Well, I looked at them yesterday and was like 'ugh, not yet'.

    But I did jog like 3 times, once almost a mile and a half. Lots of walking with that too.

    The body needed the break, evidently!
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  23. #863
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cylon357 View Post
    So this deload week, I haven't even looked at the weights. Well, I looked at them yesterday and was like 'ugh, not yet'.

    But I did jog like 3 times, once almost a mile and a half. Lots of walking with that too.

    The body needed the break, evidently!
    If I had a gym in my home the darn thing would make me feel guilty, like it was looking at me and constantly saying/nagging “get your lazy butt in here!”. The benefit of a public gym is that it’s voice barely registers here any longer (it helps being older and losing some hearing as well).

    Nice work Cy; it was too rainy to leave the chair by the fireplace last week, so I’ll call that another “de-load” week for myself, lol.

    Seriously though, nice work with the jogging & walking!
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  24. #864
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    Squat day Monday night to kick off week 1.

    Barbell squats to start, followed by 4x6 pull ups.

    Calf raises, 3x25

    Leg curl and extension combo to wrap weights.

    This was a kind of easy workout as I wanted to ease back in after taking last week off.

    Interval runs outside, 5x2 minute intervals with 1 minute between each.

    1/2 mile walk to cool down
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  25. #865
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    I have been getting my workouts in, brothers and sisters, I just have been up to my elbows in busy and limited time to get online. But all is good!
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  26. #866
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cylon357 View Post
    I have been getting my workouts in, brothers and sisters, I just have been up to my elbows in busy and limited time to get online. But all is good!
    Happy to hear. I was going to send out a PM to check on you.
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  27. #867
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    Quote Originally Posted by wango View Post
    Happy to hear. I was going to send out a PM to check on you.
    Appreciate it brother! About the only time I have had over the past week or so is when I'm on the loo... TMI? Sure, but isn't that why we're all here?

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  28. #868
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cylon357 View Post
    Appreciate it brother! About the only time I have had over the past week or so is when I'm on the loo... TMI? Sure, but isn't that why we're all here?

    It gets better, there is a light at the end of the tunnel of all of the turmoil, work & devotion. I remember those times too well. Trust me, it’s all worth it!
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  29. #869
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    "It's Saturday night and the Priest is BACK!!"

    ... is what Rob Halford has said or will say in almost every "Judas Priest" concert that took place or will take place on a Saturday evening.

    That said, Cylon is back on track, too!

    I did a bunch of workouts since my last active post... Well, OK 4. I did 4 weight workouts since my last active post. Bench a week ago, deadlift on Saturday, Over head press on Monday, and now Squat night on Thursday (tonight).

    All workouts were good, getting the reps in and feeling decently strong.

    Hemis are acting up, I have a call to the surgeon to get them out, but haven't heard back yet. Evidently, there is a slightly less invasive procedure than straight up cutting them out, where the recovery time is much less than traditional surgery. It has the word "doppler" (yeah, like the radar!) in it, but I don't remember all the details. That's on the agenda at some point soon.

    Every thing is cool, brothers and sisters!
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    Bench day today, but squat day yesterday, and the one mile run after it, did me in.

    But I still got a little something done

    Bench press, skull crushers, and bicep curls were it, but they were good sets.

    1 mile walk to warm up, 1 mile to cool down and all good here
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    Monday nights workout was simple

    Deadlifts, barbell rows, chin ups and front squats.

    Tuesday night, I hit the treadmill. 5 minute jog, then 5 30 second intervals with 30 seconds rest, followed by 5 minutes jog. No rest between those, and 3/4 mile walks both to warm up and cool down.
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  32. #872
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    Tonight was all about that overhead press, Jack!

    Barbell overhead press, followed by dips.

    Tricep pushdowns super setted with bicep curls.

    Rear delt cable flyes super setted with cable flyes super setted with shrugs.

    3/4 mile walk to warm up, same to cool down.

    Life is good!
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    Front squats started us out. Yeah, I liked the variation last night. Worked up to 2x6 work sets, then a lower weight set for reps.

    What did I do next? Huh, let me think...

    Oh yeah, barbell calf raises. 3x25 and they were on fire! That whole "walking like a cat with tape on its feet" thing.

    Barbell rows, slightly lower weight, but slightly higher reps, 3x12.

    Leg extensions and leg curls, 1x12 each, then more weight and 2x12 on the extensions, 2x10 on the curls.

    2x15 kettle bell swings (there they are!). I have been incorporating more cardio lately and didn't have any issues with these, so next time, either more weight or more reps!

    1.25 mile walk to warm up, about the same to cool down.

    The Wife and I had made some turkey meat balls (both damn and bless you, Costco, and your excellent ground turkey!) earlier in the week, and we finished them last night with some whole wheat angel hair pasta and a light alfredo sauce. Man, that was good post workout. I grabbed the pot off the stove and was eating out of it, and The Wife was like "don't let that fork scrape my non-stick pan".

    So I said "Woman, don't tell ME what to do!!"

    Hahaha no

    I went and got a bowl and finished it off. Good end to a good day!
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cylon357 View Post

    Front squats started us out. Yeah, I liked the variation last night. Worked up to 2x6 work sets, then a lower weight set for reps.

    What did I do next? Huh, let me think...

    Oh yeah, barbell calf raises. 3x25 and they were on fire! That whole "walking like a cat with tape on its feet" thing.

    Barbell rows, slightly lower weight, but slightly higher reps, 3x12.

    Leg extensions and leg curls, 1x12 each, then more weight and 2x12 on the extensions, 2x10 on the curls.

    2x15 kettle bell swings (there they are!). I have been incorporating more cardio lately and didn't have any issues with these, so next time, either more weight or more reps!

    1.25 mile walk to warm up, about the same to cool down.

    The Wife and I had made some turkey meat balls (both damn and bless you, Costco, and your excellent ground turkey!) earlier in the week, and we finished them last night with some whole wheat angel hair pasta and a light alfredo sauce. Man, that was good post workout. I grabbed the pot off the stove and was eating out of it, and The Wife was like "don't let that fork scrape my non-stick pan".

    So I said "Woman, don't tell ME what to do!!"

    Hahaha no

    I went and got a bowl and finished it off. Good end to a good day!
    Long ago, my wife tore me a new one for doing just that to a pan. Now the pretty container of wooden spoons sits right out in the open in case I have a brain fart.

    My Gawd , 3 sets of 25 calve raises & you walked a mile afterwards? Impressive!
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    Quote Originally Posted by wango View Post
    Long ago, my wife tore me a new one for doing just that to a pan. Now the pretty container of wooden spoons sits right out in the open in case I have a brain fart.

    My Gawd , 3 sets of 25 calve raises & you walked a mile afterwards? Impressive!
    My calves, for some reason, seem to hurt like a murf during the exercise, and right after the sets, but generally don't lock me up too often. That's probably calves in general, as they get so much use throughout the day, but I only have experience with MY calves, so there you go!
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    As an update, I have stopped all injections, effective about 6 weeks ago.

    I can not, at least at this time, get my DHT dialed in properly.

    For the short term, say the next 3 to 6 months, I will be back on enclo. I have been back on for about 6 weeks now, after I got my last bloodwork results at the beginning of March. 12.5mg 4x week, MWFSat AM.

    Note that in those results, both my LH and FSH showed as "still green". That is, they were NOT out of range, though just barely. This was part of the driver for switching back to SERM therapy... had I been shutdown completely, I might have just modified my injection protocol.

    Since dropping the injections and switching back to enclo, here is what has happened:
    - I've lost a little weight and strength
    - My libido has dropped to more normal, though still good levels
    - My prostate has gone from the size of a softball to say, the size of a baseball
    - My nuts have swole back up

    Make no mistake about it: the feel I got on the needle is beyond amazing. I still feel good now, just dialed down a bit.

    Also, and the real driver for this, my prostate... man, the pee (and other stuff) flows SO MUCH more freely now.

    My guess is that when I return to the needle, it will be with less test and maybe some NPP in play to start with. But IDK for sure. We will see.

    I have blood work in 6 days, which will be the end of the 6th week officially.

    I will post up those results with my last needle results when all are available.

    Life is still good, brothers and sisters!

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    2 mile jog today. That's a legit 2 miles, slow maybe, but never stopped. 11:15 pace, maybe a little less.

    At 85 degrees and about 80% humidity, I call it a win.

    About 3/4 mile walk to warm up, same to cool down.

    Hopped in the pool after to cool down. The water, unlike the air, was sitting at 71 degrees. It didn't take long to cool off!

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    What's for dinner? Glad you asked!

    Cylon357's Super Cool Covid 2020 Weight loss comp log!-20230415_200307.jpg
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  39. #879
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cylon357 View Post
    What's for dinner? Glad you asked!

    Click image for larger version. 

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    Nicely cooked!
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  40. #880
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    Finally made some storage!

    I didn't work out today, so had to keep busy with SOMETHING...

    Cylon357's Super Cool Covid 2020 Weight loss comp log!-20230416_160457.jpg
    Last edited by Cylon357; 04-16-2023 at 08:52 PM.
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